111 research outputs found

    Biogenese des Dynamin-ähnlichen Proteins OPA1 in Mitochondrien

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    Die autosomal dominante Optikusatrophie ist mit Mutationen in dem Gen OPA1 assoziiert. OPA1 kodiert eine konservierte mitochondriale Dynamin-ähnliche GTPase. Das Ortholog von OPA1 in S. cerevisiae ist Mgm1. Mgm1 liegt im Intermembranraum der Mitochondrien assoziiert mit der Innenmembran in zwei Proteinisoformen vor: der langen (l-Mgm1) und der kurzen Isoform (s-Mgm1). Beide Isoformen sind für den Erhalt der mitochondrialen Morphologie und der mitochondrialen DNA erforderlich. l-Mgm1 wird von der mitochondrialen Rhomboidprotease Pcp1 durch limitierte N-terminale Proteolyse in s-Mgm1 umgesetzt. OPA1 ist ebenfalls für den Erhalt normaler mitochondrialer Morphologie in Säugetierzellen erforderlich. Zusätzlich reguliert es die Freisetzung von Cytochrom c während der Apoptose. Insgesamt acht Transkriptionsvarianten von OPA1 sind bekannt, die durch alternatives Spleißen der N-terminal gelegenen Exons 4, 4b und 5b entstehen. Auf Proteinebene ließen sich bis zu fünf OPA1-Proteinisoformen unterschiedlicher Größe voneinander abgrenzen. Die Proteinisoformen liegen zum einen Teil membranverankert in der Innenmembran und zum anderen Teil peripher mit der Innenmembran assoziiert im Intermembranraum der Mitochondrien vor. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Biogenese der verschiedenen OPA1-Proteinisoformen. Hierzu wurden OPA1-Transkriptionsvarianten in Hefe heterolog exprimiert. OPA1 wird in Hefe ähnlich wie in Säugetierzellen prozessiert. Die Prozessierung erfolgt N-terminal, an mehreren Stellen und schrittweise. Die menschliche mitochondriale Rhomboidprotease PARL kann Pcp1 in der Hefe voll komplementieren, aber weder Pcp1 noch PARL prozessieren OPA1. In PARL-/--Mauszellen wird OPA1 normal prozessiert. In der Hefe ist die Prozessierung von OPA1 von den Untereinheiten Yta10 und Yta12 der mitochondrialen AAA-Protease der Matrix (m-AAA-Protease) abhängig. Durch Expression der Untereinheiten der menschlichen m-AAA-Protease, Paraplegin und AFG3L2, lässt sich die Prozessierung von OPA1 in yta10yta12 rekonstituieren. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Biogenese von Mgm1/OPA1 nicht vollständig von der Hefe bis zu Säugetieren konserviert ist. Der Austausch der prozessierenden Protease könnte in Verbindung mit einem Mechanismus zur Qualitätssicherung der Mitochondrien in Metazoa stehen

    Comparison of a Lateral Flow Assay and a Latex Agglutination Test for the Diagnosis of Cryptococcus Neoformans Infection

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    Infections by the basidiomycete yeast Cryptococcus neoformans are life-threatening diseases claiming more than 600,000 lives every year. The most common manifestation is cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS patients. Diagnosis primarily relies on antigen testing from serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Current guidelines recommend rapid antigen testing with a focus on point-of-care assays. Over the recent years, a range of new lateral flow assays (LFAs) was launched. There is still a lack of data evaluating the CE-certified Biosynex RDT CryptoPS LFA. We compared the performance of this LFA with a latex agglutination assay (LAA; Latex-Cryptococcus Antigen Detection System, IMMY) from blood and CSF samples. Blood and/or CSF samples of 27 patients with proven cryptococcal infections caused by different species and blood-CSF pairs of 20 controls were tested applying LFA and LAA. Upon combined analysis of blood and CSF, both assays were able to identify all C.~neoformans infections. Based on CSF analysis only, the LFA and the LAA had sensitivities of 100% and 93%. Neither test gave false-positive results nor was reactive in two cases of C.~non-neoformans/non-gattii species infections. Both assays have high sensitivities and specificities for the diagnosis of C.~neoformans infection. Contrarily to the IMMY LAA, the RDT CryptoPS LFA is suitable as a point-of-care test but is limited in the quantification of antigen reactivity

