83 research outputs found

    Usporedba proteina sirutke i liposolubilnih vitamina između četiri pasmine krava držane u intenzivnim sustavima proizvodnje

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    The aim of the study was to determine the content of whey proteins and fat-soluble vitamins in milk samples of four cow breeds maintained in Poland, i.e. Holstein-Friesian, Montbéliarde, Jersey and Simmental. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of certain whey protein fractions, i.e. α-lactalbumin (α-La), β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg), bovine albumin serum (BSA), lactoferrin and lysozyme, and lipophilic vitamins (A, D3 and E) were performed using a RP-HPLC method. According to the obtained results, the breed of cow significantly affected the level of whey proteins and lipophilic vitamins in milk. The lowest amounts of these nutrients were found in milk produced by the Holstein-Friesian cows. Milk of Simmental cows contained the statistically significant and highest levels of antioxidant substances, i.e. vitamins A - 0.465 mg L-1, E - 1.302 mg L-1 and D3 - 0.653 µg L-1 at P≤0.05, as well as β-lactoglobulin (3.28 g L-1 at P≤0.01). In addition, Simmental cow milk was also characterized by higher content of antimicrobial proteins - lactoferrin and lysozyme (respectively: 121.23 mg x L-1 at P≤0.01 and 9.66 µg x L-1 at P≤0.05) if compared with other cow breeds.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti sadržaj proteina sirutke i vitamina topljivih u mastima u uzorcima mlijeka za četiri pasmine krava koje se uzgajaju u Poljskoj, t.j. holstein-frizijske, Montbéliarde, Jersey i simentalske. Kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza određenih frakcija proteina sirutke, odnosno α-laktalbumina (α-La), β-laktoglobulina (β-Lg), albumina goveđeg seruma (BSA), laktoferina i lizozima te liposolubilnih vitamina (A, D3 i E) provedena je pomoću metode RP-HPLC. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, pasmina krava značajno je utjecala na razinu proteina sirutke i liposolubilnih vitamina u mlijeku. Najniže količine tih hranjivih tvari utvrđene su u mlijeku kojeg su proizvele krave pasmine holstein-friesian. Mlijeko simentalskih krava sadržavalo statistički najznačajnije i najviše razine antioksidativnih tvari, odnosno vitamina A - 0,465 mg L-1, E - 1,302 mg L-1 i D3 - 0,653 µg L-1 (P≤0,05), kao i β-laktoglobulin (3,28 g L-1, P≤0,01). Osim toga, kravlje mlijeko simentalca također odlikuje visokim sadržajem antimikrobnih proteina - laktoferina i lizozima (odnosno: 121,23 mg L-1, P≤0,01 i 9,66 µg L-1, P≤0,05) u usporedbi s drugim pasminama krava

    "Po prostu pracowałam"

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    Z Panią Doktor Jolantą Wadowską-Król spotkałam się w Jej domu w Katowicach-Ligocie 6 października 2020 roku. Pretekstem do rozmowy z Panią Doktor, lekarzem pediatrą zwaną Matką Boską szopienicką, Honorową Obywatelką Katowic, na temat Jej pracy z szopienickimi, chorymi na ołowicę dziećmi oraz na ich rzecz było podjęcie 29 września 2020 roku przez Senat Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach uchwały o wszczęciu postępowania o nadanie Pani Doktor tytułu Doktora Honoris Causa UŚ. Wywiad trwał około dwóch godzin, podczas których moja rozmówczyni wielokrotnie podkreślała, że w Jej ocenie niczego wielkiego nie zrobiła, zaś informacja o tym, że na Uniwersytecie Śląskim rozpoczęła się procedura uhonorowania Jej najwyższą przyznawaną przez uczelnię godnością akademicką, zestresowała Ją (Fragment tekstu)

    Antioksidacijski potencijal mlijeka holštajn-frizijskih krava s obzirom na redoslijed i stadij laktacije

