38 research outputs found

    Development of nanocrystal based light sources in silicon

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb IMB-CNM-CSICIn the present work we have fabricated capacitors with silicon nanocrystals embedded in a dielectric matrix. All the techniques used in the fabrication process are fully compatible with CMOS technology. We will show the luminescence of the device when a continuous voltage is applied between the top and bottom contacts. Also, we will see how the intensity{current curve suggests charge trapping in silicon nanocrystals and the creation of conductive paths within the dielectric matrix

    Development and optimization of silicon based light sources for integration into a sensor platform

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    [spa] Aquesta tesi presenta un estudi de les propietats òptiques de capes d'òxid de silici enriquit en silici (SRO) i nitrur de silici enriquit en silici (SRN) que han sofert un procés tèrmic d'alta temperatura. Aquest procés indueix la creació de nanoaglomerats de silici en la matriu dielèctrica. Aquestes nanoestructures de silici presenten una superior eficiència en l'emissió respecte al silici en bloc, i a més a més emeten en el visible en comptes de l'infraroig. Això és interessant per a l'obtenció de dispositius fotònics integrats basats en silici que poden ser fabricats monolíticament en un procés compatible amb la tecnologia CMOS que domina la indústria microelectrònica. A més a més, hem estudiat les propietats òptiques i elèctriques de dispositius metall-aïllant-semiconductor en les quals l'aïllant és una capa d'SRO o SRN amb nanoaglomerats de silici. N'hem mesurat paràmetres d'interès com ara l'eficiència de conversió d'energia elèctrica-òptica o la potència òptica, i n'hem estudiat els mecanismes d'injecció que hi tenen lloc. S'han identificat tres tipus diferents d'emissió: per punts, per la vora del dispositiu, i emissió homogènia, i hem determinat que l'emissió homogènia és la més adecuada pel que fa a l'eficiència dels dispositius. Hem desenvolupat un programa que permet el càlcul de les interferències òptiques que tenen lloc als sistemes multicapa que conformen els dispositius estudiats, i que distorsionen l'espectre observat respecte al que les capes realment emeten. L'habilitat de poder calcular aquests efectes ens permet, en molts casos, eliminar l'efecte de les interferències i determinar l'autèntic espectre d'emissió de les capes i per tant estar en millors condicions d'assignar l'emissió als mecanismes correctes. Finalment, hem proposat un prototip per a un transceptor en el qual l'emissor, la guia d'ones i el detector estan integrats monolíticament en un procés CMOS. Hem fabricat el dispositiu i l'hem caracteritzat. Tot i que no hem aconseguit acoblament òptic entre l'emissor i el detector, creiem que el disseny bàsic queda validat, ja que els principals obstacles en l'obtenció del dispositiu han sigut superats amb èxit.[eng] We have characterized electroluminescent devices based on silicon rich oxide and/or silicon rich nitride. We have discussed the photoluminescence and structural characterization of the active layers and the electrical and electroluminescent characterization of full devices. We have noted that the electroluminescence can appear in the form of discrete points scattered across the active area of the devices, in the form of emission along the rim of the active area, or homogeneously distributed across the area. These different kinds of emission have been related to the optical and electrical properties of the devices. In the two former cases, the electroluminescence comes with high current densities,of the order of 1 A/cm2, and low efficiencies of the order of 10-8. On the other hand, the homogeneous emission comes with lower current densities, of the order of 0.01 A/cm2, and better efficiencies, in the range 10-7–10-5. We have concluded that the homogeneous emission is optimal in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, a simple model has been proposed to explain the appearance and occasional coexistence of the different kinds of emission. The effect of a nitride layer on top of the SRO has been explored, concluding that it helps in achieving a uniform conduction that favors the homogeneous emission in the active layer. The conductivity states of the active layer associated with the different kinds of emission have been related with its CV behavior. The results of the study show that the homogeneous emission corresponds to well behaved CV curves, whereas the emission through points does not. The injection mechanisms in PECVD and ion implanted samples have been studied, concluding that no single emission mechanism can account for the injection at all regimes in the studied range of electric fields. Fowler-Nordheim or trap assisted tunneling have been found to play a significant role in PECVD samples. In implanted samples, Fowler-Nordheim dominates at low fields, whereas Poole-Frenkel is more likely to be the dominant mechanism at higher fields. Comparison of the photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra of bilayers SRO/SRN, allows us to conclude that each layer contributes a different band in the total emission, which results in a wider distribution of the energy across the visible spectrum. The comparison between the photoluminescence and electroluminescence has revealed massive differences in their spectra, which have been attributed to interference effects. A computer software based in the Crawford method for the study of the interference effects in multilayer stacks has been presented. The program has been used to quantitatively study the interference effects in the emission of our devices. We can conclude that the photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra are the same despite their apparent difference. Our analysis has also made it apparent that a quantitative understanding of the interference effects in the system is important in order to draw valid conclusions regarding the origins of the luminescence. We have presented the design, fabrication and characterization of a CMOS compatible optical transceiver, and two main challenges in the integration of the emitter, waveguide and detector have been successfully overcome, namely achieving a reasonably flat and uniform silicon oxide trench and a good detector. In the end, the transceiver has not worked as expected, most likely due to a poor SRN emitter. More work is required in order to better control the fabrication process of the SRN layers. However, we believe the basic design to be valid, given the low electrical coupling detected between the emitter and the detector components of the transceiver

