158 research outputs found

    A Model for Accommodation Selection using GIS and Multi Criteria System

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    The main purpose of this research to develop a preference model for the best accommodation selection process in Chittagong city Bangladesh based on College Market Hospital and Park with GIS and Multi-Criteria System MCS A decision is the result of a comparison of one or more alternatives concerning one or more criteria that we considered relevant for the task at hand MCS is primarily concerned with how to combine the information from Multi- Criteria to form a single index of evaluation Multi-Criteria System MCS provides a more logical and scientific way for best accommodation selection MCS describes any structured approach used to determine overall preferences among alternative options where accomplish several criteria The results were having a sample of the computerized program that could be used to measure these indicators and their weights The integration of multi-criteria evaluation MCE and multi-criteria decision making MCDM techniques with the Geographical information system GIS are forward as providing the user with the means to evaluate various alternatives by multiple and collecting criteria These criteria are Market Office Rood Park Sea beach Hospital University College School Mosjid Mondir Temple Playground Airport and Police station There is a most important option is weight The weights for the multi-criteria system obtained from the multiple criteria For a selection of the best suitable location for accommodation there were a lot of elements that should take into some consideration The people who want to live in this location which provides their own facility in Chittagong city Bangladesh they can search their best accommodation by this work So people must save their time to get an appropriate location for this work So as a result the select a best accommodation considered by the multi-criteria The research work has been done based on some development area of Chittagong city in Banglades

    Pengaruh Metode dan Kemampuan Motorik terhadap Keterampilan Jurus Tunggal Pencak Silat

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    Looking at the learning outcomes data obtained by FIK UNP students who took basic martial arts courses from 1380 students, as many as 402 people (29.13%) who did not graduate and delayed scores were 278 (20.14%). That is, most students fail in basic pencak silat lectures. The purpose of this study was to see this study in general aiming to determine the differences in the results of learning methods and motor skills on the skills of a single stance Pencak Silat FIK UNP students in Padang. This type of research is Comparative. The research method used was an experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial design. As a population were all students of sports education study programs who took the basic martial arts courses at FIK UNP. The random sampling technique so that the sample in this study were 132 male students. The pencak silat single skill skill test uses the standard single test from IPSI. Tests of motor skills are used for the 40 m run test, throwing the ball into the wall, Shuttle run, throwing medicine balls, stand test strokes, and repeated flexibility for 20 seconds. Testing the hypothesis of this study uses two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) techniques. Based on the analysis, it was found that Inquiry Methods were more effective in improving students' skills in the Single Pencak Silat Skill than the command method. There was an interaction between the method with Motorized Skill and the improvement of the student's Single Pencak Silat Skill. At a high level of Motor Capability, Inquiry methods are more effective than the command method for improving student Single Pencak Silat Skills. At a low Motor Capability level, the Command method is more effective than the Inkuri method for improving students' Single Skill Pencak Silat skills &nbsp


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    Abstract Although the word "PEACE" has a clear meaning for most people, 'peaceful act' and 'peaceful individual' can have different interpretations. In conflict to the common assumption, the state of the peaceful person is not one we can achieve only through good deeds. This state is obtained through perceptions that result in making peace with God, with the universe, with one's self, and with the others. The peaceful individual has no conflict with any of them. Consequently, the individual's thoughts, actions and words are also formed on the basis of this internal and multilateral peace. When a person is striving toward conflicts, their being does not work in integrity; hence, the brain orders the secretion of poisonous chemical hormones. In other words, the conflict factor is one of the poisonous factors that harms human's health and takes away their inner peace. It is one of the factors causing mentosomatic diseases

    Prevalence and factor associating medication error among registered nurses at Public Hospital Ipoh

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    Medication administration is an important task performed daily by nurses and is one of the key aspects of safe patient care. Research indicates that when medication errors occur the concern is usually for the patients involved in the incident. However, making a medication administration error has a lasting effect on the nurse as well as the patient (Schelbred & Nord, 2007; Treiber & Jones, 2010). The objective of the study is to evaluate the prevalence and factor associate medication error among registered nurse at public hospital Ipoh. Method of the study is quantitative study in carry out the research from the questionnaires. This study has conducted two types of statistics namely descriptive and inferential. Data collected from N = 80 respondents from two clinical areas; medical and surgical ward. The data collected through this questionnaire was analysed with the help of statistical program for social science (SPSS) version 24.0. The data were statistically treated using mean, standard deviation and one-way ANOVA test. Based on the key findings of the study, it found out the element related to 'preparing and administering' (mean=4.88) was the highest prevalence compared to other elements. This study also found that management factor (mean = 3.55; SD = 4.914) was the main factor contributing to the incident of medication error at the study location followed by environmental factor (mean = 3.53; SD = 4.231) and human characteristic factor with mean score = 3.51 (SD = 4.237). While one-way ANOVA test showed that the difference in marital status of the respondents was significant with the causative factor of medication error with the value is (p=0.027). In conclusion, this review paper summarizes the preventive measures of medication errors made by nurses. As it is obvious, there is a plenty of factors that need to be applied in the hospital to succeed low medication error rate. To improve nurses‘ knowledge of how individual factors, contribute to errors and help them develop effective strategies to prevent errors occurring, it is important that institutions reward and encourage leaders who demonstrate characteristics of mindfulness on all levels. (Abstract by author

