447 research outputs found

    Mars in the late Noachian : evolution of a habitable surface environment

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references.This dissertation addresses whether simple life forms might have existed on Mars during the late Noachian epoch, and whether those life forms, or their traces, can be detected today. It begins by analyzing the ancient Martian climate in light of new evidence that sulfur chemistry played a prominent role in the planet's early evolution. It finds that sulfur-induced greenhouse warming could have periodically heated the planet enough to support liquid water, thereby creating warm, wet, clement conditions. Moreover, it finds that those warming pulses, while short-lived over geologic time, may have persisted for hundreds of years. If sulfur helped create environmental conditions capable of hosting life, however, it also created conditions that were adverse to sustaining it. In particular, dissipation of sulfur volatiles cooled the climate, and sulfur rainout contributed to the acidity of Martian surface waters. The dissertation therefore proceeds to analyze the potential for persistence and detection of life in terrestrial environments with Mars-like characteristics. It first investigates the potential for detecting ancient life by searching for lipid biomarkers in sulfur-rich acid salt lakes, concluding that a variety of biomarkers may be more resistant to decay than previously believed. It then analyzes soil samples from permafrost, discovering the oldest independently authenticated viable organisms ever found, and positing low-level metabolic activity and DNA repair as a survival mechanism in ancient cells. Finally, the dissertation uses deep sequencing to examine prokaryotic diversity in a terrestrial Mars-like river characterized by low pH and high concentrations of iron and sulfur, with results considered in light of the implications for life detection approaches incorporating new, in situ "PCR in a chip" technology. The dissertation concludes by proposing future work, including the ultimate goal of developing a life detection instrument for Mars.by Sarah Stewart Johnson.Ph.D

    Insights from the Metagenome of an Acid Salt Lake: The Role of Biology in an Extreme Depositional Environment

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    The extremely acidic brine lakes of the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia are home to some of the most biologically challenging waters on Earth. In this study, we employed metagenomic shotgun sequencing to generate a microbial profile of the depositional environment associated with the sulfur-rich sediments of one such lake. Of the 1.5 M high-quality reads generated, 0.25 M were mapped to protein features, which in turn provide new insights into the metabolic function of this community. In particular, 45 diverse genes associated with sulfur metabolism were identified, the majority of which were linked to either the conversion of sulfate to adenylylsulfate and the subsequent production of sulfide from sulfite or the oxidation of sulfide, elemental sulfur, and thiosulfate via the sulfur oxidation (Sox) system. This is the first metagenomic study of an acidic, hypersaline depositional environment, and we present evidence for a surprisingly high level of microbial diversity. Our findings also illuminate the possibility that we may be meaningfully underestimating the effects of biology on the chemistry of these sulfur-rich sediments, thereby influencing our understanding of past geobiological conditions that may have been present on Earth as well as early Mars

    Early Acidification of Mars and the Potential Implications for Biology

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    A leading paleoclimate theory for Mars, based on the identification of phyllosilicate minerals in ancient terrains, posits that the first several million years of the planet’s history were dominated by neutral to alkaline pH. However, evidence is mounting for the consideration of an alternate hypothesis: that some smectites on Mars formed under acidic conditions, and that the early surface of Mars may not have been subject to circum-neutral pH conditions, at least not uniformly. Work on shergottitic liquids suggests that up to 2400 ppm of sulfur could have degassed from martian magma, supplying more than enough sulfur for the planet’s sulfate-rich sediments and sedimentary rocks, and isotopic evidence of mass independent fractionation reveals that sulfur in martian meteorites underwent atmospheric reactions. Radiative modeling of sulfur volatiles in the martian atmosphere indicates that SO2 and H2S would have acted as powerful greenhouse gases trapping heat in different wavelength-dependent atmospheric windows than CO2 and H2O, supplying the necessary heat for surface temperatures to rise above freezing. Photochemistry suggests that sulfur would have been removed from the atmosphere through the deposition of sulfur dioxide, oxidized to sulfate at the surfaceatmosphere interface. This, in turn, could have led to the early acidification of the surface, thereby explaining the paucity of carbonates on Mars. This idea is supported by 1) the recent laboratory synthesis of Fe/Mg smectite from an Adirondack basalt simulant in an acidic hydrothermal system, and 2) studies of the mineral composition of terrestrial analogs, particularly at acid salt lakes

