54 research outputs found

    In memoriam : Dr. BoÅ”ko Radaković (1935ā€”1985.)

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    Pore geometry of ceramic device: The key factor of drug release kinetics

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    Release kinetics of tigecycline, a potential antibiotic in treatment of osteomyelitis, from calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA), as one of the most important ceramic materials in bone tissue engineering, was investigated in this study. Tigecycline, in solid state, was mixed with CHA powder and the obtained mixture was compressed into tablets using two different pressures. These tablets were immersed in a phosphate-buffered saline solution and tigecycline release was measured by a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The total release time was 5 or 28 days, depending on the pressure applied during compression. It was shown that there is a close relationship between pore sizes and drug release rate. The drug release kinetics was interpreted on the base of pore sizes and pore size distribution. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172026


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    Calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA) has been synthesized biomimetically using simulated body fluid (SBF) alone and in combination with Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) and Eagleā€™s Minimum Essential Medium (EMEM). Chemical composition of the used SBF is like composition of human plasma, with small differencies in some ions concentrations, and pH value was adjusted to 7.4, that corresponds to pH of physiological media. As substrate for biomimetic deposition of apatite, thin films of silica, deposited on steel plates, were used. The analysis of phases obtained on the surface of SiO2 films after different periods of CHA nucleation, was done by FTIR-ATR method. SEM investigations pointed out the mechanism of nucleation, while combination of the method of measurement of film mass and BET method showed that thickness of nucleated CHA films depend on time of sample soaking in SB

    Biocompatibility of a new nanomaterial based on calcium silicate implanted in subcutaneous connective tissue of rats

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    The aim of the study was to investigate rat connective tissue response to a new calcium silicate system 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after implantation. Twenty Wistar albino male rats received two tubes half-filled with a new calcium silicate system (NCSS) or MTA in subcutaneous tissue. The empty half of the tubes served as controls. Five animals were sacrificed after 7, 15, 30 and 60 days and samples of the subcutaneous tissue around implanted material were submitted to histological analysis. The intensity of inflammation was evaluated based on the number of inflammatory cells present. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA and Holm Sidak's multiple comparison tests. Mild to moderate inflammatory reaction was observed after 7, 15 and 30 days around a NCSS while mild inflammatory reaction was detected after 60 days of implantation. In the MTA group, mild to moderate inflammatory reaction was found after 7 and 15 days while mild inflammatory reaction was present after 30 and 60 days. There was no statistically significant difference in the intensity of inflammatory reactions between the tested materials and control groups in any experimental period (ANOVA p>0.05). Regarding the intensity of inflammatory reactions at different experimental periods, a statistically significant difference was observed between 7 and 30 days, 7 and 60 days and 15 to 60 days for both materials. For the controls, a statistically significant difference was found between 7 and 60 days and 15 and 60 days of the experiment (Holm Sidak < p 0.001). Subcutaneous tissue of rats showed good tolerance to a new calcium silicate system. Inflammatory reaction was similar to that caused by MTA. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172026

    RĆ¼ckschau auf die traumatologische Kasuistik der abteilung fĆ¼r maxillofaziale Chirurgie des allgemeinen Krankenhauses in Osijek, von seiner grĆ¼ndung am 1. VIII 1968. Bis heute.

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    Porast povreda u maksilofacijalnoj regiji uopće, kao i sve čeŔća pojava teÅ”kih povreda ovoga područja, mogu se notirati i u naÅ”oj kazuistici. Kao Å”to se to iz statistike vidi, tijekom naÅ”e dosadaÅ”nje djelatnosti, tj. u roku od posljednjih 15 mjeseci, bilo je 411 povreda, od čega 273 samo mekih tkiva lica, a 138 fraktura i to 128 zatvorenih i 10 otvorenih. Kod maksilofacijalnih povreda kombiniranih s povredama na drugim lokalizacijama tijela, vrÅ”ene su konzultacije sa odnosnim specijalistima i prema potrebi se primjenjivala timska obrada, a tretiranje se obavljalo prema redu hitnosti. Vanjske rane, rane u usnoj Å”upljini, kao i raznovrsni prijelomi kosti facijalnog dijela glave tretirani su u zato određenom roku i po principu i tehnici opisanima u suvremenoj literaturi. Rane mekih tkiva dobro su zaraŔćivale, a kod svih dosad dovrÅ”enih tretmana frakture kosti lica doÅ”lo je u određenom roku i do konsolidacije i naknadne zadovoljavajuće funkcije odnosnih organa, osim u dva slučaja teÅ”kih povreda vatrenim oružjem, s kontinuitetnim defektom kosti mandibule, koji su joÅ” u tretiranju. U četiri su slučaja bili potrebni rekonstruktivni operativni zahvati, koji su već dijelom u toku, a kod svih povreda izvrÅ”ena je, poslije skidanja imobilizacijskih naprava, prema potrebi, kompletna sanacija zuba, s punom definitivnom protetskom nadoknadom.The general upward trend in injuries of the maxillofacia region in general, and the steadily growing number of serious injuries of this region has been noted in our casuistics too. Statistics show that in the course of our activity in this newly established Department, i.e. within the last 15 months 411 injuries were registered. Of these 273 were of the soft tissue of the face alone and 138 were fractures. Hundred and twenty-eight fractures were of the closed type and 10 were compound fractures. In maxillofacial injuries combined with injuries of other sites in the body consultations were undertaken with the responsible specialists and where necessary team-work was applied. Treatment was carried out according to the order of urgency. External wounds, wounds in the oral cavity and various fractures of the bones of the facial part of the head were therefore treated urgently and following the principles and technique described in contemporary literature. The wounds of the soft tissue healed well and in all so far treated fractures of the facial bones consolidation occurred within the normal period. Subsequent satisfactory functions of the organs concerned was also achieved with the exception of two cases of very serious injuries inflicted by fire arms with continuous defect of the mandibullar bone. These patients are undergoing special treatment. In four cases reconstructive operative interventions were necessary. These patients are partly undergoing treatment. After removal of the immobilization devices in all of these injuries complete repair of the teeth was undertaken with full definitive prosthetic replacement.Die Zunahme von Verletzungen in der maxillofazialen Region und die immer grƶssere Zahl von Schwerverletzten dieses Gebietes, geht auch aus unserer Kasuistik hervor. Im Laufe unserer TƤtigkeit hatten wir 411 Verletzungen, darunter 273 nur der Gesichts-Weich-teile und 138 KieferbrĆ¼che, wovon 128 geschlossene und 10 offene.Falls diese Verletzungen mit Traumen anderer Kƶrperteile verbunden waren, wurden entsprechende FachƤrzte zu Rate gezogen, und nach Bedarf die Behandlung als Teamerbeit durchgefĆ¼hrt. Ƅussere Wunden, Wunden in der Mundhƶhle, als auch verschiedene KnochenbrĆ¼che des fazialen Gebietes, wurden nach den herschenden Prinzipien und Technik behandelt. Weichteilwunden heilten gut aus; sƤmtliche KieferbrĆ¼che sind in der vorgesehenen Frist ausgeheilt, so dass die Funktion zufriedenstellend war. In vier FƤllen waren wiederherstellende operative Eingriffe notwendig. Bei allen wurde, nach der Abnahme der Schienen, je nach Bedarf, die prothetische Versorgung durchgefĆ¼hrt

