1,916 research outputs found


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    A tecnologia está mais acessível ao produtor. O valor de um computador hoje equivale a 1 tonelada de adubo (uréia). A medida que o custo da tecnologia caiu, os valores dos fatores de produção – fertilizantes e salários – subiram significamente. Assim, é vital o produtor encontrar formas de otimizar o uso de insumos e melhorar a produtividade da mão-de-obra no campo. A superação desse desafio pode ter apoio importante na tecnologia da informação. Pesquisa realizada com produtores de frutas e hortaliças observou que boa parte deles já tem acesso aos principais meios de comunicação. No entanto, o uso desses meios integrado ao sistema de produção, como controle de custos de produção e uso de ferramenta de agricultura de precisão, ainda é pequeno. A conclusão do estudo indica que o principal gargalo para a adoção da tecnologia da informação na agricultura está mais ligado à questão de capacitação de pessoas do que, propriamente, o custo.--------------------------------------------------Never have growers had technology more at hand than nowadays. For instance, a computer is worth 1 ton of urea in 2008. At the same time the costs of technology have pushed down, the costs of production means (such as fertilizers and salaries) have risen. It is of utmost importance that the grower find alternatives to optimize the use of agricultural inputs and improve the yield of labor in farms. Information technology may help farmers to overcome this challenge. A research carried out with fruit and vegetable growers showed that almost all growers are connected to the major means of communication. However, few growers are acquainted with the use of these means of communication for an integrated system of production, as a way to control production costs and the use of tools from precision agriculture. As a conclusion the study points out that in Brazilian agribusiness information technology is restrained by human capability rather than cost of technology.Agricultura de Precisão, Tecnologia da Informação, Internet, Fruticultura, Horticultura, Precision Agriculture, Information Technology, Internet, Fruit, Vegetable, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    The Necropolis of Boca do Bio (Sagres, Portugal): the death within a coastal community of the Lower Roman Empire

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    Boca do Rio é uma villa marítima situada no extremo sudoeste peninsular com uma ocupação entre meados do século I a meados do século V, tendo sido um dos sítios mais importantes no fabrico de preparados de peixe do sul da província da Lusitânia. Em 2016 escavaram-se nove sepulturas, datando do século III e IV, da sua necrópole que se encontravam ameaçadas pela erosão. Apresentam-se os resultados do mundo funerário detectado, bem como algumas das patologias que afectavam estas populações costeiras.Boca do Rio is a villa maritima located in the southwestern extremity of the Iberian Peninsula with an occupation from the mid-1st century to the mid-5th century. It was one of the most important sites in the manufacture of salted fish from the southern province of Lusitania. In 2016 nine graves threatened by erosion were excavated, dating from the third and fourth century. The results of the detected funeral world are presented, as well as some of the pathologies that affected these coastal populations

    Longitudinal changes of cardiotocographic parameters throughout pregnancy: a prospective cohort study comparing small-for-gestational-age and normal fetuses from 24 to 40 weeks

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    Objective: To compare longitudinal trends of cardiotocographic (CTG) parameters between small-for-gestational-age (SGA) and normal fetuses, from 24 to 41 weeks of pregnancy. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out in singleton pregnancies without fetal malformations. At least one CTG was performed in each of the following intervals: 24-26 weeks+6 days, 27-29 weeks+6 days, 30-32 weeks+6 days, 33-35 weeks+6 days, 36-38 weeks+6 days and >= 39 weeks. Tracings were analyzed using the Omniview-SisPorto (R) 3.6 system. Cases with a normal - pregnancy outcome, including a birthweight >= 10th percentile for gestational age, were compared with two groups of SGA fetuses: with birthweight < 10th percentile (SGA < p10) and < 3rd percentile (SGA < p3; a subgroup of the latter). Generalized linear mixed-effects models were used for analysis. Results: A total of 176 fetuses (31 SGA) and 1256 tracings (207 from SGA fetuses) were evaluated. All CTG parameters changed significantly throughout pregnancy in the three groups, with a decreasing baseline and probability of decelerations, and an increasing average long-term variability (LTV), average short-term variability (STV) and accelerations. Baseline showed a more pronounced decrease (steeper slope) in SGA fetuses, being higher in these cases at earlier gestational ages and lower later in pregnancy. Average LTV was significantly lower in SGA < p3 fetuses, but a parallel increase occurred in all groups. There was a considerable inter-fetal variability within each group. Conclusion: A unique characterization of CTG trends throughout gestation in SGA fetuses was provided. A steeper descent of the baseline was reported for the first time. The findings raise the possibility of clinical application of computerized CTG analysis in screening and management of fetal growth restriction

    Relationship of arterial and exhaled CO2 during elevated artificial pneumoperitoneum pressure for introduction of the first trocar.

