27 research outputs found

    Migraciones interregionales y ciclos económicos en España (1988- 2001)

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    Este artículo analiza la relación entre coyuntura económica y dinámica migratoria interregional en España en el período 1988-2001 a partir de la Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales (EVR). El estudio establece un nexo entre las fases del ciclo económico y la dinámica migratoria interregional: los jóvenes presentan una mayor movilidad en las fases expansivas de la economía y las CC. AA. españolas juegan papeles muy distintos en cada una de las fases del ciclo económico. Las regiones de tradición inmigratoria tienen saldos positivos entre los jóvenes y negativos entre la población de más de 55 años. Las regiones que habían sido emigratorias en los años sesenta y setenta experimentan el proceso inverso: emigración neta de jóvenes y retornos de los emigrantes de otros períodos. La migración interregional de jóvenes es afectada significativamente por las fases del ciclo económico mientras que la evolución del grupo de más de 55 años es independiente de la coyuntura económica

    Impact of implant support for mandibular dentures on satisfaction, oral and general healthrelated quality of life: a meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials

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    Abstract Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine systematically the data published on the efficacy of mandibular implant-retained overdentures from the patient's perspective. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, although mandibular implant-retained overdentures may be more satisfying for edentulous patients than new conventional dentures, the magnitude of the effect is still uncertain. There is a need for additional evidence including cost-effectiveness analyses on the impact of mandibular implant overdentures and conventional dentures

    Sex differences in pain perception and anxiety. A psychophysical study with topical capsaicin

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    International audienceMuch evidence indicates that women experience painful stimuli as more intense than men do. Nevertheless, some data suggest that sustained low-level pain may be more disturbing to men than to women. The current experiment evaluated the hypothesis that pain is more disturbing for men than for women by comparing across genders sensory and emotional aspects of pain evoked by capsaicin. Ten men and 10 women (aged 20-46 years) received topical capsaicin for 30 min on the face in one session and on the ankle in another. The subjects rated on visual analog scales pain intensity, unpleasantness and anxiety each minute during capsaicin application and for 30 min after its removal. During capsaicin application, females rated both pain intensity (P = 0.04) and unpleasantness (P = 0.05) higher than did males. Further, subjects rated pain intensity and unpleasantness higher on the face than on the ankle, although the physical stimulus was the same. Despite their lower pain ratings, men reported more pain-related anxiety than women (P = 0.02) Moreover, men showed a significant positive correlation between anxiety and pain intensity and unpleasantness, whereas women did not. After removing the capsaicin, there was no overall effect of sex on either intensity (P = 0.18) or unpleasantness (P = 0.37) of the residual sensation. However, men still showed a positive correlation between anxiety and the intensity and unpleasantness of the sensation. Our data confirm with the topical capsaicin model that women rate pain higher than men, but despite their lower pain ratings, males have more anxiety related to pain

    The effect of mandibular 2-implant overdentures on oral health-related quality of life: an international multicentre study

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    To determine the difference in oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in patients who received mandibular 2-implant overdentures and conventional dentures in a pragmatic international study

    University-based initiatives towards better access to oral health care for rural and remote populations: A scoping review.

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    This scoping review maps a wide array of literature to identify academic programs that have been developed to enhance oral health care for rural and remote populations and to provide an overview of their outcomes. Arksey and O'Malley's 5-stage scoping review framework has steered this review. We conducted a literature search with defined eligibility criteria through electronic databases, websites of academic records, professional and rural oral health care organizations as well as grey literature spanning the time interval from the late 1960s to May 2017. The charted data was classified, analyzed and reported using a thematic approach. A total of 72 citations (67 publications and seven websites) were selected for the final review. The review identified 62 universities with program initiatives towards improving access to oral health care in rural and remote communities. These initiatives were classified into three categories: training and education of dental and allied health students and professionals, education and training of rural and remote community members and oral health care services. The programs were successful in terms of dental students' positive perception about rural practice and their enhanced competencies, students' increased adoption of rural practices, non-dental health care providers' improved oral health knowledge and self-efficacy, rural oral health and oral health services' improvement, as well as cost-effectiveness compared to other strategies. The results of our review suggest that these innovative programs were effective in improving access to oral health care in rural and remote regions and may serve as models for other academic institutions that have not yet implemented such programs

    Osseointegration of standard and mini dental implants: a histomorphometric comparison

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    Abstract Background Mini dental implants (MDIs) are becoming increasingly popular for rehabilitation of edentulous patients because of their several advantages. However, there is a lack of evidence on the osseointegration potential of the MDIs. The objective of the study was to histomorphometrically evaluate and compare bone apposition on the surface of MDIs and standard implants in a rabbit model. Methods Nine New Zealand white rabbits were used for the study to meet statistical criteria for adequate power. Total 18 3M™ESPE™ MDIs and 18 standard implants (Ankylos® Friadent, Dentsply) were inserted randomly into the tibia of rabbits (four implants per rabbit); animals were sacrificed after a 6-week healing period. The specimens were retrieved en bloc and preserved in 10% formaldehyde solution. Specimens were prepared for embedding in a light cure acrylic resin (Technovit 9100). The most central sagittal histological sections (30–40 μm thick) were obtained using a Leica SP 1600 saw microtome. After staining, the Leica DM2000 microscope was used, the images were captured using Olympus DP72 camera and associated software. Bone implant contact (BIC) was measured using Infinity Analyze software. Results All implants were osseointegrated. Histologic measures show mineralized bone matrix in intimate contact with the implant surface in both groups. The median BIC was 58.5 % (IQR 8.0) in the MDI group and 57.0 % (IQR 5.5) in the control group (P > 0.05; Mann-Whitney test). There were no statistical differences in osseointegration at 6 weeks between MDIs and standard implants in rabbit tibias. Conclusions Based on these results, it is concluded that osseointegration of MDIs is similar to that of standard implants


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    Statement of problem. Matrices of unsplinted attachment systems are generally reported to be the weak component of implant overdentures, often requiring frequent maintenance. Clinical wear results in reduced retention of the prosthesis, requiring activation or renewal of the matrix to restore the initial level of retention. Purpose. The purpose of this retrospective study was to measure the wear of the matrix of a ball attachment after various periods of clinical wear. Material and methods. Seventy specimens of 3 groups of matrices of ball attachments that had been in use for mean periods of 12.3 months (1Y group, n=26), 39.0 months (3Y group, n=28) and 95.6 months (8Y group, n=16) were retrieved from 35 patients (2 specimens per patient) and measured on a coordinate measuring machine equipped with a touch trigger probe. Ten unused matrices were used as controls (CTRL group). The external and internal matrix diameters and deviations from circularity were measured. For the various time periods, the decreases in matrix thickness were calculated and compared with controls. Kruskal-Wallis 1-way ANOVA by ranks, followed by the Mann-Whitney post hoc tests, were conducted to test for differences in median values among groups (alpha=.05). Results. For the internal upper diameter of the matrices tested, the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests revealed significant differences for the 3 groups compared to the controls. For group 1Y, a significant difference (P<.001) of the internal upper diameter was found compared to the CTRL group. Compared to the controls, the nonparametric analyses for groups 3Y and 8Y showed significant differences for the internal upper diameter (P<.001) and deviations from circularity (P<.001). For groups 1Y, 3Y and 8Y, matrix thickness losses were 07, 47 and 70 pm, respectively. Conclusions. Within the limitations of this study, it was observed that one year of clinical wear had limited effect on the ball attachment matrices. Three to 8 years of clinical use resulted in a significant decrease of matrix thickness, especially at the tip of the retentive lamellae. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:191-198)ITI foundationITI foundatio