    The Martian subsurface as a potential window into the origin of life

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    Few traces of Earth's geologic record are preserved from the time of life's emergence, over 3,800 million years ago. Consequently, what little we understand about abiogenesis - the origin of life on Earth - is based primarily on laboratory experiments and theory. The best geological lens for understanding early Earth might actually come from Mars, a planet with a crust that's overall far more ancient than our own. On Earth, surface sedimentary environments are thought to best preserve evidence of ancient life, but this is mostly because our planet has been dominated by high photosynthetic biomass production at the surface for the last approximately 2,500 million years or more. By the time oxygenic photosynthesis evolved on Earth, Mars had been a hyperarid, frozen desert with a surface bombarded by high-energy solar and cosmic radiation for more than a billion years, and as a result, photosynthetic surface life may never have occurred on Mars. Therefore, one must question whether searching for evidence of life in Martian surface sediments is the best strategy. This Perspective explores the possibility that the abundant hydrothermal environments on Mars might provide more valuable insights into life's origins

    A conceptual model for the integration of social and ecological information to understand human-wildlife interactions

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    There is growing recognition that interdisciplinary approaches that account for both ecological and social processes are necessary to successfully address human-wildlife interactions. However, such approaches are hindered by challenges in aligning data types, communicating across disciplines, and applying social science information to conservation actions. To meet these challenges, we propose a conceptual model that adopts a social-ecological systems approach and integrates social and ecological theory to identify the multiple, nested levels of influence on both human and animal behavior. By accounting for a diverse array of influences and feedback mechanisms between social and ecological systems, this model fulfills a need for approaches that treat social and ecological processes with equal depth and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of human and animal behaviors that perpetuate human-wildlife interactions. We apply this conceptual model to our work on human-black bear conflicts in Colorado, USA to demonstrate its utility. Using this example, we identify key lessons and offer guidance to researchers and conservation practitioners for applying integrated approaches to other human-wildlife systems

    Biosignatures in Mars Analog Acid Salt Lakes

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    Paleolake sites on Mars, particularly buried deposits that have been shielded from surface radiation, serve as intriguing targets for the search for life. Mars-like ephemeral playa lakes here on Earth can offer insights and perspectives on the possibilities for physical, metabolic, and biomolecular biosignature recovery from similar environments on Mars

    Antarctic Relic Microbial Mat Community Revealed by Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics

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    Buried upslope from the modern lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are relict lake deposits embedded in valley walls. Within these relict deposits, ancient microbial mats, or paleomats, have been preserved under extremely arid and cold conditions since the receding of larger paleolakes thousands of years ago, and now serve as a sheltered niche for microbes in a highly challenging oligotrophic environment. To explore whether paleomats could be repositories for ancient lake cells or were later colonized by soil microbes, determine what types of metabolic pathways might be present, analyze potential gene expression, and explore whether the cells are in a vegetative or dormant state, we collected paleomat samples from ancient lake facies on the northern slopes of Lake Vanda in Wright Valley in December 2016. Using a gentle lysis technique optimized to preserve longer molecules, combined with a polyenzymatic treatment to maximize yields from different cell types, we isolated high-molecular weight DNA and RNA from ancient paleomat samples. Community composition analysis suggests that the paleomat community may retain a population of indigenous mat cells that may flourish once more favorable conditions are met. In addition to harboring a diverse microbial community, paleomats appear to host heterotrophs in surrounding soils utilizing the deposits as a carbon source. Whole genome long-read PacBio sequencing of native DNA and Illumina metagenomic sequencing of size-sorted DNA (>2,500 nt) indicated possible cell viability, with mat community composed of bacterial taxa. Metagenome assemblies identified genes with predicted roles in nitrogen cycling and complex carbohydrate degradation, and we identified key metabolic pathways such as stress response, DNA repair, and sporulation. Metatranscriptomic data revealed that the most abundant transcripts code for products involved in genetic information processing pathways, particularly translation, DNA replication, and DNA repair. Our results lend new insight into the functional ecology of paleomat deposits, with implications for our understanding of cell biology, Antarctic microbiology and biogeography, and the limits of life in extremely harsh environments

    Validation of a Model for Identification of Patients With Compensated Cirrhosis at High Risk of Decompensation

