15 research outputs found

    Atividade antimicrobiana de extrato de Brosimum Gaudichaudii Trécul. contra bactérias isoladas de lesões de pés diabéticos

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    INTRODUCTION: Brosimum gaudichaudiiTrécul. isa plant of the Moreaceae family, found in the Cerradoregion of Brazil and tradionally used for the treatment of patients with vitiligo. OBJECTIVE: In our study, antimicrobial activities of the ethanol stem bark and leaf extracts of Brosimum gaudichaudiiTrécul. were evaluated against 68 multiresistant bacterial strains, which were isolated from diabetic foot patients, and 6 ATCC strain of Escherichia coli (25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (27853), Proteus mirabilis (12453), Citrobacter yougae (29935), Staphylococcus aureus (25923), Streptococcus pyogenes (0015). METHODS: The susceptibilities of the microbial strains to different plants extracts were tested using Disc Diffusion Method, Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentrationusing broth microdilution and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration. The efficacy of these extracts and of methodology used were analyzed by statistical methods. RESUSTS AND DISCUSSION: The highest antibacterial activity against most bacterial specieswas shown by bark extracts of Brosimum gaudichaudii Trecul. However, the leaf extracts also showed high antibacterial activity against S. aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacteria that became resistant to the antibiotics most commonly used to treat Diabetic Foot Infections. Compared with disk diffusion, broth microdilution was more appropriate for quantitatively determining the antimicrobial activity of stem bark and leaf extracts of Brosimum gaudichaudii Trecul. However, our study suggested that the need to apply multiple methods when conducting in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing of plants extracts. There was a statistically significant interaction between antibiotics and bark extracts against gram positive bacteriaand between the combinations of stem bark and leaf extracts against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. These results suggest the presence of bioactive compounds that may synergistically contribute to activity anti bacterial. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the present finding, Brosimum gaudichaudii Trecul. stembarkand leafextract might be a good candidate in the search for a natural antimicrobial agent against the multiresistant bacterial strains.Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul. é uma planta da família Moreaceae, encontrada na região do cerrado do Brasil e tradionalmente usada para o tratamento de pacientes com vitiligo. OBJETIVO: As atividades antimicrobianas do extrato etanólico das cascas do tronco e das folhas de Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul. foram avaliadas contra 68 cepas multirresistentes de bactérias isoladas de lesões nos pés de pacientes diabéticos, e também 6 cepas ATCC, Escherichia coli (25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (27853), Proteus mirabilis (12453), Citrobacter yougae (29935), Staphylococcus aureus (25923), Streptococcus pyogenes (0015). MÉTODOS: A susceptibilidade das cepas bacterianas frente aos diferentes extratos foi avaliado atravésdo método de difusão em disco eda microdiluição em caldo, utilizando a determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima e a Concentração Bactericida Mínima. A eficácia dos extratos e da metodologia utilizada foram analisadas por métodos estatísticos. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: A maior atividade antibacteriana contra a maioria das especies bacterianas foi encontrada nos extratos dascascas de Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul. No entanto, os extratos de folhas também apresentaram uma alta atividade antibacteriana contra S. aureus e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bactérias que se tornaram resistentes aos antibióticos mais comumente utilizados para tratar as infecções no pé de pacientes diabéticos. A metodologia de microdiluição em caldofoi mais eficaz para determinar a atividade antimicrobiana do que a difusão em disco, tanto para os extratos das cascas do caule como para as folhas de Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul.,o sugere a necessidade de vários métodos para determinar aatividade antimicrobiana de extratos vegetais. Houve uma interação estatisticamente significativa entre antibióticos e extratos de cascas contra bactérias gram-positivas e também entre as combinações das cascas do caule e extratos de folhas contra bactérias gram positivas e gram negativas. Esses resultados sugerem a presença de compostos bioativos que podem sinergicamente contribuírem para a atividade antibacteriana. CONCLUSÕES: Baseado nos resultados encontrados, os extratos das cascas do caule e das folhas de Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul. podem ser um bom candidato na busca de um agente antimicrobiano natural contra cepas de bactérias multirresistentes

    O lá fora também pode ser aqui : saberes significativos entre escola e universidade

