2,619 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the pelagic component of Namibian hake stocks

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    A study was undertaken to investigate the spatial, diurnal and interannual dynamics of the pelagic component of Namibian hake stocks. Data were derived from trawl surveys conducted on board the R.V. Dr Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1991–1999. In addition to trawl surveys, acoustic methods were applied concurrently to quantify fish biomass off the bottom (above the headline). The pelagic component of hake was variable in both time and space – it was denser in the north and at depths of 200–500 m. Pelagic densities also correlated well with the density of adult fish (&#8805 30 cm) at the bottom, but not with that of young hake (>18 an

    The role of purchasing and supply management in diffusing sustainability in supply networks: A systematic literature review

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    One of the most difficult supply network challenges facing companies today is how to diffuse sustainability not only among their direct (first-tier) suppliers but also throughout their supply networks. Although a growing body of research has been dedicated to addressing this challenge, the role of purchasing and supply management (PSM) in sustainable supply network development remains underexplored. In this paper, we present a systematic review of the literature on the role of PSM in the diffusion of sustainability in supply networks. We analysed 133 peer-reviewed papers published in 21 journals in the field of PSM. We scrutinized the theories, methods and levels of analysis used in sustainable PSM research, classified the practices for diffusing sustainability in supply networks and identified the role of PSM in the diffusion of sustainability. Accordingly, we put forward a set of propositions that link diffusion practices—and the role of PSM in these practices—with embedded and peripheral sustainability and suggest future research directions

    Swimming against the tide: supplier bridging roles in diffusing sustainability upstream and downstream in supply networks

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    Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the bridging role of first-tier suppliers in diffusing sustainability in supply networks and how this role is facilitated by the procurement function. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on an embedded case study of two supply networks of a coffee beans roasting company. The embedded cases focus on coffee beans and packaging supply networks. Findings: The findings reveal less than expected involvement of the focal company and its procurement function in sustainability implementation with first-tier suppliers. Instead, sustainability diffuses upstream to lower-tier suppliers but also downstream, against the tide, as a result of the various bridging roles performed by first-tier suppliers. Research limitations/implications: This paper provides two theoretical contributions. First, it contributes to the sustainable supply network management literature by providing rich insights on sustainability diffusion to lower-tier suppliers and the role of first-tier suppliers in this process. Second, the paper contributes to structural hole theory by revealing a typology of bridging roles that actors, such as suppliers, undertake in the sustainability context. Practical implications: The paper provides managers with practical insights on how sustainability can be diffused in the supply network and the different roles that first-tier suppliers can play in this direction. Originality/value: This paper shows that sustainability diffusion to lower-tier suppliers is possible in the absence of focal company procurement involvement when bridging roles are undertaken by first-tier suppliers and their procurement functions are involved in the implementation process. These bridging roles facilitate sustainability diffusion both upstream and downstream

    The giant eyes of giant squid are indeed unexpectedly large, but not if used for spotting sperm whales

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in BMC Evolutionary Biology 13 (2013): 187, doi:10.1186/1471-2148-13-187.We recently reported (Curr Biol 22:683–688, 2012) that the eyes of giant and colossal squid can grow to three times the diameter of the eyes of any other animal, including large fishes and whales. As an explanation to this extreme absolute eye size, we developed a theory for visual performance in aquatic habitats, leading to the conclusion that the huge eyes of giant and colossal squid are uniquely suited for detection of sperm whales, which are important squid-predators in the depths where these squid live. A paper in this journal by Schmitz et al. (BMC Evol Biol 13:45, 2013) refutes our conclusions on the basis of two claims: (1) using allometric data they argue that the eyes of giant and colossal squid are not unexpectedly large for the size of the squid, and (2) a revision of the values used for modelling indicates that large eyes are not better for detection of approaching sperm whales than they are for any other task. We agree with Schmitz et al. that their revised values for intensity and abundance of planktonic bioluminescence may be more realistic, or at least more appropriately conservative, but argue that their conclusions are incorrect because they have not considered some of the main arguments put forward in our paper. We also present new modelling to demonstrate that our conclusions remain robust, even with the revised input values suggested by Schmitz et al

    Hamming weights and Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings associated to matroids

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    To each linear code over a finite field we associate the matroid of its parity check matrix. We show to what extent one can determine the generalized Hamming weights of the code (or defined for a matroid in general) from various sets of Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings of simplicial complexes associated to the matroid

