13 research outputs found

    Improved systematic tRNA gene annotation allows new insights into the evolution of mitochondrial tRNA structures and into the mechanisms of mitochondrial genome rearrangements

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    Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are present in all types of cells as well as in organelles. tRNAs of animal mitochondria show a low level of primary sequence conservation and exhibit ‘bizarre’ secondary structures, lacking complete domains of the common cloverleaf. Such sequences are hard to detect and hence frequently missed in computational analyses and mitochondrial genome annotation. Here, we introduce an automatic annotation procedure for mitochondrial tRNA genes in Metazoa based on sequence and structural information in manually curated covariance models. The method, applied to re-annotate 1876 available metazoan mitochondrial RefSeq genomes, allows to distinguish between remaining functional genes and degrading ‘pseudogenes’, even at early stages of divergence. The subsequent analysis of a comprehensive set of mitochondrial tRNA genes gives new insights into the evolution of structures of mitochondrial tRNA sequences as well as into the mechanisms of genome rearrangements. We find frequent losses of tRNA genes concentrated in basal Metazoa, frequent independent losses of individual parts of tRNA genes, particularly in Arthropoda, and wide-spread conserved overlaps of tRNAs in opposite reading direction. Direct evidence for several recent Tandem Duplication-Random Loss events is gained, demonstrating that this mechanism has an impact on the appearance of new mitochondrial gene orders

    Tertiary network in mammalian mitochondrial tRNAAsp revealed by solution probing and phylogeny

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    Primary and secondary structures of mammalian mitochondrial (mt) tRNAs are divergent from canonical tRNA structures due to highly skewed nucleotide content and large size variability of D- and T-loops. The nonconservation of nucleotides involved in the expected network of tertiary interactions calls into question the rules governing a functional L-shaped three-dimensional (3D) structure. Here, we report the solution structure of human mt-tRNAAsp in its native post-transcriptionally modified form and as an in vitro transcript. Probing performed with nuclease S1, ribonuclease V1, dimethylsulfate, diethylpyrocarbonate and lead, revealed several secondary structures for the in vitro transcribed mt-tRNAAsp including predominantly the cloverleaf. On the contrary, the native tRNAAsp folds into a single cloverleaf structure, highlighting the contribution of the four newly identified post-transcriptional modifications to correct folding. Reactivities of nucleotides and phosphodiester bonds in the native tRNA favor existence of a full set of six classical tertiary interactions between the D-domain and the variable region, forming the core of the 3D structure. Reactivities of D- and T-loop nucleotides support an absence of interactions between these domains. According to multiple sequence alignments and search for conservation of Leontis–Westhof interactions, the tertiary network core building rules apply to all tRNAAsp from mammalian mitochondria

    Mamit-tRNA, a database of mammalian mitochondrial tRNA primary and secondary structures

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    Mamit-tRNA (http://mamit-tRNA.u-strasbg.fr), a database for mammalian mitochondrial genomes, has been developed for deciphering structural features of mammalian mitochondrial tRNAs and as a helpful tool in the frame of human diseases linked to point mutations in mitochondrial tRNA genes. To accommodate the rapid growing availability of fully sequenced mammalian mitochondrial genomes, Mamit-tRNA has implemented a relational database, and all annotated tRNA genes have been curated and aligned manually. System administrative tools have been integrated to improve efficiency and to allow real-time update (from GenBank Database at NCBI) of available mammalian mitochondrial genomes. More than 3000 tRNA gene sequences from 150 organisms are classified into 22 families according to the amino acid specificity as defined by the anticodon triplets and organized according to phylogeny. Each sequence is displayed linearly with color codes indicating secondary structural domains and can be converted into a printable two-dimensional (2D) cloverleaf structure. Consensus and typical 2D structures can be extracted for any combination of primary sequences within a given tRNA specificity on the basis of phylogenetic relationships or on the basis of structural peculiarities. Mamit-tRNA further displays static individual 2D structures of human mitochondrial tRNA genes with location of polymorphisms and pathology-related point mutations. The site offers also a table allowing for an easy conversion of human mitochondrial genome nucleotide numbering into conventional tRNA numbering. The database is expected to facilitate exploration of structure/function relationships of mitochondrial tRNAs and to assist clinicians in the frame of pathology-related mutation assignments

    Binding of tobramycin leads to conformational changes in yeast tRNA(Asp) and inhibition of aminoacylation

