137 research outputs found

    O paradoxo da soberania no Supremo Tribunal Federal: presunção de inocência, democracia e exceção

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    This paper investigates the actions of the Federal Supreme Court in the judgment of the precautionary measures of Constitutional Declaratory Actions nº 43 and 44 in light of the paradox of sovereignty, introduced by Carl Schmitt and revisited by Giorgio Agamben in the series Homo Sacer. Based on a material approach to the judgments in question and using a bibliographical review and hypothetical deduction, it is sought to analyze the aforementioned judgment, which excluded the applicability of the presumption of innocence principle of the Brazilian legal system. The argumentative mesh assumes the hypothesis that the performance of the STF establishes an environment of constitutional indetermination through the arbitrary suspension of the validity of the normative text. Keywords: Democracy. Presumption of innocence. Constitutional interpretation. Paradox of sovereignty. State of exception.O presente trabalho investiga a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento das cautelares das Ações Declaratórias de Constitucionalidade nº 43 e 44 à luz do paradoxo da soberania, introduzido por Carl Schmitt e revisitado por Giorgio Agamben na série Homo Sacer. A partir de uma abordagem material dos julgamentos em questão e valendo-se de revisão bibliográfica e dedução hipotética, busca-se analisar o mencionado julgamento, que excluiu a aplicabilidade do princípio da presunção de inocência do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. A malha argumentativa assume a hipótese de que a atuação do STF instaura um ambiente de indeterminação constitucional por meio da suspensão arbitrária da validade do texto normativo. Palavras-chave: Democracia. Presunção de inocência. Interpretação constitucional. Paradoxo da soberania. Estado de exceção

    Improvement of planning and time control in the project management of a metalworking industry - case study

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    Due to the competitiveness in the job shop nature of the metalworking industry, project management plays an important role in improving performance, efficiently and effectively managing its performance. Many of the generic problems observed in project management in metalworking industries were in the domain of document management, communication, multiple projects simultaneously, organizational structure, and poorly time estimation of project activities. The aim of this study was to improve the planning and time control in the project management of a metalworking industry in order to reduce the delivery delays. Using the existing data, an analysis of the project management process was carried out with the view to optimize the production system. In order to meet the established objectives, some of the project management tools were used, such as the Ishikawa diagram, PERT (three points estimating times), Monte Carlo simulation, as well as the involvement of people in the estimation and sequencing of activities, and holding weekly meetings to ensure the alignment of professionals. After the implementation of the actions proposed for the production process, there were gains of 50% and 38% in the average of deviations of times for two different projects of the case study and the Monte Carlo gave the best approximation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Choques fiscais e salários reais: uma análise para os estados brasileiros

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    The effects of fiscal policy on the real wages are not consensus, both in its theoretical and empirical approach. This paper seeks to contribute by analyzing the effects of fiscal shocks on real wage mass for the Brazilian states, considering budgetary, current and investment expenditure. The results were extracted from impulse response functions, obtained from the panel VAR models. The evidence points to the positive impact of expenditures on GDP and real wages. These results indicate that the New Keynesian synthesis seems to better explain the Brazilian labor market response to fiscal shocks.Os efeitos da política fiscal sobre os salários reais, tanto em sua abordagem teórica quanto na empírica, não são consensuais. Este trabalho procura contribuir com a análise dos efeitos de choques fiscais sobre os salários reais para os estados brasileiros considerando as despesas orçamentárias, correntes e de investimento. Os resultados são extraídos das funções de impulso resposta, obtidas de modelos VAR em painel. As evidências apontam para o impacto positivo das despesas sobre PIB e salários reais. Esses resultados indicam que a síntese novo keynesiana parece explicar melhor a resposta do mercado de trabalho dos estados brasileiros a choques fiscais

    O uso de materiais luminescentes em células solares/ The use of luminescent materials in solar cells

