Rückschau auf die traumatologische Kasuistik der abteilung für maxillofaziale Chirurgie des allgemeinen Krankenhauses in Osijek, von seiner gründung am 1. VIII 1968. Bis heute.


Porast povreda u maksilofacijalnoj regiji uopće, kao i sve češća pojava teških povreda ovoga područja, mogu se notirati i u našoj kazuistici. Kao što se to iz statistike vidi, tijekom naše dosadašnje djelatnosti, tj. u roku od posljednjih 15 mjeseci, bilo je 411 povreda, od čega 273 samo mekih tkiva lica, a 138 fraktura i to 128 zatvorenih i 10 otvorenih. Kod maksilofacijalnih povreda kombiniranih s povredama na drugim lokalizacijama tijela, vršene su konzultacije sa odnosnim specijalistima i prema potrebi se primjenjivala timska obrada, a tretiranje se obavljalo prema redu hitnosti. Vanjske rane, rane u usnoj šupljini, kao i raznovrsni prijelomi kosti facijalnog dijela glave tretirani su u zato određenom roku i po principu i tehnici opisanima u suvremenoj literaturi. Rane mekih tkiva dobro su zarašćivale, a kod svih dosad dovršenih tretmana frakture kosti lica došlo je u određenom roku i do konsolidacije i naknadne zadovoljavajuće funkcije odnosnih organa, osim u dva slučaja teških povreda vatrenim oružjem, s kontinuitetnim defektom kosti mandibule, koji su još u tretiranju. U četiri su slučaja bili potrebni rekonstruktivni operativni zahvati, koji su već dijelom u toku, a kod svih povreda izvršena je, poslije skidanja imobilizacijskih naprava, prema potrebi, kompletna sanacija zuba, s punom definitivnom protetskom nadoknadom.The general upward trend in injuries of the maxillofacia region in general, and the steadily growing number of serious injuries of this region has been noted in our casuistics too. Statistics show that in the course of our activity in this newly established Department, i.e. within the last 15 months 411 injuries were registered. Of these 273 were of the soft tissue of the face alone and 138 were fractures. Hundred and twenty-eight fractures were of the closed type and 10 were compound fractures. In maxillofacial injuries combined with injuries of other sites in the body consultations were undertaken with the responsible specialists and where necessary team-work was applied. Treatment was carried out according to the order of urgency. External wounds, wounds in the oral cavity and various fractures of the bones of the facial part of the head were therefore treated urgently and following the principles and technique described in contemporary literature. The wounds of the soft tissue healed well and in all so far treated fractures of the facial bones consolidation occurred within the normal period. Subsequent satisfactory functions of the organs concerned was also achieved with the exception of two cases of very serious injuries inflicted by fire arms with continuous defect of the mandibullar bone. These patients are undergoing special treatment. In four cases reconstructive operative interventions were necessary. These patients are partly undergoing treatment. After removal of the immobilization devices in all of these injuries complete repair of the teeth was undertaken with full definitive prosthetic replacement.Die Zunahme von Verletzungen in der maxillofazialen Region und die immer grössere Zahl von Schwerverletzten dieses Gebietes, geht auch aus unserer Kasuistik hervor. Im Laufe unserer Tätigkeit hatten wir 411 Verletzungen, darunter 273 nur der Gesichts-Weich-teile und 138 Kieferbrüche, wovon 128 geschlossene und 10 offene.Falls diese Verletzungen mit Traumen anderer Körperteile verbunden waren, wurden entsprechende Fachärzte zu Rate gezogen, und nach Bedarf die Behandlung als Teamerbeit durchgeführt. Äussere Wunden, Wunden in der Mundhöhle, als auch verschiedene Knochenbrüche des fazialen Gebietes, wurden nach den herschenden Prinzipien und Technik behandelt. Weichteilwunden heilten gut aus; sämtliche Kieferbrüche sind in der vorgesehenen Frist ausgeheilt, so dass die Funktion zufriedenstellend war. In vier Fällen waren wiederherstellende operative Eingriffe notwendig. Bei allen wurde, nach der Abnahme der Schienen, je nach Bedarf, die prothetische Versorgung durchgeführt

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