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    Aminoglycosides inhibit translation in bacteria by binding to the A site in the ribosome. Here, it is shown that, in yeast, aminoglycosides can also interfere with other processes of translation in vitro. Steady-state aminoacylation kinetics of unmodified yeast tRNA(Asp) transcript indicate that the complex between tRNA(Asp) and tobramycin is a competitive inhibitor of the aspartylation reaction with an inhibition constant (K(I)) of 36 nM. Addition of an excess of heterologous tRNAs did not reverse the charging of tRNA(Asp), indicating a specific inhibition of the aspartylation reaction. Although magnesium ions compete with the inhibitory effect, the formation of the aspartate adenylate in the ATP–PP(i) exchange reaction by aspartyl-tRNA synthetase in the absence of the tRNA is not inhibited. Ultraviolet absorbance melting experiments indicate that tobramycin interacts with and destabilizes the native L-shaped tertiary structure of tRNA(Asp). Fluorescence anisotropy using fluorescein-labelled tobramycin reveals a stoichiometry of one molecule bound to tRNA(Asp) with a K(D) of 267 nM. The results indicate that aminoglycosides are biologically effective when their binding induces a shift in a conformational equilibrium of the RNA

    Handling mammalian mitochondrial tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases for functional and structural characterization

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    The mammalian mitochondrial (mt) genome codes for only 13 proteins, which are essential components in the process of oxidative phosphorylation of ADP into ATP. Synthesis of these proteins relies on a proper mt translation machinery. While 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs are also coded by the mt genome, all other factors including the set of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are encoded in the nucleus and imported. Investigation of mammalian mt aminoacylation systems (and mt translation in general) gains more and more interest not only in regard of evolutionary considerations but also with respect to the growing number of diseases linked to mutations in the genes of either mt-tRNAs, synthetases or other factors. Here we report on methodological approaches for biochemical, functional, and structural characterization of human/mammalian mt-tRNAs and aaRSs. Procedures for preparation of native and in vitro transcribed tRNAs are accompanied by recommendations for specific handling of tRNAs incline to structural instability and chemical fragility. Large-scale preparation of mg amounts of highly soluble recombinant synthetases is a prerequisite for structural investigations that requires particular optimizations. Successful examples leading to crystallization of four mt-aaRSs and high-resolution structures are recalled and limitations discussed. Finally, the need for and the state-of-the-art in setting up an in vitro mt translation system are emphasized. Biochemical characterization of a subset of mammalian aminoacylation systems has already revealed a number of unprecedented peculiarities of interest for the study of evolution and forensic research. Further efforts in this field will certainly be rewarded by many exciting discoveries

    Small but large enough : structural properties of armless mitochondrial tRNAs from the nematode Romanomermis culicivorax

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    As adapter molecules to convert the nucleic acid information into the amino acid sequence, tRNAs play a central role in protein synthesis. To fulfill this function in a reliable way, tRNAs exhibit highly conserved structural features common in all organisms and in all cellular compartments active in translation. However, in mitochondria of metazoans, certain dramatic deviations from the consensus tRNA structure are described, where some tRNAs lack the D- or T-arm without losing their function. In Enoplea, this miniaturization comes to an extreme, and functional mitochondrial tRNAs can lack both arms, leading to a considerable size reduction. Here, we investigate the secondary and tertiary structure of two such armless tRNAs from Romanomermis culicivorax. Despite their high AU content, the transcripts fold into a single and surprisingly stable hairpin structure, deviating from standard tRNAs. The three-dimensional form is boomerang-like and diverges from the standard L-shape. These results indicate that such unconventional miniaturized tRNAs can still fold into a tRNA-like shape, although their length and secondary structure are very unusual. They highlight the remarkable flexibility of the protein synthesis apparatus and suggest that the translational machinery of Enoplea mitochondria may show compensatory adaptations to accommodate these armless tRNAs for efficient translation

    From egg to crystal

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    International audienceA practical hands-on course encompassing enzyme purification, biochemical characterization, and crystallization that completed the course work of 350 second-year bachelor students enrolled in molecular biology/biochemistry was given at the Université Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg (France). The experimental part of the practical dealt entirely with the model protein lysozyme isolated from hen egg-white. It was designed as a research project to give students the possibility to practice biochemical methods such as chromatography, electrophoresis, and spectrophotometry. It also included enzyme activity assay and protein crystal growth that are usually taught in master-level courses. The organization of the practical work and the related experimental procedures are described and discussed