55,547 research outputs found

    The Distribution of Revenues From State-Collected Consumer Taxes

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    VĂ€rdegrundsarbetet i förskolan dĂ€r genus och likabehandling stĂ„r i fokus Ă€r ett Ă€mne som skall arbetas aktivt med och det var detta som var grunden i underökning. Undersökningen utgick ifrĂ„n tvĂ„ frĂ„gor som handlade om pedagogernas kompetens i genusvetenskap samt vilka genuspedagogiska strategier som de anvĂ€nde i arbetet med barnen. För att undersöka detta sĂ„ valde jag att anvĂ€nda mig av en halvstrukturerad enkĂ€t dĂ€r de flesta frĂ„gorna var av öppen karaktĂ€r för att kunna fĂ„nga vad pedagogernas kunskap om de olika genusvetenskapliga begreppen. De slutna frĂ„gorna fĂ„ngade vilka genuspedagogiska strategier som pedagogerna anvĂ€nde i sitt arbete med barnen. 40 enkĂ€ter delades ut till pedagogerna i ett rektorsomrĂ„de. FrĂ„n resultatdelen kunde det utlĂ€sas att det var mĂ„nga olika definitioner pĂ„ de genusvetenskapliga begreppen och att flertalet av pedagogerna inte hade samma syn som forskningen kring om det beror pĂ„ det sociala eller det biologiska nĂ€r barnen positionerar sig som pojkar eller flickor. Resultatet visade ocksĂ„ att endast ett fĂ„tal pedagogerna anvĂ€nder sig av det komplicerande och normkritiska arbetssĂ€ttet med barnen och att lite fler Ă€n hĂ€lften tycker att de har tillrĂ€ckligt med kunskap för att arbeta med genus. Slutsatser som kunde dras frĂ„n resultaten frĂ„n enkĂ€ten Ă€r att pedagogernas kompetenser i de genusvetenskapliga begreppen Ă€r pĂ„ olika nivĂ„ och att de varierar vĂ€ldigt mycket. DĂ€rför drog jag den slutsatsen att det Ă€r dĂ€rför som det komplicerande och normkritiska arbetet inte anvĂ€nds i arbetet med genus i förskolan. ÄndĂ„ sĂ„ ansĂ„g flertalet av de pedagoger som inte arbetade med det komplicerande och normkritiska arbetet att de Ă€ndĂ„ hade tillrĂ€ckligt med kunskap i genus. Kompetens i ett Ă€mne gör att det Ă€r möjligt att ta ut svĂ€ngarna, att verkligen se hur barnen gör genus i barngruppen och att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta normer i samhĂ€llet tillsammans med barnen

    Gauge singlet scalar as inflaton and thermal relic dark matter

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    We show that, by adding a gauge singlet scalar S to the standard model which is nonminimally coupled to gravity, S can act both as the inflaton and as thermal relic dark matter. We obtain the allowed region of the (m_s, m_h) parameter space which gives a spectral index in agreement with observational bounds and also produces the observed dark matter density while not violating vacuum stability or nonperturbativity constraints. We show that, in contrast to the case of Higgs inflation, once quantum corrections are included the spectral index is significantly larger than the classical value (n = 0.966 for N = 60) for all allowed values of the Higgs mass m_h. The range of Higgs mass compatible with the constraints is 145 GeV < m_h < 170 GeV. The S mass lies in the range 45 GeV < ms < 1 TeV for the case of a real S scalar with large quartic self-coupling lambdas, with a smaller upper bound for smaller lambdas. A region of the parameter space is accessible to direct searches at the LHC via h-->SS, while future direct dark matter searches should be able to significantly constrain the model.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Published versio


