15,318 research outputs found

    Diet diversification through local foods: experiences from traditional vegetable promotion work in Kenya

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    A Young Planet Search in Visible and IR Light: DN Tau, V836 Tau, and V827 Tau

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    In searches for low-mass companions to late-type stars, correlation between radial velocity variations and line bisector slope changes indicates contamination by large starspots. Two young stars demonstrate that this test is not sufficient to rule out starspots as a cause of radial velocity variations. As part of our survey for substellar companions to T Tauri stars, we identified the ~2 Myr old planet host candidates DN Tau and V836 Tau. In both cases, visible light radial velocity modulation appears periodic and is uncorrelated with line bisector span variations, suggesting close companions of several M_Jup in these systems. However, high-resolution, infrared spectroscopy shows that starspots cause the radial velocity variations. We also report unambiguous results for V827 Tau, identified as a spotted star on the basis of both visible light and infrared spectroscopy. Our results suggest that infrared follow up observations are critical for determining the source of radial velocity modulation in young, spotted stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Angular Momentum Evolution of 0.1-10 Msun Stars From the Birthline to the Main Sequence

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    (Abridged) Projected rotational velocities (vsini) have been measured for a sample of 145 stars with masses between 0.4 and >10 Msun (median mass 2.1 Msun) located in the Orion star-forming complex. These measurements have been supplemented with data from the literature for Orion stars with masses as low as 0.1 Msun. The primary finding from analysis of these data is that the upper envelope of the observed values of angular momentum per unit mass (J/M) varies as M^0.25 for stars on convective tracks having masses in the range ~0.1 to ~3 Msun. This power law extends smoothly into the domain of more massive stars (3 to 10 Msun), which in Orion are already on the ZAMS. This result stands in sharp contrast to the properties of main sequence stars, which show a break in the power law and a sharp decline in J/M with decreasing mass for stars with M <2 Msun. A second result of our study is that this break is seen already among the PMS stars in our Orion sample that are on radiative tracks, even though these stars are only a few million years old. A comparison of rotation rates seen for stars on either side of the convective-radiative boundary shows that stars do not rotate as solid bodies during the transition from convective to radiative tracks.Comment: to appear in Ap

    Convective Dynamos and the Minimum X-ray Flux in Main Sequence Stars

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate whether a convective dynamo can account quantitatively for the observed lower limit of X-ray surface flux in solar-type main sequence stars. Our approach is to use 3D numerical simulations of a turbulent dynamo driven by convection to characterize the dynamic behavior, magnetic field strengths, and filling factors in a non-rotating stratified medium, and to predict these magnetic properties at the surface of cool stars. We use simple applications of stellar structure theory for the convective envelopes of main-sequence stars to scale our simulations to the outer layers of stars in the F0--M0 spectral range, which allows us to estimate the unsigned magnetic flux on the surface of non-rotating reference stars. With these estimates we use the recent results of \citet{Pevtsov03} to predict the level of X-ray emission from such a turbulent dynamo, and find that our results compare well with observed lower limits of surface X-ray flux. If we scale our predicted X-ray fluxes to \ion{Mg}{2} fluxes we also find good agreement with the observed lower limit of chromospheric emission in K dwarfs. This suggests that dynamo action from a convecting, non-rotating plasma is a viable alternative to acoustic heating models as an explanation for the basal emission level seen in chromospheric, transition region, and coronal diagnostics from late-type stars.Comment: ApJ, accepted, 30 pages with 7 figure

    Upper ocean manifestations of a reducing meridional overturning circulation

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    Most climate models predict a slowing down of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the 21st century. Using a 100year climate change integration of a high resolution coupled climate model, we show that a 5.3Sv reduction in the deep southward transport in the subtropical North Atlantic is balanced solely by a weakening of the northward surface western boundary current, and not by an increase in the southward transport integrated across the interior ocean away from the western boundary. This is consistent with Sverdrup balance holding to a good approximation outside of the western boundary region on decadal time scales, and may help to spatially constrain past and future change in the overturning circulation. The subtropical gyre weakens by 3.4Sv over the same period due to a weakened wind stress curl. These changes combine to give a net 8.7Sv reduction in upper western boundary transport. © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Star Spot Induced Radial Velocity Variability in LkCa 19

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    We describe a new radial velocity survey of T Tauri stars and present the first results. Our search is motivated by an interest in detecting massive young planets, as well as investigating the origin of the brown dwarf desert. As part of this survey, we discovered large-amplitude, periodic, radial velocity variations in the spectrum of the weak line T Tauri star LkCa 19. Using line bisector analysis and a new simulation of the effect of star spots on the photometric and radial velocity variability of T Tauri stars, we show that our measured radial velocities for LkCa19 are fully consistent with variations caused by the presence of large star spots on this rapidly rotating young star. These results illustrate the level of activity-induced radial velocity noise associated with at least some very young stars. This activity-induced noise will set lower limits on the mass of a companion detectable around LkCa 19, and similarly active young stars.Comment: ApJ accepted, 27 pages, 12 figures, aaste