10,661 research outputs found

    Relativistic nucleon optical potentials with isospin dependence in Dirac Brueckner Hartree-Fock approach

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    The relativistic optical model potential (OMP) for nucleon-nucleus scattering is investigated in the framework of Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach using the Bonn-B One-Boson- Exchange potential for the bare nucleon-nucleon interaction. Both real and imaginary parts of isospin-dependent nucleon self-energies in nuclear medium are derived from the DBHF approach based on the projection techniques within the subtracted T -matrix representation. The Dirac potentials as well as the corresponding Schrodinger equivalent potentials are evaluated. An improved local density approximation is employed in this analysis, where a range parameter is included to account for a finite-range correction of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. As an example the total cross sections, differential elastic scattering cross sections, analyzing powers for n, p + 27Al at incident energy 100 keV < E < 250 MeV are calculated. The results derived from this microscopic approach of the OMP are compared to the experimental data, as well as the results obtained with a phenomenological OMP. A good agreement between the theoretical results and the measurements can be achieved for all incident energies using a constant value for the range parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Eta Carinae -- Physics of the Inner Ejecta

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    Eta Carinae's inner ejecta are dominated observationally by the bright Weigelt blobs and their famously rich spectra of nebular emission and absorption lines. They are dense (n_e ~ 10^7 to 10^8 cm^-3), warm (T_e ~ 6000 to 7000 K) and slow moving (~40 km/s) condensations of mostly neutral (H^0) gas. Located within 1000 AU of the central star, they contain heavily CNO-processed material that was ejected from the star about a century ago. Outside the blobs, the inner ejecta include absorption-line clouds with similar conditions, plus emission-line gas that has generally lower densities and a wider range of speeds (reaching a few hundred km/s) compared to the blobs. The blobs appear to contain a negligible amount of dust and have a nearly dust-free view of the central source, but our view across the inner ejecta is severely affected by uncertain amounts of dust having a patchy distribution in the foreground. Emission lines from the inner ejecta are powered by photoionization and fluorescent processes. The variable nature of this emission, occurring in a 5.54 yr event cycle, requires specific changes to the incident flux that hold important clues to the nature of the central object.Comment: This is Chapter 5 in a book entitled: Eta Carinae and the Supernova Impostors, Kris Davidson and Roberta M. Humphreys, editors Springe

    ac Josephson effect in the resonant tunneling through mesoscopic superconducting junctions

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    We investigate ac Josephson effect in the resonant tunneling through mesoscopic superconducting junctions. In the presence of microwave irradiation, we show that the trajectory of multiple Andreev reflections can be closed by emitting or absorbing photons. Consequently, photon-assisted Andreev states are formed and play the role of carrying supercurrent. On the Shapiro steps, dc component appears when the resonant level is near a series of positions with spacing of half of the microwave frequency. Analytical result is derived in the limit of infinite superconducting gap, based on which new features of ac Josephson effect are revealed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The Role of the Mucus Barrier in Digestion

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    Mucus forms a protective layer across a variety of epithelial surfaces. In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the barrier has to permit the uptake of nutrients, while excluding potential hazards, such as pathogenic bacteria. In this short review article, we look at recent literature on the structure, location, and properties of the mammalian intestinal secreted mucins and the mucus layer they form over a wide range of length scales. In particular, we look at the structure of the gel-forming glycoprotein MUC2, the primary intestinal secreted mucin, and the influence this has on the properties of the mucus layer. We show that, even at the level of the protein backbone, MUC2 is highly heterogeneous and that this is reflected in the networks it forms. It is evident that a combination of charge and pore size determines what can diffuse through the layer to the underlying gut epithelium. This information is important for the targeted delivery of bioactive molecules, including nutrients and pharmaceuticals, and for understanding how GI health is maintained

    Improving 3-day deterministic air pollution forecasts using machine learning algorithms

