1,836 research outputs found

    Revised prediction of LDEF exposure to trapped protons

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    The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) spacecraft flew in a 28.5 deg inclination circular orbit with an altitude in the range from 319.4 to 478.7 km. For this orbital altitude and inclination, two components contribute most of the penetrating charge particle radiation encountered - the galactic cosmic rays and the geomagnetically trapped Van Allen protons. Where shielding is less than 1.0 g/sq cm geomagnetically trapped electrons make a significant contribution. The 'Vette' models together with the associated magnetic field models and the solar conditions were used to obtain the trapped electron and proton omnidirectional fluences reported previously. Results for directional proton spectra using the MSFC anisotropy model for solar minimum and 463 km altitude (representative for the LDEF mission) were also reported. The directional trapped proton flux as a function of mission time is presented considering altitude and solar activity variation during the mission. These additional results represent an extension of previous calculations to provide a more definitive description of the LDEF trapped proton exposure

    MS 098 Guide to John T. Armstrong, MD Papers (1914-1987)

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    The John T. Armstrong, MD papers contains professional correspondence, personal correspondence, family papers, institutional documents, institutional publications, research, medical data, memos, minutes, newspaper clippings, legal documents, insurance documentation, and professional diaries that document the career and life of Dr. John T. Armstrong. See more at MS 098

    Cycling of rare earth elements at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary

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    CRediT authorship contribution statement J.G.T. Armstrong: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – review & editing. J. Parnell: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Supervision, Writing – original draft.Peer reviewe

    An Ion Ejection Technique for the Study of Ion-Molecule Reactions with Ion Cyclotron Resonance Spectroscopy

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    A novel technique involving a straightforward modification of an ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer has been developed which utilizes the excitation of the characteristic oscillatory motion of the ions, due to the trapping field, for ejecting ions from the cyclotron resonance cell. By pulsing the rf ejection field and referencing the detection system to the pulsing frequency, a spectrum of ions whose number density is modulated by the pulsed ejection field is obtained. This is directly applicable in studying ion-molecule reactions for the determination of product ion distributions, even when other processes, such as direct ionization or concurrent ion-molecule reactions, contribute to product ions of interest

    Prediction of LDEF ionizing radiation environment

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    The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) spacecraft flew in a 28.5 deg inclination circular orbit with an altitude in the range from 172 to 258.5 nautical miles. For this orbital altitude and inclination two components contribute most of the penetrating charge particle radiation encountered - the galactic cosmic rays and the geomagnetically trapped Van Allen protons. Where shielding is less than 1.0 g/sq cm geomagnetically trapped electrons make a significant contribution. The 'Vette' models together with the associated magnetic filed models were used to obtain the trapped electron and proton fluences. The mission proton doses were obtained from the fluence using the Burrell proton dose program. For the electron and bremsstrahlung dose we used the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) electron dose program. The predicted doses were in general agreement with those measured with on-board thermoluminescent detector (TLD) dosimeters. The NRL package of programs, Cosmic Ray Effects on MicroElectronics (CREME), was used to calculate the linear energy transfer (LET) spectrum due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and trapped protons for comparison with LDEF measurements

    Systematic and Stochastic Variations in Pulsar Dispersion Measures

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    We analyze deterministic and random temporal variations in dispersion measure (DM) from the full three-dimensional velocities of pulsars with respect to the solar system, combined with electron-density variations on a wide range of length scales. Previous treatments have largely ignored the pulsar's changing distance while favoring interpretations involving the change in sky position from transverse motion. Linear trends in pulsar DMs seen over 5-10~year timescales may signify sizable DM gradients in the interstellar medium (ISM) sampled by the changing direction of the line of sight to the pulsar. We show that motions parallel to the line of sight can also account for linear trends, for the apparent excess of DM variance over that extrapolated from scintillation measurements, and for the apparent non-Kolmogorov scalings of DM structure functions inferred in some cases. Pulsar motions through atomic gas may produce bow-shock ionized gas that also contributes to DM variations. We discuss possible causes of periodic or quasi-periodic changes in DM, including seasonal changes in the ionosphere, annual variation of the solar elongation angle, structure in the heliosphere-ISM boundary, and substructure in the ISM. We assess the solar cycle's role on the amplitude of ionospheric and solar-wind variations. Interstellar refraction can produce cyclic timing variations from the error in transforming arrival times to the solar system barycenter. We apply our methods to DM time series and DM gradient measurements in the literature and assess consistency with a Kolmogorov medium. Finally, we discuss the implications of DM modeling in precision pulsar timing experiments.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, published in Ap

