810 research outputs found

    Do Concreto para o Abstrato pelo Uso dos Sentidos e de Sensores: Um Estudo de Caso sobre o Ecossistema Poças de Maré

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso exploratório, desenvolvido no contexto do Projeto Sondar e Sentir o Ambiente para Desenvolver o Pensamento Abstrato (SOS Abstrato), que visa estudar as potencialidades da utilização conjunta e sinérgica dos sentidos humanos e de sensores eletrónicos para desenvolver o pensamento abstrato nas crianças. O estudo de caso foi desenvolvido com uma turma do 4.º ano de escolaridade e centrado no ecossistema Poças de Maré de uma praia no Norte de Portugal. A utilização dos sentidos e sensores em atividades experimentais produziu evidências de desenvolvimento da abstração no estudo da biodiversidade e da temperatura.This paper presents an exploratory case study, developed in the context of the Using Sensors and Sensing in the Environment to Develop Abstract Thinking Project (SOS Abstract), which goal is to study the potential of the joint and synergic use of electronic sensors and human senses to develop children’s abstract thinking. The case study was developed with a 4th year class and is centred on the Tide Pools of a beach in the North of Portugal. The use of senses and sensors in experimental activities produced evidences of the development of abstract thinking, while studying biodiversity and temperature

    An Adversarial Robustness Benchmark for Enterprise Network Intrusion Detection

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    As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, improving the robustness of Machine Learning (ML) models must be a priority for enterprises of all sizes. To reliably compare the robustness of different ML models for cyber-attack detection in enterprise computer networks, they must be evaluated in standardized conditions. This work presents a methodical adversarial robustness benchmark of multiple decision tree ensembles with constrained adversarial examples generated from standard datasets. The robustness of regularly and adversarially trained RF, XGB, LGBM, and EBM models was evaluated on the original CICIDS2017 dataset, a corrected version of it designated as NewCICIDS, and the HIKARI dataset, which contains more recent network traffic. NewCICIDS led to models with a better performance, especially XGB and EBM, but RF and LGBM were less robust against the more recent cyber-attacks of HIKARI. Overall, the robustness of the models to adversarial cyber-attack examples was improved without their generalization to regular traffic being affected, enabling a reliable detection of suspicious activity without costly increases of false alarms.Comment: 15 pages, 8 tables, 2 figures, FPS 2023 conferenc

    The help relationship in clinical nursing education

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    The clinical nursing education involves considerable effort from students. They established interpersonal relationships and they are active participants in this process. What is the perception of nursing students and the parents of the children in the help relationship (HR) developed during the clinical training were some of our research questions. We aimed to identify factors that influence interpersonal relations between nursing students and the mothers of hospitalized children; analyze the relationship between the perspective of students and the parents of the children on the HR developed during the clinical training; identify feelings experienced by students and parents in the relational process of care taking. As methods quantitative, descriptive and correlational study, conducted in a sample of 139 nursing students and 73 mothers of hospitalized children. It was used a questionnaire, which includes socio-demographic, training and clinical characterization and the BarrettLennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI), which evaluates the help relationship in four dimensions have been used. The dimensions of help relationship - Level of Regard, Empathic Understanding and Unconditionally Respect - are scored positively by students and mothers. The Congruence of performance is evaluated negatively by mothers while students are evaluated positively. Prevailing negative feelings referenced by students and the positive feelings by mothers. The perception of help relationship is influenced by some socio-demographic variables of students and mothers. All dimensions establish a dependent relationship with the group of students and mothers. The perception of students on the HR is positive, the perception of mothers regarding student performance is also positive, except in Congruence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Eco-efficiency in Portuguese companies of marble sector

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    The activities developed within an eco-efficiency project in mineral industries located in the largest area for marble extraction in Portugal, in Alentejo region, in the Estremoz – Borba and Vila Viçosa anticline are presented in this paper. The project was designed to apply the sustainability concept in seven companies of marble extraction and transformation. The adopted strategy used new cleaner production models together with sustainable value (SV) improvement, leading to the rationalization of the industrial process, the involvement of economic agents and the orientation of the management of production processes towards eco-efficiency. The challenge was to have the mineral industry managing efficiently the resources on which the business depends, according to sustainability principles. Different opportunities for improvement, related to the minimization of materials, water and energy use, were identified in the companies. Some proposals mainly related to social improvement and small and medium-sized enterprise competitiveness benefits were also selected and discussed. This approach allows the integration of sustainability at company's and region's levels by combining in the entrepreneurial activity the creation of wealth together with the environment protection and the achieving of social benefits. Highlights: The involvement of different stakeholders in the project (Eco-efficiency in Portuguese companies of marble sector) was positive in the discussion and search of solutions for companies. It is possible to involve marble extraction and processing companies in eco-efficiency improvement towards sustainability. Companies from the marble sector improved environmental and social performance and reduced the costs of their production processes by applying SV methodology

