266 research outputs found

    El rostro y la educación

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    En este artículo se presentan una serie de palabras claves que plantean la educación como acontecimiento ético y dan sentido a preguntas fundamentales dobre la educación en valores

    Estimación de parámetros de motores de inducción con técnicas analíticas, genéticas y de partículas

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    El objetivo de este proyecto, se ha centrado en la identificación de los parámetros que representan el modelo de circuito de un motor de inducción. En concreto para este estudio se ha utilizado el modelo de jaula simple con los parámetros rotóricos variables en función del deslizamiento para poder determinar el comportamiento del mismo durante el punto de funcionamiento nominal, así como el arranque. La tarea ha sido automatizada para catálogos enteros de los fabricantes y para la obtención de resultados se han utilizado métodos determinísticos como mínimos cuadrados, así como probabilísticos (GA, PSO), con el objetivo de explorar varias vías de optimización que permitan dar a luz a modelos representativos y confiables de cada una de las series de motores que se expoenen con sus respectivas características genéricas englobando la serie y vienen expuestas en las hojas de información de los fabricantes.The aim of this project is the identification of the circuit parameters that represent the model of an inductor motor circuit. In particular, a single cage model with variable rotor parameters has been used in order to determine its behavior in normal conditions, as well as in the start. This procedure has been automatized for manufacturer catalogues, and results have been obtained by using deterministic methods such as least squares, as well as probabilistic ones (GA, PSO) so as to explore different ways of optimization and design reliable models of every series of motors whose characteristics are provided in manufacturer’s data sheets.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías Industriale

    Optimización de la gestión del autoconsumo colectivo en España bajo el marco regulatorio establecido en el RD 244/2019

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    El objetivo de este proyecto, se ha centrado en el análisis del marco regulatorio español del autoconsumo colectivo doméstico, que se basa en unos coeficientes fijos (previamente establecidos) de reparto para la asignación de energía autoconsumida y excedentes para cada uno de los consumidores. Para este estudio, se ha asumido un amplio conjunto de perfiles de consumo verosímiles generado por el software LoadProfile como punto de partida. Numerosas simulaciones han sido llevadas a cabo para un considerable rango de potencia de generación instalada, tomando en consideración las restricciones técnicas establecidas por el vigente RD 244/2019. Varios enfoques han sido analizados. En primer lugar, se presenta la alternativa brindada por defecto por la regulación actual. Por consiguiente, se plantea un enfoque ideal en el que se entiende el conjunto grupal de consumidores como un único consumidor y se compara con el enfoque preestablecido por el vigente RD 244/2019, ya comentado, además de una serie adicional de propuestas, centradas en la mejora de los actuales coeficientes de reparto tanto de la energía autoconsumida, así como la venta de excedentes, dada la suma importancia de los mismos en este tópico y la potencial mejora que presentan. Por otro lado, una optimización tecno-económica basada en coeficientes fijos y permitida por la vigente normativa será llevada a cabo, que supondrá el máximo desempeño de la instalación en las vigentes condiciones, más otras dos fuera del alcance del presente marco regulatorio, y, cuyo enfonque adaptado al consumo de los prosumidores permitrá impulsar notoriamente el rendimiento económico de la instalación hasta prácticamente igualar el máximo teórico alcanzable. Así mismo, una comparación entre una de las antiguas tarifas del PVPC para consumidores domésticos (2.0.A) y la actual (2.0.D) ha sido llevada a cabo, apareciendo la necesidad de determinar el nuevo escenario de precios de la energía en base a las nuevas disposiciones del RD 216/2014 presentadas en las modificaciones del 18/03/2021 de la Comisión Nacional de Mercados y Competencia (CNMC).The aim of this project has focused on the analysis of the Spanish regulatory framework for domestic collective self-consumption, which is based on fixed (previously established) distribution coefficients for the allocation of self-consumed energy and energy surplus for each of the consumers. For this study, a large set of plausible consumption profiles generated by the LoadProfile software has been assumed as a starting point. Numerous simulations have been carried out for a considerable range of installed generation power, taking into consideration the technical restrictions established by the current RD 244/2019. Several approaches have been analysed. Firstly, the alternative provided by default by the current regulation is presented. Therefore, an ideal approach is proposed in which the group of consumers is understood as a single consumer and compared with the approach pre-established by the current RD 244/2019, already mentioned, as well as an additional series of proposals, which are focused on improving the current distribution coefficients for both self-consumed energy and the sale of surpluses, due to the extreme importance of these in this topic and the potential improvement that they present.On the other hand, a techno-economic optimisation based on fixed coefficients and permitted by current regulations will be carried out, which will mean the maximum performance of the installation under current conditions, plus two other proposals outside the scope of the present regulatory framework, and whose approach adapted to the consumption of prosumers will significantly boost the economic performance of the installation to practically equal the maximum theoretically achievable. A comparison between one of the old PVPC tariffs for domestic consumers (2.0.A) and the current one (2.0.D) has been carried out, which shows the need to determine the new energy price scenario based on the new provisions of RD 216/2014 presented in the amendments of 18/03/2021 of the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC).Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria

    El rostro y la educación. La educación como acción ética.