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Edible Offal from Free-Range Reared Swallow-Belly Mangalica Pigs

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    Physical (pH and L*a*b* values) and chemical (moisture, protein, total fat, total ash, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn) characteristics of offal consisting of the tongue, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, and spinal cord of free-range reared Swallow-Belly Mangalica pigs were determined. Many significant differences were found among mean values of quality traits. However, except for a few cases, the determined offal quality traits were in the characteristic ranges reported in the literature. Lungs were high in pH24h (P24h, moisture (P<0.01), and total ash concentration. The highest levels of protein (P<0.01), Mg, Fe (P<0.05), Zn (P<0.01), and Mn (P<0.01) and the lowest of Na were found in liver. The darkest colour (lowest L* value), highest concentration of K, the lowest concentration of total fat and Ca were found in spleen. Finally, spinal cord was the highest in total ash (P<0.01), P (P<0.01), and Ca (P<0.05) and the lowest in protein, Mg (P<0.05), Fe, and Zn (P<0.01) concentration

    Fizičko-hemijske i bioloÅ”ke karakteristike dentalnih kalcijum silikatnih cemenata ā€“ Pregled literature

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    Dental cement materials have been developed with the aim to replace hard dental tissues. The first material used for pulp capping, root canal obturation, bifurcation perforation and apexification is calcium hydroxide (in 1920). A half century later, glass-ionomer cements began to suppress it as dentine substitutes. Finally, in the 1990s, calcium silicate (CS) material appeared in the dental research community as the most promising dentine substitute capable to adequately meet all clinical requirements. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of literature related to studies about CS materials taking into account their physical, chemical and biological properties and clinical applications. This review aims to discuss beneficial and adverse characteristics of CSs concerning interactions to the hard dentine and soft pulp/periodontal tissues. This review article deals with the literature data about currently commercially available CS concerning laboratory and clinical findings. 109 scientific articles were analyzed of which 62 references reported in vitro and 26 in vivo investigations while 21 references comprised reports, reviews and books dealing with both, in vitro and in vivo investigations. Although further data collection is necessary, CSs are promising materials that represent a gold standard for numerous dental clinical procedures. Ā© 2019, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved

    Ultimate pH, colour characteristics and proximate and mineral composition of edible organs, glands and kidney fat from Saanen goat male kids

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    Ultimate pH value and instrumental colour (CIEL*a*b* values) characteristics, proximate (moisture, protein, total fat and total ash) and mineral composition (K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni and Mn) were determined in 10 (heart, tongue, lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, brain, testicle, thymus and kidney fat) edible by-products of Saanen goat male kids. Many significant or numerical differences were found in the mean values of quality characteristics among the edible by-products. Among edible organs and glands, liver had the lowest surface CIEL* value (darkest colour), and the highest levels of protein, Zn, Cu and Mn. Furthermore, the highest pH(24h), total ash, K, P and Mg levels were determined in the thymus. The testicle had the highest moisture, Ca and Ni levels. The spleen had the lowest fresh cut cross-section CIEL* value (darkest colour), and the highest Fe level. The highest total fat content and Na level were determined in the brain and kidney, respectively. Among all the edible by-products, kidney fat had the highest pH(24h), surface CIEL* value (lightest colour) and total fat content, and the lowest moisture, protein, total ash, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni and Mn levels

    Effect of Packaging Methods and Storage Time on Oxidative Stability of Traditional Fermented Sausage

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    In this paper influence of packaging method (vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging) on lipid oxidative stability and sensory properties of odor and taste of the traditional sausage PetrovskĆ” klobĆ”sa were examined. These parameters were examined during storage period (7 months). In the end of storage period, vacuum packed sausage showed better oxidative stability. Propanal content was significantly lower (P<0.05) in vacuum packed sausage compared to these values in unpacked and modified atmosphere packaging sausage. Hexanal content in vacuum packed sausage was 1.85 Āµg/g, in MAP sausage 2.98 Āµg/g and in unpacked sausage 4.94 Āµg/g. After 2 and 7 months of storage, sausages packed in vacuum had the highest grades for sensory properties of odor and taste
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