51 research outputs found

    A Novel Business Process Prediction Model Using a DeepLearning Method

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    The ability to proactively monitor business pro-cesses is a main competitive differentiator for firms. Processexecution logs generated by process aware informationsystems help to make process specific predictions forenabling a proactive situational awareness. The goal of theproposed approach is to predict the next process event fromthe completed activities of the running process instance,based on the execution log data from previously completedprocess instances. By predicting process events, companiescan initiate timely interventions to address undesired devi-ations from the desired workflow. The paper proposes amulti-stage deep learning approach that formulates the nextevent prediction problem as a classification problem. Fol-lowing a feature pre-processing stage with n-grams andfeature hashing, a deep learning model consisting of anunsupervised pre-training component with stacked autoen-coders and a supervised fine-tuning component is applied.Experiments on a variety of business process log datasetsshow that the multi-stage deep learning approach providespromising results. The study also compared the results toexisting deep recurrent neural networks and conventionalclassification approaches. Furthermore, the paper addressesthe identification of suitable hyperparameters for the pro-posed approach, and the handling of the imbalanced nature ofbusiness process event datasets

    The Role of Threonine Deaminase/Dehydratase in Winter Dormancy in Sweet Cherry Buds

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    The determination of the endodormancy release and the beginning of ontogenetic development is a challenge, because these are non-observable stages. Changes in protein activity are important aspects of signal transduction. The conversion of threonine to 2-oxobutanoate is the first step towards isoleucine (Ile) biosynthesis, which promote growth and development. The reaction is catalyzed by threonine deaminase/dehydratase (TD). This study on TD activity was conducted at the experimental sweet cherry orchard at Berlin-Dahlem. Fresh (FW), dry weight (DW), water content (WC), and the specific TD activity for the cherry cultivars Summit, Karina and Regina were conducted from flower bud samples between October and April. The content of asparagine (Asn), aspartic acid (Asp), Ile, and valine (Val) were exemplarily shown for Summit. In buds of Summit and Karina, the TD activity was one week after the beginning of the ontogenetic development (t1*), significantly higher compared to samplings during endo- and ecodormancy. Such “peak” activity did not occur in the buds of Regina; TD tended for a longer time (day of year, DOY 6–48) to a higher activity, compared to the time DOY 287–350. For the date “one week after t1*”, the upregulation of TD, the markedly increase of the Ile and Val content, and the increase of the water content in the buds, all this enzymatically confirms the estimated start of the ontogenetic development (t1*) in sweet cherry buds.Peer Reviewe

    Two carbon fluxes to reserve starch in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber cells are closely interconnected but differently modulated by temperature

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    Parenchyma cells from tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. convert several externally supplied sugars to starch but the rates vary largely. Conversion of glucose 1-phosphate to starch is exceptionally efficient. In this communication, tuber slices were incubated with either of four solutions containing equimolar [U-14C]glucose 1-phosphate, [U-14C]sucrose, [U-14C]glucose 1-phosphate plus unlabelled equimolar sucrose or [U-14C]sucrose plus unlabelled equimolar glucose 1-phosphate. 14C-incorporation into starch was monitored. In slices from freshly harvested tubers each unlabelled compound strongly enhanced 14C incorporation into starch indicating closely interacting paths of starch biosynthesis. However, enhancement disappeared when the tubers were stored. The two paths (and, consequently, the mutual enhancement effect) differ in temperature dependence. At lower temperatures, the glucose 1-phosphate-dependent path is functional, reaching maximal activity at approximately 20 °C but the flux of the sucrose-dependent route strongly increases above 20 °C. Results are confirmed by in vitro experiments using [U-14C]glucose 1-phosphate or adenosine-[U-14C]glucose and by quantitative zymograms of starch synthase or phosphorylase activity. In mutants almost completely lacking the plastidial phosphorylase isozyme(s), the glucose 1-phosphate-dependent path is largely impeded. Irrespective of the size of the granules, glucose 1-phosphate-dependent incorporation per granule surface area is essentially equal. Furthermore, within the granules no preference of distinct glucosyl acceptor sites was detectable. Thus, the path is integrated into the entire granule biosynthesis. In vitro 14C-incorporation into starch granules mediated by the recombinant plastidial phosphorylase isozyme clearly differed from the in situ results. Taken together, the data clearly demonstrate that two closely but flexibly interacting general paths of starch biosynthesis are functional in potato tuber cells

    The Maltase Involved in Starch Metabolism in Barley Endosperm Is Encoded by a Single Gene

