33 research outputs found

    Interesi i korupcija

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    This paper analyses the connection of interests and corruption, especially corruption and political interests. It first considers the notion of interest, i.e. its meanings and significance, both for an individual and for a society. It presents the classification if interests by Albion Woodbury Small. A special emphasis is given to the encounter of different interests as the beginning of clash between humans. The paper analyses individual, special and general interests, as well as their relations. The paper also analyses two levels of conflict of interest: the conflict between public and private interest and the conflict between interests within the public offices. The relation of interests in society and politics is solved in the best way by adopting laws, i.e. by introducing the rule of law into political order. Without that the interest orientation of politicians can easily end up in abuse and illegality. In turn, abuses and illegalities open the possibilities for various kinds of corruptive acts.U radu se analizira povezanost interesa i korupcije, posebno korupcije i političkih interesa. Najpre, razmatra se pojam interesa, odnosno njegova značenja i značaj kako za pojedinca, tako i za društvo. Data je i klasifikacija interesa Albiona Vudberija Smola (Albion Woodbury Small). Posebno je istaknut susret različitih interesa sa kojim otpočinju sukobljavanja među ljudima. Analizirani su pojedinačni, posebni i opšiti interesi, kao i njihovi međusobni odnosi. Obrađena su i dva nivoa sukoba interesa: sukob javnog i privatnog interesa i sukob interesa u okviru javnih položaja. Odnos interesa u društvu i politici najbolje se rešava donošenjem zakona, odnosno uvođenjem vladavine prava u politički poredak. Bez toga interesna orijentisanost političara može lako da završi u zloupotrebama i nelegalnostima. Upravo iz zloupotreba i nelegalnosti otvaraju se mogućnosti za razne vrste koruptivnih radnji

    Uticaj tradicije na formiranje koruptivnog obrasca ponašanja u Srbiji

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    The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the influence of tradition on forming the pattern of corruptive behaviour in Serbia. The first part of dissertation contains the analysis of tradition, cultural tradition, and relation of tradition and culture. It also contains the examples of how has corruption in Serbian past originated, sustained and penetrated institutions, i.e. institutional system of Serbia’s newly formed statehood after the liberation from the Ottoman Empire. This part then continues with analysing the presence of corruption in folk customs and ethnological records, as well as of its descriptions in literature (stories, tales, novels, dramas, puzzles, proverbs and aphorisms). Corruption in anthropological, ethno-psychological and characterological studies in Serbia was especially analysed. The first part provides an overview of typologies of corruptive acts by leading foreign and Serbian scholars of corruption, which led to providing own typology. The dissertation also analyses the institutions susceptible to corruption. Content analysis was used in the first part, as well as the comparative method in presenting previous international and Serbian research of corruption. The empirical part had the application of qualitative method. The second part contains qualitative empirical research conducted through the semi-structured interview method. The research encompassed the following professions: judges, police officers, medical doctors, professors, as well as citizens of various professions. The results show that tradition is still deeply rooted in Serbia, both in its positive and negative expressions. The research confirmed that institutions in Serbia are still under strong influence of traditional patterns, in this case those patterns which according to messages recommend, maintain and develop corruption. The results of the research confirmed the hypotheses, as well as the findings acquired through the analysis of both the literature and scientific research in anthropology, ethology, ethno-psychology and characterologyPredmet ove doktorske disertacije je uticaj tradicije na formiranje koruptivnog obrasca ponašanja u Srbiji. U prvom delu rada analizom je obrađena tradicija, kulturna tradicija i odnos tradicije prema korupciji. Navedeni su primeri kako je korupcija u prošlosti u Srbiji nastala, opstajala i prodrla u institucije, odnosno institucionalni sistem u novoformiranoj državnosti u Srbiji posle oslobađanja od Otomanske imperije. Potom je analizirano prisustvo korupcije u narodnim običajima i etnološkim zapisima, kao i kako je korupcija opisana u književnim delima (pričama, pripovetkama, romanima, dramama, zagonetkama, poslovicama i aforizmima). Posebno je analizirana korupcija u antropološkim, etnopsihološkim i karakterološkim studijama u Srbiji. Predočen je i pregled tipologija koruptivnih dela najpoznatijih svetskih i naših istraživača korupcije i na osnovu toga ponuđena sopstvena tipologija. U radu su obrađene i institucije podložne korupciji. U prvom delu rada primenjena je analiza sadržaja, a u prikazu dosadašnjih istraživanja korupcije u svetu i Srbiji komparativna metoda. U empirijskom delu primenjena je kvalitativna metoda. U drugom delu rada prikazano je empirijsko istraživanje obavljeno pomoću tehnike polustrukturiranog intervjua, odnosno obavljeno je kvalitativno istraživanje. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sledeće profesije: sudije, policajci, lekari, profesori, kao i građani različitih zanimanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je u Srbiji još duboko ukorenjena tradicija, i u pozitivnom i u negativnom ispoljavanju. Istraživanje je potvrdilo i da su institucije u Srbiji još pod jakim uticajem tradicionalnih obrazaca, u ovom slučaju obrazaca koji na osnovu poruka preporučuju, održavaju i razvijaju korupciju. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su hipoteze, kao i nalaze dobijene na ii osnovu analize književnih dela i naučnih istraživanja u okviru antropologije, etnologije, entopsihologije i karakterologij

    The influence of tradition on forming the pattern of corruptive behaviour in Serbia

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    Предмет ове докторске дисертације је утицај традиције на формирање коруптивног обрасца понашања у Србији. У првом делу рада анализом је обрађена традиција, културна традиција и однос традиције према корупцији. Наведени су примери како је корупција у прошлости у Србији настала, опстајала и продрла у институције, односно институционални систем у новоформираној државности у Србији после ослобађања од Отоманске империје. Потом је анализирано присуство корупције у народним обичајима и етнолошким записима, као и како је корупција описана у књижевним делима (причама, приповеткама, романима, драмама, загонеткама, пословицама и афоризмима). Посебно је анализирана корупција у антрополошким, етнопсихолошким и карактеролошким студијама у Србији. Предочен је и преглед типологија коруптивних дела најпознатијих светских и наших истраживача корупције и на основу тога понуђена сопствена типологија. У раду су обрађене и институције подложне корупцији. У првом делу рада примењена је анализа садржаја, а у приказу досадашњих истраживањa корупције у свету и Србији компаративна метода. У емпиријском делу примењена је квалитативна метода. У другом делу рада приказано је емпиријско истраживање обављено помоћу технике полуструктурираног интервјуа, односно обављено је квалитативно истраживање. Истраживањем су обухваћене следеће професије: судије, полицајци, лекари, професори, као и грађани различитих занимања. Резултати истраживања показују да је у Србији још дубоко укорењена традиција, и у позитивном и у негативном испољавању. Истраживање је потврдило и да су институције у Србији још под јаким утицајем традиционалних образаца, у овом случају образаца који на основу порука препоручују, одржавају и развијају корупцију. Резултати истраживања потврдили су хипотезе, као и налазе добијене на ii основу анализе књижевних дела и научних истраживања у оквиру антропологије, етнологије, ентопсихологије и карактерологијеThe subject of this doctoral dissertation is the influence of tradition on forming the pattern of corruptive behaviour in Serbia. The first part of dissertation contains the analysis of tradition, cultural tradition, and relation of tradition and culture. It also contains the examples of how has corruption in Serbian past originated, sustained and penetrated institutions, i.e. institutional system of Serbia’s newly formed statehood after the liberation from the Ottoman Empire. This part then continues with analysing the presence of corruption in folk customs and ethnological records, as well as of its descriptions in literature (stories, tales, novels, dramas, puzzles, proverbs and aphorisms). Corruption in anthropological, ethno-psychological and characterological studies in Serbia was especially analysed. The first part provides an overview of typologies of corruptive acts by leading foreign and Serbian scholars of corruption, which led to providing own typology. The dissertation also analyses the institutions susceptible to corruption. Content analysis was used in the first part, as well as the comparative method in presenting previous international and Serbian research of corruption. The empirical part had the application of qualitative method. The second part contains qualitative empirical research conducted through the semi-structured interview method. The research encompassed the following professions: judges, police officers, medical doctors, professors, as well as citizens of various professions. The results show that tradition is still deeply rooted in Serbia, both in its positive and negative expressions. The research confirmed that institutions in Serbia are still under strong influence of traditional patterns, in this case those patterns which according to messages recommend, maintain and develop corruption. The results of the research confirmed the hypotheses, as well as the findings acquired through the analysis of both the literature and scientific research in anthropology, ethology, ethno-psychology and characterolog

