64 research outputs found
The Development of Key Positions in Crises on the Example of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Theoretical background: Talent management refers to how organizations attract, select, develop and manage talented employees. Thus, talent development is an important part of the overall process. It can be observed that there are relatively few papers focusing primarily on talent development. Meanwhile, it is a more complex and fraught activity than many HR specialist recognize, thus, it is worth paying more attention and research. Even less papers covers talent development during COVID-19 as it is a relatively new problem and research is still ongoing.Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to present the results of research on the conduct of development processes by companies for talented employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.Research methods: For the analysis, literature studies were carried out and the quantitative study with the use of the author’s questionnaire and CATI interview was organized in October–November 2020. The research sample included 102 purposefully selected organizations.Main findings: Research indicates that organizations have been affected by the pandemic in terms of their personnel policies. They decided to take restrictions, but their degree was different for talents and other employees. The biggest restrictions affected training budgets, foreign trips and postgraduate/MBA studies. Organizations continued to run talent development programs in the pandemic, but their scope decreased. Changes in priorities were also noted – the importance of talent development before the pandemic was greater for respondents. During the pandemic, retaining talent and building their commitment came to the fore. The analysis also made comparisons with the results of author’s own studies on subprime crisis, which show that the organization’s actions in these two crisis situations have converged in many areas. In particular, it was decided to maintain developmental activities, but in exchange for more costly forms of development, talents were offered cheaper internal training, projects or job rotation. The differences include the inclusion of talent in strategic projects, “crisis headquarters”, which was observed to a large extent during the subprime crisis, but did not appear in the pandemic results. It should be emphasised that the research was carried out in two different groups, which does not authorise clear conclusions, but only allows for very preliminary reflections on the behaviour of the organization in these two situations. Research results contribute to reducing the research gap in the talent development process during pandemic or crisis. Theoretical background: Talent management refers to how organizations attract, select, develop and manage talented employees. Thus, talent development is an important part of the overall process. It can be observed that there are relatively few papers focusing primarily on talent development. Meanwhile, it is a more complex and fraught activity than many HR specialist recognize, thus, it is worth paying more attention and research. Even less papers covers talent development during COVID-19 as it is a relatively new problem and research is still ongoing.Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to present the results of research on the conduct of development processes by companies for talented employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.Research methods: For the analysis, literature studies were carried out and the quantitative study with the use of the author’s questionnaire and CATI interview was organized in October–November 2020. The research sample included 102 purposefully selected organizations.Main findings: Research indicates that organizations have been affected by the pandemic in terms of their personnel policies. They decided to take restrictions, but their degree was different for talents and other employees. The biggest restrictions affected training budgets, foreign trips and postgraduate/MBA studies. Organizations continued to run talent development programs in the pandemic, but their scope decreased. Changes in priorities were also noted – the importance of talent development before the pandemic was greater for respondents. During the pandemic, retaining talent and building their commitment came to the fore. The analysis also made comparisons with the results of author’s own studies on subprime crisis, which show that the organization’s actions in these two crisis situations have converged in many areas. In particular, it was decided to maintain developmental activities, but in exchange for more costly forms of development, talents were offered cheaper internal training, projects or job rotation. The differences include the inclusion of talent in strategic projects, “crisis headquarters”, which was observed to a large extent during the subprime crisis, but did not appear in the pandemic results. It should be emphasised that the research was carried out in two different groups, which does not authorise clear conclusions, but only allows for very preliminary reflections on the behaviour of the organization in these two situations. Research results contribute to reducing the research gap in the talent development process during pandemic or crisis
Esė žanras kaip atsakas į šiuolaikinio skaitytojo poreikius
