5,848 research outputs found

    Introduction: The ecological relevance of chemically induced endocrine disruption in wildlife

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    This article is part of the monograph “The Ecological Relevance of Chemically Induced Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife.

    Validation of a method for measuring sperm quality and quantity in reproductive toxicity tests with pair-breeding male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)

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    This article originally appeared in the ILAR e-Journal. It is reprinted with permission from the ILAR Journal, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council, Washington DC (www.nationalacademies.org/ilar).The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is an OECD-proposed test species routinely used in reproductive toxicity trials with suspected endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs). The basic fecundity, endocrinology, and histopathology of reproductively active male and female fathead minnows has been well characterized, but there are few studies of the utility of male sperm concentration and motility as endpoints for use in reproductive trials. The purpose of this study was to (1) characterize the baseline sperm concentration and motility of pair-breeding male fathead minnows over their spawning cycle and (2) determine whether a repeated and nondestructive sperm sampling protocol would influence the baseline fecundity of the fish. Pair-breeding male fathead minnows that underwent sampling for milt three times a week for 4 weeks exhibited no significant changes in milt volume, sperm concentration, or motility parameters up to 6 days after each spawning event. The repeated sperm sampling procedure did, however, cause a significant lowering of spawning frequencies, although this decline did not correlate with effects on fecundity as there were no significant changes in the mean total numbers of eggs laid, fertilization, and hatching successes. This study confirmed the presence of a stable background of sperm concentration and motility parameters of pair-breeding male fathead minnows under reference conditions. The absence of any inherent “cycling” in the magnitude of these parameters over the spawning period suggests that sperm concentration and motility could be useful measures of male reproductive toxicity at the termination of tests in which pair-breeding males are at varying days post spawn.The research described was funded by the EU project Comparative Research on Endocrine Disrupters (COMPRENDO) Institute of Zoology Regents Park, London, contract No. EVK1-CT-2002-00129E

    Evidence suggesting that di-n-butyl phthalate has anti-androgenic effects in fish

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    This article is the pre-print version of the full and final published article.Phthalate ester plasticizers are anti-androgenic in mammals. High doses of certain phthalates consistently interfere with the normal development of male offspring exposed in utero, causing disrupted sperm production, abnormal development of the genitalia, and in some cases infertility. In the environment, phthalates are considered ubiquitous and are commonly measured in aquatic ecosystems at low ng to mu g per litre concentrations. Given the similarity between mammalian and teleost endocrine systems, phthalate esters may be able to cause anti-androgenic endocrine disruption in fish in the wild. In the present study, adult male three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculetaus) (n = 8) were exposed to di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) (0, 15, and 35 mu g DBP/L) for 22 d and analyzed for changes in nesting behavior, plasma androgen concentrations, spiggin concentrations, and steroidogenic gene expression. Plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly higher in males from the 35 mu g DBP/L group compared with the solvent control, whereas plasma 11-ketotestosterone concentrations were not significantly affected. Expression of steroid acute regulatory protein and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase remained unchanged. Spiggin concentrations were significantly lower in the males exposed to 35 mu g DBP/L. Nest building appeared to be slower in some males exposed to DBP, but this was not statistically significant. These results suggest that DBP has anti-androgenic effects in fish. However, further research is required to firmly establish the consequences of chronic DBP exposure in fish

    Allelic effects on starch structure and properties of six starch biosynthetic genes in a rice recombinant inbred line population

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic diversity of six starch biosynthetic genes (Wx, SSI, SSIIa, SBEI, SBEIIa and SBEIIb) in indica and japonica rices opens an opportunity to produce a new variety with more favourable grain starch quality. However, there is limited information about the effects of these six gene allele combinations on starch structure and properties. A recombinant inbred line population from a cross between indica and japonica varieties offers opportunities to combine specific alleles of the six genes. RESULTS: The allelic (indica vs japonica) effects of six starch biosynthetic genes on starch structure, functional properties, and abundance of granule bound proteins in rice grains were investigated in a common genetic background using a recombinant inbred line population. The indica Wx (Wxi) allele played a major role while indica SSI (SSIi), japonica SSIIa (SSIIaj) and indica SBEI (SBEIi) alleles had minor roles on the increase of amylose content. SSIIaj and japonica SBEIIb (SBEIIbj) alleles had a major and a minor role on high ratio of ∑DP ≤ 10 to ∑DP ≤ 24 fractions (RCL10/24), respectively. Both major alleles (Wxi and SSIIaj) reduced peak viscosity (PV), onset, peak and end gelatinization temperatures (GTs) of amylopectin, and increased amylose-lipid complex dissociation enthalpy compared with their counterpart-alleles, respectively. SBEIIai and SBEIIbj decreased PV, whereas SSIi and SBEIIbj decreased FV. SBEIi reduced setback viscosity and gelatinization enthalpy. RCL10/24 of chain length distribution in amylopectin is negatively correlated with PV and BD of paste property and GTs of thermal properties. We also report RILs with superior starch properties combining Wxi, SSIj, SSIIaj, SBEIi and SBEIIbj alleles. Additionally, a clear relation is drawn to starch biosynthetic gene alleles, starch structure, properties, and abundance of granule bound starch biosynthetic enzymes inside starch granules. CONCLUSIONS: Rice Wxi and SSIIaj alleles play major roles, while SSIi, SBEIi, SBEIIai and SBEIIbj alleles have minor roles in the determination of starch properties between indica and japonica rice through starch structural modification. The combination of these alleles is a key factor for starch quality improvement in rice breeding programs. RCL10/24 value is critical for starch structure and property determination.Jixun Luo was supported by CSC (Chinese Scholarship Council) and Australian National University scholarships. This work was funded by CSIRO Food Future National Research Flagship

    Curiosity in the genes: the DNA fingerprinting story

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    Environmental concentrations of anti-androgenic pharmaceuticals do not impact sexual disruption in fish alone or in combination with steroid oestrogens

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Sexual disruption in wild fish has been linked to the contamination of river systems with steroid oestrogens, including the pharmaceutical 17α-ethinylestradiol, originating from domestic wastewaters. As analytical chemistry has advanced, more compounds derived from the human usage of pharmaceuticals have been identified in the environment and questions have arisen as to whether these additional pharmaceuticals may also impact sexual disruption in fish. Indeed, pharmaceutical anti-androgens have been shown to induce such effects under laboratory conditions. These are of particular interest since anti-androgenic biological activity has been identified in the aquatic environment and is potentially implicated in sexual disruption alone and in combination with steroid oestrogens. Consequently, predictive modelling was employed to determine the concentrations of two anti-androgenic human pharmaceuticals, bicalutamide and cyproterone acetate, in UK sewage effluents and river catchments and their combined impacts on sexual disruption were then assessed in two fish models. Crucially, fish were also exposed to the anti-androgens in combination with steroid oestrogens to determine whether they had any additional impact on oestrogen induced feminisation. Modelling predicted that the anti-androgenic pharmaceuticals were likely to be widespread in UK river catchments. However, their concentrations were not sufficient to induce significant responses in plasma vitellogenin concentrations, secondary sexual characteristics or gross indices in male fathead minnow or intersex in Japanese medaka alone or in combination with steroid oestrogens. However, environmentally relevant mixtures of oestrone, 17β-oestradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol did induce vitellogenin and intersex, supporting their role in sexual disruption in wild fish populations. Unexpectedly, a male dominated sex ratio (100% in controls) was induced in medaka and the potential cause and implications are briefly discussed, highlighting the potential of non-chemical modes of action on this endpoint

    Father figures

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