20 research outputs found

    Enhanced CNS transduction from AAV.PHP.eB infusion into the cisterna magna of older adult rats compared to AAV9

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    The development of high efficiency, central nervous system (CNS) targeting AAV-based gene therapies is necessary to address challenges in both pre-clinical and clinical investigations. The engineered capsids, AAV.PHP.B and AAV.PHP.eB, show vastly improved blood-brain barrier penetration compared to their parent serotype, AAV9, but with variable effect depending on animal system, strain, and delivery route. As most characterizations of AAV.PHP variants have been performed in mice, it is currently unknown whether AAV.PHP variants improve CNS targeting when delivered intrathecally in rats. We evaluated the comparative transduction efficiencies of equititer doses (6 × 10vg) of AAV.PHP.eB-CAG-GFP and AAV9-CAG-GFP when delivered into the cisterna magna of 6-9-month old rats. Using both quantitative and qualitative assessments, we observed consistently superior biodistribution of GFP+ cells and fibers in animals treated with AAV.PHP.eB compared to those treated with AAV9. Enhanced GFP signal was uniformly observed throughout rostrocaudal brain regions in AAV.PHP.eB-treated animals with matching GFP protein expression detected in the forebrain, midbrain, and cerebellum. Collectively, these data illustrate the benefit of intracisternal infusions of AAV.PHP.eB as an optimal system to distribute CNS gene therapies in preclinical investigations of rats, and may have important translational implications for the clinical CNS targeting

    Alterations of fractional anisotropy throughout cortico-basal ganglia gray matter in a macaque model of Huntington’s Disease

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    We recently generated a nonhuman primate (NHP) model of the neurodegenerative disorder Huntington's disease (HD) using adeno-associated viral vectors to express a fragment of mutant HTT protein (mHTT) throughout the cortico-basal ganglia circuit. Previous work by our group established that mHTT-treated NHPs exhibit progressive motor and cognitive phenotypes which are accompanied by mild volumetric reductions of cortical-basal ganglia structures and reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) in the white matter fiber pathways interconnecting these regions, mirroring findings observed in early-stage HD patients. Given the mild structural atrophy observed in cortical and sub-cortical gray matter regions characterized in this model using tensor-based morphometry, the current study sought to query potential microstructural alterations in the same gray matter regions using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), to define early biomarkers of neurodegenerative processes in this model. Here, we report that mHTT-treated NHPs exhibit significant microstructural changes in several cortical and subcortical brain regions that comprise the cortico-basal ganglia circuit; with increased FA in the putamen and globus pallidus and decreased FA in the caudate nucleus and several cortical regions. DTI measures also correlated with motor and cognitive deficits such that animals with increased basal ganglia FA, and decreased cortical FA, had more severe motor and cognitive impairment. These data highlight the functional implications of microstructural changes in the cortico-basal ganglia circuit in early-stage HD

    Transduction of Nonhuman Primate Brain with Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype 1: Vector Trafficking and Immune Response

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    We used convection-enhanced delivery (CED) to characterize gene delivery mediated by adeno-associated virus type 1 (AAV1) by tracking expression of hrGFP (humanized green fluorescent protein from Renilla reniformis) into the striatum, basal forebrain, and corona radiata of monkey brain. Four cynomolgus monkeys received single infusions into corona radiata, putamen, and caudate. The other group (n = 4) received infusions into basal forebrain. Thirty days after infusion animals were killed and their brains were processed for immunohisto-chemical evaluation. Volumetric analysis of GFP-positive brain areas was performed. AAV1-hrGFP infusions resulted in approximately 550, 700, and 73 mm3 coverage after infusion into corona radiata, striatum, and basal forebrain, respectively. Aside from targeted regions, other brain structures also showed GFP signal (internal and external globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus), supporting the idea that AAV1 is actively trafficked to regions distal from the infusion site. In addition to neuronal transduction, a significant nonneuronal cell population was transduced by AAV1 vector; for example, oligodendrocytes in corona radiata and astrocytes in the striatum. We observed a strong humoral and cell-mediated response against AAV1-hrGFP in transduced monkeys irrespective of the anatomic location of the infusion, as evidenced by induction of circulating anti-AAV1 and anti-hrGFP antibodies, as well as infiltration of CD4+ lymphocytes and upregulation of MHC-II in regions infused with vector. We conclude that transduction of antigen-presenting cells within the CNS is a likely cause of this response and that caution is warranted when foreign transgenes are used as reporters in gene therapy studies with vectors with broader tropism than AAV2

    Nonallele-specific Silencing of Mutant and Wild-type Huntingtin Demonstrates Therapeutic Efficacy in Huntington's Disease Mice

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease caused by mutant huntingtin (htt) protein, and there are currently no effective treatments. Recently, we and others demonstrated that silencing mutant htt via RNA interference (RNAi) provides therapeutic benefit in HD mice. We have since found that silencing wild-type htt in adult mouse striatum is tolerated for at least 4 months. However, given the role of htt in various cellular processes, it remains unknown whether nonallele-specific silencing of both wild-type and mutant htt is a viable therapeutic strategy for HD. Here, we tested whether cosilencing wild-type and mutant htt provides therapeutic benefit and is tolerable in HD mice. After treatment, HD mice showed significant reductions in wild-type and mutant htt, and demonstrated improved motor coordination and survival. We performed transcriptional profiling to evaluate the effects of reducing wild-type htt in adult mouse striatum. We identified gene expression changes that are concordant with previously described roles for htt in various cellular processes. Also, several abnormally expressed transcripts associated with early-stage HD were differentially expressed in our studies, but intriguingly, those involved in neuronal function changed in opposing directions. Together, these encouraging and surprising findings support further testing of nonallele-specific RNAi therapeutics for HD