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    Background & Aims: It is important to rapidly identify patients with advanced liver disease. Routine tests to assess liver function and fibrosis provide data that can be used to determine patients’ prognoses. We tested the validated the ability of combined data from the ALBI and FIB-4 scoring systems to identify patients with compensated cirrhosis at highest risk for decompensation.Methods: We collected data from 145 patients with compensated cirrhosis (91% Child A cirrhosis and median MELD scores below 8) from a cohort in Nottingham, United Kingdom, followed for a median 4.59 years (development cohort). We collected baseline clinical features and recorded decompensation events. We used these data to develop a model based on liver function (assessed by the ALBI score) and extent of fibrosis (assessed by the FIB-4 index) to determine risk of decompensation. We validated the model in 2 independent external cohorts (1 in Dublin, Ireland and 1 in Menoufia, Egypt) comprising 234 patients.Results: In the development cohort, 19.3% of the patients developed decompensated cirrhosis. Using a combination of ALBI and FIB-4 scores, we developed a model that identified patients at low vs high risk of decompensation (hazard ratio [HR] for decompensation in patients with high risk score was 7.10). When we tested the scoring system in the validation cohorts, the HR for decompensation in patients with a high-risk score was 12.54 in the Ireland cohort and 5.10 in the Egypt cohort.Conclusion: We developed scoring system, based on a combination of ALBI and FIB-4 scores, that identifies patients at risk for liver decompensation. We validated the scoring system in 2 independent international cohorts (Europe and the Middle East), so it appears to apply to diverse populations

    Detection and Preservation of Biosignatures in Mars Analogs Hot Spring Deposits from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

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    Characterizing the preservation potential of biosignatures in martian analogs is essential in the quest for biosignatures with martian rovers. Hot spring silica deposits are part of the minerals with a high preservation potential. As part of an ongoing study, we are characterizing the nature and distribution of organic molecules including lipid biomarkers in a range of analog hot spring deposits, evaluating their preservation potential, and determining the potential signals from flight-like experiments. We are focusing on various geothermal fields in the New Zealand Taupo Volcanic Zone with physical and chemical variabilities. Samples are being extracted for lipid biomarker characterization as well as analysis using flight-like experiments from the current and future pyrolyzer-gas chromatographmass spectrometer instruments SAM and MOMA on the Curiosity and Exomars2020 rovers. The aim of work is to improve our knowledge of the detection and preservation of biosignatures in different hot spring lithologies while simultaneously evaluating the potential limits and biases of flight experiments.Fil: Millan, Maëva. University Of Georgetown; Estados Unidos. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Campbell, Kathleen A.. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistriaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Van Kranendonk, Martin J.. University of New South Wales; AustraliaFil: Sriaporn, Chanenath. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistriaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Handley, Kim M.. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistriaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Dobson, Michaela. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistriaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Camp, Sîan. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistriaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Teece, Bonnie. University of New South Wales; AustraliaFil: Guido, Diego Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Recursos Minerales. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Recursos Minerales; ArgentinaFil: Djokic, Tara. University of New South Wales; AustraliaFil: Farmer, Jack D.. Arizona State University; Estados UnidosFil: Stewart Johnson, Sarah. University Of Georgetown; Estados UnidosEPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019GenevaSuizaEuropean Process Safety Centr

    Bilateral Assessment of Functional Tasks for Robot-assisted Therapy Applications

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    This article presents a novel evaluation system along with methods to evaluate bilateral coordination of arm function on activities of daily living tasks before and after robot-assisted therapy. An affordable bilateral assessment system (BiAS) consisting of two mini-passive measuring units modeled as three degree of freedom robots is described. The process for evaluating functional tasks using the BiAS is presented and we demonstrate its ability to measure wrist kinematic trajectories. Three metrics, phase difference, movement overlap, and task completion time, are used to evaluate the BiAS system on a bilateral symmetric (bi-drink) and a bilateral asymmetric (bi-pour) functional task. Wrist position and velocity trajectories are evaluated using these metrics to provide insight into temporal and spatial bilateral deficits after stroke. The BiAS system quantified movements of the wrists during functional tasks and detected differences in impaired and unimpaired arm movements. Case studies showed that stroke patients compared to healthy subjects move slower and are less likely to use their arm simultaneously even when the functional task requires simultaneous movement. After robot-assisted therapy, interlimb coordination spatial deficits moved toward normal coordination on functional tasks
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