91 research outputs found

    Similitude of ice dynamics against scaling of geometry and physical parameters

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    The concept of similitude is commonly employed in the fields of fluid dynamics and engineering but rarely used in cryospheric research. Here we apply this method to the problem of ice flow to examine the dynamic similitude of isothermal ice sheets in shallow-shelf approximation against the scaling of their geometry and physical parameters. Carrying out a dimensional analysis of the stress balance we obtain dimensionless numbers that characterize the flow. Requiring that these numbers remain the same under scaling we obtain conditions that relate the geometric scaling factors, the parameters for the ice softness, surface mass balance and basal friction as well as the ice-sheet intrinsic response time to each other. We demonstrate that these scaling laws are the same for both the (two-dimensional) flow-line case and the three-dimensional case. The theoretically predicted ice-sheet scaling behavior agrees with results from numerical simulations that we conduct in flow-line and three-dimensional conceptual setups. We further investigate analytically the implications of geometric scaling of ice sheets for their response time. With this study we provide a framework which, under several assumptions, allows for a fundamental comparison of the ice-dynamic behavior across different scales. It proves to be useful in the design of conceptual numerical model setups and could also be helpful for designing laboratory glacier experiments. The concept might also be applied to real-world systems, e.g., to examine the response times of glaciers, ice streams or ice sheets to climatic perturbations

    Search for New Physics in rare decays at LHCb

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    Rare heavy flavor decays provide stringent tests of the Standard Model of particle physics and allow to test for possible new Physics scenarios. The LHCb experiment at CERN is the ideal place for these searches as it has recorded the worlds largest sample of beauty mesons. The status of the rare decay analyses with 1\invfb of \sqrt s = 7\tev of pppp--collisions collected by the LHCb experiment in 2011 is reviewed. The worlds most precise measurements of the angular structure of \BdToKstmm decays is discussed, as well as the isospin asymmetry measurement in \decay{B}{\kaon^{(*)} \mup\mun} decays. The most stringent upper exclusion limit on the branching fraction of \Bsmm decays is shown, as well as searches for lepton number and lepton flavor violating processes.Comment: 6 pages, Proceedings for an invited talk at the 4th Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Heavy Flavour Physics, Capri, Italy, 11-13 June 2012; updated reference

    Reduced rank photonic computing accelerator

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    Use of artificial intelligence for tasks such as image classification and speech recognition has started to form an integral part of our lives. Facilitation of such tasks requires processing a huge amount of data, at times in real time, which has resulted in a computation bottleneck. Photonic cores promise ultra-fast convolutional processing by employing broadband optical links to perform parallelized matrix–vector multiplications (MVMs). Yet the scalability of photonic MVMs is limited by the footprint of the system and energy required for programming the weights, which scale with the matrix dimensionality (×). One approach is to reduce the number of hardware matrix weights required, which would allow for less aggressive scaling of the hardware. In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate precisely such a hardware photonic architecture with reduced rank of operation, significantly improving on scalability and decreasing the system complexity. We employ the reduced photonic matrix with reconfigurable optical weights in image processing tasks where we demonstrate the ability to achieve edge detection and classification with 33% reduction in the conventional 3×3 kernel matrix and with no detectable loss of accuracy. While our demonstration is in photonics, this architecture can be universally adapted to MVM engines, and offers the potential for fast, scalable computations at a lower programming cost

    Phylogenomic analysis of natural products biosynthetic gene clusters allows discovery of arseno-organic metabolites in model streptomycetes

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    We are indebted with Marnix Medema, Paul Straight and Sean Rovito, for useful discussions and critical reading of the manuscript, as well as with Alicia Chagolla and Yolanda Rodriguez of the MS Service of Unidad Irapuato, Cinvestav, and Araceli Fernandez for technical support in high-performance computing. This work was funded by Conacyt Mexico (grants No. 179290 and 177568) and FINNOVA Mexico (grant No. 214716) to FBG. PCM was funded by Conacyt scholarship (No. 28830) and a Cinvestav posdoctoral fellowship. JF and JFK acknowledge funding from the College of Physical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    On Sparse Hitting Sets: From Fair Vertex Cover to Highway Dimension

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    We consider the Sparse Hitting Set (Sparse-HS) problem, where we are given a set system (V,?,?) with two families ?,? of subsets of the universe V. The task is to find a hitting set for ? that minimizes the maximum number of elements in any of the sets of ?. This generalizes several problems that have been studied in the literature. Our focus is on determining the complexity of some of these special cases of Sparse-HS with respect to the sparseness k, which is the optimum number of hitting set elements in any set of ? (i.e., the value of the objective function). For the Sparse Vertex Cover (Sparse-VC) problem, the universe is given by the vertex set V of a graph, and ? is its edge set. We prove NP-hardness for sparseness k ? 2 and polynomial time solvability for k = 1. We also provide a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for any k. A special case of Sparse-VC is Fair Vertex Cover (Fair-VC), where the family ? is given by vertex neighbourhoods. For this problem it was open whether it is FPT (or even XP) parameterized by the sparseness k. We answer this question in the negative, by proving NP-hardness for constant k. We also provide a polynomial-time (2-1/k)-approximation algorithm for Fair-VC, which is better than any approximation algorithm possible for Sparse-VC or the Vertex Cover problem (under the Unique Games Conjecture). We then switch to a different set of problems derived from Sparse-HS related to the highway dimension, which is a graph parameter modelling transportation networks. In recent years a growing literature has shown interesting algorithms for graphs of low highway dimension. To exploit the structure of such graphs, most of them compute solutions to the r-Shortest Path Cover (r-SPC) problem, where r > 0, ? contains all shortest paths of length between r and 2r, and ? contains all balls of radius 2r. It is known that there is an XP algorithm that computes solutions to r-SPC of sparseness at most h if the input graph has highway dimension h. However it was not known whether a corresponding FPT algorithm exists as well. We prove that r-SPC and also the related r-Highway Dimension (r-HD) problem, which can be used to formally define the highway dimension of a graph, are both W[1]-hard. Furthermore, by the result of Abraham et al. [ICALP 2011] there is a polynomial-time O(log k)-approximation algorithm for r-HD, but for r-SPC such an algorithm is not known. We prove that r-SPC admits a polynomial-time O(log n)-approximation algorithm

    Reliability aspects of electronic devices for advanced requirements

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    Purpose – This paper aims to detail the qualification of alternative substrate materials and reliability aspects for quad flat no lead (QFN) packages for highly stressed electronic devices, e.g. for use in automotive applications. Design/methodology/approach – Detailed information is given on the advanced climatic and mechanical requirements that electronic devices have to withstand during life cycle testing to qualify for the automotive industry. Studies on the suitability of high-temperature thermoplastics as substrate materials for printed circuit boards and the qualification of QFN packages for advanced requirements are described. In addition, information on cause-effect relationships between thermal and vibration testing are given. Findings – With respect to adhesion of metallization on high-temperature thermoplastics and the long-term stability of the solder joints, these substrate materials offer potential for use in electronic devices for advanced requirements. In addition, the long-term stability of the solder joints of QFN packages depends on the design of the landings on the PCB and the separation process of the components during manufacturing. Research limitations/implications – The paper covers only a selection of possible high-temperature thermoplastic materials that can be used in electronics production. Also, this paper has a focus on the new packaging type, QFN, in the context of qualification and automotive standards. Originality/value – The paper details the requirements electronic devices have to meet to be qualified for the automotive industry. Therefore, this contribution has its value in giving information on possible substrate alternatives and the suitability for the usage of QFN components for highly stressed electronic devices
