104 research outputs found
Depth of the vadose zone controls aquifer biogeochemical conditions and extent of anthropogenic nitrogen removal
© The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Water Research 123 (2017): 794-801, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.06.048.We investigated biogeochemical conditions and watershed features controlling the extent of nitrate removal through microbial dinitrogen (N2) production within the surficial glacial aquifer located on the north and south shores of Long Island, NY, USA. The extent of N2 production differs within portions of the aquifer, with greatest N2 production observed at the south shore of Long Island where the vadose zone is thinnest, while limited N2 production occurred under the thick vadose zones on the north shore. In areas with a shallow water table and thin vadose zone, low oxygen concentrations and sufficient DOC concentrations are conducive to N2 production. Results support the hypothesis that in aquifers without a significant supply of sediment-bound reducing potential, vadose zone thickness exerts an important control of the extent of N2 production. Since quantification of excess N2 relies on knowledge of equilibrium N2 concentration at recharge, calculated based on temperature at recharge, we further identify several features, such as land use and cover, seasonality of recharge, and climate change that should be considered to refine estimation of recharge temperature, its deviation from mean annual air temperature, and resulting deviation from expected equilibrium gas concentrations.Project supported by the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission, the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the USGS/National Park Service Water-Quality Assessment and Monitoring program.2019-06-1
Ensuring confidence in radionuclide-based sediment chronologies and bioturbation rates
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71 (2007): 537-544, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.09.006.Sedimentary records of naturally occurring and fallout-derived radionuclides are widely
used as tools for estimating both the ages of recent sediments and rates of sedimentation
and bioturbation. Developing these records to the point of data interpretation requires
careful sample collection, processing, analysis and data modeling. In this work, we
document a number of potential pitfalls that can impact sediment core records and their
interpretation. This paper is not intended as an exhaustive treatment of these potential
problems. Rather, the emphasis is on potential problems that are not well documented in
the literature, as follows: 1) The mere sampling of sediment cores at a resolution that is
too coarse can result in an apparent diffusive mixing of the sedimentary record at rates
comparable to diffusive bioturbation rates observed in many locations; 2) 210Pb profiles in
slowly accumulating sediments can easily be misinterpreted to be driven by
sedimentation, when in fact bioturbation is the dominant control. Multiple isotopes of
different half lives and/or origin may help to distinguish between these two possible
interpretations; 3) Apparent mixing can occur due simply to numerical artifacts inherent
in the finite difference approximations of the advection diffusion equation used to model
sedimentation and bioturbation. Model users need to be aware of this potential problem.
Solutions to each of these potential pitfalls are offered to ensure the best possible
sediment age estimates and/or sedimentation and bioturbation rates can be obtained.Thanks to the U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program, the Andrew F.
Mellon Foundation, the Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at Columbia
University, and the National Science Foundation for funding
Bioturbation depths, rates and processes in Massachusetts Bay sediments inferred from modeling of 210Pb and 239 + 240Pu profiles
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2004. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61 (2004): 643-655, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2004.07.005.Profiles of 210Pb and 239+240Pu from sediment cores collected throughout Massachusetts
Bay (water depths of 36-192 m) are interpreted with the aid of a numerical sedimentmixing
model to infer bioturbation depths, rates and processes. The nuclide data suggest
extensive bioturbation to depths of 25-35 cm. Roughly half the cores have 210Pb and
239+240Pu profiles that decrease monotonically from the surface and are consistent with
biodiffusive mixing. Bioturbation rates are reasonably well constrained by these profiles
and vary from ~0.7 to ~40 cm2 yr-1. As a result of this extensive reworking, however,
sediment ages cannot be accurately determined from these radionuclides and only upper
limits on sedimentation rates (of ~0.3 cm yr-1) can be inferred. The other half of the
radionuclide profiles are characterized by subsurface maxima in each nuclide, which
cannot be reproduced by biodiffusive mixing models. A numerical model is used to
demonstrate that mixing caused by organisms that feed at the sediment surface and
defecate below the surface can cause the subsurface maxima, as suggested by previous
work. The deep penetration depths of excess 210Pb and 239+240Pu suggest either that the
organisms release material over a range of >15 cm depth or that biodiffusive mixing
mediated by other organisms is occurring at depth. Additional constraints from surficial
sediment 234Th data suggest that in this half of the cores, the vast majority of the presentday
flux of recent, nuclide-bearing material to these core sites is transported over a
timescale of a month or more to a depth of a few cm below the sediment surface. As a
consequence of the complex mixing processes, surface sediments include material
spanning a range of ages and will not accurately record recent changes in contaminant