    Stjuart Hol: Mediji i moć, Karpos, Loznica, 2013

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    Identity and statehood - A Contribution to Resolving the Identity Issues and Problems in Multiethnic and Multireligious States

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    The ‘I’ identity is the fundamental and essential human identity. It is surrounded by numerous ‘we’ identities. An individual’s identity is networked into group, i.e. collective identities. The networking of identities shows the depth of a person. It is essential that the ‘I’ identity is not cancelled by group identities. If ‘we’ is imposed over ‘I’, а person vanishes and becomes personless. Group, collective identities most often open problems and conflicts due to ideological action. When ideology interferes into identity, individual identities within a group are being cancelled, while the other group identities are being put in question. The ideologization of collective identities initiates intolerance towards all those who do not belong to our group. Intolerance-cum-exclusion leads to enmity and conflict. It is through the ideologisation of identity that prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination of others and the different are imposed. All those in my group who think differently are traitors, while all members of other groups are enemies. This is how the ‘friend and enemy’ pattern is established in the political field of state and society. The exit from this situation is the establishment of statehood identity within the state, under which all citizens – regardless of their ethnic and other identities – would be perceived in their collective identity of citizens. This, however, should not jeopardize their particular identities. Particular identities would belong to their privacy and should as such be legally guaranteed. Over time, a pattern of trust and respect would be established between different particular identities. Such approach to identity would preserve differences, but also find a similarity which would connect them within the state and society, thus bringing safety, stability, and normality into societal and political life

    Corruption in folk customs in Serbia: Socio-ethnological approach

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    The paper analyzes corruption in the framework of folk customs in Serbia from the socio-ethnological aspect. The analysis includes manners and forms of corruption generated and practised in the last period of the Ottoman Empire rule in Serbia. Through the records of the most eminent students of Jovan Cvijić, first Serbian great scientist, it is shown how corruption emerged and developed in Serbia and how it affected Serbian people's folk customs. The analysis covers research ventures showing the manners, forms and types of corruption practised in Serbia at the time of formation the new-century Serbian statehood in the 19th century, as well as at the beginning of the 20th century and between two world wars. Typologically speaking, corruption in Serbia belongs to parochial, institutional and political corruption. The paper particularly analyzes disapproval and justification of corruption in the Serbian national tradition. In the conclusion of the paper, it is emphasized that socio-ethnological records show that corruption and/or bribe emerged as a consequence of people's greediness, but also of unfavourable historical and social circumstances leading to the negative experience and negative patterns of corruptive behaviour. This was crystallized in the form of messages passed from one generation to another