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    En este artículo se presentan una serie de palabras claves que plantean la educación como acontecimiento ético y dan sentido a preguntas fundamentales dobre la educación en valores

    Evaluation of the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict chemical composition in Ulva ohnoi

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    Green algae of the genus Ulva have been identified as suitable organisms for biomass production and good candidates for the development of seaweed blue-biotech industries. The fluctuation of chemical composition during the growth of the algae, which depends largely on environmental factors, makes the development of rapid phenotyping protocols necessary. In this work the efficacy of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict dry matter, mineral fraction, nitrogen, and carbon contents directly from wet untreated samples and from dried samples was studied. Partial least square (PLS) models from spectra recorded on 80 samples were used to predict dry matter, and 44 samples to predict carbon, nitrogen and mineral fraction on a wet and dry weight basis.Postprint (published version

    Robotic intracorporeal urinary diversion: practical review of current surgical techniques

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    In this practical review, we discuss current surgical techniques reported in the literature to perform Intracorporeal Urinary Diversion (ICUD) after Robotic Radical Cystectomy (RARC), emphasizing criticisms of single approaches and making comparisons with Extracorporeal Urinary Diversion (ECUD). Although almost 97% of all RARCs use an ECUD, ICUD is gaining in popularity, in view of its potential benefits (i.e., decreased bowel exposure, etc.), although there are a few studies comparing ICUD and ECUD. Analysing single experiences and the data from recent metanalyses, we emphasize the current critiques to ICUD, stressing particular technical details which could reduce operative time, lowering the postoperative complications rate, and improving functional outcomes. Only analysis of long-term follow-up data from large-scale homogeneous series can ascertain whether robotic intracorporeal urinary diversion is superior to other approaches

    Notes sobre la FP pública de Palma (I)

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    Spectral analysis of the angular distribution function of back reflectors for thin film silicon solar cells

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    Nowadays, one of the most important challenges to enhance the efficiency of thin film silicon solar cells is to increase the short circuit intensity by means of optical confinement methods, such as textured back-reflector structures. In this work, two possible textured structures to be used as back reflectors for n-i-p solar cells have been optically analyzed and compared to a smooth one by using a system which is able to measure the angular distribution function (ADF) of the scattered light in a wide spectral range (350-1000 nm). The accurate analysis of the ADF data corresponding to the reflector structures and to the μc-Si:H films deposited onto them allows the optical losses due to the reflector absorption and its effectiveness in increasing light absorption in the μc-Si:H layer, mainly at long wavelengths, to be quantified

    Neonatal Resveratrol and Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementations Sex-Dependently Affect Beige Transcriptional Programming of Preadipocytes in Mouse Adipose Tissue

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    Nutritional programming of the thermogenic and fuel oxidation capacity of white adipose tissue (WAT) through dietary interventions in early life is a potential strategy to enhance future metabolic health. We previously showed that mild neonatal supplementations with the polyphenol resveratrol (RSV) and the vitamin B3 form nicotinamide riboside (NR) have sex-dependent, long-term effects on the thermogenic/oxidative phenotype of WAT of mice in adulthood, enhancing this phenotype selectively in male animals. Here, we tested the hypothesis that these dietary interventions may impact the commitment of progenitor cells resident in the developing WAT toward brown-like (beige) adipogenesis. NMRI mice received orally from postnatal day 2–20 (P2–20) a mild dose of RSV or NR, in independent experiments; control littermates received the vehicle. Sex-separated primary cultures were established at P35 from the stromovascular fraction of inguinal WAT (iWAT) and of brown adipose tissue (BAT). Expression of genes related to thermogenesis and oxidative metabolism was assessed in the differentiated cultures, and in vivo in the iWAT depot of young (P35) animals. Neonatal RSV and NR treatments had little impact on the animals’ growth during early postnatal life and the expression of thermogenesis- and oxidative metabolism-related genes in the iWAT depot of young mice. However, the expression of brown/beige adipocyte marker genes was upregulated in the iWAT primary cultures from RSV supplemented and NR supplemented male mice, and downregulated in those from supplemented female mice, as compared to cultures derived from sex-matched control littermates. RSV supplementation had similar sex-dependent effects on the expression of thermogenesis-related genes in the BAT primary cultures. A link between the sex-dependent short-term effects of neonatal RSV and NR supplementations on primary iWAT preadipocyte differentiation observed herein and their previously reported sex-dependent long-term effects on the thermogenic/oxidative capacity of adult iWAT is suggested. The results provide proof-of-concept that the fate of preadipocytes resident in WAT of young animals toward the beige adipogenesis transcriptional program can be modulated by specific food bioactives/micronutrients received in early postnatal life
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