27 research outputs found

    Schechner, teatro e antropologia

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    Rites of passage: Dionysus and the chorus of Satyrs

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    Nas origens da tragédia grega, no coro de sátiros do teatro dionisíaco, os gregos fitavam o horror. Nessa observação de Nietzsche se encontra o ponto de partida para uma discussão dos ritos de passagem e, particularmente, da experiência do límen. Contribuições da performance e do teatro contemporâneos realçam aspectos dessa experiência. As análises de Julia Kristeva também merecem atenção. A hipótese, inspirada no pensamento de Walter Benjamin, emerge no final: elementos vitais dos ritos de passagem e do teatro dionisíaco tem a ver com o que poderíamos chamar de “margens das margens”. Em destaque, a dupla retirada de máscaras (cotidianas e extraordinárias), os subterrâneos dos símbolos e a experiência de f(r)icção (com r entre parênteses) nas relações entre máscara e corpo. Parafraseando Pascal, o corpo tem razões que a cultura desconhece. Às margens das margens forma-se uma ótica dialética: espantoso (ou extraordinário) cotidiano, nada surpreendente no espantoso.At the origins of Greek tragedy, in the chorus of satyrs of Dionysian theater, Greeks stared into horror. This observation by Nietzsche is the starting point for a discussion of rites of passage and, particularly, of liminal experience. Contributions from contemporary performance and theater highlight aspects of this experience. So also, the studies of Julia Kristeva deserve attention. A hypothesis inspired by the writings of Walter Benjamin emerges at the end: vital elements of rites of passage and Dionysian theater have to do with what may be called “margins of margins”. In focus, the double removal of masks (everyday and extraordinary), the subterranean regions of symbols, and the experience of f(r) iction (with the r between parentheses) in relations between masks and bodies. Paraphrasing Pascal, the body has its reasons of which culture knows not. At margins of margins a double optic is formed: the astounding (or extraordinary) everyday, no surprise in the astounding.Translation: John Cowart Dawsey

    A pedagogia do xamã: risos nas entrelinhas de rituais na escola

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    In the shamanic school dreamed by Peter Melaren, is there roam for what is perhaps the "deepest perception" of Putumayo shamans that this school may itself be" a great Iiar"? If "cIassroom cIowns" are still there to be found, then certainly yes. Does the underground text of MacLaren's school Rituais, this liminal, obtuse text, where, in a reading between lines, one can hear cIows still laughing, pull tricks on the more obvious and enlightened pedagogy of the shaman?Na escola xamânica sonhada por Peter Melarem, haveria a "percepção mais profunda" dos xamãs do Putumayo, de que ela mesma, essa escola xamânica, pode ser "uma grande mentirosa"? Se os "palhaços de aula" ainda lá estiverem, certamente que sim. Será que o texto subterrâneo de Rituais na Escola de McLaren, esse texto liminar, obtuso, onde, em entrelinhas, o palhaço continua a rir, consegue burlar o texto mais óbvio e luminoso de uma pedagogia do xamã

    "Caindo na cana" com Marilyn Monroe: tempo, espaço e "bóias-frias"

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    In this article I intend to discuss a social drama ("falling in the cane") which marks the passage to an ambiguous and liminal social condition. If "modernism" has to do with living in different times and spaces simultaneously, certainly the "bóias-frias" are our "modernist" comtemporaries. Paradoxacally, considering that we are dealing with a tensio-packed image which certainly seduced intellectual groups during the seventies and eighties, we may venture to inquire whether the attempts to define the "bóia-fria", tuning image into category, contributed to the formation of a sort of recent fossil of academic production.Neste artigo pretendo discutir um drama social ("cair na cana") que marca a passagem para uma condição ambígua, liminar. Se uma das experiências associadas ao "modernismo" é a de vivermos simultaneamente em tempos e espaços diferentes, certamente os "bóias-frias" são nossos contemporâneos modernistas. Paradoxalmente, em se tratando de uma imagem que certamente seduziu alguns campos intelectuais durante os anos 70 e 80, teriam as tentativas de definir o "bóia-fria", transformando imagem em categoria, contribuindo para a sua constituição em uma espécie de fóssil recente da produção academica


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    While discussing images of Our Lady and of the mothers and women of the Garden of Flowers (or "Devils' Hole"), a peripheral district of a city in the interior of Sao Paulo state, this paper intends to explore the specificity of dramatic aesthetics. Rather than depend upon the aesthetics of social drama, as discussed in the works of Victor Turner, the present paper deals with a concept of montage that is inspired by the cinema of Sergei Eisenstein in order to illuminate a selection of field notes... and, along with Eisenstein, Julia Kristeva, Walter Benjamin, Michael Taussig and Antonin Artaud. Wit regards to those readers interested in hearing what these women may have to say, caution is suggested, for the words of these women may ring in our ears as the sounds of musket shot


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    Editorial of the 5th Volume of GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal.Editorial do Volume 5 da GIS - Gesto, Imagem e Som - Revista de Antropologia


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