    Topografia do ruído: o som como catalisador de projecto: transformação da não-porosidade física do Campo da Feira de Vila Verde em porosidade espácio-temporal

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em ArquitecturaPartindo dum objecto de estudo concreto - o Campo da Feira de Vila Verde - e das inquietações suscitadas por este, o presente trabalho é uma investigação sobre uma prática de interpretar, representar e intervir no espaço criada a partir da sua dimensão sonora, indo para além dum ‘olhar’ puramente visual. As características geomorfológicas e o respectivo processo de transformação através do processo de urbanização de Vila Verde, em meados dos anos 90, no qual o Campo da Feira se integra, fazem deste uma amostra significativa das problemáticas que o território contemporâneo coloca, nomeadamente no potencial do espaço público para estabelecer relações entre as escalas de proximidade e territorial. O confronto destas inquietações com uma experiência do lugar in situ, que remonta até ao período anterior à construção da amostra, permitiu-nos construir um olhar específico sobre ela, olhar este que estruturou uma interpretação activa e propositiva, culminando na construção duma metodologia específica, à qual demos o nome de topografia do ruído. Nesta metodologia interpretámos e sintetizámos a paisagem em estudo a partir da sua dimensão sonora, construindo simultaneamente um sistema de representação que traduz este olhar e que veio a tornar-se operativo para o passo seguinte – a proposta de intervenção. A topografia do ruído é um projecto de investigação que atravessa a interpretação - intervenção, materializando uma metodologia de projectar enquanto investigação, na qual projectar não é apenas ‘construir’, mas antes gerar conhecimento. A proposta assentou no potencial de transformação do espaço da amostra a partir da reorganização da paisagem sonora que a ‘habita’, em continuidade com o olhar específico construído. Em suma, este trabalho contribui com uma metodologia de projecto alternativa que leva em conta a dimensão sonora do espaço e da paisagem, sendo passível de ser aplicada noutros contextos e lugares.Starting from a concrete case study - the Fair Camp of Vila Verde - and from the questions raised by it, the present work is an investigation about interpreting, representing and intervine in space, created from it’s acustic dimension, going further than one ‘way of looking’ that is purely visual. The geomorphological characteristics and it’s process of transformation through the urbanizing process of Vila Verde, in mid 90’s, in which the Fair Camp integrates, make this sample a significative one about the problematics that contemporary territory raises, namely about the potential of public space to establish relations between proximate and territorial scales. The confrontation of these questions with an in situ experience of the place, that goes back to the period prior to the construction of the sample, allowed us to construct a specific ‘way of looking’ about it, which structured an active and propositional interpretation, culminating in the construction of a specific methodology, named topography of noise. In this methodology we interpreted and synthesized the case study landscape starting from it’s acoustic dimension, simultanously constructing a system of representation that translates this ‘way of looking’ and that became operative for the next step - the intervention proposal. The topography of noise is an investigation project that crosses the interpreting-intervining, materializing a methodology of project as investigation, in which projecting isn’t only about ‘constructing’, but also about generating knowledge. The proposal relied on the potential of transformation of the sample’s space starting from the reorganization of the acoustic landscape that inhabits it, in continuity with the specific ‘way of looking’. In short, this work contributes with an alternative methodology of project that takes in account the acoustic dimension of space, being possible to be applied in other contexts and places

    Casais Sísifo : um estudo qualitativo sobre pais com crianças com deficiência mental