    Investing Attributes in Real Estate Investment Trusts

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    Recently, studies on behavioral finance have gained interest among academicians. The study of investors' behavioral perspective is deemed important to understand the decision-making process pertaining to investment. Decision making processes involve factors that influence investor's behavior to invest. Various topics and areas have been discussed to further understand the behavior of investors. However, only a few researches have actually been conducted in the area of behavioral finance resulting in a lack of conclusive findings. Findings gained thus far are insufficient to specifically identify investors' intention to invest in certain investment portfolios. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to identify the factors that influence investor's behavior to invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). This paper reviews literatures on factors that influence investors' decision-making process and proposes a model of influencing factors. The findings from this paper would aid and facilitate future research on investors' behavior to invest in REITs. This paper is expected to add to the current literature on behavioral finance of REITs

    Wahana Lestari: Bil 1 2017 / Perpustakaan Tun Dr. Ismail Cawangan Johor, UiTM Johor

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    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang bersyukur kehadrat ilahi dengan izin-Nya Buletin Wahana Lestari dapat diterbitkan bagi meneruskan penerbitan buletin tahunan Perpustakaan Tun Dr. Ismail. Alhamdulillah pelbagai usaha dan komitmen yang berterusan telah diberi oleh warga Perpustakaan Tun Dr. Ismail UiTM Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat dalam merealisasikan tujuan utama Wahana Lestari sebagai platform untuk berkongsi ilmu pengetahuan dan aktiviti jabatan yang telah diadakan sepanjang tahun kepada seluruh Harapan saya, dengan adanya penerbitan Wahana Lestari setiap tahun, dapat menjadi platform untuk menyalurkan maklumat yang boleh dikongsi bersama pelajar dan pensyarah. Diharapkan penerbitan buletin ini dapat diteruskan pada masa akan datang. Dikesempantan ini juga saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan jutaan terima kasih kepada warga Perpustakaan Tun Dr. Ismail (PTDI) yang telah membantu dalam melancarkan pengurusan UiTM. Akhir kalam, saya merayu agar kita semua dapat berganding bahu dan bergerak seiring dengan satu suara dan satu harapan demi melahirkan insan yang mampu berdaya saing di masa akan datang

    Quality service delivery

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    Encouraging factors for whistleblowing in public sector: Malaysian case evidence

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    Abstract The objective of this study is to examine the extent of encouraging factors of whistleblowing intention in the public sector organisations in Malaysia, particularly in the selected case study organisation. The survey questionnaire was adopted to explore what are the factors that would encourage whistleblowing in this selected public sector organisation. Research questions such as to what extent do predictive factors such as 1) Consequences of Wrongdoing, 2) Management Reaction to the Report and 3) Witness Protection have to be addressed in understanding the whistleblowing behaviour. The consequences of wrongdoings were found as a predictive variable of whistleblowing intention in this selected case study organisation

    Adoption of the performance measurement system in the Nigerian public sector: Challenges and prospects

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    Abstract Assessing the performance of organizations using the performance measurement system has gradually become a common practice in the public sector entities. This has been established to be a direct fall out of the ripple effect of the new public management (NPM). Adoption of the performance measurement system in the public sector world over (not particularly in Nigeria) has been experiencing a myriad of challenges. This is imperative to point out owing to the fact that, the processes of adoption have been difficult, monotonous and time-consuming. In some public sector organizations where the adoption has been successful, such feat was achieved after intense difficulties, trial and error. In Nigeria, for instance, the analytical challenges in the adoption of the performance measurement system are too apparent to be ignored. Conversely, it is quite interesting to highlight that, in some countries, the development of measures to manage and evaluate public sector performance has reached a strategic height, therefore tracking of output, outcomes and input have been reasonably straightforward and significant progress is somewhat recorded. Finally, it is a general consensus among the public sector managers and academia that, adoption of the system of performance measurement in the public sector is a powerful tool that guarantees improved performance, quality of decision making and service delivery

    12 universities to fight for 4 entry tickets to Asia-Pacific Intervarsity Chinese debate

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    (新山1 6日 讯)第八届亚太 大专华语辩论公 开赛截止报名, 我国有12所大学 报名参赛,除了 S本耶十登白