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    The aim of the research was to assess the content of components showing antioxidant activity in the milk of Holstein-Friesian cows and changes in the total antioxidant status during subsequent lactations and their stages. The material for analysis consisted of milk collected from 90 cows (30 for each analysed lactation number: I - primaparous; II - multiparous in second lactation; III - multiparous in third lactation) during three periods: 1 - up to 100 days of lactation, 2 - 101-200 days of lactation, and 3 - 201-305 days of lactation. The basic chemical composition, casein content, somatic cell counts, selected whey proteins and fat-soluble vitamins were determined in the milk. The total antioxidant status (TAS) of milk was also measured. With the subsequent lactation, the content of components with antioxidant properties, i.e. vitamins A and E, and albumins (α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin), decreased significantly (p≤0.01). Simultaneously, a decrease in the level of TAS in milk was noted. The lactation phase had a minor effect on the antioxidant potential of milk. The obtained high correlation coefficients between the value of the TAS and the content of vitamins A, E and β-lactoglobulin indicate that the content of these compounds largely determines the antioxidant potential of milk. On the other hand, the obtained negative correlations between the level of antioxidant potential and the daily milk yield (r = -0.347, p≤0.05) suggest that the high productivity of cows negatively affects the antioxidant value of milk.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentraciju sastojaka koji pokazuju antioksidativno djelovanje u mlijeku holštajnfrizijskih krava i promjene ukupnog antioksidacijskog statusa s obzirom na redoslijed i stadij laktacije. U svrhu istraživanja korišteni su uzorci mlijeka prikupljeni od 90 krava (po 30 za svaki analizirani laktacijski broj: I - prvotelke; II – višetelke u drugoj laktaciji; III - višetelke u trećoj laktaciji) u tri razdoblja: 1 - do 100 dana laktacije, 2 - 101-200 dana laktacije, a 3 - 201-305 dana laktacije. U mlijeku je određen osnovni kemijski sastav, broj somatskih stanica, udio kazeina, odabranih proteina sirutke i vitamina topljivi u mastima. Također je izmjeren i ukupni antioksidacijski status (TAS) mlijeka. S obzirom na redoslijed laktacije značajno se smanjivala (p≤0,01) koncentracija sastojaka s antioksidacijskim svojstvima, tj. vitamina A i E, te albumina (α-laktalbumin i β-laktoglobulin). Istovremeno je zabilježen i pad vrijednosti TAS u mlijeku. Stadij laktacije imao je manji učinak na antioksidacijski potencijal mlijeka. Visoki koeficijenti korelacije između vrijednosti TAS i koncentracije vitamina A, E i β-laktoglobulina ukazuju da udio ovih spojeva uvelike određuje antioksidacijski potencijal mlijeka. S druge strane, negativne korelacije dobivene između vrijednosti antioksidacijskog potencijala i dnevnog prinosa mlijeka (r=-0,347, p≤0,05) upućuju na to da visoka proizvodnja mlijeka negativno utječe na antioksidacijsku vrijednost mlijeka

    Organizacja i zarządzanie służbą meteorologiczną w Polsce

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    Today, climate services are one of the most important tools for determining changes and adapting to climate change. In order to expand the existing climate information, members of the WMO and partner institutions from the United Nations Organization established a programme of a Global Framework for Climate Services-GFCS. In Poland, the principal and the parent institution engaged in meteorological and hydrological service is the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute. Conducted in the IMWM-NRI National Hydrological and Meteorological Service includes the following subsystems: observation and measurement, ICT and communications, data processing, forecasting and warning. The institute continuously provides information to the state authorities and the public about the current state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, as well as forecasts and warnings.Współcześnie usługi klimatyczne są jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi określania zmian i adaptacji do zmian klimatu. W celu poszerzenia istniejących informacji klimatycznych, członkowie WMO i instytucje partnerskie z ONZ utworzyli program Globalne Ramy Służb Klimatycznych – GFCS (Global Framework for Climate Services). W Polsce główną i nadrzędną jednostką zajmującą się służbą meteorologiczną oraz hydrologiczną jest Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej – Pań- stwowy Instytut Badawczy (IMGW-PIB). Prowadzona w IMGW-PIB Państwowa Służba Hydrologiczno-Meteorologiczna (PSHM) obejmuje następujące podsystemy: obserwacyjno-pomiarowy, teleinformatyczny i łączności, przetwarzania danych, prognozowania i ostrzegania. Instytut w sposób ciągły zapewnia organom państwa i społeczeństwu informacje o aktualnym stanie atmosfery i hydrosfery, a także prognozy i ostrzeżeni