    Manipulating and assembling metallic beads with optoelectronic tweezers

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    Optoelectronic tweezers (OET) or light-patterned dielectrophoresis (DEP) has been developed as a micromanipulation technology for controlling micro- and nano-particles with applications such as cell sorting and studying cell communications. Additionally, the capability of moving small objects accurately and assembling them into arbitrary 2D patterns also makes OET an attractive technology for microfabrication applications. In this work, we demonstrated the use of OET to manipulate conductive silver-coated Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microspheres (50 μm diameter) into tailored patterns. It was found that the microspheres could be moved at a max velocity of 3200 μm/s, corresponding to 4.2 nano-newton (10−9 N) DEP force, and also could be positioned with high accuracy via this DEP force. The underlying mechanism for this strong DEP force is shown by our simulations to be caused by a significant increase of the electric field close to the particles, due to the interaction between the field and the silver shells coating the microspheres. The associated increase in electrical gradient causes DEP forces that are much stronger than any previously reported for an OET device, which facilitates manipulation of the metallic microspheres efficiently without compromise in positioning accuracy and is important for applications on electronic component assembling and circuit construction

    Assembling and Manipulating Metallic Beads Using Optoelectronic Tweezers

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    Optoelectronic tweezers (OET) or light patterned dielectrophoresis (DEP) has been proved to be an effective micromanipulation technology for cell sorting, cell separation and cell communications. Apart from being useful for cell biology experiments, the capability of moving small objects accurately also makes OET an attractive technology for other micromanipulation applications. In this work, we demonstrated the use of OET to manipulate conductive silver-coated Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microspheres into different patterns. The silver-coated PMMA microspheres were suspended in deionized water and manipulated by positive DEP force generated by an OET device. It is found that the microspheres can be moved at a max speed of over 3000 µm/s, corresponding to around 4 nano-newton (10-9 N) DEP force, which is at least an order of magnitude stronger than the DEP force imposed on widely-reported glass and PMMA microspheres. Simulations were carried out to clarify the underlying mechanism and it is found that the strong DEP force is caused by the significant increase of the gradient of electric field due to the silver shells of the microspheres. The strong DEP force makes it possible to manipulate these metallic microspheres efficiently with high reliability, which is important for applications on electronic component assembling and circuit construction

    Biofunctionalized all-polymer photonic lab on a chip with integrated solid-state light emitter

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    A photonic lab on a chip (PhLOC), comprising a solid-state light emitter (SSLE) aligned with a biofunctionalized optofluidic multiple internal reflection (MIR) system, is presented. The SSLE is obtained by filling a microfluidic structure with a phenyltrimethoxysilane (PhTMOS) aqueous sol solution containing a fluorophore organic dye. After curing, the resulting xerogel solid structure retains the emitting properties of the fluorophore, which is evenly distributed in the xerogel matrix. Photostability studies demonstrate that after a total dose (at l = 365 nm) greater than 24 J/cm2, the xerogel emission decay is only 4.1%. To re-direct the emitted light, the SSLE includes two sets of air mirrors that surround the xerogel. Emission mapping of the SSLE demonstrates that alignment variations of 150 mm (between the SSLE and the external pumping light source) provide fluctuations in emitted light smaller than 5%. After this verification, the SSLE is monolithically implemented with a MIR, forming the PhLOC. Its performance is assessed by measuring quinolone yellow, obtaining a limit of detection (LOD) of (0.60 +/- 0.01) mM. Finally, the MIR is selectively biofunctionalized with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for the detection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) target analyte, obtaining a LOD of (0.7 +/- 0.1) mM for H2O2, confirming, for the first time, that solid-state xerogel-based emitters can be massively implemented in biofunctionalized PhLOCs

