657 research outputs found

    A good death for the oldest old

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    Prospectivity Mapping for Epithermal Deposits of Western Milos Using a Fuzzy Multi Criteria Evaluation Approach Parameterized by Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data

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    A Mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) approach using a GIS-based weighted linear combination implementation of a Multi-Criteria Evaluation approach utilising a fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process to elucidate expert knowledge has been implemented to analyse the spatial distribution of epithermal deposits on the Island of Milos, Greece and model their association with exploration evidence data with the aim of providing insights into the controls on ore deposition. An integrated field and Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (DAIS) hyperspectral and thermal multispectral airborne remote sensing dataset supported by field mapping and laboratory analyses, has been utilised to resolve hydrothermal alteration and parameterise the MPM. This study has highlighted the intimate spatial relationship between topographic highs and locations with high grade silicified alteration at a number of locations. The ability of high spatial resolution multispectral Thermal InfraRed (TIR) remote sensing imagery, integrated with topographic data, to resolve these silicified topographic highs provides an additional tool in the exploration of epithermal deposits. The spatial relationships between silicified lithocaps, high-grade altered rocks, faulting and topographic highs were utilised in the development of the MPM model. A close association between the modelled results and the hydrothermal alteration mapped in the field supports the accuracy of this MPM approach.Funded by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) GA/09f/139-RMS E355

    Understanding the health-care experiences of people with sickle cell disorder transitioning from paediatric to adult services: This Sickle Cell Life, a longitudinal qualitative study

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    Background Transitions from paediatric to adult health-care services cause problems worldwide, particularly for young people with long-term conditions. Sickle cell disorder brings particular challenges needing urgent action. Objectives Understand health-care transitions of young people with sickle cell disorder and how these interact with broader transitions to adulthood to improve services and support. Methods We used a longitudinal design in two English cities. Data collection included 80 qualitative interviews with young people (aged 13–21 years) with sickle cell disorder. We conducted 27 one-off interviews and 53 repeat interviews (i.e. interviews conducted two or three times over 18 months) with 48 participants (30 females and 18 males). We additionally interviewed 10 sickle cell disease specialist health-care providers. We used an inductive approach to analysis and co-produced the study with patients and carers. Results Key challenges relate to young people’s voices being ignored. Participants reported that their knowledge of sickle cell disorder and their own needs are disregarded in hospital settings, in school and by peers. Outside specialist services, health-care staff refuse to recognise patient expertise, reducing patients’ say in decisions about their own care, particularly during unplanned care in accident and emergency departments and on general hospital wards. Participants told us that in transitioning to adult care they came to realise that sickle cell disorder is poorly understood by non-specialist health-care providers. As a result, participants said that they lack trust in staff’s ability to treat them correctly and that they try to avoid hospital. Participants reported that they try to manage painful episodes at home, knowing that this is risky. Participants described engaging in social silencing (i.e. reluctance to talk about and disclose their condition for fear that others will not listen or will not understand) outside hospital; for instance, they would avoid mentioning cell sickle disorder to explain fatigue. Their self-management tactics include internalising their illness experiences, for instance by concealing pain to protect others from worrying. Participants find that working to stay healthy is difficult to reconcile with developing identities to meet adult life goals. Participants have to engage in relentless self-disciplining when trying to achieve educational goals, yet working hard is incompatible with being a ‘good adult patient’ because it can be risky for health. Participants reported that they struggle to reconcile these conflicting demands. Limitations Our findings are derived from interviews with a group of young people in England and reflect what they told us (influenced by how they perceived us). We do not claim to represent all young people with sickle cell disorder. Conclusions Our findings reveal poor care for young people with sickle cell disorder outside specialist services. To improve this, it is vital to engage with young people as experts in their own condition, recognise the legitimacy of their voices and train non-specialist hospital staff in sickle cell disorder care. Young people must be supported both in and outside health-care settings to develop identities that can help them to achieve life goals. Future work Future work should include research into the understanding and perceptions of sickle cell disease among non-specialist health-care staff to inform future training. Whole-school interventions should be developed and evaluated to increase sickle cell disorder awareness. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research programme and will be published in full in Health Services and Delivery Research; Vol. 8, No. 44. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    No longer living together: how does Scots cohabitation law work in practice?

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    In response to the greater diversity of family life in Scotland, the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006 gives some recognition to people who live together without marriage or civil partnership and provides limited financial remedies at the end of cohabiting relationships. While these provisions do not give people who live together the same rights as spouses or civil partners, they create a middle way between that protection and none at all. It recognises unmarried cohabitants and gives some protection to those who are economically vulnerable when the relationship ends. This briefing presents research findings from the first study to review how these new provisions work in practice. The research is based on family lawyers’ experiences and views of the cohabitation provisions of the 2006 Act

    Health professionals' perspectives on psychological distress and meeting patients' support needs in rheumatology care settings:A qualitative study

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    BackgroundPatients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs) face challenges including pain, fatigue and disease flares. Evidence suggests their levels of anxiety and depression are higher compared to the general population. Rheumatology teams report psychologically distressed patients have additional support needs and require more clinical time. Little is currently known about models of support and their integration into care pathways.AimTo understand rheumatology health professionals' perspectives on patients' psychological distress and ways to meet support needs.MethodsThe study used a qualitative design, with data collected in telephone semi-structured interviews. Inductive thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.ResultsFifteen interviews were conducted. Two main themes with sub-themes represent the data: Theme 1: ‘No one shoe fits all’—the many manifestations of distress in patients (sub-themes: recognising distress, dealing with distress, dealing with life events alongside an IRD) and Theme 2: ‘If rheumatology could be interwoven with psychological principles’—the need to attend to the psychological impact of IRDs, alongside the physical impact (sub-themes: priority given to physical health, working together to help patients in distress, how should patient distress be measured?, the need for extra time and resources).ConclusionDistress can be obvious or hidden, cause issues for patients and health professionals and lead to poor engagement with care provision. Health professionals described the powerful link between physical and mental distress. This study suggests psychological support provision should be embedded within the rheumatology team and that patients' emotional wellbeing should be given equal priority to their physical wellbeing

    The efficacy of a task model approach to ADL rehabilitation in stroke apraxia and action disorganisation syndrome:A randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Apraxia and action disorganization syndrome (AADS) after stroke can disrupt activities of daily living (ADL). Occupational therapy has been effective in improving ADL performance, however, inclusion of multiple tasks means it is unclear which therapy elements contribute to improvement. We evaluated the efficacy of a task model approach to ADL rehabilitation, comparing training in making a cup of tea with a stepping training control condition. METHODS: Of the 29 stroke survivors with AADS who participated in this cross-over randomized controlled feasibility trial, 25 were included in analysis [44% females; mean(SD) age = 71.1(7.8) years; years post-stroke = 4.6(3.3)]. Participants attended five 1-hour weekly tea making training sessions in which progress was monitored and feedback given using a computer-based system which implemented a Markov Decision Process (MDP) task model. In a control condition, participants received five 1-hour weekly stepping sessions. RESULTS: Compared to stepping training, tea making training reduced errors across 4 different tea types. The time taken to make a cup of tea was reduced so the improvement in accuracy was not due to a speed-accuracy trade-off. No improvement linked to tea making training was evident in a complex tea preparation task (making two different cups of tea simultaneously), indicating a lack of generalisation in the training. CONCLUSIONS: The clearly specified but flexible training protocol, together with information on the distribution of errors, provide pointers for further refinement of task model approaches to ADL rehabilitation. It is recommended that the approach be tested under errorless learning conditions with more impaired patients in future research. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Retrospectively registered at ClinicalTrials.gov on 5(th) August 2019 [NCT04044911] https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04044911?term=Cogwatch&rank=

    Evaluation of INSeq To Identify Genes Essential for

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    The reciprocal interaction between rhizosphere bacteria and their plant hosts results in a complex battery of genetic and physiological responses. In this study, we used insertion sequencing (INSeq) to reveal the genetic determinants responsible for the fitness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PGPR2 during root colonization. We generated a random transposon mutant library of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PGPR2 comprising 39,500 unique insertions and identified genes required for growth in culture and on corn roots. A total of 108 genes were identified as contributing to the fitness of strain PGPR2 on roots. The importance in root colonization of four genes identified in the INSeq screen was verified by constructing deletion mutants in the genes and testing them for the ability to colonize corn roots singly or in competition with the wild type. All four mutants were affected in corn root colonization, displaying 5- to 100-fold reductions in populations in single inoculations, and all were outcompeted by the wild type by almost 100-fold after seven days on corn roots in mixed inoculations of the wild type and mutant. The genes identified in the screen had homology to genes involved in amino acid catabolism, stress adaptation, detoxification, signal transduction, and transport. INSeq technology proved a successful tool to identify fitness factors in P aeruginosa PGPR2 for root colonization

    Genetic Analysis of the Neurosteroid Deoxycorticosterone and Its Relation to Alcohol Phenotypes: Identification of QTLs and Downstream Gene Regulation

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    Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) is an endogenous neurosteroid found in brain and serum, precursor of the GABAergic neuroactive steroid (3α,5α)-3,21-dihydroxypregnan-20-one (tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, THDOC) and the glucocorticoid corticosterone. These steroids are elevated following stress or ethanol administration, contribute to ethanol sensitivity, and their elevation is blunted in ethanol dependence.To systematically define the genetic basis, regulation, and behavioral significance of DOC levels in plasma and cerebral cortex we examined such levels across 47 young adult males from C57BL/6J (B6)×DBA/2J (D2) (BXD) mouse strains for quantitative trait loci (QTL) and bioinformatics analyses of behavior and gene regulation. Mice were injected with saline or 0.075 mg/kg dexamethasone sodium salt at 8:00 am and were sacrificed 6 hours later. DOC levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Basal cerebral cortical DOC levels ranged between 1.4 and 12.2 ng/g (8.7-fold variation, p<0.0001) with a heritability of ∼0.37. Basal plasma DOC levels ranged between 2.8 and 12.1 ng/ml (4.3-fold variation, p<0.0001) with heritability of ∼0.32. QTLs for basal DOC levels were identified on chromosomes 4 (cerebral cortex) and 14 (plasma). Dexamethasone-induced changes in DOC levels showed a 4.4-fold variation in cerebral cortex and a 4.1-fold variation in plasma, but no QTLs were identified. DOC levels across BXD strains were further shown to be co-regulated with networks of genes linked to neuronal, immune, and endocrine function. DOC levels and its responses to dexamethasone were associated with several behavioral measures of ethanol sensitivity previously determined across the BXD strains by multiple laboratories.Both basal and dexamethasone-suppressed DOC levels are positively correlated with ethanol sensitivity suggesting that the neurosteroid DOC may be a putative biomarker of alcohol phenotypes. DOC levels were also strongly correlated with networks of genes associated with neuronal function, innate immune pathways, and steroid metabolism, likely linked to behavioral phenotypes

    Mining, visualizing and comparing multidimensional biomolecular data using the Genomics Data Miner (GMine) web-server

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    Genomics Data Miner (GMine) is a user-friendly online software that allows non-experts to mine, cluster and compare multidimensional biomolecular datasets. Various powerful visualization techniques are provided, generating high quality figures that can be directly incorporated into scientific publications. Robust and comprehensive analyses are provided via a broad range of data-mining techniques, including univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, supervised learning, correlation networks, clustering and multivariable regression. The software has a focus on multivariate techniques, which can attribute variance in the measurements to multiple explanatory variables and confounders. Various normalization methods are provided. Extensive help pages and a tutorial are available via a wiki server. Using GMine we reanalyzed proteome microarray data of host antibody response against Plasmodium falciparum. Our results support the hypothesis that immunity to malaria is a higher-order phenomenon related to a pattern of responses and not attributable to any single antigen. We also analyzed gene expression across resting and activated T cells, identifying many immune-related genes with differential expression. This highlights both the plasticity of T cells and the operation of a hardwired activation program. These application examples demonstrate that GMine facilitates an accurate and in-depth analysis of complex molecular datasets, including genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data
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