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    As air pollution is regarded as the single largest environmental health risk in Europe it is important that communication to the public is up to date and accurate and provides means to avoid exposure to high air pollution levels. Long- and short-term exposure to outdoor air pollution is associated with increased risks of mortality and morbidity. Up-to-date information on present and coming days' air quality helps people avoid exposure during episodes with high levels of air pollution. Air quality forecasts can be based on deterministic dispersion modelling, but to be accurate this requires detailed information on future emissions, meteorological conditions and process-oriented dispersion modelling. In this paper, we apply different machine learning (ML) algorithms – random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGB), and long short-term memory (LSTM) – to improve 1, 2, and 3 d deterministic forecasts of PM10, NOx, and O3 at different sites in Greater Stockholm, Sweden. It is shown that the deterministic forecasts can be significantly improved using the ML models but that the degree of improvement of the deterministic forecasts depends more on pollutant and site than on what ML algorithm is applied. Also, four feature importance methods, namely the mean decrease in impurity (MDI) method, permutation method, gradient-based method, and Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) method, are utilized to identify significant features that are common and robust across all models and methods for a pollutant. Deterministic forecasts of PM10 are improved by the ML models through the input of lagged measurements and Julian day partly reflecting seasonal variations not properly parameterized in the deterministic forecasts. A systematic discrepancy by the deterministic forecasts in the diurnal cycle of NOx is removed by the ML models considering lagged measurements and calendar data like hour and weekday, reflecting the influence of local traffic emissions. For O3 at the urban background site, the local photochemistry is not properly accounted for by the relatively coarse Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service ensemble model (CAMS) used here for forecasting O3 but is compensated for using the ML models by taking lagged measurements into account. Through multiple repetitions of the training process, the resulting ML models achieved improvements for all sites and pollutants. For NOx at street canyon sites, mean squared error (MSE) decreased by up to 60  %, and seven metrics, such as R2 and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), exhibited consistent results. The prediction of PM10 is improved significantly at the urban background site, whereas the ML models at street sites have difficulty capturing more information. The prediction accuracy of O3 also modestly increased, with differences between metrics. Further work is needed to reduce deviations between model results and measurements for short periods with relatively high concentrations (peaks) at the street canyon sites. Such peaks can be due to a combination of non-typical emissions and unfavourable meteorological conditions, which are rather difficult to forecast. Furthermore, we show that general models trained using data from selected street sites can improve the deterministic forecasts of NOx at the station not involved in model training. For PM10 this was only possible using more complex LSTM models. An important aspect to consider when choosing ML algorithms is the computational requirements for training the models in the deployment of the system. Tree-based models (RF and XGB) require fewer computational resources and yield comparable performance in comparison to LSTM. Therefore, tree-based models are now implemented operationally in the forecasts of air pollution and health risks in Stockholm. Nevertheless, there is big potential to develop generic models using advanced ML to take into account not only local temporal variation but also spatial variation at different stations.</p

    Theory of interlayer tunneling in bi-layer quantum Hall ferromagnets

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    Spielman et al. have recently observed a large zero-bias peak in the tunnel conductance of a bi-layer system in a quantum Hall ferromagnet state. We argue that disorder-induced topological defects in the pseudospin order parameter limit the peak size and destroy the predicted Josephson effect. We predict that the peak would be split and shifted by an in-plane magnetic field in a way that maps the dispersion relation of the ferromagnet's Goldstone mode. We also predict resonant structures in the DC I-V characteristic under bias by an {\em ac} electric field.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Work-related psychosocial events as triggers of sick leave - results from a Swedish case-crossover study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although illness is an important cause of sick leave, it has also been suggested that non-medical risk factors may influence this association. If such factors impact on the period of decision making, they should be considered as triggers. Yet, there is no empirical support available.</p> <p>The aim was to investigate whether recent exposure to work-related psychosocial events can trigger the decision to report sick when ill.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case-crossover design was applied to 546 sick-leave spells, extracted from a Swedish cohort of 1 430 employees with a 3-12 month follow-up of new sick-leave spells. Exposure in a case period corresponding to an induction period of one or two days was compared with exposure during control periods sampled from workdays during a two-week period prior to sick leave for the same individual. This was done according to the matched-pair interval and the usual frequency approaches. Results are presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most sick-leave spells happened in relation to acute, minor illnesses that substantially reduced work ability. The risk of taking sick leave was increased when individuals had recently been exposed to problems in their relationship with a superior (OR 3.63; CI 1.44-9.14) or colleagues (OR 4.68; CI 1.43-15.29). Individuals were also more inclined to report sick on days when they expected a very stressful work situation than on a day when they were not under such stress (OR 2.27; CI 1.40-3.70).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Exposure to problems in workplace relationships or a stressful work situation seems to be able to trigger reporting sick. Psychosocial work-environmental factors appear to have a short-term effect on individuals when deciding to report sick.</p