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     O presente artigo apresenta a utilização de materiais luminescentes promissores na aplicação em células fotovoltaicas, de modo a contribuir com o aumento da eficiência energética. Para isso, serão discutidos a geração de energia solar, os materiais cerâmicos dopados com íons terras raras (materiais luminescentes), a conversão espectral, bem como o processo de produção e obtenção desses compostos. Como metodologia, apresentaremos uma das formas de produção de materiais cerâmicos, e os principais métodos de caracterização desses materiais, tais como caracterização estrutural a Difração de Raio X (DRX), a análise morfológica com Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e a caracterização óptica. Os materiais cerâmicos podem ser produzidos pela síntese por reação em estado sólido. Inicia-se a produção com os critérios de proporções estequiométricas dos reagentes utilizados, seguido de processo de moagem de alta energia, para homogeneizar e reduzir o tamanho de grão, processo de calcinação na qual obtém-se a síntese da matriz cerâmica. Após a identificação da fase pelo DRX, realiza-se a dopagem com íons terras raras, e então o material produzido, apresentará propriedades upconversion ou downcorversion. Assim, esses fenômenos conseguem aproveitar faixas do infravermelho e do ultravioleta que não seriam completamente absorvidas pela placa solar, ou seja, melhorando o rendimento das células solares. Esses materiais são considerados inovadores para captação de luz, pois melhoram o desempenho das células fotovoltaicas e aumentam a eficiência quântica através da capacidade de alguns íons absorverem energia em diferentes comprimentos de onda e convertê-los para a região do visível. Como consequência, a aplicação desses materiais dopados apresentam propriedades luminescentes (upconversion ou downconversion) que proporcionam na célula solar economia e alto desempenho através da conversão espectral

    A Validated Reverse Phase HPLC Analytical Method for Quantitation of Glycoalkaloids in Solanum lycocarpum and Its Extracts

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    Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) is native to the Brazilian Cerrado. Fruits of this species contain the glycoalkaloids solasonine (SN) and solamargine (SM), which display antiparasitic and anticancer properties. A method has been developed for the extraction and HPLC-UV analysis of the SN and SM in different parts of S. lycocarpum, mainly comprising ripe and unripe fruits, leaf, and stem. This analytical method was validated and gave good detection response with linearity over a dynamic range of 0.77–1000.00 μg mL−1 and recovery in the range of 80.92–91.71%, allowing a reliable quantitation of the target compounds. Unripe fruits displayed higher concentrations of glycoalkaloids (1.04% ± 0.01 of SN and 0.69% ± 0.00 of SM) than the ripe fruits (0.83% ± 0.02 of SN and 0.60% ± 0.01 of SM). Quantitation of glycoalkaloids in the alkaloidic extract gave 45.09% ± 1.14 of SN and 44.37% ± 0.60 of SM, respectively

    A Validated Reverse Phase HPLC Analytical Method for Quantitation of Glycoalkaloids in Solanum lycocarpum and Its Extracts

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    Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) is native to the Brazilian Cerrado. Fruits of this species contain the glycoalkaloids solasonine (SN) and solamargine (SM), which display antiparasitic and anticancer properties. A method has been developed for the extraction and HPLC-UV analysis of the SN and SM in different parts of S. lycocarpum, mainly comprising ripe and unripe fruits, leaf, and stem. This analytical method was validated and gave good detection response with linearity over a dynamic range of 0.77–1000.00 μg mL−1 and recovery in the range of 80.92–91.71%, allowing a reliable quantitation of the target compounds. Unripe fruits displayed higher concentrations of glycoalkaloids (1.04% ± 0.01 of SN and 0.69% ± 0.00 of SM) than the ripe fruits (0.83% ± 0.02 of SN and 0.60% ± 0.01 of SM). Quantitation of glycoalkaloids in the alkaloidic extract gave 45.09% ± 1.14 of SN and 44.37% ± 0.60 of SM, respectively

    Aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos da infecção neurológica associada ao herpesvírus eqüino 1 (ehv-1) em cavalos que morreram com sinais nervosos no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    During the period of October 2004 until February 2006, 75 samples of central nervous system (CNS) obtained from horses that died with neurological signs in the state of Minas Gerais were sent to the Laboratory of Compared Virology in ICB/UFMG for diagnosis of equine herpesviruses. All samples were previously diagnosticated negative for rabies virus by the Laboratório de Saúde Animal of the Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA). Among the analyzed samples, 39 (52%) were positive for the equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) through the polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR). In most cases, the histopathological examination of the CNS revealed a mild vasculitis with perivascular mononuclear cuffing, congestion, arterial thrombosis and degeneration of nervous tissue. The positive CNS samples for EHV-1 were obtained from horses. sampled from 30 municipalities of Minas Gerais state. The cases occurred in an isolated form in different periods of the year, not presenting a seasonal character. The clinical course duration was acute, varying between one and four days. The most frequently observed neurological signs were ataxia, unsteadiness in the hind limb, paralysis of hind limbs and recumbency. According to information provided by IMA, the infections caused by EHV-1 were as frequent as the ones caused by rabies virus in horses of Minas Gerais state during the studied period. Hence, it became important to include EHV-1 encephalitis in the differential diagnosis from other diseases of the central nervous system in horses of Minas Gerais state.Durante o período de Outubro de 2004 a Fevereiro de 2006, 75 amostras de sistema nervoso central (SNC) oriundas de eqüinos que morreram com sinais neurológicos no estado de Minas Gerais foram enviadas ao Laboratório de Virologia Comparada no ICB/UFMG para o diagnóstico de herpesvírus eqüino. Essas amostras foram previamente diagnosticadas negativas para o vírus da raiva através dos testes de imunofluorescência direta e inoculação em camundongos, no Laboratório de Saúde Animal (LSA) do Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA). Dentre as amostras analisadas, 39 (52%) foram positivas para o herpesvírus eqüino 1 (EHV-1) através da técnica de reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR). Na maioria dos casos, o exame histopatológico do SNC revelou uma discreta vasculite com infiltrado perivascular de células mononucleares, congestão, trombose arterial e degeneração do tecido nervoso central. As amostras de SNC positivas para o EHV-1 foram coletadas de eqüinos oriundos de 30 municípios de Minas Gerais. Os casos de EHV-1 ocorreram de forma isolada não apresentando caráter sazonal. Na maioria dos casos (71,8%), a evolução dos sinais clínicos foi aguda, sendo que os sinais clínicos observados com mais freqüência foram ataxia, instabilidade dos membros posteriores, paralisia dos membros posteriores e decúbito. De acordo com informações relatadas pelo IMA, as infecções causadas pelo EHV-1 foram tão freqüentes como as infecções causadas pelo vírus da raiva em eqüinos no estado de Minas Gerais durante o período estudado. Portanto, torna-se importante a inclusão da encefalite pelo EHV-1 no diagnóstico diferencial de outras doenças do SNC de eqüinos no estado de Minas Gerais

    Nursing knowledge on skin ulcer healing: a living scoping review protocol

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    Objective: This review aims to continuously map the nursing knowledge on skin ulcer healing in any context of care. Introduction: Chronic wounds are an increasing concern for society and health care providers. Pressure ulcers and venous ulcers, among others, have devastating effects on morbidity and quality of life and require a systematic approach. The nursing process is an important method that allows a better organization and overall care quality for a systematic and continuous professional approach to nursing management of skin ulcers. The integration of this nursing knowledge in informatics systems creates an opportunity to embed decision-support models in clinical activity, promoting evidence-based practice. Inclusion criteria: This scoping review will consider articles on nursing data, diagnosis, interventions, and outcomes focused on people with skin ulcers in all contexts of care. This review will include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods study designs as well as systematic reviews and dissertations. Methods: JBI’s scoping review guidance, as well as the Cochrane Collaboration’s guidance on living reviews, will be followed to meet the review’s objective. Screening of new literature will be performed regularly, with the review updated according to new findings. The search strategy will map published and unpublished studies. The databases to be searched include MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus, JBI Evidence Synthesis, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and PEDro. Searches for unpublished studies will include OpenGrey and Reposito´ rios Cientı´ficos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal. Studies published in English and Portuguese since 2010 will be considered for inclusion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio