430 research outputs found

    Ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijat vakuutusten kuluttajina

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    LähiTapiola Keski-Suomi kaipasi tietoa korkeakouluopiskelijoiden kuluttajakäyttäytymisestä vakuutusalalla. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli löytää vastauksia siihen, millaisia 18–26-vuotiaat Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijat ovat vakuutusten kuluttajina, mitä vakuutuksia heillä jo on ja mitkä kanavat ovat heille mieluisimpia vakuutusasioiden hoitamisessa. Opinnäytetyön teoreettiseen viitekehykseen sisällytettiin kuluttajan ostokäyttäytymistä ja ostoprosessia vakuutusalalla. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin kvantitatiivinen tutkimus, ja se toteutettiin internet-kyselynä. Kysely lähetettiin eri yksiköiden 1248 JAMKin opiskelijalle, ja vastauksia saatiin yhteensä 327 kappaletta. Kyselyn vastausprosentiksi saatiin 26 %. Tutkimuksen tuloksista havaittiin, että Pohjola on suosituin vakuutusyhtiö ja kotivakuutus on yleisin vakuutus. Digitaalisten kanavien kasvusta huolimatta korkeakouluopiskelijat suosivat yhä vakuutusasioidensa hoitamisessa perinteisempiä lähestymistapoja. Varsinkin, jos kyseessä ovat asiakkaalle uudet tuotteet, he haluavat hoitaa asioinnin mieluiten paikan päällä toimistossa. LähiTapiola Keski-Suomi saa tutkimuksesta ajankohtaista tietoa siitä, mitkä vakuutukset korkeakouluopiskelijat kokevat tärkeimmiksi elämäntilanteessaan ja millaisia kanavia pitkin he etsivät niistä mieluiten tietoa. Opinnäytetyö tarjoaa myös mietteitä siitä, kuinka vastaajat kokevat vakuutusyhtiöiden näkyvyyden sosiaalisessa mediassa ja mihin suuntaan sitä olisi hyvä kehittää tulevaisuudessa.The bachelor’s thesis was assigned by LähiTapiola Keski-Suomi Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö. The aim of the thesis was to get information about the students, aged between 18 and 26, of JAMK University of Applied Sciences as consumers of insurances, what they are like as insurance consumers, what insurances they already have and how they like to take care of their insurances. Consumer behavior and buying decision process in the insurance industry were covered in the theoretical framework. The research was a quantitative study and carried out as an Internet survey. The questionnaire was sent to 1248 students, and 327 JAMK University of Applied Sciences students from all the departments replied. The response rate was 26%. The research results showed that despite the increase in digital channels, students prefer to manage insurances with traditional approaches. Home insurance was the most common insurance and Pohjola was the most popular insurance company. Especially, if the products are new to the customer, they prefer to take care of their insurances on the spot in an insurance office. LähiTapiola Keski-Suomi will receive current information about which insurances are the most important for these students in their present condition, and which channels they are preferably using for information. The thesis also offers thoughts on how the respondents experience the visibility of the insurance companies on social media, and how to develop that in the future

    Problem gambling and support preferences among Finnish prisoners: a pilot study in an adult correctional population

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the prevalence of potential problem gambling among Finnish prisoners; the associations between problem gambling and demographics, substance use and crime-related factors; and problem gamblers’ support preferences.Design/methodology/approach Prisoners (n=96) from two Finnish prisons were recruited between December 2017 and January 2018. The estimated response rate was 31 percent. Gambling problems were measured using the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen. The participants were asked to report their gambling both for one year prior to their incarceration and for the past year. The independent variables were demographics (age, gender and marital status), substance use (alcohol, smoking and narcotics) and crime-related factors (crime type, prison type and previous sentence). Statistical significance (p) was determined using Fischer’s exact test.Findings Past-year pre-conviction problem gambling prevalence was 16.3 percent and past-year prevalence 15 percent. Age, gender, smoking, alcohol or illicit drug use were not associated with past-year problem gambling before sentencing. One-third of the prisoners (33.3 percent) who were sentenced for a property crime, financial crime or robbery were problem gamblers. One-quarter (24 percent) of all participants showed an interest in receiving support by identifying one or more support preferences. The most preferred type of support was group support in its all forms.Research limitations/implications It is recommended that correctional institutions undertake systematic screening for potential problem gambling, and implement tailored intervention programs for inmates with gambling problems.Originality/value This study provides a deeper understanding of problem gambling in prisons. Problem gambling is associated with crime and also seems to be linked with serving a previous sentence. Early detection and tailored interventions for problem gambling may help to reduce reoffending rates.Peer reviewe

    Understanding functional neurological disorder and its treatment implications: a thesis portfolio

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    OBJECTIVE: The first objective of this thesis was to examine the frequency of neurodevelopmental conditions of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in individuals with Functional Neurological Disorder. This was undertaken by completing a systematic review. The second objective was to understand the relationship between childhood trauma, stigma, and self-compassion and their impact on health-related quality of life in individuals with Functional Neurological Disorder. METHOD: Three electronic research databases were searched to identify relevant studies from journal inception until December 2023. Studies were screened based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two reviewers independently rated the methodological quality and risk of bias for included studies using the Joanna Briggs Institute Checklist. A cross-sectional quantitative study design was used to address the second objective. Participants were recruited via online social media sites (n = 176). They were asked to complete a battery of questionnaires measuring health-related quality of life, stigma, selfcompassion, childhood trauma, illness perceptions, and satisfaction with life. RESULTS: Nine studies met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review. The frequency of autism spectrum disorder ranged from 2-69% in FND samples, while the frequency of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ranged from 7-35% in FND samples. The overall methodological quality of studies was good to fair and there was substantial heterogeneity between studies. The empirical project reports on a serial mediation analysis, which showed stigma and self-compassion independently and serially acting as mediators in the relationship between childhood trauma and quality of life. CONCLUSION: The systematic review was the first to look at the frequency of neurodevelopmental conditions in Functional Neurological Disorder. The initial evidence suggested that there might be a higher frequency of both autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in individuals with a diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder, when compared to the general population. Several limitations existed in terms of how conditions were measured and the heterogeneity of functional neurological symptoms. The findings from the empirical project helped bring a better understanding of the psychosocial factors influencing the link between childhood trauma and quality of life in Functional Neurological Disorder. The research also provided evidence to support the use of compassion focused strategies in neurorehabilitation to improve overall quality of life

    How green is an urban tree? The impact of species selection in reducing the carbon footprint of park trees in Swedish cities

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    Introduction: Planting trees in urban areas can mitigate some of the emissions generated in cities by carbon sequestration (annual uptake of CO2 through the process of photosynthesis) and carbon storage (amount of carbon stored in the tree's biomass throughout its lifespan). The aim of this study was to calculate the carbon footprint from nursery production to final establishment of different tree species grown for planting in urban parks in a northern European context.Material and methods: The analysis included a cradle-to-gate approach and investigated the amount of carbon the adult trees needed to sequester in order to compensate for initial carbon emissions and which temporal perspectives are of concern. Greenhouse gas emissions were estimated based on an inventory of consumption of fuels, energy, materials and other production inputs during cultivation, delivery, planting and establishment of three different tree species in three different locations in Sweden. The tree species considered in the analysis (Salix alba, Quercus rubra, Pinus sylvestris) were selected due to significant differences in their growth rates. Salix alba is a competitive strategist in resource-rich habitats, and is proficient at converting these resources into vigorous growth. Pinus sylvestris is a pronounced stress strategist with good ability to handle resource-limited habitats, and invests in traits accordingly, resulting in significantly slower development. Quercus rubra has its main distribution in cool and moderately resource-rich habitats, but has relatively high stress tolerance and can be considered intermediate between the other two species in terms of growth rate.Results and discussion: The results showed that within 16 years of planting, all species in all three cities, except Pinus sylvestris planted in Umeå, compensated for initial carbon emissions, i.e. showed net absorption of CO2 after emissions from cultivation, delivery, planting and establishment of the trees had been deducted. There was a clear link between the time by which compensation of initial carbon emissions was achieved and growth rate of the different species, with the fast-growing Salix alba showing the best results. The single largest source of emissions among all activities carried out during cultivation, delivery and planting of all species, regardless of the city in which they were planted, was fuel consumption during tree planting

    The Quest to Prevent Employee Injury: Implementation of a Lift Team

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    A lift team was trialed at an urban medical center in the Pacific Northwest to reduce employee injuries. The lift team consisted of a lift tech and a nursing assistant who were both trained in lifting techniques. The trial lasted one year. Pre-post data on employee injuries and day vs. night injuries during lift team implementation are described. Results do not show the same reduction in employee injuries described by previous authors. Possible explanations related to the usage of the lift teams and policy developments are explored

    How to Support Prison Workers’ Perceived Readiness to Identify and Respond to Possible Gambling Problems : a Pilot Study from Two Finnish Prisons

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    Problem gambling is known to be prevalent among prisoners. However, it is not systematically screened and often remains undetected. This pilot study explores prison workers’ (N = 21) knowledge, views, and opinions about problem gambling in two Finnish prisons with a view to improving training and to developing better guidelines for identifying and responding to gambling problems. Four-fifths (81%) of prison workers considered problem gambling a serious issue in Finland. During the past year, more than nine in ten (94.1%) had encountered a prisoner with a gambling problem. Problem gambling was identified in connection with discussions about prisoners’ illegal activity (50%), financial situation (25%), or other problems (25%). Nearly half of the participants felt they did not have adequate training or information about problem gambling and related issues and expressed an interest in continuing education. This pilot study provides important direction for the development of tailored training programs for prison workers. The next step is to increase awareness of gambling programs in a wider national context and to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs.Peer reviewe

    Parasite Occurrence and Parasite Management in Swedish Horses Presenting with Gastrointestinal Disease - A Case-Control Study

