411 research outputs found

    Requirements and costs for scaling up comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care in health centres in Tanzania

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    The objective of this study was to identify and determine the costs of essential components of a resource package and strategies for scaling up comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services in Tanzania. Essential components were identified through lessons learned during implementation of comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care and regular discussions with key stakeholders. The related costs were collected from the health centres, Tanzania Medical Store Department and non-governmental organizations that had upgraded health centres for comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services provision. The results showed that the estimated costs of upgrading a health centre to provide comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services was 256,650(USD)forinfrastructureandequipment,256,650 (USD) for infrastructure and equipment, 4,463 per person for upgrading skills in either in comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care or anaesthesia for three months and 43,500peryearformedicinesandsupplies.Thetotalcostforallcomponentsperhealthcentrewasestimatedat43,500 per year for medicines and supplies. The total cost for all components per health centre was estimated at 560,802. Scale up required many complementary strategies at all health system levels. Scale up of comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services in health ccentres in underserved areas is feasible and urgently needed in resource-limited countries.   L'objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d'identifier et de dĂ©terminer les coĂ»ts des composants essentiels d'un ensemble de ressources et de stratĂ©gies pour Ă©tendre les services complets de soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence en Tanzanie. Les Ă©lĂ©ments essentiels ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s grĂące aux enseignements tirĂ©s lors de la mise en oeuvre de soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence complets et de discussions rĂ©guliĂšres avec les principales parties prenantes. Les coĂ»ts correspondants ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s auprĂšs des centres de santĂ©, du dĂ©partement de pharmacie de Tanzanie et d'organisations non gouvernementales qui avaient modernisĂ© les centres de santĂ© pour une prestation complĂšte de services de soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les coĂ»ts estimĂ©s de la modernisation d'un centre de santĂ© pour fournir des services complets de soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence Ă©taient de 256 650 (USD)pourlâ€Činfrastructureetlâ€Čeˊquipement,4463 (USD) pour l'infrastructure et l'Ă©quipement, 4 463 par personne pour la mise Ă  niveau des compĂ©tences en soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence complets ou en anesthĂ©sie pour mois et 43 500 paranpourlesmeˊdicamentsetlesfournitures.Lecou^ttotaldetouteslescomposantesparcentredesanteˊaeˊteˊestimeˊaˋ560802 par an pour les mĂ©dicaments et les fournitures. Le coĂ»t total de toutes les composantes par centre de santĂ© a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ© Ă  560 802 . La mise Ă  l'Ă©chelle a nĂ©cessitĂ© de nombreuses stratĂ©gies complĂ©mentaires Ă  tous les niveaux du systĂšme de santĂ©. L'extension des services complets de soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence dans les centres de santĂ© des zones mal desservies est faisable et urgente dans les pays Ă  ressources limitĂ©es &nbsp

    Magnetic Brane-worlds

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    We investigate brane-worlds with a pure magnetic field and a perfect fluid. We extend earlier work to brane-worlds, and find new properties of the Bianchi type I brane-world. We find new asymptotic behaviours on approach to the singularity and classify the critical points of the dynamical phase space. It is known that the Einstein equations for the magnetic Bianchi type I models are in general oscillatory and are believed to be chaotic, but in the brane-world model this chaotic behaviour does not seem to be possible.Comment: 21 pages, 3 ps figures; To appear in CQ

