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    Which retroviral Gag proteins utilize crm1 nuclear export system throughout their lifecycle? [abstract]

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    Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) Checklist: A Developmentally Informed Assessment Tool for Bereaved Youth

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    The inclusion of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) in the DSMâ 5 appendix signifies a call for research regarding the distinguishing features and clinical utility of proposed PCBD criteria. Rigorously constructed tools for assessing PCBD are lacking, especially for youth. This study evaluated the validity and clinical utility of the PCBD Checklist, a 39â item measure designed to assess PCBD criteria in youth aged 8 to18 years. Test construction procedures involved: (a) reviewing the literature regarding developmental manifestations of proposed criteria, (b) creating a developmentally informed item pool, (c) surveying an expert panel to evaluate the clarity and developmental appropriateness of candidate items, (d) conducting focus groups to evaluate the comprehensibility and acceptability of items, and (e) evaluating psychometric properties in 367 bereaved youth (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% female). The panel, clinicians, and youth provided favorable content validity and comprehensibility ratings for candidate items. As hypothesized, youth who met full PCBD criteria, Criterion B (e.g., preoccupation with the deceased and/or circumstances of the death), or Criterion C (e.g., reactive distress and/or social/identity disruption) reported higher posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms than youth who did not meet these criteria, ηp2 = .07â .16. Youth who met Criterion C reported greater functional impairment than youth who did not, ηp2 = .08â .12. Youth who qualified for the â traumatic bereavement specifierâ reported more frequent posttraumatic stress symptoms than youth who did not, ηp2 = .04. Findings support the convergent, discriminant, and discriminantâ groups validity, developmental appropriateness, and clinical utility of the PCBD Checklist.ResumenValidación de Lista de verificación del Trastorno por Duelo Complejo Persistente (TDCP): Un informe del desarrollo de herramientas de medición para duelo en jóvenesLISTA DE CHEQUEO DE TRASTORNO DE DUELO COMPLEJO PERSISTENTELa inclusión del trastorno de duelo complejo persistente (TDCP en su sigla en español; PCBD en sus siglas en inglés) en el apéndice del DSMâ 5 significa un llamado para investigar en relación a las características distintivas y la utilidad clínica de los criterios propuestos para el TDCP. Se carece de herramientas rigurosamente construidas para evaluar TDCP, especialmente para jóvenes. Este estudio evalúa la validez y utilidad clínica de la lista de verificación de TPCP, una medida con 39 ítems diseñada para medir el criterio de TDCP en jóvenes de edades entre 8 a 18 años. El procedimiento de construcción del test involucró: (a) revisión de la literatura relacionada con manifestaciones desarrolladas del criterio propuesto; (b) creación de un pool de ítems informados para el desarrollo; (c) encuesta a un panel experto para evaluar la claridad y desarrollo apropiado de los ítems; (d) conducir grupos focales para evaluar la compresibilidad y aceptabilidad de los ítems; y (e) evaluación de propiedades psicométricas en 367 jóvenes en proceso de duelo (M edad = 13.49, 55.0% femenino). El panel, los clínicos y los jóvenes en proceso de duelo proveyeron una validez de contenido favorable y rangos de comprensibilidad para los ítems candidatos. Como se hipotetizó, los jóvenes que cumplieron el criterio completo de TDCP, criterio B (ej., preocupación por el fallecido y/o las circunstancias de la muerte) o el criterio C (ej., estrés reactivo y/o perturbación social/identidad) reportaron alto estrés postraumático y síntomas depresivos que los jóvenes que no cumplen este criterio, ηp2 = .07 a .16. Los jóvenes que no cumplieron el criterio C reportaron mayor deterioro funcional que los jóvenes que no lo cumplieron ηp2 = .08 a .12. Los jóvenes que calificaron para el â duelo traumático especificoâ reportaron mayor frecuencia de síntomas de estrés postraumático que jóvenes que no calificaron ηp2 = .04. Los resultados apoyan la validez convergente, discriminante y de grupos discriminante; y el apropiado desarrollo y utilidad clínica de la lista de verificación de TDCP para jóvenes con duelo.