The article reviews the popularity of essay genre in modern Lithuanian and Polish literature. It tries to answer the question of what essay’s features determine its success, and what is so special about this genre that the most important authors have chosen essay as the most appropriate form to express their creative ideas. Essay’s popularity in Lithuania and Poland at the end of XX, and in the beginning of XXI century is mainly connected with the political and social situation changes, but – even though the breakthrough of this literary form had its place more than twenty years ago – the interest in it is not decreasing. What could be the reason for this situation? Which elements of modern culture create such favorable conditions for essay’s development? We could look for the answer to this question while reflecting on the change of communication methods, on which the new media has a huge impact. The new media and its tools change the ways of communication, and reading habits. The essay genre – with its openness, freedom, flexibility and compactness – is the literary form that can meet the modern communication structure the most adequately.Straipsnyje stengiuosi atsakyti į klausimą, kokie esė bruožai lemia jos populiarumą ir kuo šis žanras ypatingas, kad svarbiausi šiuolaikinės literatūros kūrėjai tiek Lietuvoje, tiek Lenkijoje pasirinko esė kaip tinkamiausią formą savo kūrybinėms idėjoms išreikšti. Esė išpopuliarėjimas Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje XX ir XXI amžių sankirtoje susijęs daugiausiai su politinės ir socialinės padėties pokyčiais. Nors nuo šios literatūrinės formos proveržio praėjo jau keliolika ar keliasdešimt metų – susidomėjimas ja nemažėja: esė (ypač literatūrinės esė, kuri artimesnė grožinei literatūrai) pozicija vis dar stipri. Kokia gali būti tokios situacijos priežastis? Kokie šiuolaikinės kultūros elementai sudaro esė tokias palankias plėtojimosi sąlygas? Atsakymo į šį klausimą galima ieškoti apmąstant komunikacijos metodų kaitą, kuriai milžiniškos įtakos turi naujosios medijos. Naujosios medijos ir jų priemonės keičia komunikavimo būdus ir kartu skaitymo įpročius. Esė pasižymi atvirumu, laisvumu, lankstumu ir kompaktiškumu ir yra ta grožinės literatūros forma, kuri geriausiai atitinka šiuolaikinės komunikacijos struktūrą
Institutionalization of Strategic Partnerships: Comparative Analysis of Established European Union Partnerships with the United States, Japan and Canada
Strategic partnerships are nowadays one of the tools most willingly applied in foreign policy. The subject of the presented analysis is the institutionalization process of a strategic partnership understood as the functioning of certain norms and rules in a given relationship (expressed in the founding documents of partnerships) and the regularization of joint bodies and meeting established partners: the United States, Japan, and Canada. The results show that it is possible to identify a pattern of institutionalization process used by the European Union in its relations with strategic partners; they also reveal how great importance contemporary players in the international arena attach to institutionalization processes in their mutual relations. formats. The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of institutional solutions applied in the European Union’s strategic partnerships with its relations with strategic partners; they also reveal how great importance contemporary players in the international arena attach to institutionalization processes in their mutual relations.Partnerstwa strategiczne są współcześnie jednym z najchętniej stosowanych narzędzi w polityce zagranicznej. Przedmiotem przedstawionej analizy jest proces instytucjonalizacji partnerstwa strategicznego rozumiany jako funkcjonowanie w relacji określonych norm i zasad (wyrażonych w dokumentach fundacyjnych partnerstw) oraz regularyzacja wspólnych ciał i formatów spotkań. Celem artykułu jest analiza komparatystyczna rozwiązań instytucjonalnych stosowanych w partnerstwach strategicznych Unii Europejskiej z ugruntowanymi partnerami: Stanami Zjednoczonymi, Japonią oraz Kanadą. Wyniki wskazują, że można zidentyfikować wzorzec procesu instytucjonalizacji, który UE stosuje wobec swoich partnerów strategicznych, oraz uwidoczniają dużą rolę, jaką współcześni gracze na arenie międzynarodowej przykładają do procesów instytucjonalizacji wspólnych relacji
GaMeS: Mesh-Based Adapting and Modification of Gaussian Splatting
Recently, a range of neural network-based methods for image rendering have
been introduced. One such widely-researched neural radiance field (NeRF) relies
on a neural network to represent 3D scenes, allowing for realistic view
synthesis from a small number of 2D images. However, most NeRF models are
constrained by long training and inference times. In comparison, Gaussian
Splatting (GS) is a novel, state-of-the-art technique for rendering points in a
3D scene by approximating their contribution to image pixels through Gaussian
distributions, warranting fast training and swift, real-time rendering. A
drawback of GS is the absence of a well-defined approach for its conditioning
due to the necessity to condition several hundred thousand Gaussian components.
To solve this, we introduce the Gaussian Mesh Splatting (GaMeS) model, which
allows modification of Gaussian components in a similar way as meshes. We
parameterize each Gaussian component by the vertices of the mesh face.