    Prussian blue analogues for potassium-ion batteries: insights into the electrochemical mechanisms

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    A comprehensive description of the electrochemical mechanisms of the Prussian Blue Analogue (PBA) K1.67Mn0.65Fe0.35[Fe(CN)6]0.92\ub70.45H2O is obtained by combining several complementary ex situ and operando physico-chemical characterisation techniques. This particular PBA, which shows very good electrochemical performance as a cathode material in potassium-ion batteries (PIBs), undergoes three successive redox reactions during the (de-)potassiation that are hereby identified by ex situ57Fe M\uf6ssbauer spectroscopy and operando Mn and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. These reactions come along with notable modifications of the crystal structure, which are followed in real time by operando X-ray diffraction. The correlation of these results, interpreted with the support of chemometric methods, also reveals the limitations of this PBA, probably related to the deactivation of the Mn undergoing extensive reversible Jahn-Teller distortion during cycling as well as possible dissolution in the electrolyte. These results underline that optimisation of the chemical composition of PBAs is a crucial step towards the preparation of reliable and stable PBA-based cathodes for PIBs

    Growing interfaces uncover universal fluctuations behind scale invariance

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    Stochastic motion of a point -- known as Brownian motion -- has many successful applications in science, thanks to its scale invariance and consequent universal features such as Gaussian fluctuations. In contrast, the stochastic motion of a line, though it is also scale-invariant and arises in nature as various types of interface growth, is far less understood. The two major missing ingredients are: an experiment that allows a quantitative comparison with theory and an analytic solution of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation, a prototypical equation for describing growing interfaces. Here we solve both problems, showing unprecedented universality beyond the scaling laws. We investigate growing interfaces of liquid-crystal turbulence and find not only universal scaling, but universal distributions of interface positions. They obey the largest-eigenvalue distributions of random matrices and depend on whether the interface is curved or flat, albeit universal in each case. Our exact solution of the KPZ equation provides theoretical explanations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, supplementary information available on Journal pag

    P-rex1 cooperates with PDGFRÎČ to drive cellular migration in 3D microenvironments

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    Expression of the Rac-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RacGEF), P-Rex1 is a key determinant of progression to metastasis in a number of human cancers. In accordance with this proposed role in cancer cell invasion and metastasis, we find that ectopic expression of P-Rex1 in an immortalised human fibroblast cell line is sufficient to drive multiple migratory and invasive phenotypes. The invasive phenotype is greatly enhanced by the presence of a gradient of serum or platelet-derived growth factor, and is dependent upon the expression of functional PDGF receptor ÎČ. Consistently, the invasiveness of WM852 melanoma cells, which endogenously express P-Rex1 and PDGFRÎČ, is opposed by siRNA of either of these proteins. Furthermore, the current model of P-Rex1 activation is advanced through demonstration of P-Rex1 and PDGFRÎČ as components of the same macromolecular complex. These data suggest that P-Rex1 has an influence on physiological migratory processes, such as invasion of cancer cells, both through effects upon classical Rac1-driven motility and a novel association with RTK signalling complexes
