456 research outputs found

    Viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism and erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate deficiency

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    Em um período de cinco anos, todos os pacientes que exibiram a forma viscerocutânea do loxoscelismo foram investigados para a deficiência de glicose-6 fosfato desidrogenase eritrocitária, e em dois pacientes em um total de sete, esta deficiência foi encontrada. Este achado sugere que esta deficiência enzimática genética poderia ser uma das causas da hemólise que ocorre em decorrência da picada por Loxosceles.In a period of time of five years, all patients who exhibited viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism were investigated for erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate deficiency, and in two patients out of seven it was found this deficiency. This finding suggests that this genetical enzyme deficiency could account for the hemolysis after Loxosceles bite, at least in some of the cases

    Descrição de injúria humana causada por falsa tocandira (Dinoponera gigantea, Perty, 1833) com revisão dos aspectos folclóricos, farmacológicos e clínicos das formigas gigantes do gênero Paraponera e Dinoponera (sub-família Ponerinae)

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    A partir de um acidente causado pela picada de uma formiga falsa tocandira na mão de um pescador amador, os autores descrevem os achados clínicos locais observados, tais como edema, eritema e dor excruciante e a evolução do envenenamento, que cursou com fenômenos sistêmicos imediatos, como sudorese fria, náuseas, vômitos, mal estar, taquicardia e linfadenopatia axilar à esquerda. Após três horas, a dor intensa persistia e o paciente apresentou um episódio de hematoquesia, sem história anterior de enfermidades do trato digestivo, hematológicas ou vasculares. O uso de analgésicos (Tramal® 300 mg/dia), água quente e gelo não melhorou a dor, que arrefeceu em oito horas, tendo permanecido por cerca de 24 horas. São apresentados ainda os aspectos folclóricos, farmacológicos e clínicos relacionados às picadas de tocandiras.The authors observed an injury caused by the sting of a false tocandira ant in the hand of an amateur fisherman and they describe the clinical findings and the evolution of the envenoming, which presented an acute and violent pain, cold sweating, nausea, a vomiting episode, malaise, tachycardia and left axillary's lymphadenopathy. About three hours after the accident, still feeling intense pain in the place of the sting, he presented an episode of great amount of blood in the feces with no history of digestive, hematological or vascular problems. The intense pain decreased after eight hours, but the place stayed moderately painful for about 24 hours. In that moment, he presented small grade of local edema and erythema. The authors still present the folkloric, pharmacological and clinical aspects related to the tocandiras stings, a very interesting family of ants, which presents the largest and more venomous ants of the world

    Embalagem de alimento orgânico: signos entre identidade e convenções

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    This paper aims at studying packaging as an element of communication in the organic products’ sector. For this, two packs of organic products are analyzed, one belonging to a non-organic line and another produced by an exclusive brand of organic products. As a result of the analyses, it is clear that the elements that compose the packages are defined based on a series of conventions: category language, brand identity, or stereotypes related to the image of natural products. In order to perform the analysis, Charles S. Peirce’s semiotic theory was used.Keywords: packaging, organic product, visual semiotics.O presente texto objetiva estudar a embalagem como elemento de comunicação no segmento de produtos orgânicos. Para isso, são analisadas duas embalagens de produtos orgânicos, uma pertencente a uma linha de produtos não orgânicos e outra produzida por uma marca exclusiva de produtos orgânicos. Como resultado das análises, percebe-se que os elementos de composição das embalagens são definidos em função de uma série de convenções: linguagem da categoria; identidade da marca; ou estereótipos relacionados à imagem de produtos naturais. Para realizar as análises, foi utilizada a teoria semiótica de Charles S. Peirce.Palavras-chave: embalagem, produto orgânico, semiótica visual

    RFID-triggered power activation for smart dynamic inductive wireless power transfer

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    A RFID-triggered power activation system is devised, implemented and tested as the key sensing mechanism for controlling wireless power transfer from an inductive lane to a moving lightweight electric vehicle. The RFID reader and tag used are based on ISO/IEC-14443A compatible types, working at 13.56 MHz, one of the least expensive currently available passive near-field technologies. In order to fit lightweight electric mobility application requirements, the RFID magnetic antennas are redesigned to larger than standard sizes, both at reader and tag sides, increasing the detection volume without increasing the required reading power, thus permitting the reuse of commercial RFID circuits and embedded protocol software. To trigger the wireless power transfer, a RFID reader coil is placed magnetically orthogonal to each primary power coil to be controlled, at the extremity where electric vehicles are expected to come from, in a one-way traffic. The power is turned off automatically when the vehicle leaves the primary coil field and the power demand is extinguished, or when time-out is reached. An inductive lane constituted of a sequence of such RFID-controlled primary coils can detect the presence of authorized electric vehicles and smartly energize the lane, manipulating the unique identifier codes and other information stored in the on-board tag to more efficiently handle dissimilar power level demands, and to implement tolling. The performance of the system is predicted based on the reconstructed 3D digital model of the RFID main detection lobe.Universidade de Vigo - Department of Electronics Technolog

    The venomous toadfish Thalassophryne nattereri (niquim or miquim): report of 43 injuries provoked in fishermen of Salinópolis (Pará State) and Aracaju (Sergipe State), Brazil