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    Simple Summary: Abdominal pain, colic, is a common clinical sign in horses, sometimes reflecting life-threatening disease. One cause of colic is parasitic infection of the gut. Various drugs, anthelmintics, can be used to reduce or eliminate such parasites. However, frequent use has led to problems of drug resistance, whereby many countries now allow anthelmintics to be used on a prescription-only basis. In Sweden, this has led to a concern that parasitic-related colic in horses is increasing. This study aimed to investigate whether horses with colic differed in parasitological status compared to horses without colic. A secondary aim was to collect information regarding current parasite control measures used by horse owners. Exposure to S. vulgaris, a parasite with the potential to cause life-threatening disease, appeared high as determined by the presence of antibodies in the blood. Horses with inflammation in the abdominal cavity had higher antibody levels than other causes of colic. Despite new legislation, 29% of owners did not use fecal analyses for parasites and the use of extended methods to diagnose specific parasites was low. Also, owners rarely used alternative methods to reduce the pasture parasite burden. The study suggests a need for education in the use of both fecal analyses and pasture management.Abstract All grazing horses are exposed to intestinal parasites, which have the potential to cause gastrointestinal disease. In Sweden, there is a concern about an increase in parasite-related equine gastrointestinal disease, in particular Strongylus vulgaris, since the implementation of prescription-only anthelmintics approximately 10 years ago. In a prospective case-control study, parasitological status, using fecal analyses for strongyle egg counts, the presence of Anoplocephala perfoliata eggs and S. vulgaris Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as well as serology for S. vulgaris, were compared between horses presenting with or without gastrointestinal disease at a University hospital during a one-year period. Information regarding anthelmintic routines and pasture management was gathered with an owner-filled questionnaire. Although the prevalence of S. vulgaris PCR was 5.5%, 62% of horses were positive in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test and horses with peritonitis showed higher antibody levels for S. vulgaris, as compared to other diagnoses or controls. Overall, 36% of the horse owners used only fecal egg counts (FEC), 32% used FEC combined with specific diagnostics for S. vulgaris or A. perfoliata, and 29% dewormed routinely without prior parasite diagnostics. Effective management methods to reduce the parasitic burden on pastures were rare and considering exposure to S. vulgaris appears high; the study indicates a need for education in specific fecal diagnostics and pasture management

    Albumin Urinary Excretion Is Associated with Increased Levels of Urinary Chemokines, Cytokines, and Growth Factors Levels in Humans

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    The aim of the present study was to study the associations between urine albumin excretion, and a large number of urinary chemokines, cytokines, and growth factors in a normal population. We selected 90 urine samples from individuals without CVD, diabetes, stroke or kidney disease belonging to the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors Study (41 males and 49 females, all aged 75 years). Urinary cytokine levels were analyzed with two multiplex assays (proximity extension assays) and the cytokine levels were correlated with urine albumin. After adjustment for sex, body mass index (BMI), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), smoking and multiplicity testing, 11 biomarkers remained significantly associated with urine albumin: thrombospondin 2, interleukin 6, interleukin 8, hepatocyte growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12), C-X-C motif chemokine 9, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11B, osteoprotegerin, growth-regulated alpha protein, C-X-C motif chemokine 6, oncostatin-M (OSM) and fatty acid-binding protein, intestinal, despite large differences in molecular weights. In this study, we found associations between urinary albumin and both small and large urine proteins. Additional studies are warranted to identify cytokine patterns and potential progression markers in various renal diseases

    A material degradation study of novel FeCrAl alloys, stainless steels and nickel base alloy in fluidized bed heat exchangers of a waste-fired CFB boiler

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    This study aimed to evaluate the material degradation resistance of two newly developed FeCrAl alloys exposed within the loop seal region of an 85 MWth waste-fired CFB boiler in Sweden. In addition to the FeCrAl alloys, two commercial austenitic stainless steel and one nickel base (Ni-base) alloy were also studied. The samples were exposed for 6 and 12 months by clamping half-moon rings onto tubes of the installed superheater bundle, achieving a material temperature of 500–520 \ub0C. The material degradation of the samples was assessed by evaluating material loss using an ultrasonic thickness gauge in combination with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Microstructural analysis was carried out using SEM coupled with Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Both FeCrAl alloys showed promising results achieving material losses in the same range as the investigated austenitic stainless steels and the Ni-base alloy. A thin inward-growing Cr/Al-rich and thick outward-growing Fe-rich oxide were present for the FeCrAl alloys, and an internal nitridation zone was formed in the material matrix close to the metal/oxide interphase. The material loss and extent of the corrosion attack for the austenitic stainless steels varied depending on the alloy composition. However, the corrosion attack remained similar, as all the austenitic steels suffered from internal and intergranular corrosion. For the Ni-base alloy, the attack was defined by an internal Cr-rich oxide formation with no intergranular corrosion. This study suggests that the novel FeCrAl alloys provide satisfying resistance towards corrosion and erosion of the fluidized bed heat exchangers in the loop seal region of a waste-fired boiler. In addition, the stainless steel SX and the Ni-base alloy Sanicro\uae 69 performed well. Furthermore, the results revealed that corrosion rather than erosion was the dominating degradation process of the investigated samples, as deposit formation was observed on most of the samples as well as corrosion product layers. Thus, the erosive aspect of the attack was expected to be minor