deposition.This work
was conducted under a joint funding agreement between the USGS and the
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Glacial influence on the geochemistry of riverine iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska and effects of deglaciation
This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 38 (2011): L16605, doi:10.1029/2011GL048367.Riverine iron (Fe) derived from glacial weathering is a critical micronutrient source to ecosystems of the Gulf of Alaska (GoA). Here we demonstrate that the source and chemical nature of riverine Fe input to the GoA could change dramatically due to the widespread watershed deglaciation that is underway. We examine Fe size partitioning, speciation, and isotopic composition in tributaries of the Copper River which exemplify a long-term GoA watershed evolution from one strongly influenced by glacial weathering to a boreal-forested watershed. Iron fluxes from glacierized tributaries bear high suspended sediment and colloidal Fe loads of mixed valence silicate species, with low concentrations of dissolved Fe and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Iron isotopic composition is indicative of mechanical weathering as the Fe source. Conversely, Fe fluxes from boreal-forested systems have higher dissolved Fe concentrations corresponding to higher DOC concentrations. Iron colloids and suspended sediment consist of Fe (hydr)oxides and organic complexes. These watersheds have an iron isotopic composition indicative of an internal chemical processing source. We predict that as the GoA watershed evolves due to deglaciation, so will the source, flux, and chemical nature of riverine Fe loads, which could have significant ramifications for Alaskan marine and freshwater ecosystems.We appreciate support from the USGS
CMGP, NCCWSC, and the Mendenhall Postdoctoral Program
Deforestation of watersheds of Panama : nutrient retention and export to streams
© The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biogeochemistry 115 (2013): 299-315, doi:10.1007/s10533-013-9836-2.A series of eight watersheds on the Pacific coast of Panama where conversion of mature lowland wet forest to pastures by artisanal burning provided watershed-scale experimental units with a wide range of forest cover (23, 29, 47, 56, 66, 73, 73, 91, and 92%). We used these watersheds as a landscape-scale experiment to assess effects of degree of deforestation on within-watershed retention and hydrological export of atmospheric inputs of nutrients. Retention was estimated by comparing rainfall nutrient concentrations (volume-weighted to allow for evapotranspiration) to concentrations in freshwater reaches of receiving streams. Retention of rain-derived nutrients in these Panama watersheds averaged 77, 85, 80, and 62% for nitrate, ammonium, dissolved organic N, and phosphate, respectively. Retention of rain-derived inorganic nitrogen, however, depended on watershed cover: retention of nitrate and ammonium in pasture-dominated watersheds was 95 and 98%, while fully forested watersheds retained 65 and 80% of atmospheric nitrate and ammonium inputs. Watershed forest cover did not affect retention of dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphate. Exports from more forested watersheds yielded DIN/P near 16, while pasture-dominated watersheds exported N/P near 2. The differences in magnitude of exports and ratios suggest that deforestation in these Panamanian forests results in exports that affect growth of plants and algae in the receiving stream and estuarine ecosystems. Watershed retention of dissolved inorganic nitrogen calculated from wet plus dry atmospheric deposition varied from 90% in pasture- to 65% in forest-dominated watersheds, respectively. Discharges of DIN to receiving waters from the watersheds therefore rose from 10% of atmospheric inputs for pasture-dominated watersheds, to about 35% of atmospheric inputs for fully forested watersheds. These results from watersheds with no agriculture or urbanization, but different conversion of forest to pasture by burning, show significant, deforestation-dependent retention within tropical watersheds, but also ecologically significant, and deforestation-dependent, exports that are biologically significant because of the paucity of nutrients in receiving tropical stream and coastal waters.This work was funded by NSF Grant BIO-
Glacial flour dust storms in the Gulf of Alaska : hydrologic and meteorological controls and their importance as a source of bioavailable iron
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 38 (2011): L06602, doi:10.1029/2010GL046573.Iron is an essential micronutrient that limits primary productivity in much of the ocean, including the Gulf of Alaska (GoA). However, the processes that transport iron to the ocean surface are poorly quantified. We combine satellite and meteorological data to provide the first description of widespread dust transport from coastal Alaska into the GoA. Dust is frequently transported from glacially-derived sediment at the mouths of several rivers, the most prominent of which is the Copper River. These dust events occur most frequently in autumn, when coastal river levels are low and riverbed sediments are exposed. The dust plumes are transported several hundred kilometers beyond the continental shelf into iron-limited waters. We estimate the mass of dust transported from the Copper River valley during one 2006 dust event to be between 25–80 ktons. Based on conservative estimates, this equates to a soluble iron loading of 30–200 tons. We suggest the soluble Fe flux from dust originating in glaciofluvial sediment deposits from the entire GoA coastline is two to three times larger, and is comparable to the annual Fe flux to GoA surface waters from eddies of coastal origin. Given that glaciers are retreating in the coastal GoA region and in other locations, it is important to examine whether fluxes of dust are increasing from glacierized landscapes to the ocean, and to assess the impact of associated Fe on marine ecosystems.We appreciate support from the USGS