    Świadomość pracowników gastronomii na temat zarządzania alergenami

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    The aim of the research was to assess the awareness of catering staff about allergen management. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions, addressed to employees of catering establishments of the nutritional type (restaurant) and supplementary (cafeteria) and closed network (school canteen). It was shown that many employees, regardless of the type of plant, did not have even elementary knowledge about the allergens present in the dishes and did not know the applicable procedures and provisions concerning the provision of information on allergens to consumers.Celem badań była ocena świadomości pracowników gastronomii na temat zarządzania alergenami. Narzędziem badawczym była ankieta składająca się z 25 pytań, skierowana do pracowników zakładów gastronomicznych typu żywieniowego (restauracja) i uzupełniającego (kawiarnia) oraz sieci zamkniętej (stołówka szkolna). Wykazano, że wielu pracowników, niezależnie od typu zakładu, nie posiadało nawet elementarnej wiedzy na temat alergenów obecnych w potrawach i nie znało obowiązujących procedur i przepisów dotyczących przekazywania konsumentom informacji o alergenach

    Liver transplantation as an option of treatment for a giant primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumour

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    There are no clear guidelines for the treatment of hepatic neuroendocrine tumours. Surgical resections — though rarely radical — seem to be the treatment of choice. Thermoablation, chemoembolisation, or cytoreductive surgery of hepatic focal lesions are often recommended. Pharmacological treatment is based on somatostatin analogues. Liver transplantation is available for a strictly selected group of patients with hepatic neuroendocrine tumours [5]. In the case described above, there were a number of factors that affected the decision about eligibility: first of all — very slow growth of the tumour, its size, and typical multifocality, which made it impossible to perform resection, lack of neoplastic focus outside the liver, and low Ki-67 proliferation index of ≤ 2%. The surgical risk was escalated due to the giant tumour mass and the laparotomy, which was performed twice.

    Developmental toxicity of N-methylaniline following prenatal oral administration in rats

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    Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess prenatal toxicity of N-methylaniline (NMA) administered by gavage to pregnant female rats. Material and Methods: Pregnant female rats were administered N-methylaniline in corn oil by gavage at daily doses of 0.8 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.), 4 mg/kg b.w., 20 mg/kg b.w. and 100 mg/kg b.w. from implantation (the 5th day post mating) to the day prior to the scheduled caesarean section (the 20th day of pregnancy). General behavior, body weight, food and water consumption, hematological, biochemical analyses and pathomorphological changes of the dams were recorded. Results: All the females survived until the end of the study. The test substance was toxic to pregnant females, even at the lowest of the used doses, i.e., 0.8 mg/kg b.w./day. Lower weight gain during pregnancy and significantly higher NMA-dose-dependent absolute weight of the organs were noted in the exposed females. The females from the groups exposed at doses of 20 mg/kg b.w./day and 100 mg/kg b.w./day developed anemia and showed higher concentrations of free thyroxine (FT3) and free triiodothyronine (FT4) thyroid hormones. Total protein concentration exhibited an increase in all the exposed groups of females. In the prenatal toxicity study, administration of N-methylaniline throughout the embryonic and fetal periods produced embryotoxic effects at doses ranging 4–100 mg/kg b.w./day. Conclusions: Considering the data obtained in this study, it is reasonable to assume that N-methylaniline administered orally to pregnant rats is toxic for mothers even at a low dose of 0.8 mg/kg b.w./day. However, this dose was not associated with any significant effects to their offspring. This prenatal exposure level may be considered as no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for the progeny and a dose of 4 mg/kg b.w./day as the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) for the progeny