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    Analysis of ballistics evidence (spent cartridge casings and bullets) has been a staple of forensic criminal investigation for almost a century. Computer-assisted databases of images of ballistics evidence have been used since the mid-1980s to help search for potential matches between pieces of evidence. In this article, we draw on the 2008 National Research Council Report Ballistic Imaging to assess the state of ballistic imaging technology. In particular, we discuss the feasibility of creating a national reference ballistic imaging database (RBID) from test-fires of all newly manufactured or imported firearms. A national RBID might aid in using crime scene ballistic evidence to generate investigative leads to a crime gun’s point of sale. We conclude that a national RBID is not feasible at this time, primarily because existing imaging methodologies have insufficient discriminatory power. We also examine the emerging technology of micro- stamping for forensic identification purposes: etching a known identifier on firearm or ammunition parts so that they can be directly read and recovered from crime scene evidence. Microstamping could provide a stronger basis for identification based on ballistic evidence than the status quo, but substantial further research is needed to thoroughly assess its practical viability

    Fault Testing for Reversible Circuits

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    Applications of reversible circuits can be found in the fields of low-power computation, cryptography, communications, digital signal processing, and the emerging field of quantum computation. Furthermore, prototype circuits for low-power applications are already being fabricated in CMOS. Regardless of the eventual technology adopted, testing is sure to be an important component in any robust implementation. We consider the test set generation problem. Reversibility affects the testing problem in fundamental ways, making it significantly simpler than for the irreversible case. For example, we show that any test set that detects all single stuck-at faults in a reversible circuit also detects all multiple stuck-at faults. We present efficient test set constructions for the standard stuck-at fault model as well as the usually intractable cell-fault model. We also give a practical test set generation algorithm, based on an integer linear programming formulation, that yields test sets approximately half the size of those produced by conventional ATPG.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. to appear in IEEE Trans. on CA

    Effect of Edwardsiella ictaluri Infection on Plasma Corticosterone Levels in Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)

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    Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were innoculated with a new host specific bacterium, Edwardsiella ictaluri, to observe the influence of bacterial infection on plasma corticosterone levels at various temperatures. The fish were innoculated intraperitoneally. The infected fish were separated from the controls. Plasma corticosterone concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay. The plasma corticosterone concentrations in non-innoculated catfish were about 6.15 ng/ml and nearly 5.63 ng/ml in the infected fish. The lower level of the hormone in the infected catfish was not significantly different from the control level. High temperature was a stress factor which increased plasma corticosterone levels whereas E. ictaluri retarded the response of corticosterone secreting cells of the fish kidneys

    Genetic variation of rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) and shortraker rockfish (S. borealis) inferred from allozymes

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    Rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) and shortraker rockfish (Sebastes borealis) were collected from the Washington coast, the Gulf of Alaska, the southern Bering Sea, and the eastern Kamchatka coast of Russia (areas encompassing most of their geographic distribution) for population genetic analyses. Using starch gel electrophoresis, we analyzed 1027 rougheye rockfish and 615 shortraker rockfish for variation at 29 proteincoding loci. No genetic heterogeneity was found among shortraker rockfish throughout the sampled regions, although shortraker in the Aleutian Islands region, captured at deeper depths, were found to be significantly smaller in size than the shortraker caught in shallower waters from Southeast Alaska. Genetic analysis of the rougheye rockfish revealed two evolutionary lineages that exist in sympatry with little or no gene f low between them. When analyzed as two distinct species, neither lineage exhibited heterogeneity among regions. Sebastes aleutianus seems to inhabit waters throughout the Gulf of Alaska and more southern waters, whereas S. sp. cf. aleutianus inhabits waters throughout the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Asia. The distribution of the two rougheye rockfish lineages may be related to depth where they are sympatric. The paler color morph, S. aleutianus, is found more abundantly in shallower waters and the darker color morph, Sebastes sp. cf. aleutianus, inhabits deeper waters. Sebastes sp. cf. aleutianus, also exhibited a significantly higher prevalence of two parasites, N. robusta and T. trituba, than did Sebastes aleutianus, in the 2001 samples, indicating a possible difference in habitat and (or) resource use between the two lineages
