173 research outputs found

    Ultrafast evanescent heat transfer across solid interfaces via hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride

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    The efficiency of phonon-mediated heat transport is limited by the intrinsic atomistic properties of materials, seemingly providing an upper limit to heat transfer in materials and across their interfaces. The typical speeds of conductive transport, which are inherently limited by the chemical bonds and atomic masses, dictate how quickly heat will move in solids. Given that phonon-polaritons, or coupled phonon-photon modes, can propagate at speeds approaching 1 percent of the speed of light - orders of magnitude faster than transport within a pure diffusive phonon conductor - we demonstrate that volume-confined, hyperbolic phonon-polariton(HPhP) modes supported by many biaxial polar crystals can couple energy across solid-solid interfaces at an order of magnitude higher rates than phonon-phonon conduction alone. Using pump-probe thermoreflectance with a mid-infrared, tunable, probe pulse with sub-picosecond resolution, we demonstrate remote and spectrally selective excitation of the HPhP modes in hexagonal boron nitride in response to radiative heating from a thermally emitting gold source. Our work demonstrates a new avenue for interfacial heat transfer based on broadband radiative coupling from a hot spot in a gold film to hBN HPhPs, independent of the broad spectral mismatch between the pump(visible) and probe(mid-IR) pulses employed. This methodology can be used to bypass the intrinsically limiting phonon-phonon conductive pathway, thus providing an alternative means of heat transfer across interfaces. Further, our time-resolved measurements of the temperature changes of the HPhP modes in hBN show that through polaritonic coupling, a material can transfer heat across and away from an interface at rates orders of magnitude faster than diffusive phonon speeds intrinsic to the material, thus demonstrating a pronounced thermal transport enhancement in hBN via phonon-polariton coupling

    Viral Gastroenteritis Associated with Genogroup II Norovirus among U.S. Military Personnel in Turkey, 2009

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    The present study demonstrates that multiple NoV genotypes belonging to genogroup II contributed to an acute gastroenteritis outbreak at a US military facility in Turkey that was associated with significant negative operational impact. Norovirus (NoV) is an important pathogen associated with acute gastroenteritis among military populations. We describe the genotypes of NoV outbreak occurred at a United States military facility in Turkey. Stool samples were collected from 37 out of 97 patients presenting to the clinic on base with acute gastroenteritis and evaluated for bacterial and viral pathogens. NoV genogroup II (GII) was identified by RT-PCR in 43% (16/37) stool samples. Phylogenetic analysis of a 260 base pair fragment of the NoV capsid gene from ten stool samples indicated the circulation of multiple and rare genotypes of GII NoV during the outbreak. We detected four GII.8 isolates, three GII.15, two GII.9 and a sole GII.10 NoV. Viral sequences could be grouped into four clusters, three of which have not been previously reported in Turkey. The fact that current NoV outbreak was caused by rare genotypes highlights the importance of norovirus strain typing. While NoV genogroup II is recognized as causative agent of outbreak, circulation of current genotypes has been rarely observed in large number of outbreaks

    Genetic Analysis of Anti-Amoebae and Anti-Bacterial Activities of the Type VI Secretion System in Vibrio cholerae

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    A type VI secretion system (T6SS) was recently shown to be required for full virulence of Vibrio cholerae O37 serogroup strain V52. In this study, we systematically mutagenized each individual gene in T6SS locus and characterized their functions based on expression and secretion of the hemolysin co-regulated protein (Hcp), virulence towards amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum and killing of Escherichia coli bacterial cells. We group the 17 proteins characterized in the T6SS locus into four categories: twelve (VipA, VipB, VCA0109–VCA0115, ClpV, VCA0119, and VasK) are essential for Hcp secretion and bacterial virulence, and thus likely function as structural components of the apparatus; two (VasH and VCA0122) are regulators that are required for T6SS gene expression and virulence; another two, VCA0121 and valine-glycine repeat protein G 3 (VgrG-3), are not essential for Hcp expression, secretion or bacterial virulence, and their functions are unknown; the last group is represented by VCA0118, which is not required for Hcp expression or secretion but still plays a role in both amoebae and bacterial killing and may therefore be an effector protein. We also showed that the clpV gene product is required for Dictyostelium virulence but is less important for killing E. coli. In addition, one vgrG gene (vgrG-2) outside of the T6SS gene cluster was required for bacterial killing but another (vgrG-1) was not. However, a bacterial killing defect was observed when vgrG-1 and vgrG-3 were both deleted. Several genes encoded in the same putative operon as vgrG-1 and vgrG-2 also contribute to virulence toward Dictyostelium but have a smaller effect on bacterial killing. Our results provide new insights into the functional requirements of V. cholerae's T6SS in the context of secretion as well as killing of bacterial and eukaryotic phagocytic cells