255 research outputs found

    Episcopado e pregação no Portugal moderno : formas e actuação e de vigilância

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    This article focuses on a topic to which historiography, national and international, has not been paying too much attention: the relation between bishops and preaching. Despite the lack of documental sources available, we will try to, through the multiple signs at disposal, cast some light on how Portuguese bishops, during Modern Era, regulated and watched over the activity of thousands of preachers that used the sermon to spread God’s word. Furthermore, we will try to check on the performance of some bishops as preachers, setting the profile of that intervention

    The use of motion capture in non-realistic animation

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    The Use of Motion Capture in Non-realistic Animation explores the possibility of creating non-realistic animation through the use of motion capture. In this study we look to the particularities of cartoony/non-realistic animation while trying to as-certain if it is viable to create this type of animation through the process of motion capture. This dissertation will, firstly, expose the historical, theoretical, technical and artistic context. There will be a brief description of important landmarks and general overview of the history of animation. There will also be an explanation of how animators’ will to mimic real life motion, led to the invention of several technologies in order to achieve this goal. Next we will describe the several stages that compose the motion capture process. Lastly there will be a comparison be-tween key-frame animation and motion capture animation techniques and also the analysis of several examples of films where motion capture was used. Finally there will be a description of the production phases of an animated short film called Na-poleon’s Unsung Battle. In this film the majority of its animated content was obtained through the use of motion capture while aiming for a cartoony/non-realistic style of animation. There is still margin for improvement on the final results but there is also proof that it is possible to obtain a non-realistic style of animation while using motion capture technology. The questions that remain are: is it time effective and can the process be optimized for this less than common use

    Critical success aspects in project management: similarities and differences between the construction and software industry

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    Uspjeh projekta uveliko ovisi o procesu upravljanja projektom i nekoliko je gledišta koja treba pažljivo razmotriti. Cilj je ovoga članka odgovoriti na pitanje: ima li sličnosti u raznim industrijskim granama u onome što se odnosi na gledišta bitna za uspjeh upravljanja projektom? Opsežnom anketom provedenom u srednjim i velikim kompanijama građevinske i industrije računarskih programa, zaključili smo da su dva, trenutno najvažnija gledišta za uspjeh upravljanja projektom zajednička za te dvije industrijske grane vezana uz "planiranje projekta" i "dobro definiranje ciljeva i zahtjeva". "Učinkovitost voditelja projekta" se također nalazi pri samom vrhu. S druge strane, postoje bitne razlike u odnosu na druga gledišta.Project success is highly dependent on the project management process, and there are several aspects that need to be carefully considered. This article aims at responding to the research question: are there similarities in different industries in what concerns the critical aspects for the success of project management? Throughout a comprehensive survey applied to medium and large companies of the construction and software industries, we came to the conclusion that the two currently most important project management success aspects are common to both industries: "project planning" and "well defined objectives and requirements". The "project manager efficiency" is also in the top of the critical success aspects. On the other hand, other aspects show major differences in the studied industries

    Overall aspects for the evaluation of Portuguese dwellings’ quality and sustainability

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    As housing is an essential need, a dwelling should provide an assured quality of life and satisfy the expectations of its users. As a dwelling is a complex system, the construction of which involves the contribution of various specialists, the evaluation of its quality is a elaborated process. In the sequence of previous research on quality dwellings assessment methods, the objective of this paper is to present the proposal of an assessment system for the most important aspects of dwellings’ quality in Portugal which provides stakeholders with a simple and objective form for assessing the quality level of a dwelling to be designed, built, financed, bought or rented. After a thorough analysis of methods used to evaluate residential building quality in various countries, the most common elements were identified. This list was submitted to critical evaluation by Portuguese construction specialists, resulting in a final selection of evaluation aspects such as: housing operating costs, proximity to basic infrastructures, energy classification and rainwater reuse systems

    O acheulense no centro de Portugal : o Vale do Liz : contribuição para uma abordagem tecno-tipológica das suas indústrias líticas e problemáticas do seu contexto cronoestratigráfico

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    Quando há pouco mais de quinze anos iniciámos os nossos trabalhos de investigação sobre o Paleolítico inferior em Portugal, orientámos de início os esforços de prospecção para a bacia do Baixo Vouga, região até aí muito pouco conhecida em termos da sua Pré-história antiga, ainda que com remotas descobertas que se afiguravam prometedoras. Os parcos resultados obtidos obrigaram-nos, porém, a centrar a nossa atenção um pouco mais para sul, para o vale do rio Lis. Tratava-se, antes do mais, de uma zona onde a presença de vestígios do Paleolítico inferior havia já sido há muito assinalada, embora o estudo de boa parte dos achados permanecesse inédito. Um primeiro balanço das investigações realizadas permitiu mesmo estabelecer uma síntese provisória dos conhecimentos inicialmente alcançados (CUNHA-RIBEIRO, 1992-1993)

    Método de avaliação das necessidades de reabilitação. Desenvolvimento e aplicação.

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    O Método de Avaliação das Necessidade de Reabilitação estabelece um conjunto de procedimentos que permite determinar as necessidades de reabilitação de um edifício de modo a dotá-lo de características que assegurem a satisfação das exigências funcionais num nível não inferior ao estabelecido na legislação aplicável ou convencionado pelas regras da boa prática. A satisfação das exigências funcionais pode estar comprometida por anomalias construtivas e/ou espaciais. Da aplicação do método resulta informação que permite avaliar a viabilidade do edifício. O Método foi desenvolvido no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil com vista a apoiar a análise das condições de habitabilidade do edificado do Bairro do Alto da Cova da Moura. Neste artigo são apresentados o modelo de avaliação, os critérios de avaliação, a fórmula de cálculo, as ponderações, os instrumentos de aplicação, a aplicação experimental e para concluir algumas notas finais

    Prognostic value of hyperlactatemia in infected patients admitted to intensive care units: a multicenter study

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence of patient characteristics on hyperlactatemia in an infected population admitted to intensive care units and the influence of hyperlactatemia severity on hospital mortality. Methods: A post hoc analysis of hyperlactatemia in the INFAUCI study, a national prospective, observational, multicenter study, was conducted in 14 Portuguese intensive care units. Infected patients admitted to intensive care units with a lactate measurement in the first 12 hours of admission were selected. Sepsis was identified according to the Sepsis-2 definition accepted at the time of data collection. The severity of hyperlactatemia was classified as mild (2 - 3.9mmol/L), moderate (4.0 - 9.9mmol/L) or severe (> 10mmol/L). Results: In a total of 1,640 patients infected on admission, hyperlactatemia occurred in 934 patients (57%), classified as mild, moderate and severe in 57.0%, 34.4% and 8.7% of patients, respectively. The presence of hyperlactatemia and a higher degree of hyperlactatemia were both associated with a higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, a higher Charlson Comorbidity Index and the presence of septic shock. The lactate Receiver Operating Characteristic curve for hospital mortality had an area under the curve of 0.64 (95%CI 0.61 - 0.72), which increased to 0.71 (95%CI 0.68 - 0.74) when combined with Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. In-hospital mortality with other covariates adjusted by Simplified Acute Physiology Score II was associated with moderate and severe hyperlactatemia, with odds ratio of 1.95 (95%CI 1.4 - 2.7; p < 0.001) and 4.54 (95%CI 2.4 - 8.5; p < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: Blood lactate levels correlate independently with in-hospital mortality for moderate and severe degrees of hyperlactatemia.This work was supported by an unrestricted grant from Grupo de Infeção e Sépsis (GIS), Porto, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio