1,410 research outputs found

    59. Satzmodus

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    El mantenimiento de las tradiciones funerarias de una minoría religiosa: Cementerios judíos en Europa

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    This article gives a brief outline of the development of Jewish cemeteries in Europe since antiquity up to today. It focuses less on gravestones than on the positioning, layout and later design of these burial places. Jewish cemeteries reflect the ever changing situation of a religious and social minority within a sometimes tolerant, but mostly intolerant environment. It’s a history of separation and integration, of retaining tradition or assimilation. O two millennia a core of Jewish belief in afterlife and coping with death and burial was kept. Their upkeep is a gigantic task, as these ‘Houses of Life’ are a testimony to a minority of early Europeans, who connected the continent following the collapse of the civilisation of antiquity.Este artículo ofrece un compendio de la evolución de los cementerios judíos en Europa desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días. No está centrado en los sepulcros sino en su posicionamiento, distribución y diseño posterior. Los cementerios judíos reflejan una situación en constante cambio de una minoría religiosa y social dentro de un entorno a veces tolerante, pero, en la mayor parte de los casos, intolerante. Es una historia de separación e integración, de conservar la tradición o de asimilación. A lo largo de más de dos milenios se ha mantenido el núcleo de creencias judías sobre la vida después de la muerte y cómo afrontar la muerte y el entierro. Su conservación es una tarea gigantesca, ya que estas ‘Casas de la Vida’ son el testimonio de esta minoría de europeos tempranos que conectaron el continente tras el colapso de la civilización de la antigüedad

    Rhopalum (Lathroropalum) creutzburgi spec. nov. from Nepal (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae).

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    Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) creutzburgi spec. nov. aus Nepal wird beschrieben. Diagnostische Merkmale zur Abgrenzung der fünf weiteren, auf dem asiatischen Festland lebenden Arten der Untergattung Latrorhopalum Tsuneki, 1952 werden angefügt.StichwörterRhopalum, Latrorhopalum, Nepal.Nomenklatorische Handlungencreutzburgi Jacobs, 2016 (Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum)), spec. n.nursei Jacobs, 2016 (Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum)), nom. n. of Crabro petiolatus Nurse, 1902, nec Crabro petiolatus Panzer, 1797, a synonym of Mellinus crabroneus (Thunberg, 1791)Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) creutzburgi spec. nov. from Nepal is described. Diagnostic characters for determination of the five other species inhabiting the Asian mainland are presented.KeywordsRhopalum, Latrorhopalum, Nepal.Nomenclatural Actscreutzburgi Jacobs, 2016 (Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum)), spec. n.nursei Jacobs, 2016 (Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum)), nom. n. of Crabro petiolatus Nurse, 1902, nec Crabro petiolatus Panzer, 1797, a synonym of Mellinus crabroneus (Thunberg, 1791

    Dryudella paulinae spec. nov. (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) from Morocco

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    Dryudella paulinae spec. nov. aus Marokko wird beschrieben. Im Bestimmungsschlüssel wird D. paulinae von anderen Dryudella-Arten unterschieden. Nomenklatorische Handlungen Dryudella paulinae spec. nov. – urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8D5ACFAB-85E7-422A-9956-74978BD89158Dryudella paulinae spec. nov. is described from Morocco. A concise key is presented, which differentiates D. paulinae from other Dryudella species. Nomenclatural acts Dryudella paulinae spec. nov. – urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8D5ACFAB-85E7-422A-9956-74978BD8915

    Indentor-escape, delamination and orogenic collapse of the ca. 600-500 Ma East African/Antarctic Orogen in Mozambique and Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica)

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    The East African/Antarctic Orogen (EAAO) is one of the largest orogenic belts on the planet, resulting from the collision of various parts of East and West- Protogondwana between ca. 600 and 550 Ma. The central and southern parts of the orogen are typified by high-grade rocks, representing the overprinted margins of the various colliding continental blocks. New fieldwork and geochronology in northern Mozambique reveals a protracted polyphase Ediacaran/Cambrian deformation history. New age constraints reveal high-grade metamorphism at 600-550 Ma, overprinting and older basement

    Shear zone evolution during core complex exhumation – Implications for continental detachments

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    The formation of low-angle detachments involves exhumation of previously ductile material and fault zone weakening. To better understand this relationship, we studied a deeply eroded metamorphic core complex, which formed in the core of the Bergen Arcs (W Norway) during Caledonian post-orogenic collapse. Multi-scale structural mapping in the Øygarden Complex constrains three structural levels characterized by localized shear (Upper Unit), distributed deformation (Middle Unit) and a migmatite double-dome (Lower Unit). All levels show retrogressive E-W stretching accompanied by extension-parallel recumbent folding, albeit, with opposing shear senses at upper and middle/lower levels. The systematic comparison of 23 shear zones constrains the ductile-to-brittle structural evolution. Initially, high temperatures and partial melting controlled pervasive deep crustal flow and ductile doming. During retrogressive shearing, lithological heterogeneity controlled strain localization and channelized fluid flow causing retrograde phyllosilicate growth. This established a feedback loop of fluid-flow, fabric weakening and progressive shear localization. The interconnection of inherited and newly formed weak, phyllosilicate-rich layers promoted the formation of bivergent detachments that rapidly exhumed a dome of previously ductile crust. Retrogressive weakening in a kilometer-wide ductile-to-brittle ‘processing zone’ may be essential for the formation of continental detachments.publishedVersio

    Records of digger wasps from Eastern Siberia and the Far East of Russia (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Crabronidae)

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    Informationen zur Verbreitung von 17 Arten der Sphecidae und 106 Arten der Crabronidae im Osten Sibiriens werden prasentiert. Erstfunde fur Ostsibirien sind Crossocerus (Crossocerus) tarsatus (Shuckard, 1837), Diodontus handlirschi Kohl, 1888, Gorytes albidulus (Lepeletier, 1832), Gorytes procrustes Handlirsch, 1888, Nysson interruptus (Fabricius, 1798), Oxybelus haemorrhoidalis Olivier, 1812 und Pemphredon lethifer (Shuckard, 1837). Erstfund fur den Fernen Osten ist Ectemnius (Ectemnius) guttatus (Vander Linden, 1829).Information is given on the distribution of 17 species of Sphecidae and 106 species of Crabronidae in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East. First records for Eastern Siberia are Crossocerus (Crossocerus) tarsatus (Shuckard, 1837), Diodontus handlirschi Kohl, 1888, Gorytes albidulus (Lepeletier, 1832), Gorytes procrustes Handlirsch, 1888, Nysson interruptus (Fabricius, 1798), Oxybelus haemorrhoidalis Olivier, 1812 and Pemphredon lethifer (Shuckard, 1837). First recorded from Far East is Ectemnius (Ectemnius) guttatus (Vander Linden, 1829)

    Substantial spatial variation in glacial erosion rates in the Dronning Maud Land Mountains, East Antarctica

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    The coast-parallel Dronning Maud Land (DML) mountains represent a key nucleation site for the protracted glaciation of Antarctica. Their evolution is therefore of special interest for understanding the formation and development of the Antarctic ice sheet. Extensive glacial erosion has clearly altered the landscape over the past 34 Myr. Yet, the total erosion still remains to be properly constrained. Here, we investigate the power of low-temperature thermochronology in quantifying glacial erosion in-situ. Our data document the differential erosion along the DML escarpment, with up to c. 1.5 and 2.4 km of erosion in western and central DML, respectively. Substantial erosion at the escarpment foothills, and limited erosion at high elevations and close to drainage divides, is consistent with an escarpment retreat model. Such differential erosion suggests major alterations of the landscape during 34 Myr of glaciation and should be implemented in future ice sheet models.publishedVersio

    Geochronological constraints on the metamorphic sole of the Semail ophiolite in the United Arab Emirates

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    The Semail ophiolite of Oman and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) provides the best preserved large slice of oceanic lithosphere exposed on the continental crust, and offers unique opportunities to study processes of ocean crust formation, subduction initiation and obduction. Metamorphic rocks exposed in the eastern UAE have traditionally been interpreted as a metamorphic sole to the Semail ophiolite. However, there has been some debate over the possibility that the exposures contain components of older Arabian continental crust. To help answer this question, presented here are new zircon and rutile U-Pb geochronological data from various units of the metamorphic rocks. Zircon was absent in most samples. Those that yielded zircon and rutile provide dominant single age populations that are 95–93 Ma, partially overlapping with the known age of oceanic crust formation (96.5–94.5 Ma), and partially overlapping with cooling ages of the metamorphic rocks (95–90 Ma). The data are interpreted as dating high-grade metamorphism during subduction burial of the sediments into hot mantle lithosphere, and rapid cooling during their subsequent exhumation. A few discordant zircon ages, interpreted as late Neoproterozoic and younger, represent minor detrital input from the continent. No evidence is found in favour of the existence of older Arabian continental crust within the metamorphic rocks of the UAE

    Weitere Blattwespen (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) des Zoologischen Institutes der Universität Rostock, insbesondere aus den Sammlungen Jahn und Haupt

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    Blattwespen des Zoologischen Institutes der Universität Rostock, insbesondere die Sammlungen Jahn und Haupt, wurden revidiert. Das Material aus den Familien Argidae, Cephidae, Cimbicidae, Diprionidae, Orussidae, Pamphiliidae, Siricidae, Tenthredinidae und Xiphydriidae stammt aus zehn deutschen Bundesländern, hauptsächlich aus Brandenburg und Hessen. Für folgende Taxa fehlen Hinweise in den Checklisten für die jeweiligen Bundesländer in der Entomofauna Germanica (Blank et al. 2001): Für Brandenburg Tenthredo arcuata Forster, 1771 und Cimbex connatus (Schrank, 1776), für Hessen Sterictiphora angelicae (Panzer, 1799) und Tenthredopsis tarsata (Fabricius, 1804), für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Orussus abietinus (Scopoli, 1763), für Sachsen Macrodiprion nemoralis (Enslin, 1917), für Nordrhein-Westfalen Pamphilius betulae Linnaeus, 1758, für Rheinland-Pfalz Urocerus gigas Linnaeus, 1758. Daneben finden sich Einzelfunde aus Frankreich, Liechtenstein, Polen, Slowakei, Spanien und der Schweiz.researc