CMGP, NCCWSC, the Mendenhall postdoc program, the Woods Hole
PEP intern program, and from NASA‐IDS
Resuspension by fish facilitates the transport and redistribution of coastal sediments
Author Posting. © Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Limnology and Oceanography 57 (2012): 945-958, doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.4.0945.Oxygen availability restricts groundfish to the oxygenated, shallow margins of Saanich Inlet, an intermittently anoxic fjord in British Columbia, Canada. New and previously reported 210Pb measurements in sediment cores compared with flux data from sediment traps indicate major focusing of sediments from the oxygenated margins to the anoxic basin seafloor. We present environmental and experimental evidence that groundfish activity in the margins is the major contributor to this focusing. Fine particles resuspended by groundfish are advected offshore by weak bottom currents, eventually settling in the anoxic basin. Transmittance and sediment trap data from the water column show that this transport process maintains an intermediate nepheloid layer (INL) in the center of the Inlet. This INL is located above the redox interface and is unrelated to water density shifts in the water column. We propose that this INL is shaped by the distribution of groundfish (as resuspension sources) along the slope and hence by oxygen availability to these fish. We support this conclusion with a conceptual model of the resuspension and offshore transport of sediment. This fish-induced transport mechanism for sediments is likely to enhance organic matter decomposition in oxygenated sediments and its sequestration in anoxic seafloors.The VENUS Project and University of Victoria
supported the ship and submersible time for field experiments,
and the U.S. Geological Survey and Coastal and Marine
Geological Program generously supported J.C. The project was
supported by Discovery Grants from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada to V.T. and P.S. and a
Yohay Ben-Nun fellowship and Moshe Shilo Center for Marine
Biogeochemistry Fund award to T.K
Position of Aleutian Low Drives Dramatic Inter-Annual Variability in Atmospheric Transport of Glacial Iron to the Gulf of Alaska
Our understanding of glacial flour dust storm delivery of iron to the Gulf of Alaska (GoA) is limited. We interpret concurrent time-series satellite, meteorological, and aerosol geochemical data from the GoA to examine how inter-annual variability in regional weather patterns impacts offshore aerosol glacial iron transport. In 2011, when a northerly Aleutian Low (AL) was persistent during fall, dust emission was suppressed and highly intermittent due to prevalent wet conditions, low winds and a deep early season snowpack. Conversely, in 2012, frequent and prolonged fall dust storms and high offshore glacial iron transport were driven by dry conditions and strong offshore winds generated by persistent strong high pressure over the Alaskan interior and Bering Sea and a southerly AL. Remarkable inter-annual variability in offshore glacial aerosol iron transport indicates that the role of glacial dust in GoA nutrient cycles is likely highly dynamic and particularly sensitive to regional climate forcing
Models for Nonthermal Photon Spectra
We describe models of nonthermal photon emission from a homogeneous
distribution of relativistic electrons and protons. Contributions from the
synchrotron, inverse Compton, nonthermal bremsstrahlung and neutral-pion decay
processes are computed separately using a common parameterization of the
underlying distribution of nonthermal particles. The models are intended for
use in fitting spectra from multi-wavelength observations and are designed to
be accurate and efficient. Although our applications have focused on Galactic
supernova remnants, the software is modular, making it straightforward to
customize for different applications. In particular, the shapes of the particle
distribution functions and the shape of the seed photon spectrum used by the
inverse Compton model are defined in separate modules and may be customized for
specific applications. We assess the accuracy of these models by using a
recurrence relation and by comparing them with analytic results and with
previous numerical work by other authors.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Supplemen
Export Production in the Subarctic North Pacific over the Last 800 kyrs: No Evidence for Iron Fertilization?
The subarctic North Pacific is a high nitrate-low chlorophyll (HNLC) region, where phytoplankton growth rates, especially those of diatoms, are enhanced when micronutrient Fe is added. Accordingly, it has been suggested that glacial Fe-laden dust might have increased primary production in this region. This paper reviews published palaeoceanographic records of export production over the last 800 kyrs from the open North Pacific (north of ∼35°N). We find different patterns of export production change over time in the various domains of the North Pacific (NW and NE subarctic gyres, the marginal seas and the transition zone). However, there is no compelling evidence for an overall increase in productivity during glacials in the subarctic region, challenging the paradigm that dust-born Fe fertilization of this region has contributed to the glacial draw down of atmospheric CO 2 . Potential reasons for the lack of increased glacial export production include the possibility that Fe-fertilization rapidly drives the ecosystem towards limitation by another nutrient. This effect would have been exacerbated by an even more stable mixed layer compared to today.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41539/1/10872_2004_Article_5383267.pd
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