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    The present study evaluated the correlation between arterial CO2 and exhaled CO2 during brief high-pressure pneumoperitoneum. Patients were randomly distributed into two groups: P12 group (n=30) received a maximum intraperitoneal pressure of 12mmHg, and P20 group (n=37) received a maximum intraperitoneal pressure of 20mmHg. Arterial CO2 was evaluated by radial arterial catheter and exhaled CO2 was measured by capnometry at the following time points: before insufflation, once intraperitoneal pressure reached 12mmHg , 5 minutes after intraperitoneal pressure reached 12mmHg for the P12 group or 20mmHg for the P20 group, and 10 minutes after intraperitoneal pressure reached 12mmHg for the P12 group or when intraperitoneal pressure had decreased from 20mmHg to 12mmHg, for the P20 group. During brief durations of very high intraperitoneal pressure (20mmHg), there was a strong correlation between arterial CO2 and exhaled CO2. Capnometry can be effectively used to monitor patients during transient increases in artificial pneumoperitoneum pressure

    Invasive monitoring of the clinical effects of high intra-abdominal pressure for insertion of the first trocar.

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    Background: To analyze the effects of transitory, high intra-abdominal pressure on clinical, hemodynamic, blood gas and metabolic parameters.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Methods: Sixty-seven laparoscopic patients were divided into groups P12 (n = 30, maximum intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg) and P20 (n = 37, maximum intra-abdominal pressure of 20 mmHg). Through radial artery cannulation, mean arterial pressure (MAP) was assessed and blood gas analysis &#x2013; pH, arterial oxygen tension (PaO2), arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2), bicarbonate (HCO3) and base excess (BE) &#x2013; was performed. These parameters were evaluated in both groups at time point zero, before CO2 insufflation; at time point one (TP1), when intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg was reached in both groups; at time point two (TP2), 5 minutes after reaching intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg in group P12 and of 20 mmHg in group P20; and at time point three (TP3), 10 minutes after reaching intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg in group P12 and 10 minutes after TP1 in group P20, when intra-abdominal pressure decreased from 20 mmHg to 12 mmHg. Values out of the normal range or the occurrence of atypical phenomena suggestive of organic disease indicated clinical changes.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Results: Significant variations in MAP, pH, HCO3 and BE were observed in group P20; these changes, however, were within normal limits. Clinical changes were also within normal limits, and no pathological phenomena were observed.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;Conclusions: Brief, intra-abdominal hypertension for the insertion first trocar insertion causes variations in MAP, pH, HCO3 and BE without adverse effects, and it may protect from iatrogenic injury

    Linear and nonlinear heart-rate analysis in a rat model of acute anoxia

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    The objective of this study was the assessment of heart-rate (HR) dynamics with linear and nonlinear methods during episodes of mechanical ventilation and acute anoxia in rats. Namely, to assess whether linear and nonlinear HR analysis was able to discriminate acute anoxia from baseline in rats and if this was consistent with human foetal and adult studies. Five HR segments of 1 min duration, during baseline recording, mechanical ventilation and first, second and third minutes of induced acute anoxia, were analysed in ten adult Wistar rats. Linear time and frequency domain and nonlinear methods were used, namely mean HR (mHR), long-term irregularity (LTI), interval index (II), low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF), approximate entropy (ApEn) and sample entropy (SampEn). New parameters for the entropy indices are proposed for the analysis of rats' HR. Bootstrap percentile confidence intervals and nonparametric statistical tests were used in the evaluation of the differences between segments. During mechanical ventilation a clear spectral band was detectable at the ventilation rate, but mHR, II and the 'new' entropy indices were the only significantly changed indices. In the transition from baseline - mechanical-ventilation to mechanical-ventilation induced anoxia, a statistically significant decrease of mHR, II and entropy indices was observed, clearly discriminating these two instances, whereas most linear indices increased. With continued anoxia, most linear indices decreased significantly, whereas entropy remained stably low. These results are consistent with other foetal human and non-human studies and evidence that the rat model may be used for further research on linear and nonlinear analysis of heart-rate dynamics. The transition from baseline to acute anoxia was encompassed by signs of increased activation of the autonomic nervous system sympathetic branch, and decreased or blunted activity of the HR complexity regulatory centres