    Status of LDEF radiation modeling

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    The current status of model prediction and comparison with LDEF radiation dosimetry measurements is summarized with emphasis on major results obtained in evaluating the uncertainties of present radiation environment model. The consistency of results and conclusions obtained from model comparison with different sets of LDEF radiation data (dose, activation, fluence, LET spectra) is discussed. Examples where LDEF radiation data and modeling results can be utilized to provide improved radiation assessments for planned LEO missions (e.g., Space Station) are given

    An Evaluation of Max-Flex Fast Fence™ for Reducing Deer Damage to Crops

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    A 2-year study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of Max-Flex Fast Fence™ electric fencing materials (polytape) for reducing damage to crops. Specifically, our goal was to look at the efficacy of this product for the home gardener. In the first phase of the project, plots of approximately 1/40 acre were established in areas of historically high deer densities. Each plot was planted with soybeans and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 fencing configurations or to the open control group. Within each plot, 6\u27 wide strips were tilled across the length. These tilled areas were checked for the presence of deer tracks. The study design was replicated 3 times to produce 12 treatment plots (3 of each fence configuration) and 3 open controls. Fences were charged via a New Zealand-type high voltage, low-impedance charger. The open controls were fed on heavily by deer and soon were almost void of foliage. Results suggest that under these conditions even a single strand of polytape 2 1/2\u27 high was successful in preventing deer from entering the plots. Phase 2 of the study used a single strand of polytape 2 1/2\u27 feet from the ground to exclude deer from plots ranging in size from 0.025 acres to 1 acre. Each exclosure was planted with soybeans. Three replication areas were selected and plots randomly established within the replicates. The effectiveness of the single strand was much less conclusive than in Phase I, with deer entering all plots at some time during the study. However, there does appear to be a direct relationship between plot size and number of deer tracks observed in the plot. In addition, there were significant differences in fence effectiveness between replicates. We concluded that a single strand of polytape electric fencing, if properly installed, could be a suitable deterrent to deer in a small garden situation

    Cuprizone demyelination of the corpus callosum in mice correlates with altered social interaction and impaired bilateral sensorimotor coordination

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    For studies of remyelination in demyelinating diseases, the cuprizone model of CC (corpus callosum) demyelination has experimental advantages that include overall size, proximity to neural stem cells of the subventricular zone, and correlation with a lesion predilection site in multiple sclerosis. In addition, cuprizone treatment can be ended to allow more direct analysis of remyelination than with viral or autoimmune models. However, CC demyelination lacks a useful functional correlate in rodents for longitudinal analysis throughout the course of demyelination and remyelination. In the present study, we tested two distinct behavioural measurements in mice fed 0.2% cuprizone. Running on a ‘complex' wheel with varied rung intervals requires integration between cerebral hemispheres for rapid bilateral sensorimotor coordination. Maximum running velocity on the ‘complex' wheel decreased during acute (6 week) and chronic (12 week) cuprizone demyelination. Running velocity on the complex wheel distinguished treated (for 6 weeks) from non-treated mice, even after a 6-week recovery period for spontaneous remyelination. A second behavioural assessment was a resident–intruder test of social interaction. The frequency of interactive behaviours increased among resident mice after acute or chronic demyelination. Differences in both sensorimotor coordination and social interaction correlated with demonstrated CC demyelination. The wheel assay is applicable for longitudinal studies. The resident–intruder assay provides a complementary assessment of a distinct modality at a specific time point. These behavioural measurements are sufficiently robust for small cohorts as a non-invasive assessment of demyelination to facilitate analysis of subsequent remyelination. These measurements may also identify CC involvement in other mouse models of central nervous system injuries and disorders