116 research outputs found

    In Case You Missed It: Fractured Rebellion

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    A group of former Red Guards at Beijing’s Qinghua University, interviewed in spring 1971 about their recent factional struggles, laughed loudly (always a sign of uneasiness) and made their “frank confession”: yes, they had not always behaved in a spirit of proletarian comradeship, they admitted. “We used to sit on either side of the table and agree to make up our differences, but even while we shook hands we were kicking one other under the table!”

    New Light on China's Political Economy

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    SUMMARY Most Western writing on Chinese economic development since 1949 has, until recently, treated it in isolation from the broader goal of building and consolidating a socialist society. In fact the Chinese choice of strategies and priorities can only be understood within this context. New material from China, including some previously unpublished writings on political economy by Mao Tse?tung, show more clearly how the Chinese see the path of their transition to socialism and the problems arising along the way. This has been the central issue of Chinese political life since the mid?1950s and it has been strongly influenced by the mainly negative lessons of the Soviet (and especially Stalinist) experience. A bibliography gives details of the new Chinese material, and of recent Western work which opens up fresh perspectives. RESUME Nouvel eclairage sur la politique économique de la Chine La plupart des écrits concernant le développement économique de la Chine depuis 1949 en ont jusqu'à ces derniers temps traité en marge de I'objectif plus large qui consiste à construire et consolider une sociéte socialiste. En fait le choix qu'ont fait les Chinois des stratégies et des prioritiés ne peut être compris que dans ce contexte. De nouvelles publications en provenance de Chine, compris quelques écrits inédits de Mao Tse'Toung sur la politique économique, montrent plus clairement comment les Chinois envisagent la voiequi doit les mener vers le socialisme et les problèmes qui en émergeront chemin faisant. C'est la principale question portant sur la vie politique chinoise depuis le milieu des années 50; elle a été fortement influencée par les principales leçons négatives de I'expérience sovietique (et spécialement de I'êpoque Stalinienne). Une bibliographie donne des détails sur les nouveaux documents chinois ainsi que des nouvelles oeuvres occidentales ouvrant des perspectives intéressantes. RESUMEN Nueva Luz sobre la Economía Política de China La mayor parte de lo que se ha escrito en Occidente sobre eí desarrollo económico chino desde 1949, trata el tema aisláindolo de la meta más amplia de construir consolidar una sociedad socialista. En realidad, la elección china de estrategias prioridades sólo puede ser entendida dentro de este contexto. El nuevo material sobre China, incluyendo algunos escritos no publicados anteriormente de Mao Tse?tung sobre economía política, muestra más claramente cómo ven los chinos el camino para su transición al socialismo los problemas que surgen en su transcurso. Este ha sido el tópico central de la vida política china desde mediados de la década del 50, influído fuertemente por las lecciones principalmente negatives de la experiencia soviética (y especialmente Stalinista). Una bibliografía entrega detalles del nuevo material chino de recientes trabajos de Occidente que abren nuevas perspectives

    The Role of the Chinese Army

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    Robust Synthesis of Adversarial Visual Examples Using a Deep Image Prior

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    We present a novel method for generating robust adversarial image examples building upon the recent `deep image prior' (DIP) that exploits convolutional network architectures to enforce plausible texture in image synthesis. Adversarial images are commonly generated by perturbing images to introduce high frequency noise that induces image misclassification, but that is fragile to subsequent digital manipulation of the image. We show that using DIP to reconstruct an image under adversarial constraint induces perturbations that are more robust to affine deformation, whilst remaining visually imperceptible. Furthermore we show that our DIP approach can also be adapted to produce local adversarial patches (`adversarial stickers'). We demonstrate robust adversarial examples over a broad gamut of images and object classes drawn from the ImageNet dataset.Comment: Accepted to BMVC 201

    Unravelling links between squid catch variations and biophysical mechanisms in South African waters

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    Using satellite observations, this study uncovers the biophysical drivers of the lucrative chokka squid fishery in South Africa over the last two decades (1998–2017) and addresses their potential links with low squid catches. Chokka squid fishing is crucial to the economic wellbeing of local communities. However, the squid biomass is prone to considerable fluctuations, including abrupt declines with negative socio-economic impacts. We show that the squid catch is significantly and positively correlated with satellite-derived chlorophyll-a (Chl-a, an index of phytoplankton biomass) from year to year in South African coastal waters. Two main phytoplankton blooms are observed to occur seasonally in the austral spring and autumn, peaking in October and April, respectively. From October to April, phytoplankton abundance is influenced by the occurrence of wind-driven upwelling over the South African west coast (southern Benguela) and the central Agulhas Bank (so-called Cold Ridge upwelling), while the surface currents appear more important for shelf edge processes and advection along the Cold Ridge on shorter timescales. Low squid catches are observed in 2001 and 2013 and linked to declines in Chl-a induced by weak winds and relaxed negative wind stress curl over the southwest coast in 2001, and over the southwest coast and the central Agulhas Bank in 2013. Phytoplankton phenology (bloom timing) analysis reveals absent, or shorter and delayed blooms, over the Benguela upwelling region in 2001 and both the Benguela and Cold Ridge upwelling areas in 2013. In contrast, the high catch years of 2004 and 2009, associated with elevated Chl-a, coincide with early and/or prolonged seasonal blooms. These are induced by strong winds over the Benguela upwelling and Cold Ridge areas in 2004, and by intensified negative wind stress curl over the Benguela upwelling area in 2009. These results show that the squid catch fluctuations are potentially predictable and could support policymakers seeking to improve their planning of adaptation strategies and risk mitigation