Furthermore, our model needs mesh initialization on input or estimated mesh
during training. We also define Gaussian splats solely based on their location
on the mesh, allowing for automatic adjustments in position, scale, and
rotation during animation. As a result, we obtain a real-time rendering of
editable GS
The objective of the article is to discuss the present state of innovations in logistics together with the development trends. In the theoretical part, the authors present the fundamentals of logistics and innovations, also, the list of the most up-to-date innovations in logistics are being described. In the analytical part of the article, the authors focus on the main logistics companies, operating in Poland, with the more detailed description of their actions, with an emphasis on their innovative character. Also, the main barriers of being innovative are presented as well
Ugruntowanie współpracy strategicznej: wyjątkowe powiązania i regularyzowany bilateralny strategiczny interakcjonizm
This chapter conceptualizes and operationalizes an important element of
strategic partnership model, that is strategic cooperation sustainability. It disentangles the notion through the analysis of the multiple dimensions such as partners’ commitment to their bilateralism, their willingness to maintain and develop the level of cooperation as well as the very performative dimension of their strategic interactions (joints activities). The chapter also advances two hypotheses in which the presence of (positive) unique bonds and that of regular and intensive bilateral interactions at various levels are posited to influence the scope of strategic cooperation sustainability. a number of aspects are analyzed thereby – starting from the sharedness of values and developed personal diplomacy to the forms and practices of regularization and intensification of bilateral interaction, including within the established joint bodies, through standardized meetings at distinct levels (expert, parliamentary, low to high executive levels) and informal modes of bilateral interactions
Państwa, organizacje międzynarodowe i partnerstwa strategiczne: teoretyczne podstawy modelu idealnego
drawing on the critical literature review from the previous chapter, this
chapter sketches the minefield of theorizing an escapable phenomenon – strategic
partnerships in world politics and IR theory. It first outlines the theory-building rationale
and strategy, epistemological considerations and ontological standing; then
it justifies why building of a „heuristic model” was chosen as a way of studying the
phenomenon. The chapter develops a realist-constructivist approach to the study of
strategic partnerships, according to which strategic partnerships can provide states
and non-state actors with a form of foreign-policy assertiveness, special bilateral relations
and alignment, as well as a form of structured international engagement. The
theoretical and methodological discussions within this chapter are completed by five
main hypotheses, a qualitatively-driven mixed-method methodological framework,
including the description of main variables, their operationalization and measurement
methods, data collection and research sampling
Państwa, organizacje międzynarodowe i partnerstwa strategiczne, 693 s.
W postzimowojennych stosunkach międzynarodowych partnerstwa strategiczne przypominają wyłaniającą się, odrębną kategorię analityczną i polityczną, której rosnące wykorzystanie jako narzędzia polityki zagranicznej, widoczne zarówno w dyskursie politycznym, jak i akademickim, skutkuje niezaprzeczalnym znaczeniem dla zrozumienia dynamiki współczesnej współpracy strategicznej między państwami a organizacjami międzynarodowymi. Jednocześnie idea partnerstw strategicznych pozostała niedostatecznie steoretyzowana i często przysłonięta przez teorię sojuszu. Odnosząc się do tej wyraźnej luki w literaturze IR / FPA, niniejsza książka przedstawia oryginalne przedsięwzięcie mające na celu teoretyczne i empiryczne przetestowanie analitycznego modelu partnerstw strategicznych jako nowej formy ugruntowanej współpracy międzynarodowej w czasie globalnej współzależności i turbulencji.
Główne zalety książki:
• jest pionierskim oraz wszechstronnym badaniem teorii i polityki „partnerstw strategicznych”;
• analizie treści zostało poddanych ponad 250 manifestów polityki zagranicznej, stąd znaczna ilość pierwotnych danych została pozyskana z tekstów - przede wszystkim te dotyczące celów strategicznych aktorów oraz wyrazistych zagadnień polityki zagranicznej;
• uzyskany obszerny zbiór innych pierwotnych danych jakościowych i ilościowych gromadzonych i generowanych w toku badań może być również przydatny do dalszych studiów IR / FPA, które koncentrują się na roli międzynarodowej, władzy, znaczeniu strategicznym, interakcjach w polityce zagranicznej (spotkaniach) itp.
• zastosowane nowoczesne podejście metodologiczne łączy nowatorską, wspomaganą komputerowo jakościową analizę treści (Atlas.ti) i analizę ilościową (SPSS) z klasycznymi metodami badawczymi w ramach paradygmatu metod mieszanych;
• książka oferuje prawdziwie międzynarodowe perspektywy, ponieważ przeanalizowano czternaście reprezentatywnych studiów przypadku partnerstw strategicznych z czterech regionów świata;
• książka ta oferuje wgląd w „przemysł” partnerstw strategicznych zarówno głównych, jak i mniejszych podmiotów międzynarodowych (od USA, Chin i Rosji po Ukrainę i Gruzję, by wymienić tylko kilka), a także cztery wpływowe organizacje międzynarodowe i ponadnarodowe (UE, NATO, ASEAN i Wspólnota Andyjska)
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