10 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of JET discharges with the European Transport Simulator

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    The 'European Transport Simulator' (ETS) (Coster et al 2010 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 38 2085–92, Kalupin et al 2011 Proc. 38th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics (Strasbourg, France, 2011) vol 35G (ECA) P. 4.111) is the new modular package for 1D discharge evolution developed within the EFDA Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) Task Force. It consists of precompiled physics modules combined into a workflow through standardized input/output data structures. Ultimately, the ETS will allow for an entire discharge simulation from the start up until the current termination phase, including controllers and sub-systems. The paper presents the current status of the ETS towards this ultimate goal. It discusses the design of the workflow, the validation and verification of its components on the example of impurity solver and demonstrates a proof-of-principles coupling of a local gyrofluid model for turbulent transport to the ETS. It also presents the first results on the application of the ETS to JET tokamak discharges with the ITER like wall. It studies the correlations of the radiation from impurity to the choice of the sources and transport coefficients

    Ion temperature and toroidal rotation in JET's low torque plasmas

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    This paper reports on the procedure developed as the best method to provide an accurate and reliable estimation of the ion temperature Ti and the toroidal velocity vφ from Charge-eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) data from intrinsic rotation experiments at the Joint European Torus with the carbon wall. The low impurity content observed in such plasmas, resulting in low active CXRS signal, alongside low Doppler shifts makes the determination of Ti and vφ particularly difficult. The beam modulation method will be discussed along with the measures taken to increase photon statistics and minimise errors from the absolute calibration and magneto-hydro-dynamics effects that may impact the CXRS passive emission