    Modeli za sistemsku borbu protiv korupcije

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    For the fight against corruption it is important to clean corruption out of the system. The fight against corruption should encompass all systems and their subsystems within a state. Three successful modes are being examined in this article: Hong Kong, New South Wales and Sweden. Two models are possible for the systemic fight against corruption in Serbia: first, Neo-institutional model and, second, forming special departments for the fight against corruption within the existing authorities - police, prosecution and special court.Za borbu protiv korupcije izuzetno je bitno da se korupcija pročisti iz sistema. Borba protiv korupcija trebalo bi da zahvati sve sisteme i u okviru njih podsisteme jedne države. U tekstu su razmatrana tri uspešna modela u borbi protiv korupcije u svetu: hongkonški, Novog Južnog Velsa u Australiji i švedski. Moguća su dva modela za sistemsku borbu protiv korupcije u Srbiji: prvi, Novi institucionalni, i drugi, formiranje specijalnih odeljenja za borbu protiv korupcije u okviru postojećih državnih organa - policije, tužilaštva i specijalnog suda

    Modern approaches in research of the molecular basis of prostate cancer

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    U ovom radu preglednog tipa prikazano je desetogodišnje iskustvo istraživačkog tima PROSTATSERBIA koji za temu svog istraživanja ima molekularnu osnovu karcinoma prostate (KP). Centar za humanu molekularnu genetiku Biološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu poseduje kolekciju uzoraka i banku podataka za gotovo 1000 muškaraca sa bolestima prostate (KP i benigna hiperplazija prostate) i preko 350 muškaraca bez znakova bolesti prostate iz populacije Republike Srbije. Najveći broj studija bio je dizajniran kao studije asocijacije odabranih genetičkih varijanti sa rizikom za razvoj i progresiju KP. U ovim studijama slučajeva i kontola ispitivane su genetičke varijente kako u genima za proteine i nekodirajuće molekule RNK, tako i u nekodirajućim regionima genoma (tzv. „genskim pustinjama“). Pored studija slučajeva i kontrola, sprovođene su i meta-analize kao i analize statističkih epistatičkih interakcija analiziranih genetičkih varijanti. Krajnji cilj ovih studija je kreiranje algoritma za procenu rizika za progresiju bolesti koji bi se koristio u fazi aktivnog praćenja bolesnika sa ranodijagnostikovanim KP. U poslednje vreme, istraživanja su usmerena na egzozome i njihov makromolekulski sadržaj (proteine i nekodirajuće molekule RNK) kao potencijalne biološke markere tečne biopsije KP. Pored toga, biološki makromolekuli na površini egzozoma predstavljaju i ciljane molekule u novim strategijama lečenja KP.This review-type paper will present the ten-year experience of the PROSTATSERBIA research team, which has the molecular basis of prostate cancer (PCa) as its research topic. The Center for Human Molecular Genetics of the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade has a collection of samples and a data bank for almost 1000 men with prostate diseases (PCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia) and for over 350 men without signs of prostate diseases, all from Serbian population. Most of the studies were designed as studies of association of selected genetic variants with the risk for development and progression of PCa. In these case-control studies, genetic variants were examined both in genes for proteins and non-coding RNAs, as well as in non-coding regions of the genome (so-called gene deserts). In addition to case control studies, both meta-analyses and the analysis of statistical epistatic interactions of the analyzed genetic variants were conducted. The main goal of all these studies was to create an algorithm for risk assessment for disease progression that would be used in the phase of active monitoring of patients with early diagnosed PCa. Recently, we shifted our research focus on exosomes and their macromolecular content (proteins and microRNAs) as potential biological markers of liquid prostate cancer biopsy. In addition, macromolecules at the exosome surface represent target molecules for new PCa treatment strategies

    MiR-375 and miR-21 as Potential Biomarkers of Prostate Cancer: Comparison of Matching Samples of Plasma and Exosomes