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    During germination and early seedling growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare), maltase is responsible for the conversion of maltose produced by starch degradation in the endosperm to glucose for seedling growth. Despite the potential relevance of this enzyme for malting and the production of alcoholic beverages, neither the nature nor the role of maltase is fully understood. Although only one gene encoding maltase has been identified with certainty, there is evidence for the existence of other genes and for multiple forms of the enzyme. It has been proposed that maltase may be involved directly in starch granule degradation as well as in maltose hydrolysis. The aim of our work was to discover the nature of maltase in barley endosperm. We used ion exchange chromatography to fractionate maltase activity from endosperm of young seedlings, and we partially purified activity for protein identification. We compared maltase activity in wild-type barley and transgenic lines with reduced expression of the previously-characterised maltase gene Agl97, and we used genomic and transcriptomic information to search for further maltase genes. We show that all of the maltase activity in the barley endosperm can be accounted for by a single gene, Agl97. Multiple forms of the enzyme most likely arise from proteolysis and other post-translational modifications

    Reduced starch granule number per chloroplast in the dpe2/phs1 mutant is dependent on initiation of starch degradation.

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    An Arabidopsis double knock-out mutant lacking cytosolic disproportionating enzyme 2 (DPE2) and the plastidial phosphorylase (PHS1) revealed a dwarf-growth phenotype, reduced starch content, an uneven distribution of starch within the plant rosette, and a reduced number of starch granules per chloroplast under standard growth conditions. In contrast, the wild type contained 5-7 starch granules per chloroplast. Mature and old leaves of the double mutant were essentially starch free and showed plastidial disintegration. Several analyses revealed that the number of starch granules per chloroplast was affected by the dark phase. So far, it was unclear if it was the dark phase per se or starch degradation in the dark that was connected to the observed decrease in the number of starch granules per chloroplast. Therefore, in the background of the double mutant dpe2/phs1, a triple mutant was generated lacking the initial starch degrading enzyme glucan, water dikinase (GWD). The triple mutant showed improved plant growth, a starch-excess phenotype, and a homogeneous starch distribution. Furthermore, the number of starch granules per chloroplast was increased and was similar to wild type. However, starch granule morphology was only slightly affected by the lack of GWD as in the triple mutant and, like in dpe2/phs1, more spherical starch granules were observed. The characterized triple mutant was discussed in the context of the generation of starch granules and the formation of starch granule morphology

    Starch granule initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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    The initiation of starch granule formation and the mechanism controlling the number of granules per plastid have been some of the most elusive aspects of starch metabolism. This review covers the advances made in the study of these processes. The analyses presented herein depict a scenario in which starch synthase isoform 4 (SS4) provides the elongating activity necessary for the initiation of starch granule formation. However, this protein does not act alone; other polypeptides are required for the initiation of an appropriate number of starch granules per chloroplast. The functions of this group of polypeptides include providing suitable substrates (maltooligosaccharides) to SS4, the localization of the starch initiation machinery to the thylakoid membranes, and facilitating the correct folding of SS4. The number of starch granules per chloroplast is tightly regulated and depends on the developmental stage of the leaves and their metabolic status. Plastidial phosphorylase (PHS1) and other enzymes play an essential role in this process since they are necessary for the synthesis of the substrates used by the initiation machinery. The mechanism of starch granule formation initiation in Arabidopsis seems to be generalizable to other plants and also to the synthesis of long-termstorage starch. The latter, however, shows specific features due to the presence of more isoforms, the absence of constantly recurring starch synthesis and degradation, and the metabolic characteristics of the storage sink organs.Peer reviewe

    Starch Granules in Arabidopsis thaliana Mesophyll and Guard Cells Show Similar Morphology but Differences in Size and Number

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    Transitory starch granules result from complex carbon turnover and display specific situations during starch synthesis and degradation. The fundamental mechanisms that specify starch granule characteristics, such as granule size, morphology, and the number per chloroplast, are largely unknown. However, transitory starch is found in the various cells of the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana, but comparative analyses are lacking. Here, we adopted a fast method of laser confocal scanning microscopy to analyze the starch granules in a series of Arabidopsis mutants with altered starch metabolism. This allowed us to separately analyze the starch particles in the mesophyll and in guard cells. In all mutants, the guard cells were always found to contain more but smaller plastidial starch granules than mesophyll cells. The morphological properties of the starch granules, however, were indiscernible or identical in both types of leaf cells