153 research outputs found

    Using a maturity model to move student engagement practices beyond the generational approach

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    This paper proposes that the generational approach to conceptualising first year student learning behaviour, while it has made a very useful contribution to understanding that behaviour, can be expanded upon. The generational approach has an explicit focus on student behaviour and it is suggested that a capability maturity model interpretation may provide a complementary extension of that as it allows an assessment of institutional capability to initiate, plan, manage and evaluate institutional student engagement practices. The development of a Student Engagement, Success and Retention Maturity Model (SESR-MM) is discussed along with Australasian FYE generational data and Australian SESR-MM data

    Literature as Phenomenon: Attribution Theory and the Act of Performance (Oral, Interpretation, Pre-Formance, Newcomb, Bakhtin).

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    Attribution theory seeks to explain the ways in which humans ascribe causes to everyday events, especially the observed behavior of other human beings. This study seeks to apply the basic patterns of social attribution to the act of pre-formance --the aesthetic act in which a performer engages the voice of a literary text and, through rehearsals involving attribuiton, embodies that voice for some audience. Theodore Newcomb\u27s symmetry theory, a model that contains the essential features of human attribution, is discussed within the philosophical perspective of phenomenology, and the transformed model is used as the basis for a new theory of the act of performance. Three essential patterns of attribution are defined (consistency, consensus, and distinctiveness) and applied to the author\u27s pre-formance of William Faulkner\u27s story A Rose For Emily. Also, the fundamental attribution error is defined as the tendency to overattribute other\u27s behaviors to disposition rather than to environment or context, and this tendency of human perception is revealed to be the cause of much literary (and social) misinterpretation. Finally, the theories of M. M. Bakhtin are appropriated to the model, to allow the engagement of the performer/reader and the literary other (e.g. narrators or characters) to be described as the complex experiential phenomenon that it is. The finished model, which replaces the textual other with the concept of figural voice, describes attribution as the most important principle in the psychological construction of a response to a literary text

    Does the Shift to Cloud Delivery of Courses Compromise Quality Control

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    In the last few years’ online cloud computing courses have become more common place providing the student the capability to attend courses from home, from anywhere in the world. As this new paradigm is being adopted by colleges and universities, the next associated potential wave of change is a cloud technology termed “online proctoring.” This technology and method facilitates the online student taking tests and exams from a remote, off campus location. This technology could also potentially mean education institutions scale to larger student numbers than previously defined by the physical constraints of exam halls or lab facilities as well as reducing the remote students time and cost of travel to an exam invigilation centre. However the question is: How does online proctoring quality control standards measure up to the traditional exam room invigilation quality controls and if such a solution were implemented would there be compromises? On campus exam invigilation methods have evolved over a considerable period of time and the processes and quality control standards are well defined. This research firstly explores the types of online proctoring systems in existence. Secondly it investigates how these systems, offered by multiple cloud vendors, compare and what back end technologies they utilize. Lastly it investigates the potential gaps in the online proctoring quality control systems and how the verification and controls measure up to the traditional on campus exam hall invigilation methods

    Performance Characteristics of an Axial-flow Transonic Compressor Operating up to Tip Relative Inlet Mach Number of 1.34

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    Performance data are presented for a transonic axial-flow compressor rotor designed to operate at a tip speed of 1300 ft/sec with maximum relative tip Mach number of 1.37. The compressor had an inlet diameter of 16 inches, a hub-tip diameter ratio of 0.5 and design specific weight flow of 31.1 (lb/sec/(sq ft frontal area). Experimental values of relative total-pressure-loss coefficient were considerably higher than the assumed values. This disparity, hub choking, and application of the simple radial-equilibrium concept are discussed. The data of this report are used to extend previously presented correlation plots of compressor design parameters to higher Mach numbers

    Investigation of Performance of Axial-Flow Compressor of XT-46 Turbine-Propeller Engine. I - Preliminary Investigation at 50-,70-, and 100-Percent Design Equivalent Speed

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    An investigation is being conducted to determine the performance of the 12-stage axial-flow compressor of the XT-46 turbine-propeller engine. This compressor was designed to produce a pressure ratio of 9 at an adiabatic efficiency of 0.86. The design pressure ratios per stage were considerably greater than any employed in current aircraft gas-turbine engines using this type of compressor. The compressor performance was evaluated at two stations. The station near the entrance section of the combustors indicated a peak pressure ratio of 6.3 at an adiabatic efficiency of 0.63 for a corrected weight flow of 23.1 pounds per second. The other, located one blade-chord downstream of the last stator row, indicated a peak pressure ratio of 6.97 at an adiabatic efficiency of 0.81 for a corrected weight flow of 30.4 pounds per second. The difference in performance obtained at the two stations is attributed to shock waves in the vicinity of the last stator row. These shock waves and the accompanying flow choking, together with interstage circulatory flows, shift the compressor operating curves into the region where surge would normally occur. The inability of the compressor to meet design pressure ratio is probably due to boundary-layer buildup in the last stages, which cause axial velocities greater than design values that, in turn, adversely affect the angles of attack and turning angles in these blade rows