    A Call for Change in the Public Education System in Nova Scotia

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    The United Nation’s International Decade for People of African Descent and Nova Scotia’s Ministry of African Nova Scotian Affairs recognize that students of African descent continue to experience inequities. As previous studies indicate, parents of Black learners identified that many educators lack knowledge and experience in understanding students of African descent.This study explored student achievement from the perspective of parents of children of African descent attending public schools in Nova Scotia. Participants included individual interviews and focus groups with parents from rural and urban areas. Based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory framework, a thematic analysis of the data was conducted, a dominant storyline related to the families’ experiences in school and subsequent themes emerged: we are treated differently; we don’t feel connected; we know there are challenges: the resistance of parents; and we deal with injustices but persevere. These findings provide recommendations to improve the educational success for Black learners. Keywords: African Canadian, academic achievement and success, Black students, education, schooling challenges, students of African descentLa dĂ©claration des Nations Unies de la DĂ©cennie internationale des personnes d’ascendance africaine et le Ministre des affaires Afro-nĂ©o-Ă©cossaises reconnaissent que les Ă©lĂšves d’ascendance africaine continuent Ă  vivre des inĂ©galitĂ©s. Des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures dĂ©montrent que les parents d’apprenants Noirs ont identifiĂ© que plusieurs Ă©ducateurs manquent de connaissances et d’expĂ©rience quant Ă  la comprĂ©hension d’élĂšves d’ascendance africaine. Cette Ă©tude explore la rĂ©ussite scolaire de la perspective des parents d’enfants d’ascendance africaine frĂ©quentant des Ă©coles publiques en Nouvelle-Écosse. Les participants incluent des entretiens individuels et des groupes de discussion avec des parents provenant de rĂ©gions rurales et urbaines en Nouvelle-Écosse. BasĂ©e sur le cadre thĂ©orique Ă©cologique de Bronfenbrenner, une analyse thĂ©matique des donnĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© entreprise, un fil conducteur dominant liĂ© aux expĂ©riences scolaires des familles, et des thĂšmes rĂ©solutoires ont Ă©mergĂ© : nous sommes traitĂ©s diffĂ©remment ; et nous ne nous sentons pas connectĂ©s ; nous sommes conscients qu’il y a des dĂ©fis ; la rĂ©sistance des parents ; et nous font face Ă  des injustices mais nous persistons. Ces constats fournissent des recommandations pour amĂ©liorer le succĂšs acadĂ©mique des apprenants Noirs. Mots-clĂ©s : Afro-canadiens, performance et succĂšs acadĂ©mique, Ă©lĂšves noirs, Ă©ducation, dĂ©fis scolaires, Ă©lĂšves d’ascendance Africain

    Improving access, quality and safety of caesarean section services in underserved rural Tanzania: The impact of knowledge translation strategies

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    This research was designed to study different approaches to improve access to, and quality of caesarean section services in underserved Tanzania and translate evidence into practice. In 2016, 42 associate clinicians from five health centers were trained in teams for three months in comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care and anesthesia followed by post-training supportive supervision and mentorship. From 2016-2019, 2,179 caesarean sections were performed in the intervention and 969 in the control health centers. Catchment population-based caesarean section rates increased significantly in all five intervention health centers and were more than 10% in three facilities. The risk of a woman dying from complications of caesarean section in the intervention health centers was 2.3 per 1,000 caesarean sections (95% CI 0.7 - 5.3). This educational program was adopted by the government and can be used to meet the demand for caesarean section services in other underserved areas in Africa.   Cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© conçue pour Ă©tudier diffĂ©rentes approches pour amĂ©liorer l'accĂšs et la qualitĂ© des services de cĂ©sarienne en Tanzanie mal desservie et traduire les preuves en pratique. En 2016, 42 cliniciens associĂ©s de cinq centres de santĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© formĂ©s en Ă©quipes pendant trois mois aux soins obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals d'urgence complets et Ă  l'anesthĂ©sie suivis d'une supervision et d'un mentorat post-formation. De 2016 Ă  2019, 2 179 cĂ©sariennes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans les centres de santĂ© d'intervention et 969 dans les centres de santĂ© tĂ©moins. Les taux de cĂ©sariennes dans la population desservie ont augmentĂ© de maniĂšre significative dans les cinq centres de santĂ© d'intervention et Ă©taient supĂ©rieurs Ă  10 % dans trois Ă©tablissements. Le risque qu'une femme meure des complications d'une cĂ©sarienne dans les centres de santĂ© d'intervention Ă©tait de 2,3 pour 1 000 cĂ©sariennes (IC Ă  95 % 0,7 - 5,3). Ce programme Ă©ducatif a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ© par le gouvernement et peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la demande de services de cĂ©sarienne dans d'autres rĂ©gions mal desservies d'Afriqu

    Knowledge acquisition after 'Helping Babies Survive' training in rural Tanzania

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    The article reviews a training programme/workshops dedicated to increasing knowledge through “training of trainers” in childbirth education. There has been a push to improve the ability of healthcare providers in low resource areas where the majority of neonatal deaths occur. The Helping Babies Survive (HBS) suite of programs are intensive, structured courses over 1-3 days, developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and its partners. HBS consists of Helping Babies Breathe (HBB), Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) and Essential Care for Small Babies (ECSB). The HBS training improved the knowledge of healthcare providers. However, knowledge of breastfeeding was inadequate or limited.Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)Global Affairs Canada (GAC