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    Este texto procura fazer uma síntese acerca das experiências vivenciadas por um professor de licenciatura da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Sul (UFRGS), na tentativa de promover experiências significativas de trocas entre licenciandos dessa instituição (cursos de História, Biologia, Geografia, Ciências Sociais, etc.) e estudantes de uma escola municipal localizada na periferia de Porto Alegre-RS. Constituiu-se, então, um coletivo de trabalho formado também por três professoras dessa escola e uma licencianda de Ciências Sociais. Ao longo de 2015 e 2016, organizamos uma série de atividades que buscaram, dentre muitos aspectos, aproximar a universidade da escola, na tentativa de suprir o hiato seguidamente manifestado pelos acadêmicos de que os currículos e as disciplinas das licenciaturas se mostram distantes da “realidade lá fora” (sic). A estratégia utilizada foi fazer uso da universidade como dispositivo de aproximação, resultando em um projeto extensionista bastante singular, marcado pela troca de cartas entres alunos da escola e da universidade, por vivências filosóficas e pela realização de oficinas interdisciplinares ministradas por e para esses alunos. Consideramos como singular o fato de essas oficinas serem todas planejadas, desenvolvidas e avaliadas pelos universitários, envolvendo quase 200 sujeitos. Na medida em que a universidade se propõe a transpor seus próprios muros, por vezes tão carregados de soberba e prepotência, e conversar com os verdadeiros atores da escola – alunas, alunos, professoras e professores –, acreditamos que os saberes, outrora assépticos e distantes, tornam-se mais significativos, signos de que tais encontros são não somente possíveis, como também necessários

    O lá fora também pode ser aqui : saberes significativos entre escola e universidade

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    Este texto procura fazer uma síntese acerca das experiências vivenciadas por um professor de licenciatura da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Sul (UFRGS), na tentativa de promover experiências significativas de trocas entre licenciandos dessa instituição (cursos de História, Biologia, Geografia, Ciências Sociais, etc.) e estudantes de uma escola municipal localizada na periferia de Porto Alegre-RS. Constituiu-se, então, um coletivo de trabalho formado também por três professoras dessa escola e uma licencianda de Ciências Sociais. Ao longo de 2015 e 2016, organizamos uma série de atividades que buscaram, dentre muitos aspectos, aproximar a universidade da escola, na tentativa de suprir o hiato seguidamente manifestado pelos acadêmicos de que os currículos e as disciplinas das licenciaturas se mostram distantes da “realidade lá fora” (sic). A estratégia utilizada foi fazer uso da universidade como dispositivo de aproximação, resultando em um projeto extensionista bastante singular, marcado pela troca de cartas entres alunos da escola e da universidade, por vivências filosóficas e pela realização de oficinas interdisciplinares ministradas por e para esses alunos. Consideramos como singular o fato de essas oficinas serem todas planejadas, desenvolvidas e avaliadas pelos universitários, envolvendo quase 200 sujeitos. Na medida em que a universidade se propõe a transpor seus próprios muros, por vezes tão carregados de soberba e prepotência, e conversar com os verdadeiros atores da escola – alunas, alunos, professoras e professores –, acreditamos que os saberes, outrora assépticos e distantes, tornam-se mais significativos, signos de que tais encontros são não somente possíveis, como também necessários

    Sous-groupes finis des groupes de stabilisateur étendus de Morava

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    L'objet de la thèse est la classification à conjugaison près des sous-groupes finis du groupe de stabilisateur (classique) de Morava S_n et du groupe de stabilisateur étendu G_n(u) associé à une loi de groupe formel F de hauteur n définie sur le corps F_p à p éléments. Une classification complète dans S_n est établie pour tout entier positif n et premier p. De plus, on montre que la classification dans le groupe étendu dépend aussi de F et son unité associée u dans l'anneau des entiers p-adiques. On établit un cadre théorique pour la classification dans G_n(u), on donne des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes sur n, p et u pour l'existence dans G_n(u) d'extensions de sous-groupes finis maximaux de S_n par le groupe de Galois de F_{p^n} sur F_p, et lorsque de telles extensions existent on dénombre leurs classes de conjugaisons. On illustre nos méthodes en fournissant une classification complète et explicite dans le cas n=2.The problem addressed is the classification up to conjugation of the finite subgroups of the (classical) Morava stabilizer group S_n and the extended Morava stabilizer group G_n(u) associated to a formal group law F of height n over the field F_p of p elements. A complete classification in S_n is provided for any positive integer n and prime p. Furthermore, we show that the classification in the extended group also depends on F and its associated unit u in the ring of p-adic integers. We provide a theoretical framework for the classification in G_n(u), we give necessary and sufficient conditions on n, p and u for the existence in G_n(u) of extensions of maximal finite subgroups of S_n by the Galois group of F_{p^n} over F_p, and whenever such extension exist we enumerate their conjugacy classes. We illustrate our methods by providing a complete and explicit classification in the case n=2

    HIV/AIDS-related visceral leishmaniasis: a clinical and epidemiological description of visceral leishmaniasis in northern Brazil