    Overvåking av vassdrag og marine resipienter i Meland kommune i 2000

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    Årsrapport 2002Rapporten presenterer resultater av resipientgranskinger i Meland kommune i 2000. Både sjø- og vassdragsresipienter ble undersøkt. Programmet var primært rettet mot effekter av kommunale kloakkutslipp, men i flere av vassdragene var også effekter av landbruksavrenning tydelige. I Herdlefjorden og Salhusfjorden er oksygenforholdene gode, mens det tidvis er lite oksygen i dypvannet i Rosslandspollen og Flatøyosen. Noe forhøyede konsentrasjoner av næringssalter og algebiomasse ble funnet i Rosslandspollen. Ingen vesentlig forurensning av bly, krom og kadmium ble funnet i sedimentene. Bunndyrundersøkelsen viste at Rosslandspollen var så godt som uten dyreliv og at dypområdene i Flatøyosen hadde en artsfattig fauna med arter tolerante for organisk belastning. I Salhusfjorden og Herdlefjorden var forholdene gode i kort avstand fra utslippspunktene for kloakk som viser at utslippene foregår til områder med god vannutskiftning. Blant de undersøkte vassdragene var tilstanden god i Rylandsvassdraget, som er lite belastet med forurensning. I Brakstadvassdraget, Mjåtveitvassdraget og Hoplandsvassdraget var tilstanden for næringsalter stort sett meget dårlig (store tilførsler), og varierte fra mindre god til dårlig for tarmbakterier. I Fosseelva og Kvernhusbekken var tilstanden dårlig til meget dårlig for begge virkningstyper. Eikelandsvatnet hadde mindre god tilstand for næringssalter, og god tilstand for tarmbakterier.Meland kommun

    Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of H3+ ions with electron

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    We study binary and the recently discovered process of ternary He-assisted recombination of H3+ ions with electrons in a low temperature afterglow plasma. The experiments are carried out over a broad range of pressures and temperatures of an afterglow plasma in a helium buffer gas. Binary and He-assisted ternary recombination are observed and the corresponding recombination rate coefficients are extracted for temperatures from 77 K to 330 K. We describe the observed ternary recombination as a two-step mechanism: First, a rotationally-excited long-lived neutral molecule H3* is formed in electron-H3+ collisions. Second, the H3* molecule collides with a helium atom that leads to the formation of a very long-lived Rydberg state with high orbital momentum. We present calculations of the lifetimes of H3* and of the ternary recombination rate coefficients for para and ortho-H3+. The calculations show a large difference between the ternary recombination rate coefficients of ortho- and para-H3+ at temperatures below 300 K. The measured binary and ternary rate coefficients are in reasonable agreement with the calculated values.Comment: 15 page

    Langtidsovervåking av miljøkvaliteten i kystområdene av Norge. Årsrapport 1996

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    Kystovervåkingsprogrammet skal gi en oversikt over miljøtilstanden m.h.t. næringssalter og effektene av disse på alge- og dyresamfunn fra svenskegrensen til Fedje. Utvikling over tid overvåkes innen fagdisiplinene hydrografi, hydrokjemi, planteplankton, bløtbunnsfauna og hardbunnsflora og -fauna. Året 1996 ble innledet med en kald vinter og vår. Vanntemperaturen i Skagerrak ned til ca. 25 m var i januar - februar kaldere enn gjennomsnittet for 1980-1990, mens samme periode i 1995 var uvanlig varm. Til forskjell fra 1995 var det ingen flom på kontinentet eller på Østlandet i 1996, og det resulterte i små tilførsler av næringssalter fra land. Sammenlignet med langtidsobservasjoner fra Arendalstasjonene (1980-90) var 1996 et år med lavere næringssaltkonsentrasjoner i de øvre vannmasser vinter og vår og for de løste næringssaltene også tildels sommeren og høsten. C/N-forholdet i stortare fra Sørlandskysten var meget høyt og kan indikere næringsbegrenset algevekst på Sørlandskysten sommeren 1996. Utbredelse og forekomst av fastsittende alger var generelt sett noe redusert i 1996 i forhold til 1995 og mer lik hva som ble funnet i 1993/94. Variasjonene kan sees i sammenheng med vinter/vår temperaturene. Fortsatt tilvekst av tareskog i Skagerrak gjør stasjonene mer homogene. Forekomst av organismer på bløt- og hardbunn viste en normal øst-vest gradient, med økende artsantall og diversitet mot vest. Bløtbunnsfaunaen viste ingen større endringer fra 1995 til 1996. For enkelte stasjoner ble det funnet en nedgang i individtall, mens det ble funnet en økning for andre stasjoner, uten at det er noen klar årsakssammenheng eller tendens i variasjonene