    Differentially Regulated Transcription Factors and ABC Transporters in a Mitochondrial Dynamics Mutant Can Alter Azole Susceptibility of Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Azole resistance of the fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus is an emerging problem. To identify novel mechanisms that could mediate azole resistance in A. fumigatus, we analyzed the transcriptome of a mitochondrial fission/fusion mutant that exhibits increased azole tolerance. Approximately 12% of the annotated genes are differentially regulated in this strain. This comprises upregulation of Cyp51A, the azole target structure, upregulation of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily and major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporters and differential regulation of transcription factors. To study their impact on azole tolerance, conditional mutants were constructed of seven ABC transporters and 17 transcription factors. Under repressed conditions, growth rates and azole susceptibility of the mutants were similar to wild type. Under induced conditions, several transcription factor mutants showed growth phenotypes. In addition, four ABC transporter mutants and seven transcription factor mutants exhibited altered azole susceptibility. However, deletion of individual identified ABC transporters and transcription factors did not affect the increased azole tolerance of the fission/fusion mutant. Our results revealed the ability of multiple ABC transporters and transcription factors to modulate the azole susceptibility of A. fumigatus and support a model where mitochondrial dysfunctions trigger a drug resistance network that mediates azole tolerance of this mold

    Lah is a transmembrane protein and requires Spa10 for stable positioning of Woronin bodies at the septal pore of Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Woronin bodies are specialized, fungal-specific organelles that enable an immediate closure of septal pores after injury to protect hyphae from excessive cytoplasmic bleeding. In most Ascomycetes, Woronin bodies are tethered at the septal pore by so-called Lah proteins. Using the pathogenic mold Aspergillus fumigatus as a model organism, we show that the C-terminal 288 amino acids of Lah (LahC(288)) bind to the rim of the septal pore. LahC(288) essentially consists of a membrane spanning region and a putative extracellular domain, which are both required for the targeting to the septum. In an A. fumigatus rho4 deletion mutant that has a severe defect in septum formation, LahC(288) is recruited to spot-like structures in or at the lateral membrane. This suggests that LahC is recruited before Rho4 starts to govern the septation process. Accordingly, we found that in wild type hyphae Lah is bound before a cross-wall emerges and thus enables a tethering of Woronin bodies at the site of the newly formed septum. Finally, we identified Spa10, a member of a recently described family of septal poreassociated proteins, as a first protein that directly or indirectly interacts with LahC to allow a stable positioning of Woronin bodies at the mature septum

    Photocapacitance study of type-II GaSb/GaAs quantum ring solar cells

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    In this study, the density of states associated with the localization of holes in GaSb/GaAs quantum rings are determined by the energy selective charging of the quantum ring distribution. The authors show, using conventional photocapacitance measurements, that the excess charge accumulated within the type-II nanostructures increases with increasing excitation energies for photon energies above 0.9 eV. Optical excitation between the localized hole states and the conduction band is therefore not limited to the Γ(k = 0) point, with pseudo-monochromatic light charging all states lying within the photon energy selected. The energy distribution of the quantum ring states could consequently be accurately related from the excitation dependence of the integrated photocapacitance. The resulting band of localized hole states is shown to be well described by a narrow distribution centered 407 meV above the GaAs valence band maximum

    Mitochondrial Fragmentation in Aspergillus fumigatus as Early Marker of Granulocyte Killing Activity

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    The host's defense against invasive mold infections relies on diverse antimicrobial activities of innate immune cells. However, studying these mechanisms in vitro is complicated by the filamentous nature of such pathogens that typically form long, branched, multinucleated and compartmentalized hyphae. Here we describe a novel method that allows for the visualization and quantification of the antifungal killing activity exerted by human granulocytes against hyphae of the opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. The approach relies on the distinct impact of fungal cell death on the morphology of mitochondria that were visualized with green fluorescent protein (GFP). We show that oxidative stress induces complete fragmentation of the tubular mitochondrial network which correlates with cell death of affected hyphae. Live cell microscopy revealed a similar and non-reversible disruption of the mitochondrial morphology followed by fading of fluorescence in Aspergillus hyphae that were killed by human granulocytes. Quantitative microscopic analysis of fixed samples was subsequently used to estimate the antifungal activity. By utilizing this assay, we demonstrate that lipopolysaccharides as well as human serum significantly increase the killing efficacy of the granulocytes. Our results demonstrate that evaluation of the mitochondrial morphology can be utilized to assess the fungicidal activity of granulocytes against A. fumigatus hyphae

    Case report: Urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis and a urinary bladder malformation in a seven-month-old alpaca cria