æ ½è±¡Validation of the Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder (PCBD) Checklist: A Developmentallyâ Informed Assessment Tool for Bereaved YouthTraditional Chineseæ¨ é¡ : é© è­ ã æ çº æ §è¤ é å æ é ç¤ ç (PCBD)æª¢æ ¥è¡¨ã :ä¸ å é å° å æ é å° å¹´ã å ·ç ¼å± é ©å æ §ç è© ä¼°å·¥å ·æ ®è¦ : DSMâ 5å ¨é é 裡å å «äº æ çº æ §è¤ é å æ é ç¤ ç (PCBD), å æ  æ å æ é è¦ ç  ç©¶å ¶æ å ºç PCBDæ¨ æº ç ¨ç ¹ç ç ¹å¾µå è ¨åº æ ç ¨ã ç ¹å ¥æ ¯é å° é å° å¹´ç PCBD, æ å ç ®å ä» æ¬ ç¼ºå ´æ ¼è¨­è¨ ç è© ä¼°å·¥å ·ã æ ¬ç  ç©¶æª¢è¦ ã PCBDæª¢æ ¥è¡¨ã ç æ 度å è ¨åº æ ç ¨ã å® å ·å 39å 測é é  ç ®, ç ¨ä»¥è© ä¼°å¹´é½¡ä» ä¹ 8è ³18æ­²ç é å° å¹´ç PCBDã ç·¨å ¶è© ä¼°ç é ç¨ å æ ¬: (ä¸ ) å¯©è¦ æ æ å ºç æ¨ æº å ¨é å¾ ç  ç©¶ç ç ¼å± æ ¸æ ; (äº ) å  æ ç ¼å± æ ¸æ å»ºç« ä¸ å é  ç ®åº«; (ä¸ ) 訪å ä¸ ç¾¤å° æ¥­äººå£«, æª¢è¦ æ å å»ºç« ç è© ä¼°é  ç ®ç æ¸ æ¥ æ §å ç ¼å± é ©å æ §; (å ) ä»¥ç ¦é» å° çµ ç å½¢å¼ , æª¢è¦ è© ä¼°é  ç ®ç å ¯ç è§£æ §å å ¯æ ¥å 度; (äº ) æª¢è¦ 367å å æ é å° å¹´ (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% ç ºå¥³æ §)ç å¿ ç 測é ç ¹è³ªã å° æ¥­å é ã è ¨åº æ²»ç 師å å æª¢è¦ ç å æ é å° å¹´, é ½å° è© ä¼°é  ç ®ç å §å®¹æ 度å å ¯ç è§£æ §ä½ å ºè ¯å¥½è© å ã ä¸ å¦ å 設, å® å ¨ç¬¦å PCBDæ¨ æº , æ 符å æ¨ æº B (å¦ å° æ­»è å /æ å ¶æ­»äº¡æ æ³ é ·æ æ æ ) ã æ æ¨ æº C (å¦ å æ æ §æ ²ç å /æ 社交/èº«ä»½èª å å æ ¾) ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¼ é« æ°´å¹³ç å µå ·å¾ å£ å å æ 鬱ç ç (ηp2 = .07 è ³ .16)ã 符å æ¨ æº Cç é å° å¹´æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¼ é« æ°´å¹³ç å è ½å æ (ηp2 = .08 è ³ .12)ã 符å æ ã å µå ·æ §å æ ç ¹å¾µã ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¼ é »ç¹ ç å µå ·å¾ å£ å ç ç (ηp2 = .04)ã çµ æ è­ æ ç ¨ä»¥è© ä¼°å æ é å° å¹´ç ã PCBDæª¢æ ¥è¡¨ã æ å ¯è æ 度ã å ¤å ¥æ 度ã çµ å ¥å ¤å ¥æ 度, 亦æ ç ¼å± é ©å æ §å è ¨åº æ ç ¨ã Simplified Chineseæ  é¢ : éª è¯ ã æ ç»­æ §å¤ æ å æ ¸é ç¢ ç (PCBD)æ£ æ ¥è¡¨ã :ä¸ ä¸ªé 对å æ ¸é å° å¹´ã å ·å å± é å æ §ç è¯ ä¼°å·¥å ·æ ®è¦ : DSMâ 5å ¨é å½ é å å «äº æ ç»­æ §å¤ æ å æ ¸é ç¢ ç (PCBD), å æ  æ 们æ é è¦ ç  ç©¶å ¶æ å ºç PCBDæ  å ç ¬ç ¹ç ç ¹å¾ å ä¸´åº æ ç ¨ã ç ¹å «æ ¯é 对é å° å¹´ç PCBD, æ ä»¬ç ®å ä» æ¬ ç¼ºä¸¥æ ¼è®¾è®¡ç è¯ ä¼°å·¥å ·ã æ ¬ç  ç©¶æ£ è§ ã PCBDæ£ æ ¥è¡¨ã ç æ 度å ä¸´åº æ ç ¨ã å® å ·å¤ 39ä¸ªæµ é é¡¹ç ®, ç ¨ä»¥è¯ ä¼°å¹´é¾ ä» ä¹ 8è ³18å² ç é å° å¹´ç PCBDã ç¼ å ¶è¯ ä¼°ç è¿ ç¨ å æ ¬: (ä¸ ) å®¡è§ æ æ å ºç æ  å å ¨è¿ å¾ ç  ç©¶ç å å± æ °æ ®; (äº ) å  åº å å± æ °æ ®å»ºç« ä¸ ä¸ªé¡¹ç ®åº ; (ä¸ ) è®¿é ®ä¸ ç¾¤ä¸ ä¸ äººå£«, æ£ è§ æ ä»¬å»ºç« ç è¯ ä¼°é¡¹ç ®ç æ¸ æ¥ æ §å å å± é å æ §; (å ) ä»¥ç ¦ç ¹å° ç» ç å½¢å¼ , æ£ è§ è¯ ä¼°é¡¹ç ®ç å ¯ç è§£æ §å å ¯æ ¥å 度; (äº ) æ£ è§ 367å å æ ¸é å° å¹´ (Mage = 13.49, 55.0% ä¸ºå¥³æ §)ç å¿ ç æµ é ç ¹è´¨ã ä¸ ä¸ å ¢é ã ä¸´åº æ²»ç å¸ å å æ£ è§ ç å æ ¸é å° å¹´, é ½å¯¹è¯ ä¼°é¡¹ç ®ç å 容æ 度å å ¯ç è§£æ §ä½ å ºè ¯å¥½è¯ å ã ä¸ å¦ å 设, å® å ¨ç¬¦å PCBDæ  å , æ 符å æ  å B (å¦ å¯¹æ­»è å /æ å ¶æ­»äº¡æ å µé ¿æ æ 忧) ã æ æ  å C (å¦ å åº æ §æ ²ç å /æ 社交/身份认å å æ °) ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¾ é« æ°´å¹³ç å 伤å å å å æ é ç ç ¶(ηp2 = .07 è ³ .16)ã 符å æ  å Cç é å° å¹´æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¾ é« æ°´å¹³ç å è ½å æ (ηp2 = .08 è ³ .12)ã 符å æ ã å ä¼¤æ §å æ ¸ç ¹å¾ ã ç é å° å¹´, æ¯ ä¸ ç¬¦ç é å° å¹´æ è¾ é¢ ç¹ ç å 伤å å å ç ç ¶(ηp2 = .04)ã ç» æ è¯ æ ç ¨ä»¥è¯ ä¼°å æ ¸é å° å¹´ç ã PCBDæ£ æ ¥è¡¨ã æ æ± è æ 度ã å ¤å «æ 度ã ç» å «å ¤å «æ 度, 亦æ å å± é å æ §å ä¸´åº æ ç ¨ãPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143677/1/jts22277.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143677/2/jts22277_am.pd

    The cellular and synaptic architecture of the mechanosensory dorsal horn

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    The deep dorsal horn is a poorly characterized spinal cord region implicated in processing low-threshold mechanoreceptor (LTMR) information. We report an array of mouse genetic tools for defining neuronal components and functions of the dorsal horn LTMR-recipient zone (LTMR-RZ), a role for LTMR-RZ processing in tactile perception, and the basic logic of LTMR-RZ organization. We found an unexpectedly high degree of neuronal diversity in the LTMR-RZ: seven excitatory and four inhibitory subtypes of interneurons exhibiting unique morphological, physiological, and synaptic properties. Remarkably, LTMRs form synapses on between four and 11 LTMR-RZ interneuron subtypes, while each LTMR-RZ interneuron subtype samples inputs from at least one to three LTMR classes, as well as spinal cord interneurons and corticospinal neurons. Thus, the LTMR-RZ is a somatosensory processing region endowed with a neuronal complexity that rivals the retina and functions to pattern the activity of ascending touch pathways that underlie tactile perception

    Nucleic Acids Res

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    Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are highly effective against HIV infections. Co-crystal structures of the prototype foamy virus intasome have shown that all three FDA-approved drugs, raltegravir (RAL), elvitegravir and dolutegravir (DTG), act as interfacial inhibitors during the strand transfer (ST) integration step. However, these structures give only a partial sense for the limited inhibition of the 3'-processing reaction by INSTIs and how INSTIs can be modified to overcome drug resistance, notably against the G140S-Q148H double mutation. Based on biochemical experiments with modified oligonucleotides, we demonstrate that both the viral DNA +1 and -1 bases, which flank the 3'-processing site, play a critical role for 3'-processing efficiency and inhibition by RAL and DTG. In addition, the G140S-Q148H (SH) mutant integrase, which has a reduced 3'-processing activity, becomes more active and more resistant to inhibition of 3'-processing by RAL and DTG in the absence of the -1 and +1 bases. Molecular modeling of HIV-1 integrase, together with biochemical data, indicate that the conserved residue Q146 in the flexible loop of HIV-1 integrase is critical for productive viral DNA binding through specific contacts with the virus DNA ends in the 3'-processing and ST reactions. The potency of integrase inhibitors against 3'-processing and their ability to overcome resistance is discussed