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    O nascimento dum filho com deficiência é um evento familiar sobre a qual a visão dominante foi durante muito tempo a de uma catástrofe, da qual o casal poderia nunca mais vir a recuperar. Apesar do choque, surpresa, reestruturações familiares e das dificuldades que normalmente acompanham o nascimento dum filho com deficiência mental, as famílias podem sair mais reforçadas e enriquecidas nas suas relações. Entrevistamos seis casais com um filho com deficiência mental, tendo analisado posteriormente o seu conteúdo e concluímos tal como as perspetivas mais salutogénicas que o nascimento do filho com deficiência mental pode trazer incrementos positivos à vida marital, sendo os pais capazes de usufruir significativamente da relação com o filho, apesar de estes ganhos também irem de mãos dadas com algumas perdas. Concluimos também que cada um dos membros do casal traz os seus recursos próprios para dentro da relação conjugal que podem facilitar ou dificultar a aceitação da deficiência mental do filho.The birth of a child with mental disabilities is a family event that suffered from dominant catastrophic look for a long time, from which the couple might never come to recover again. Despite the schock, surprise, family restructuring and difficulties that usually accompanies the birth of a child with mental disabilities, families may emerge strenghtened and enriched in their relationships. We interviewed six couples with a mentally disabled child, then analised their contents, and concluded that like the more salutogenic perspectives, the birth of a child with mental disabilities can bring positive gains to the marital relationship, being parents able to significatively enjoy from the relationship with their child, although these gains go hand in hand with some losses. We concluded as well that each couple member brings their own resources to the conjugal relationship, which can facilitate or impede the mental disability acceptance of their child

    Anestesia em Endodontia

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaEndodontia é a especialidade da medicina dentária responsável pelo estudo e tratamento da câmara pulpar, de todo o sistema de canais radiculares e dos tecidos periapicais, bem como das doenças que os afetam. A aplicação de soluções anestésicas torna-se essencial em endodontia e faz parte do dia a dia do médico dentista sendo por isso necessário um amplo conhecimento sobre o assunto. No presente trabalho pretende-se, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as diferentes patologias do ramo da endodontia, assim como das diversas técnicas anestésicas utilizadas, tipos de anestesia, uso de vasoconstritores e da dosagem das mesmas. Pretende-se também relacionar o tratamento endodôntico e a utilização dos anestésicos locais. Não é demais sublinhar que o tratamento em endodontia é realizado diretamente em superfícies nervosas e altamente sensíveis. Nesse sentido e na justa medida em que pacientes nervosos e ansiosos não são de todo colaborantes e o seu stress pode levar a alterações fisiológicas, é necessário um domínio da técnica de anestesia para garantir uma maior eficácia no tratamento e também uma maior taxa de sucesso. Propõe-se por isso com este trabalho fazer uma pequena abordagem às condições sistémicas de cada paciente para assim poder avaliar qual o anestésico local a utilizar assim como o uso de vasoconstritores. Para tal, importa compreender as vantagens e desvantagens das diferentes técnicas anestésicas para definir qual a opção mais eficaz em cada caso concreto. Pretende-se com este trabalho sistematizar as técnicas disponíveis mais relevantes e elencar as diversas situações em que se apresentam mais adequadas, em função do diagnóstico realizado. Será também desenvolvida uma breve abordagem a pacientes de risco, sendo salientadas as gravidas, onde será relatado qual o tipo ideal de anestésico local a administrar, assim como contra indicações, e trimeste ideal para o tratamento dentário. Endodontics is the specialty of dentistry responsible for the study and treatment of the pulp chamber, of the entire root canal system and the periapical tissues, as well as the diseases that affect them. The application of anesthetic solutions becomes essential in endodontics and is part of everyday life of the dentist and therefore requires an extensive knowledge about the subject. In the present work it is intended, through a literature review, deepen the knowledge about the different pathologies of the branch of endodontics, as well as of various anesthetic techniques used, types of anesthesia, use of vasoconstrictors and dosage of the same. It is also intended to relate the endodontic treatment and the use of local anesthetics. It is never too much to emphasize that the treatment in endodontics is performed directly on nervous surfaces and highly sensitive ones. In this sense, and in the right measure in which nervous and anxious patients are not at all cooperating and their stress can lead to physiological changes, it is necessary a mastery of the technique of anesthesia to ensure greater effectiveness in treatment and also a higher rate of success. It is therefore proposed that a small approach to the systemic conditions of each patient be done, so as to be able to assess what local anesthetic should be used, as well as the use of vasoconstrictors. For this, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different anesthetic techniques to determine the most effective option in each case. This study aims to systematize the available techniques most relevant and enumerate the various situations in which they are most appropriate, depending on the diagnosis. It will be also developed a brief approach to risk patients, being highlighted the pregnant, where the ideal type of local anesthetic to administer will be reported, as well as contraindications, and the ideal quarter for dental treatment
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