70 research outputs found

    Risk Assessment for Patients with Chronic Respiratory Conditions in the Context of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Statement of the German Respiratory Society with the Support of the German Association of Chest Physicians

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    Assessing the risk for specific patient groups to suffer from severe courses of COVID-19 is of major importance in the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This review focusses on the risk for specific patient groups with chronic respiratory conditions, such as patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis (CF), sarcoidosis, interstitial lung diseases, lung cancer, sleep apnea, tuberculosis, neuromuscular diseases, a history of pulmonary embolism, and patients with lung transplants. Evidence and recommendations are detailed in exemplary cases. While some patient groups with chronic respiratory conditions have an increased risk for severe courses of COVID-19, an increasing number of studies confirm that asthma is not a risk factor for severe COVID-19. However, other risk factors such as higher age, obesity, male gender, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney or liver disease, cerebrovascular and neurological disease, and various immunodeficiencies or treatments with immunosuppressants need to be taken into account when assessing the risk for severe COVID-19 in patients with chronic respiratory diseases

    Cellulite and extracorporeal Shockwave therapy (CelluShock-2009) - a Randomized Trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cellulite is a widespread problem involving females' buttocks and thighs based on the female specific anatomy. Given the higher number of fat cells stored in female fatty tissue in contrast to males, and the aging process of connective tissue leads to an imbalance between lipogenesis and lipolysis with subsequent large fat cells bulging the skin. In addition, microcirculatory changes have been suggested, however remain largely unknown in a controlled clinical setting. We hypothesize that the combination of extracorporeal shockwave and a daily gluteal muscle strength program is superior to the gluteal muscle strength program alone in cellulite.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Study design: Randomized-controlled trial. IRB approval was granted at Hannover Medical School, Germany on May 22, 2009. For allocation of participants, a 1:1 ratio randomization was performed using opaque envelopes for the concealment of allocation. Reporting: according to CONSORT 2010. Eligible patients were females aged 18 or over and 65 or younger with cellulite with documented cellulite 1°-4° according to the Nürnberger score. Exclusion criteria were suspected or evident pregnancy, no cellulite, no informed consent or age under 18 years or above 65 years. Patients were recruited by advertisements in local regional newspapers and via the Internet. Analysis: Intention-to-treat. Outcome parameters: a) Photonumeric severity scale, b) Nürnberger Score, c) circumference measurements, d) capillary blood flow, e) tissue oxygen saturation, f) postcapillary venous blood flow. Intervention group: Six sessions of extracorporeal focused shock wave for six sessions (2000 impulses, 0,25 mJ/m2 every 1-2 weeks) at both gluteal and thigh regions plus a specific gluteal strength exercise training. Control group: Six sessions of sham extracorporeal focused shock wave for six sessions (2000 impulses, 0,01 mJ/m2 every 1-2 weeks) at both gluteal and thigh regions plus a specific gluteal strength exercise training. Follow-up: 12 weeks. Blinding was achieved for all participants enrolled in the trial, the photograph taking the digital images for the primary outcome measure, the two assessors of the outcome measures, all additional health care providers and for the analyst from the biometrical department. Only one researcher (BJ) was aware of the group assignment performing the randomisation and the extracorporeal shock wave therapy.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This randomised-controlled trial will provide much needed evidence on the clinical effectiveness of focused extracorporal shock wave therapy as an adjunct to gluteal strength training in females suffering cellulite.</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier</p> <p>NCT00947414</p

    How can the practice nurse be more involved in the care of the chronically ill? The perspectives of GPs, patients and practice nurses

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    BACKGROUND: A well established "midlevel" of patient care, such as nurse practitioners and/or physician assistants, exits in many countries like the US, Canada, and Australia. In Germany, however there is only one kind of profession assisting the physician in practices, the practice nurse. Little is known about the present involvement of practice nurses in patients' care in Germany and about the attitudes of GPs, assistants and patients concerning an increased involvement. The aim of our study was to get qualitative information on the extent to which practice nurses are currently involved in the treatment of patients and about possibilities of increased involvement as well as on barriers of increased involvement. METHODS: We performed qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 20 GPs, 20 practice nurses and 20 patients in the Heidelberg area. The interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed and content-analysed with ATLAS.ti. RESULTS: Practice nurses are only marginally involved in the treatment of patients. GPs as well as patients were very sceptical about increased involvement in care. Patients were sceptical about nurses' professional background and feared a worsening of the patient doctor relationship. GPs also complained about the nurses' deficient education concerning medical knowledge. They feared a lack of time as well as a missing reimbursement for the efforts of an increased involvement. Practice nurses were mostly willing to be more involved, regarding it as an appreciation of their role. Important barriers were lack of time, overload with administrative work, and a lack of professional knowledge. CONCLUSION: Practice nurses were only little involved in patient care. GPs were more sceptical than patients regarding an increased involvement. One possible area, accepted by all interviewed groups, was patient education as for instance dietary counselling. New treatment approaches as the chronic care model will require a team approach which currently only marginally exists in the German health care system. Better medical education of practice nurses is indispensable, but GPs also have to accept that they cannot fulfil the requirement of future care alone

    Validation and cultural adaptation of a German version of the Physicians' Reactions to Uncertainty scales

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    Contains fulltext : 51656.pdf ( ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to examine the validity of a translated and culturally adapted version of the Physicians' Reaction to Uncertainty scales (PRU) in primary care physicians. METHODS: In a structured process, the original questionnaire was translated, culturally adapted and assessed after administering it to 93 GPs. Test-retest reliability was tested by sending the questionnaire to the GPs again after two weeks. RESULTS: The principal factor analysis confirmed the postulated four-factor structure underlying the 15 items. In contrast to the original version, item 5 achieved a higher loading on the 'concern about bad outcomes' scale. Consequently, we rearranged the scales. Good item-scale correlations were obtained, with Pearson's correlation coefficient ranging from 0.56-0.84. As regards the item-discriminant validity between the scales 'anxiety due to uncertainty' and 'concern about bad outcomes', partially high correlations (Pearson's correlation coefficient 0.02-0.69; p < 0.001) were found, indicating an overlap between both constructs. The assessment of internal consistency revealed satisfactory values; Cronbach's alpha of the rearranged version was 0.86 or higher for all scales. Test-retest-reliability, assessed by means of the intraclass-correlation-coefficient (ICC), exceeded 0.84, except for the 'reluctance to disclose mistakes to physicians' scale (ICC = 0.66). In this scale, some substantial floor effects occurred, with 29.3% of answers showing the lowest possible value. CONCLUSION: Dealing with uncertainty is an important issue in daily practice. The psychometric properties of the rearranged German version of the PRU are satisfying. The revealed floor effects do not limit the significance of the questionnaire. Thus, the German version of the PRU could contribute to the further evaluation of the impact of uncertainty in primary care physicians

    Ultrafast in-gel detection by fluorescent super-chelator probes with HisQuick-PAGE

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    Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoblotting (Western blotting) are the most common methods in life science. In conjunction with these methods, the polyhistidine-tag has proven to be a superb fusion tag for protein purification as well as specific protein detection by immunoblotting, which led to a vast amount of commercially available antibodies. Nevertheless, antibody batch-to-batch variations and nonspecific binding complicate the laborious procedure. The interaction principle applied for His-tagged protein purification by metal-affinity chromatography using N-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) was employed to develop small high-affinity lock-and-key molecules coupled to a fluorophore. These multivalent NTA probes allow specific detection of His-tagged proteins by fluorescence. Here, we report on HisQuick-PAGE as a fast and versatile immunoblot alternative, using such high-affinity fluorescent super-chelator probes. The procedure allows direct, fast, and ultra-sensitive in-gel detection and analysis of soluble proteins as well as intact membrane protein complexes and macromolecular ribonucleoprotein particles

    GermanHy Studie zur Frage "Woher kommt der Wasserstoff in Deutschland bis 2050?": Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums fĂĽr Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) und in Abstimmung mit der Nationalen Organisation Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie (NOW)

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    Wasserstoff gilt als einer der vielversprechendsten Energieträger der Zukunft. Durch seinen Einsatz wird eine erhebliche Verringerung der Abhängigkeit von zunehmend knapper und teurer werdenden fossilen Energieressourcen, sowie eine Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen und anderen Luftschadstoffen möglich. Wasserstoff kann aus einer Vielzahl von Energiequellen hergestellt werden und ist vergleichsweise gut speicherbar. Der Einsatz in der Brennstoffzelle ermöglicht die hocheffiziente und emissionsfreie Bereitstellung von Nutzenergie. Insbesondere für den sehr stark von fossilem Öl abhängigen Bereich der kraftfahrzeuggestützten individuellen Mobilität (PKW, Nutzfahrzeuge) wird deshalb mittel- und langfristig Wasserstoff als Alternativkraftstoff gesehen [BUNDESREGIERUNG 2004]. Auf Basis der Annahme, dass Wasserstoff künftig eine bedeutende Rolle als Kraftstoff im Straßenverkehr spielt, untersucht German- Hy auf der Grundlage von drei unterschiedlichen Szenarien die Energieträger in Deutschland bis 2050. Ausgangspunkt ist die Analyse möglicher Entwicklungen des Kraftstoffmarkts als Teil des Energiemarkts. Das heißt, der energiewirtschaftliche Kontext wird berücksichtigt. Ziel ist die Erarbeitung einer deutschen Wasserstoff-Roadmap unter Einbeziehung von Ressourcenverfügbarkeit, Energieeffizienz, Kosten, CO2-Minderungspotenzialen und Importabhängigkeit. Darin enthalten ist die Analyse des kostenoptimalen Aufbaus der Infrastruktur für Wasserstoff-Produktion, -Transport und -Verteilung. Die Entwicklung anderer alternativer Antriebskonzepte (zum Beispiel Strom und Batterie) ist nicht Teil dieser Studie
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