    Characterisation of patients with familial chylomicronaemia syndrome (FCS) and multifactorial chylomicronaemia syndrome (MCS): establishment of an FCS clinical diagnostic score

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    Data presented in this article are supplementary material to our article entitled "Identification and diagnosis of patients with familial chylomicronaemia syndrome (FCS): expert panel recom mendations and proposal of an "FCS Score" (Moulin et al., 2018, in press). The data describe the genotypes of patients with familial chylomicronaemia syndrome (FCS) and multifactorial chylomicro naemia syndrome (MCS), from the validation and replication cohorts

    Trichomonas vaginalis infection is uncommon in the British general population: implications for clinical testing and public health screening.

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    INTRODUCTION: Variable use of new molecular assays, asymptomatic infections and a lack of population data mean that the population burden of Trichomonas vaginalis is uncertain. We investigated the age-specific prevalence of T. vaginalis within the sexually active British general population to inform testing strategies. METHODS: Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle (Natsal-3) is a probability sample survey of 15 162 individuals aged 16-74 years, undertaken during 2010-2012. Urine from 4386 participants aged 16-44 years reporting ≥1 lifetime sexual partner was tested for T. vaginalis using in-house real-time PCR. RESULTS: Urinary T. vaginalis was detected in seven women and no men providing urine samples, giving a weighted prevalence estimate of 0.3% (95% CI 0.1% to 0.5%) in sexually experienced women aged 16-44 years. Of the seven women with T. vaginalis detected, four were of black or mixed ethnicity (prevalence 2.7% (0.9% to 7.7%) in this group) and five reported recent partners of black or mixed ethnicity. Six of the women reported symptoms, and five reported sexual health clinic attendance in the past 5 years (prevalence in those reporting clinic attendance: 1.0% (0.4% to 2.3%)). The prevalence of a self-reported history of T. vaginalis (past 5 years) was 0.1% (0.0% to 0.2%) in women and 0.0% (0.0% to 0.2%) in men aged 16-44 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our British population prevalence estimates indicate that T. vaginalis is a rare infection. These data support policies that restrict asymptomatic screening for T. vaginalis and suggest deployment of molecular tests should be focused within clinical settings and guided by symptoms and local demography

    The Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school based cluster randomised controlled trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Low levels of physical activity, high levels of sedentary behaviour and low levels of fruit and vegetable consumption are common in children and are associated with adverse health outcomes. The aim of this paper is to describe the protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) designed to evaluate a school-based intervention that aims to increase levels of physical activity, decrease sedentary behaviour and increase consumption of fruit and vegetables in school children. Methods/design: The Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) study is a school-based, cluster RCT that targets school children in Year 5 (age 9-10 years). All state junior/primary schools in the area covered by Bristol City and North Somerset Council are invited to participate; special schools are excluded. Eligible schools are randomised to one of two arms: intervention arm (receive the intervention 2011-2012) and control arm (receive the intervention after the final follow-up assessment, 2013-2014). The primary outcomes of the trial are levels of accelerometer assessed physical activity and sedentary behaviour and questionnaire assessed fruit and vegetable consumption. A number of secondary outcomes will also be measured, including body mass index, waist circumference and overweight/obesity. Outcomes will be assessed at baseline (prior to intervention when the children are in Year 4), at the end of intervention ‘immediate follow-up’ and ‘12 months long-term’ follow-up. We will use random effects linear and logistic regression models to compare outcomes by randomised arm. The economic evaluation from a societal perspective will take the form of a cost consequence analysis. Data from focus groups and interviews with pupils, parents and teachers will be used to increase understanding of how the intervention has any effect and is integrated into normal school activity. Discussion: The results of the trial will provide information about the public health effectiveness of a school-based intervention aimed at improving levels of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and diet in children.Debbie A Lawlor, Russell Jago, Sian M Noble, Catherine R Chittleborough, Rona Campbell, Julie Mytton, Laura D Howe, Tim J Peters and Ruth R Kippin