13 research outputs found

    Supergravity Models for 3+1 Dimensional QCD

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    The most general black M5-brane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity (with a flat R^4 spacetime in the brane and a regular horizon) is characterized by charge, mass and two angular momenta. We use this metric to construct general dual models of large-N QCD (at strong coupling) that depend on two free parameters. The mass spectrum of scalar particles is determined analytically (in the WKB approximation) and numerically in the whole two-dimensional parameter space. We compare the mass spectrum with analogous results from lattice calculations, and find that the supergravity predictions are close to the lattice results everywhere on the two dimensional parameter space except along a special line. We also examine the mass spectrum of the supergravity Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and find that the KK modes along the compact D-brane coordinate decouple from the spectrum for large angular momenta. There are however KK modes charged under a U(1)xU(1) global symmetry which do not decouple anywhere on the parameter space. General formulas for the string tension and action are also given.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 11 figures include

    On the Moduli Space of N = 2 Supersymmetric G_2 Gauge Theory

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    We apply the method of confining phase superpotentials to N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with the exceptional gauge group G_2. Our findings are consistent with the spectral curve of the periodic Toda lattice, but do not agree with the hyperelliptic curve suggested previously in the literature. We also apply the method to theories with fundamental matter, treating both the example of SO(5) and G_2.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, reference adde

    Yangian in the Twistor String

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    We study symmetries of the quantized open twistor string. In addition to global PSL(4|4) symmetry, we find non-local conserved currents. The associated non-local charges lead to Ward identities which show that these charges annihilate the string gluon tree amplitudes, and have the same form as symmetries of amplitudes in N=4 super conformal Yang Mills theory. We describe how states of the open twistor string form a realization of the PSL(4|4) Yangian superalgebra.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    A Note on the Path Integral Representation of the Boundary State of D-brane

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    In this paper we construct path integral representations of the boundary states in some special backgrounds such as the U(1) gauge field background, the linear dilaton background and the open string tachyon background. The initial purpose of this paper is to construct a general solution of the boundary conformal field theory with the analytical approach, mainly for the constraint equations(LnL~n)B>=0(L_{n}-\tilde{L}_{-n}) |B > =0 are difficult to be solved to obtain the solution represented by string modes from the pure algebraic approach. However in the path integral representation it is easy transforming those algebraic equations into the differential equations which can be solved. Another purpose of this paper is to try to explore an open question. we do not know how to construct an exact theory of D-branes in the general background until now. However many recent researches show the boundary state description indeed seizes some fundamental features of D-branes in the rather special backgrounds. Since the general background field effects can be easily introduced in the path integral representation, we argue that path integral representation of the boundary state should provide an exact description of D branes in the general backgrounds.Comment: 21 pages, no figure,Latex. v2:minor modification, references added. v3: 23 pages, AMSLaTeX using JHEP.cls, v3 is one part of my Master thesi

    Enjoyment of the shopping experience:impact on customers’ repatronage intentions and gender influence

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    In this paper the authors investigate enjoyment of the shopping experience, its influence on consumers’ intention to repatronise a regional shopping centre and the effect of gender differences on shopping enjoyment. Four dimensions of shopping enjoyment are proposed and a 16-item measure is developed to assess 536 consumer perceptions of the shopping experience across five counties in the United Kingdom. Findings indicate that shopping experience enjoyment has a significant positive influence upon customers’ repatronage intentions. Furthermore, men are found to have a stronger relationship of enjoyment with repatronage than women. The implications of these results are discussed, together with managerial implications, study limitations, and future research directions

    Chiral trace relations in N=2\mathcal N=2^* supersymmetric gauge theories

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