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    MiR-21 and miR-375 have been reported as dysregulated in prostate cancer (PCa) in multiple previous studies. Still, variable or even opposing data for the expression of these microRNAs in PCa were found, and their potential biomarker properties remain elusive. In an attempt to clarify their significance as PCa biomarkers, as well as to compare different types of specimens as a source of relevant microRNAs, we used plasma and matching plasma-derived exosomes from patients with PCa and patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Plasma and exosomes were obtained from 34 patients with PCa and 34 patients with BPH, and their levels of expression of miR-21 and miR-375 were determined by RT-qPCR. We found no significant difference in the level of expression of these microRNAs in plasma and exosomes between patients with PCa and BPH. The level of exosomal miR-21 was elevated in PCa patients with high serum PSA values, as well as in patients with aggressive PCa, while for plasma samples, the results remained insignificant. For miR-375, we did not find an association with the values of standard prognostic parameters of PCa, nor with cancer aggressiveness. Therefore, our results support the potential prognostic role of exosomal miR-21 expression levels in PCa

    The influence of tradition on forming the pattern of corruptive behaviour in Serbia

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    Предмет ове докторске дисертације је утицај традиције на формирање коруптивног обрасца понашања у Србији. У првом делу рада анализом је обрађена традиција, културна традиција и однос традиције према корупцији. Наведени су примери како је корупција у прошлости у Србији настала, опстајала и продрла у институције, односно институционални систем у новоформираној државности у Србији после ослобађања од Отоманске империје. Потом је анализирано присуство корупције у народним обичајима и етнолошким записима, као и како је корупција описана у књижевним делима (причама, приповеткама, романима, драмама, загонеткама, пословицама и афоризмима). Посебно је анализирана корупција у антрополошким, етнопсихолошким и карактеролошким студијама у Србији. Предочен је и преглед типологија коруптивних дела најпознатијих светских и наших истраживача корупције и на основу тога понуђена сопствена типологија. У раду су обрађене и институције подложне корупцији. У првом делу рада примењена је анализа садржаја, а у приказу досадашњих истраживањa корупције у свету и Србији компаративна метода. У емпиријском делу примењена је квалитативна метода. У другом делу рада приказано је емпиријско истраживање обављено помоћу технике полуструктурираног интервјуа, односно обављено је квалитативно истраживање. Истраживањем су обухваћене следеће професије: судије, полицајци, лекари, професори, као и грађани различитих занимања. Резултати истраживања показују да је у Србији још дубоко укорењена традиција, и у позитивном и у негативном испољавању. Истраживање је потврдило и да су институције у Србији још под јаким утицајем традиционалних образаца, у овом случају образаца који на основу порука препоручују, одржавају и развијају корупцију. Резултати истраживања потврдили су хипотезе, као и налазе добијене на ii основу анализе књижевних дела и научних истраживања у оквиру антропологије, етнологије, ентопсихологије и карактерологијеThe subject of this doctoral dissertation is the influence of tradition on forming the pattern of corruptive behaviour in Serbia. The first part of dissertation contains the analysis of tradition, cultural tradition, and relation of tradition and culture. It also contains the examples of how has corruption in Serbian past originated, sustained and penetrated institutions, i.e. institutional system of Serbia’s newly formed statehood after the liberation from the Ottoman Empire. This part then continues with analysing the presence of corruption in folk customs and ethnological records, as well as of its descriptions in literature (stories, tales, novels, dramas, puzzles, proverbs and aphorisms). Corruption in anthropological, ethno-psychological and characterological studies in Serbia was especially analysed. The first part provides an overview of typologies of corruptive acts by leading foreign and Serbian scholars of corruption, which led to providing own typology. The dissertation also analyses the institutions susceptible to corruption. Content analysis was used in the first part, as well as the comparative method in presenting previous international and Serbian research of corruption. The empirical part had the application of qualitative method. The second part contains qualitative empirical research conducted through the semi-structured interview method. The research encompassed the following professions: judges, police officers, medical doctors, professors, as well as citizens of various professions. The results show that tradition is still deeply rooted in Serbia, both in its positive and negative expressions. The research confirmed that institutions in Serbia are still under strong influence of traditional patterns, in this case those patterns which according to messages recommend, maintain and develop corruption. The results of the research confirmed the hypotheses, as well as the findings acquired through the analysis of both the literature and scientific research in anthropology, ethology, ethno-psychology and characterolog