5,573 research outputs found

    On being yeast in batches of dough

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    Delivered at the closing service, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Waterloo, Ont, Ap 23 2003. 1 Cor 5:6b-9

    If you Love me, you will Keep my Commandments

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    Report on the 2022 Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives

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    Contrasting geology in the Pocologan River and Long Reach areas: implications for the New River belt and correlations in southern New Brunswick and Maine

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    The Pocologan River and Long Reach areas are situated in the New River belt, which comprises the westernmost exposures of Neoproterozoic rocks in southern New Brunswick. Previous mapping in the southwestern part of the New River belt indicated that Neoproterozoic and Cambrian rocks in the Pocologan River area are different from coeval strata in the Caledonia belt (Avalon /one sensu stracto) in the Saint John area. Recent mapping in the Long Reach area has shown that there are significant lithological changes across the Robin Hood Lake fault, which bisects the New River belt into northeastern (Long Reach) and southwestern (Pocologan River) segments. Neoproterozoic and Cambrian rocks in the Long Reach area are directly comparable to those in the Caledonia belt, demonstrating that the New River belt is composite. Recent data have also shown that Early Cambrian volcanic activity in the Pocologan River area is broadly contemporaneous with epeirogenic events related to a major sequence boundary in the Avalonian cover sequence. This suggests that the northeastern and southwestern segments of the composite New River belt may have experienced a similar tectonic event, possibly as separate but adjacent continental fragments or as geographically isolated parts of one Gondwanan terrane. The lithological similarity of late Early to (?) Middle Cambrian quartzose sedimentary strata in the Pocologan River area to Middle Cambrian rocks in the St. Croix belt in Maine also supports the suggestion that the St. Croix belt is part of this composite terrane. RÉSUMÉ Les secteurs de la riviére Pocologan et de Long Reach sont situes dans la ceinture de New River, qui englobe les affleurements les plus à I'ouest des roches du Protérozoique supéricur du Sud du Nouveau-Brunswick. Des travaux de cartographic antérieurs dans Ie sud-ouest de la ceinture de New River ont révé;lé que les roches du Protérozoique supeérieur et du Cambrien du secteur de la riviére Pocologan constituaient des exemplaires uniques de stretcs contemporaines de la ceinture de Caledonia (zone d'Avalon au sens strict) dans la région de Saint-Jean. Des travaux de cartographic recents dans le secteur de Long Reach ont révélé des changements lithologiques marqués a travers la faille du lac Robin Hood, qui subdivise la ceinture de New River en deux segments : les segments nord-est (Long Reach) et sud-ouest (riviere Pocologan). Les roches du Protérozoique supérieur et du Cambrien du secteur de Long Reach sont directement comparable? à celles de la ceinture de Caledonia, ce qui démontre que la ceinture de New River constitue unc ceinture composite. Des donées récentes ont également rétvélé que I'activitié volcanique du Cambrien inférieur dans le secteur de la riviére Pocologan a en gros été contemporaine aux phénomenes épirogéniques apparentés à une Iimite de séquence importante dans la séquence de couverture avalonnienne. Cela laisse supposer que les segments nord-est et sud-ouest de la ceinture composite de New River pourraient avoir été soumis a un phénomene tectonique analogue, possiblement en tant que fragments continentaux distincts mais adjacents ou de parties géographiquement isolées d'un terrane du Gondwana. La similarity lithologique des strates seédimentaires quartzeuses de la fin du Cambrien précoce au Cambrien moyen (?) dans le secteur de la riviére Pocologan avec les roches du Cambrien moyen de la ceinture de St. Croix au Maine appuie par ailleurs l’hypothése que la ceinture de St. Croix fail partie de ce terrane composite. Traduit par la rédactio