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    Urolithiasis is a common condition in male small ruminants where predisposing factors have been identified. Occasionally, urolithiasis is diagnosed in South American camelids (SACs). However, nephrolithiasis is rarely diagnosed in ruminants. To our knowledge, this is the first report focusing on a combined appearance of nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis in an alpaca cria. A 7-month-old alpaca cria suffering from impaired urinary flow was presented for examination. On admission, the alpaca had a wet prepuce and showed a standing posture with a wide-based stance. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen showed a distended bladder. Clinical chemistry revealed azotemia and hypophosphatemia. After the first examination, repeated urination was observed. Conservative therapy using antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic drugs was started with the suspected diagnosis of urinary calculus. During the first 24 h, plasma concentrations of creatinine and urea decreased, but increased again during the following days. During the second day after admission, urination was not observed for 16 h while the concentration of urea and creatinine further increased. Therefore, the animal was euthanized due to financial concerns of the owner. Necropsy revealed that calculi were located in the left kidney as well as in the urethra. In addition, the animal exhibited uroperitoneum. The urinary bladder was intact, moderately distended with urine and showed a malformation, which was covered with a translucent mucosal membrane. Histologic examination revealed that this malformation was a bladder diverticulum. The extent to which the unilateral nephroliths affected the general condition and renal function of the animal is unclear, since the uroliths also cause azotemia, and abdominal pain. Further studies are needed for a better understanding of obstructive urinary disease in SACs

    Digestive enzymes of fungal origin as a relevant cause of false positive Aspergillus antigen testing in intensive care unit patients

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    BACKGROUND Galactomannan antigen (GM) testing is widely used in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis (IA). Digestive enzymes play an important role in enzyme substitution therapy in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. As digestive enzymes of fungal origin like Nortase contain enzymes from Aspergillus, a false-positive result of the test might be possible because of cross-reacting antigens of the cell wall of the producing fungi. We, therefore, asked whether the administration of fungal enzymes is a relevant cause of false-positive GM antigen test results. METHODS Patients with a positive GM antigen test between January 2016 and April 2020 were included in the evaluation and divided into two groups: group 1—Nortase-therapy, group 2—no Nortase-therapy. In addition, dissolved Nortase samples were analyzed in vitro for GM and β-1,3-D-glucan. For statistical analysis, the chi-squared and Mann‒Whitney U tests were used. RESULTS Sixty-five patients were included in this evaluation (30 patients receiving Nortase and 35 patients not receiving Nortase). The overall false positivity rate of GM testing was 43.1%. Notably, false-positive results were detected significantly more often in the Nortase group (73.3%) than in the control group (17.1%, p < 0.001). While the positive predictive value of GM testing was 0.83 in the control group, there was a dramatic decline to 0.27 in the Nortase group. In vitro analysis proved that the Nortase enzyme preparation was highly positive for the fungal antigens GM and β-1,3-D-glucan. CONCLUSIONS Our data demonstrate that the administration of digestive enzymes of fungal origin like Nortase leads to a significantly higher rate of false-positive GM test results compared to that in patients without digestive enzyme treatment

    Proteolytic Processing of OPA1 Links Mitochondrial Dysfunction to Alterations in Mitochondrial Morphology

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    Many muscular and neurological disorders are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and are often accompanied by changes in mitochondrial morphology. Mutations in the gene encoding OPA1, a protein required for fusion of mitochondria, are associated with hereditary autosomal dominant optic atrophy type I. Here we show that mitochondrial fragmentation correlates with processing of large isoforms of OPA1 in cybrid cells from a patient with myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibers syndrome and in mouse embryonic fibroblasts harboring an error-prone mitochondrial mtDNA polymerase {gamma}. Furthermore, processed OPA1 was observed in heart tissue derived from heart-specific TFAM knock-out mice suffering from mitochondrial cardiomyopathy and in skeletal muscles from patients suffering from mitochondrial myopathies such as myopathy encephalopathy lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes. Dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential leads to fast induction of proteolytic processing of OPA1 and concomitant fragmentation of mitochondria. Recovery of mitochondrial fusion depended on protein synthesis and was accompanied by resynthesis of large isoforms of OPA1. Fragmentation of mitochondria was prevented by overexpressing OPA1. Taken together, our data indicate that proteolytic processing of OPA1 has a key role in inducing fragmentation of energetically compromised mitochondria. We present the hypothesis that this pathway regulates mitochondrial morphology and serves as an early response to prevent fusion of dysfunctional mitochondria with the functional mitochondrial network

    Mehr als nur Rohstofflieferant

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    Mit der Transformation zu einer biobasierten Wirtschaft bieten sich auch über die Rohstoffbereitstellung hinaus Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für den ländlichen Raum. Diese in einer nachhaltigen Art und Weise zu fördern, ist eine Zukunftsaufgabe von Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft
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