    Upper-Limb Kinematic Behavior and Performance Fatigability of Elderly Participants Performing an Isometric Task: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    [Abstract] Upper-limb position-sustained tasks (ULPSIT) are involved in several activities of daily living and are associated with high metabolic and ventilatory demand and fatigue. In older people, this can be critical to the performance of daily living activities, even in the absence of a disability. Objectives: To understand the ULPSIT effects on upper-limb (UL) kinetics and performance fatigability in the elderly. Methods: Thirty-one (31) elderly participants (72.61 ± 5.23 years) performed an ULPSIT. The UL average acceleration (AA) and performance fatigability were measured using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and time-to-task failure (TTF). Results: The findings showed significant changes in AA in the X- and Z-axes (p < 0.05). AA differences in women started earlier in the baseline cutoff in the X-axis, and in men, started earlier between cutoffs in the Z-axis. TTF was positively related to AA in men until 60% TTF. Conclusions: ULPSIT produced changes in AA behavior, indicative of movement of the UL in the sagittal plane. AA behavior is sex related and suggests higher performance fatigability in women. Performance fatigability was positively related to AA only in men, where movement adjustments occurred in an early phase, though with increased activity time

    Habilidades Genéricas Essenciais aos Graduandos em Contabilidade: O Estado da Arte dos Estudos Publicados na “Accounting Education: An International Journal” no Período de 2000 a 2015

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    O presente estudo buscou revisar o estado de arte da pesquisa sobre habilidades genéricas dos graduandos em contabilidade, propondo uma agenda de pesquisa aplicável ao contexto brasileiro. Por meio da uma revisão de 59 estudos publicados no Accounting Education: an international journal no período de 2000 a 2015 que abrange as primeiras iniciativas de convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade, notou-se uma conscientização acerca da importância de integrar o ensino das competências genéricas durante toda a graduação. No entanto, apesar do mapeamento das percepções dos diferentes atores envolvidos, verifica-se que a persistência de uma lacuna significativa entre o desenvolvimento de competências genéricas da forma como é concebida no ensino superior e como esta é efetivamente praticada no local de trabalho, o que possibilita o vislumbre de algumas oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de futuras pesquisas aplicadas ao contexto brasileiro

    Isolated ileal interposition in enteroendocrine L cells differentiation

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    INTRODUCTION: &#xd;&#xa;Due to the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes, its complexity and drug treatment perpetuity, there is currently a search for surgical procedures that can promote euglycemia also in non-obese patients. Diabetic patients glycemic control can be achieved by increasing the blood concentration of GLP-1, a hormone produced by L cells that are more densely concentrated in the terminal ileum. Early and extended improvement of diabetes in patients submitted to bariatric surgeries awakened the necessity of investigating the isolated ileal interposition as a surgical alternative for the treatment of diabetes. The interposition of this ileal segment to a more anterior region (proximal jejunum) can promote a greater stimulation of the L cells by poorly digested food, increasing the production of GLP-1 and reflecting on glycemic control. However, in order to consolidate the ileal interposition as a surgical treatment of diabetes it is necessary that the interposed ileum keep the same differentiation rate into L cells for a long period to justify the intervention.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;AIMS: &#xd;&#xa;To investigate the isolated ileal interposition influence on the differentiation of intestinal precursor cells into enteroendocrine L cells over time.&#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;METHODS: &#xd;&#xa;Twelve 12-week-old male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) of the WAB strain (heterogeneous) will be used. All animals will receive a high-calorie, high-fat diet for 16 weeks or more until they develop glucose dysmetabolism confirmed by glycemic test. They will be divided into two groups of 10 animals each: the isolated ileal interposition group (GI) and the control group (GC), comprising animals that will not be submitted to any surgical intervention. Blood samples will be collected under anesthesia at the weeks 12, 26, 36 and 44 for the determination of serum levels of glucose, insulin, GLP-1, glucagon, C-peptide and glycosilated hemoglobin. The insulin tolerance test will be performed and insulin resistance will be calculated. For the comparative analysis of the ileal precursor cells differentiation into enteroendocrine cells among the two groups, the following intestinal fragments will be collected after euthanasia: interposed ileum and remaining ileum from GI, jejunum and ileum from GC. These fragments will be analyzed by imunofluorescence and also by Real Time PCR using PCR Arrays for target genes including the main ones related to stem cell, stem cell signaling, diabetes, Wnt and Notch signaling pathways and other genes and pathways involved in the differentiation of intestinal precursor cells into enteroendocrine cells, especially GLP-1-producing L cells that play important role in euglycemia