    A Beef Fertility Program

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    The success or failure of a cow-calf operation depends greatly upon the reproductive efficiency of the herd and the pounds of calf weaned in the fall per cow in the herd. Some practical objectives for such an operation would be 95% conception rate and an average of 550 lbs. of calf produced per cow in a 12-month period. In order to attain these goals, sound management practices must be employed, and should include a comprehensive fertility program

    NASA Subsonic Rotary Wing Project - Structures and Materials Discipline

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    The Structures & Materials Discipline within the NASA Subsonic Rotary Wing Project is focused on developing rotorcraft technologies. The technologies being developed are within the task areas of: 5.1.1 Life Prediction Methods for Engine Structures & Components 5.1.2 Erosion Resistant Coatings for Improved Turbine Blade Life 5.2.1 Crashworthiness 5.2.2 Methods for Prediction of Fatigue Damage & Self Healing 5.3.1 Propulsion High Temperature Materials 5.3.2 Lightweight Structures and Noise Integration The presentation will discuss rotorcraft specific technical challenges and needs as well as details of the work being conducted in the six task areas

    Gathering and Sending: Welcome, Greetings, Blessings, Webinar 2

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    These words of Gathering and Sending: Welcome, Greetings, Blessings, were part of Webinar 2 (November 15, 2022) of the Webinar Series “For the Sake of the Gospel” hosted by the Remembering Today for the Church of Tomorrow Project in partnership with Martin Luther University College and Lutheran Theological Seminary. Endnotes by Karen Kuhnert. Kuhnert opened with an Acknowledgement of Indigenous Neighbours and Territories

    The Impact of Residence Design on Freshman Outcomes: Dormitories Versus Suite-Style Residences

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    This study was designed to measure affective, behavioural, and cognitive variables in a sample of 3159 first-year students, and to compare these variables by the type of residence building in which the student lived. Students living in suite-style buildings reported a greater sense of belonging, and higher activity levels than students living in dormitory- style buildings. Furthermore, sense of belonging was predicted by high extraversion and low conscientiousness. This suggests that introverted, conscientious students living in traditional dormitory-style buildings may be most at-risk of feeling “out-of-place” in residence.Cette étude a été crée pour évaluer les variables émotionnelles, comportementales, et cognitives dans une panel de 3159 étudiants dans leur première année d’université, et pour comparer ces variables par le type d’édifi ce de résidence dans laquelle les étudiantes vivaient. Etudiants vivant dans les immeubles de style suite ont rapporte un sens d’appartenance plus grand, et des niveaux plus élevées d’activité que celles qui vivait dans les immeubles de style foyer. En plus, un sens d’appartenance a été prédit par haute extraversion et des niveaux bas de conscience. Cela suggère que les étudiants introverties et consciencieux qui vivent dans les immeubles traditionnelles de style foyer seront peut-être les plus exposer à sentir « hors-de-place ». &nbsp

    Promoting Environments that Measure Outcomes: Partnerships for Change

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    This paper describes the development of the PrEMO© (Promoting Environments that Measure Outcomes) program. PrEMO© is an innovative model promoting evidence-based practice (EBP) while developing capacity and quality of Level II fieldwork placements. The PrEMO© program is described from initiation to completion, including development of site-specific learning objectives, the twelve week schedule and the role of faculty mentorship. Occupational therapy (OT) students, and university OT program faculty including academic fieldwork coordinators, partner with fieldwork educators at the site to implement EBP using a data-driven decision making (DDDM) process to guide the development of evidence-based practices. PrEMO© appears to be a useful strategy for building Level II fieldwork capacity and enhancing student and fieldwork educators’ knowledge and skills about EBP and outcome measurement in routine OT practice

    Developing a central information source for project information

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    Potential transportation and transit projects are overseen in different departments within the Department of Transportation. The information about a project needs to be consistent, regardless of the content of the question. This paper addresses a major need of the agency in this project, which is central sourcing potential projects electronically. A sequel to this project would be to link it to a complete engineering, electronic information system, which would include programming of the project, letting information, contract status, percent complete, and payout information
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