    Use of optoelectronic tweezers in manufacturing – accurate solder bead positioning

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    In this work, we analyze the use of optoelectronic tweezers (OETs) to manipulate 45 μm diameter Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder beads with light-induced dielectrophoresis force and we demonstrate high positioning accuracy. It was found that the positional deviation of the solder beads increases with the increase of the trap size. To clarify the underlying mechanism, simulations based on the integration of the Maxwell stress tensor were used to study the force profiles of OET traps with different sizes. It was found that the solder beads felt a 0.1 nN static friction or stiction force due to electrical forces pulling them towards the surface and that this force is not dependent on the size of the trap. The stiction limits the positioning accuracy; however, we show that by choosing a trap that is just larger than the solder bead sub-micron positional accuracy can be achieved

    Micromanipulation of InP lasers with optoelectronic tweezers for integration on a photonic platform

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    The integration of light sources on a photonic platform is a key aspect of the fabrication of self-contained photonic circuits with a small footprint that does not have a definitive solution yet. Several approaches are being actively researched for this purpose. In this work we propose optoelectronic tweezers for the manipulation and integration of light sources on a photonic platform and report the positional and angular accuracy of the micromanipulation of standard Fabry-Pérot InP semiconductor laser die. These lasers are over three orders of magnitude bigger in volume than any previously assembled with optofluidic techniques and the fact that they are industry standard lasers makes them significantly more useful than previously assembled microdisk lasers. We measure the accuracy to be 2.5 ± 1.4 µm and 1.4 ± 0.4° and conclude that optoelectronic tweezers are a promising technique for the micromanipulation and integration of optoelectronic components in general and semiconductor lasers in particular

    Size Scaling with Light Patterned Dielectrophoresis in an Optoelectronic Tweezers Device

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    We report the experimental measurement of the relationship between the size of particles being moved by optically patterned dielectrophoresis in an Optoelectronic Tweezers (OET) device and the force that they experience. The OET device turns an optical pattern into a pattern of electrical fields through the selective illumination of a photoconductive material. In this work we use a data projector to create the structured illumination which gives a relatively flat optical profile with steep optical gradients and hence steep electrical gradients at the edges of the light patterns created. For a small particle in a constant electrical gradient it would be expected that the force due to dielectrophoresis would scale with the cube of the particle’s radius whereas the forces needed to move it against the viscous fluid scale with the radius so that there would be a an increase of the velocity at which we can move particles with a relationship of the radius squared. As the particles in an OET device are often larger than the area over which the electrical gradients are produced it is not obvious how their forces scale with size. In this paper we show that there is a small size regime where the particle size relationship with force is well described by a linear fit and a regime where it is not. We show that the magnitude of the force is dependent on the light pattern used and that with larger particles and optimized light patterns velocities of around 1mms-1 can be achieved

    Escape from an optoelectronic tweezer trap: experimental results and simulations

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    Optoelectronic tweezers (OET) are a microsystem actuation technology capable of moving microparticles at mm s−1 velocities with nN forces. In this work, we analyze the behavior of particles manipulated by negative dielectrophoresis (DEP) forces in an OET trap. A user-friendly computer interface was developed to generate a circular rotating light pattern to control the movement of the particles, allowing their force profiles to be conveniently measured. Three-dimensional simulations were carried out to clarify the experimental results, and the DEP forces acting on the particles were simulated by integrating the Maxwell stress tensor. The simulations matched the experimental results and enabled the determination of a new “hopping” mechanism for particle-escape from the trap. As indicated by the simulations, there exists a vertical DEP force at the edge of the light pattern that pushes up particles to a region with a smaller horizontal DEP force. We propose that this phenomenon will be important to consider for the design of OET micromanipulation experiments for a wide range of applications

    A Low Cost Technique for Adding Microlasers to a Silicon Photonic Platform

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    In this paper we report the physical micromanipulation of standard InP telecommunications laser die in a liquid medium by means of optoelectronic tweezers. Optoelectronic tweezers have been shown to use much less optical power than optical tweezers, they do not require a coherent light source to function and the creation of multiple traps is straightforward. These properties make the technique a very good candidate for the massive parallel micromanipulation of optoelectronic components for assembly on a photonic platform. We discuss the positional and orientation accuracy of the optoelectronic tweezers in relation to the alignment requirements for low-loss coupling between the light sources and the other components in a photonic platform. Our experiments indicate that the accuracy is better than 2 µm and 2◦ for translations and rotations, respectively