    Performance of Compressor XJ-41-V Turbojet Engine I - Preliminary Investigation at Equivalent Compressor Speed of 8000 RPM

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    At the request of the Air Material Command, Arm Air Forces, an investigation was conducted at the NACA Cleveland laboratory to determine the performance characteristics of the XJ-41-V turbojet-engine compressor. The complete compressor was mounted on a collecting chamber having an annular air-flow passage simulating the burner annulus of the engine and was driven by an electric motor. The compressor was extensively instrumented to determine the overall performance of the compressor, the characteristic performance of each of the compressor components, the state of the air stream in the simulated burner annulus, and the operation of the compressor bearings. An initial investigation at an equivalent compressor speed of 8000 rpm was made to determine the performance of the compressor and the collecting chamber and to determine the similarity of the air stream at the entrance to the simulated burner annulus. The mechanical performance of the compressor over a range of actual compressors speeds from 3300 to 8000 rpm is reported

    Performance of Compressor of XJ-41-V Turbojet Engine VI - Analysis of Compressor Flow Choking

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    An extended analysis was made of the previously reported performance investigation of the original compressor from the XJ-41-v turbojet engine and a similar compressor revised a to obtain a 33-percent increase in the geometric passage area at the vaned-collector entrance. This analysis was based on the concept of the vaned-collector entrance as the throat section of a nozzle. Because of nonuniform air distribution at the vaned-collector entrance, approximately 90 percent of the available flow area was utilized in the original compressor and 94percent in the revised com$ressor. The increase in maximum weight flow obtained with the revised compressor was disproportionate to the increased effective critical throat area because. the air density at the revised vaned-collector entrance for maximum flow was lower than that obtained in the original compressor. This reduction in density resulted from the large pressure losses near the impeller inlet of the revised compressor, which is indicative of impending flow choking in the impeller, The.calculated maximum corrected weight-flow capacity of a compressor consisting of the revised vaneless diffuser and vaned collector with a theoretical impeller that combined peak impeller pressure ratio and peak impeller efficiency at the . maximum flow point would be 112 pounds per second for an equivalent impeller speed of 11,500 rpm

    Performance of Compressor of XJ-41-V Turbojet Engine V-Performance Analysis of Compressor with Revised Vaned Collector over Range of Compressor Speeds from 3600 to 11,500 RPM

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    An investigation of the XJ-41-V turbojet-engine compressor with a revised vaned collector was conducted to determine the performance of the compressor and to obtain fundamental information on the aerodynamic problems associated with large centrifugal compressors of this type. The original vaned collector was revised by increasing the flow area at the vaned collector entrance. A maximum adiabatic efficiency of 0.81 was obtained et a corrected weight flow of 36.5 pounds per second and a pressure ratio of 1.90. The peak pressure ratio was 3.93 and occurred at an impeller speed of 11,500 rpm at a corrected weight flow of 65.5 pounds per second. Revision of the vaned collector resulted in an increased airflow capacity over the speed range. The design air-flow capacity of 78 pounds per second was very nearly reached at the engine design speed of 11,500 rpm. The compressor air-flow choking point occurred in the vaned collector passage; however, at speeds above 8300 rpm, the air-flow capacity of the impeller was being approached as indicated by large pressure losses in the impeller at maximum air-flow conditions. An increase in compressor air-flow capacity at the higher speeds can possibly be obtained 5y removal of the flow restriction in the impeller, which would result in an increased air density at the vaned collector entrance

    Performance of Compressor of XJ-41-V Turbojet Engine

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    An investigation of the XJ-41-V turbojet-engine compressor was conducted to determine the performance of the compressor and to obtain fundamental information on the aerodynamic problems associated with large centrifugal-type compressors. The results of the research conducted on the original compressor indicated the compressor would not meet the desired engine-design air-flow requirements because of an air-flow restriction in the vaned collector. The compressor air-flow choking point occurred near the entrance to the vaned-collector passage and was instigated by a poor mass-flow distribution at the vane entrance and from relatively large negative angles of attack of the air stream along the entrance edges of the vanes at the outer passage wall and large positive angles of attack at the inner passage wall. As a result of the analysis, a design change of the vaned collector entrance is recommended for improving the maximum flow capacity of the compressor