    Role of family physician in patient with chronic kidney disease care

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    Przewlekła choroba nerek (PChN) jako choroba ogólnoustrojowa prowadząca do zaburzenia równowagi organizmu, zarówno w kompartmencie wodno-elektrolitowym, jak i białkowo-energetycznym, stanowi znamienny problem w postępowaniu terapeutycznym. Im szybsza progresja choroby nerek, tym szybciej chory wymaga leczenia nerkozastępczego. Dlatego tak ważne jest szybkie i prawidłowe rozpoznanie PChN przez lekarza rodzinnego, dalsze postępowanie terapeutyczne i pokierowanie pacjenta do nefrologa. Rola lekarza rodzinnego w pierwszym etapie diagnozowania tej jednostki chorobowej jest kluczowym elementem postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego. Istotna jest również wiedza o procesach w zakresie czasokresu trwania choroby, zakresu badań specjalistycznych niezbędnych do postępowania diagnostyczno-nefrologicznego oraz monitorowanie przebiegu choroby. W opiece nad pacjentem z PChN leczonym hemodializami bardzo ważną rolę pełni również pielęgniarka środowiskowa. To ona w ścisłej współpracy i pod kierunkiem lekarza rodzinnego, który planuje i koordynuje opiekę pielęgniarską zgodnie z wybranym modelem pielęgnowania, ustala sposoby, formy, metody realizacji kompleksowej opieki pielęgniarskiej zgodnie z wiedzą i standardami obowiązującymi w medycynie i zgodnie z kodeksem etyki zawodowej. Właściwa współpraca lekarza rodzinnego, pielęgniarki środowiskowej i nefrologa na etapie diagnostyczno-terapeutycznym w PChN jest nieodzownym elementem sukcesu w szybkim wdrożeniu odpowiedniego leczenia, zminimalizowania działań niepożądanych, co w sposób bardzo istotny poprawi komfort życia i wydłuży okres przeżycia pacjentów z PChN.Chronic kidney disease (CKD), as a systemic disease leading to body balance disturbance in both water-electrolytic and protein-energetic compartments, is a serious problem in the therapeutic management. The more rapid the progression of kidney disease, the sooner the patient requires renal replacement therapy. Therefore, making a quick and correct diagnosis of CKD by a family physician, further therapeutic management, and referral of the patient to a nephrologist is extremely important. The role of a family physician at the first stage of diagnosing this pathological entity is the key element of the diagnostic-therapeutic management. Knowledge of the processes within the area of duration of the disease, scope of specialist tests indispensable in diagnostic-nephrologic management and monitoring of the course of the disease. An environmental nurse also plays a very important role in the care of a patient with CKD treated with dialyses. This nurse, in close cooperation and under supervision of a family physician who plans and coordinates nursing care in accordance with a selected model of nursing, establishes the ways, forms and methods of provision of a complex nursing care, according to the knowledge and standards valid in medicine, as well as the professional ethical code. Proper cooperation among a family physician, environmental nurse, and nephrologist at the diagnostic-therapeutic stage in CKD is an indispensable element of success in a quick implementation of appropriate treatment and minimization of adverse effects, which would considerably improve the life comfort and the period of survival of patients with CKD

    Kvaliteta otvorenog konzumnog mlijeka tijekom hladnog skladištenja u kućanstvu

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    Aim of the study was to determine the effect of the duration of storage of opened drinking milk (pasteurized, micro-filtered and UHT) under home refrigeration conditions on indicators of its freshness (acidity and TBC), nutritional value (contents of fat, protein, lactose, dry matter, nondenatured whey proteins and free fatty acids) and organoleptic characteristics. Refrigeration was found to ensure that opened micro-filtered and pasteurized milk was suitable for consumption for 4 days and UHT milk for at least 7 days. Significant changes in the quality characteristics of protein and fat fractions were not observed until the 7th day of storage. The greatest changes in the content of whey proteins were observed in micro-filtered milk, expressed as decrease of individual proteins of about 20 % each. Pasteurized milk was the most susceptible to lipolysis that resulted in the greatest quantity of saturated free fatty acids. Lipolytic changes affected the acidity of product and thereby led to slight changes in its odor and flavor.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinak trajanja skladištenja otvorenog konzumnog mlijeka (pasterizirano, mikrofiltrirano i UHT) u uvjetima hlađenja u kućanstvu na pokazatelje njegove svježine (kiselost, ukupan broj bakterija), nutritivnu vrijednost (sadržaj masti, proteina, laktoze, suhe tvari, ne-denaturiranih proteina sirutke i slobodnih masnih kiselina) i organoleptička svojstva. Hlađenje je pokazalo da je otvoreno mikrofiltrirano i pasterizirano mlijeko prikladno za konzumaciju 4 dana, a UHT mlijeko najmanje 7 dana. Značajne promjene u svojstvima kvalitete proteina i frakcija masti nisu bile utvrđene do 7. dana skladištenja. Najveće promjene u sadržaju proteina sirutke utvrđene su u mikrofiltriranom mlijeku, što se očitovalo kroz smanjenje udjela pojedinih frakcija proteina u iznosu od 20 %. Pasterizirano mlijeko bilo je najosjetljivije na lipolizu, što je rezultiralo najvećom količinom slobodnih zasićenih masnih kiselina. Lipolitičke promjene utjecale su na kiselost proizvoda i time dovele do neznatnih promjena u njezinom mirisu i okusu