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    Introduction: This study aimed to describe the main features of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), both related to and independent of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, in patients who were registered in Tocantins, Brazil. Methods: Data from 1,779 new patients with VL, 33 of whom were also infected with HIV, were reviewed. Results: The incidence of VL/HIV coinfection increased from 0.32/100,000 inhabitants in 2007 to 1.08/100,000 inhabitants in 2010. VL occurred predominantly in children aged 10 years or younger, while VL/HIV was more common in patients aged between 18 and 50 years. There were more male patients in the VL/HIV group than in the VL group. Relapse rates were also considerably higher in the VL/HIV (9.1%) group than in the VL group (1.5%). Despite a similar clinical presentation, VL/HIV patients exhibited a higher proportion (24.2%) of concomitant infectious diseases and jaundice. Pentavalent antimonials were used for the initial treatment of VL and VL/HIV infections. However, amphotericin B deoxycholate and liposomal amphotericin B were also widely used in the treatment of VL/HIV coinfection. The mortality rate was higher in the VL/HIV coinfection group (19.4%) than in the VL group (5.4%). Furthermore, the mortality rate due to other causes was significantly higher in the VL/HIV group (12.9%) than in the VL group (0.7%). Conclusions: The study showed that the incidence, clinical characteristics and outcomes among the VL and VL/HIV patients in this state are similar to those from other endemic regions, indicating that both infections are emerging with increasing frequency in Brazil

    Aerobic bacterial profile and antibiotic resistance in patients with diabetic foot infections

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    ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: This study aimed to determine the frequencies of bacterial isolates cultured from diabetic foot infections and assess their resistance and susceptibility to commonly used antibiotics.METHODS: This prospective study included 41 patients with diabetic foot lesions. Bacteria were isolated from foot lesions, and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern was determined using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method and/or broth method [minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)].RESULTS: The most common location of ulceration was the toe (54%), followed by the plantar surface (27%) and dorsal portion (19%). A total of 89 bacterial isolates were obtained from 30 patients. The infections were predominantly due to Gram-positive bacteria and polymicrobial bacteremia. The most commonly isolated Gram-positive bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The most commonly isolated Gram-negative bacteria were Proteus spp. and Enterobacterspp., followed by Escherichia coli, Pseudomonasspp., and Citrobacterspp. Nine cases of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) had cefoxitin resistance, and among these MRSA isolates, 3 were resistant to vancomycin with the MIC technique. The antibiotic imipenem was the most effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and gentamicin was effective against Gram-negative bacteria.CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirmed the high prevalence of multidrug-resistant pathogens in diabetic foot ulcers. It is necessary to evaluate the different microorganisms infecting the wound and to know the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the isolates from the infected wound. This knowledge is crucial for planning treatment with the appropriate antibiotics, reducing resistance patterns, and minimizing healthcare costs

    The effect of Brachiaria brizantha cultivars on host-parasite-environment interactions in sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes.

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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of different cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha on the dynamics and concentration of the larval stages of gastrointestinal nematodes in the soil and forage strata, as well as their effects on the performance of naturally infected lambs. Overall, 48 90-day-old lambs with an initial weight of 19.04 ± 0.96 kg were observed. Moreover, a randomised block factorial design with four cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha (Marandu, Xaraés, Piatã and Paiaguás grasses) under intermittent stocking (with a pre-grazing canopy height of 40 cm and post-grazing canopy height of 20 cm) for two grazing cycles was used. The following variables were analysed: faecal egg counting, faecal culture, mean corpuscular volume, FAMACHA© score, weight and body condition score, the recovery of larvae from pasture and soil samples, nutritional value and the production and structural components of forage. Lambs grazing Marandu grass demonstrated the highest level of nematode infection (P < 0.05). However, the nutritional value did not differ between cultivars. Marandu grass had the highest pasture density (P < 0.05), while Paiaguás grass had the highest percentage of dead material (P < 0.05). The various genera of gastrointestinal nematodes found in the faecal cultures, regardless of the cultivars, include Haemonchus (92.01%), Trichostrongylus (4.55%), Strongyloides (3.06%) and Oesophagostomum (0.37%). Lambs grazing Xaraés grass had the lowest body weight (P < 0.05). Furthermore, larvae concentrations were highest in Marandu and Paiaguás pastures; infective Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus larvae were recovered from pasture and soil samples. The different cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha produce diverse and relevant microclimatic conditions to contaminate soil, pastures and animals. Animal performance was not compromised despite the Marandu and Paiaguás cultivars having the highest levels of contamination and infection. Based on parasitological aspects, the Brachiaria brizantha cultivars Xaraés and Piatã are recommended for grass-based sheep production systems over the other cultivars since they contribute to the reduction of larval contamination and infection