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    Fishes of family Batrachoididae are responsible for great number of injuries in fishermen in North and Northeast regions of Brazil. The genus Thalassophryne presents various venomous species of fishes found in the Brazilian coast, T. nattereri being the most common of them. The venom is ejected through two hollow spines on the dorsal fin and two on pre-opercular regions, which present a venomous gland in the base and can be erected or depressed by the fish. The manifestations of the envenoming were intense local pain, edema and erythema in 43 patients observed in Salinópolis (Pará State) and Aracaju (Sergipe State). There were no systemic manifestations, but necrosis was detected in eight and bacterial infection in ten injured fishermen. The circumstances of the contacts and therapeutic aspects are discussed. Envenoming by the genus Thalassophryne is important and frequent and should be considered of moderate severity grade, since there are not the excruciating pain or the massive local necrosis provoked by scorpionfishes (Scorpaena) or stingrays injuries nor the systemic manifestations that are the most important marker of severe envenoming.Os peixes da família Batrachoididae causam um grande número de acidentes em pescadores das regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. O gênero Thalassophryne apresenta várias espécies no Brasil e a espécie Thalassophryne nattereri é a mais comum, todas apresentando veneno. O veneno é inoculado por duas espículas ocas na nadadeira dorsal e duas nas regiões pré-operculares, ligadas a uma glândula de veneno na base. Os envenenamentos causaram dor intensa, edema e eritema iniciais em 43 pescadores observados em Salinópolis (Pará) e Aracaju (Sergipe). Em todos os casos, não ocorreram fenômenos sistêmicos dignos de nota, mas ocorreu necrose local em oito pacientes e infecção bacteriana em dez. As circunstâncias dos acidentes são comentadas, assim como aspectos terapêuticos. Nossa conclusão foi que o envenenamento por Thalassophryne é importante e freqüente e deve ser considerado de média gravidade, em função de não haverem fenômenos sistêmicos, como observado nos acidentes por peixes-escorpião (Scorpaena) ou arraias marinhas e fluviais

    Comportamento de cultivares de milho consorciados com Crotalaria juncea: estudo preliminary.

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    O sucesso do consórcio milho com o adubo verde deve obedecer a critérios técnicos, evitando que os adubos verdes venham a competir com o milho e o seu manejo proporcione melhoria na produtividade da cultura econômica. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a produção de grãos e as características agronômicas de diferentes cultivares de milho em consórcio com a Crotalaria juncea . O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial com quatro repetições, o primeiro fator foi formado por três cultivares de milho: 1) UFVM 100, variedade sintética; 2) Tombos, variedade crioula; 3) AG 1051, híbrido duplo. O segundo fator foram três sistemas de cultivo: 1) monocultivo do milho; 2) consórcio de milho com crotalária, sendo a leguminosa cortada na 8º folha expandida do milho; 3) Consórcio milho com crotalária durante todo o ciclo do milho. O hibrido AG 1051 apresentou maior produtividade de grãos no consórcio com a crotalária. A variedade UFVM 100 apresentou maior redução na produção de grãos em conseqüência da competição com a Crotalaria juncea cultivada durante todo o ciclo do milho

    Dynamic inductive power transfer lane design for e-bikes

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    This paper presents the concept and initial test results of an inductive lane design capable of dynamic and wirelessly transfer power to electric bicycles (e-bikes). On the lane side, a sequence of oblong primary coils embedded underneath ground surface, along the vehicle path, can be independently excited by high frequency alternating current. The oscillating magnetic field of each primary coil is individually enabled when a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag on board of the e-bike is detected and authenticated by an auxiliary coil laying close to that primary coil. On the e-bike, energy for the powertrain is harvested from the lane by a secondary coil that is installed around its rear wheel. When the e-bike is moving over inter-coil gaps, or anywhere away from the inductive lane, on-board power is sustained with the excess energy stored during transits over energized coils. Preliminary results from a prototyped module demonstrate the feasibility of the system, which could also be used by similarly adapted lightweight electric vehicles, such as rickshaws, electric wheel chairs and other electric personal mobility devices, favoring a new, low cost, sustainable urban modal variant.Research partially supported by grant SFRH/BD/52349/2013 from FCT, the Portuguese funding agency supporting science, technology and innovation, under the scope of the MIT-Portugal Program. L. A. Lisboa Cardoso and J. L. Afonso are with the Centro ALGORITMI, Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal (tel. 351-253-510183; e-mails: [email protected], [email protected]). M. Comesaña Martinez and A. A. Nogueiras Meléndez, are with the Department of Electronics Technology, University of Vigo, Vigo, Pontevedra 36310, Spain (e-mail: [email protected])

    An integrated python-based open-source Digital Image Correlation software for in-plane measurements (Part 1)

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT-MCTES) throughout the project PTDC/EMD-EMD/1230/2021 (AneurysmTool) and the support provided by the Brazilian Government funding agencies CAPES , FAPERJ and CNPq . Funding Information: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Joao Filho reports financial support was provided by Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement. Jose Xavier reports financial support was provided by Foundation for Science and Technology. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)The main purpose of this work is to present a new fully-customizable out-of-the-box open-source 2D Digital Image Correlation (2D-DIC) software, so-called iCorrVision-2D. It is implemented in Python, including image acquisition (grabber), numerical correlation and post-processing modules. The proposed software has an intuitive graphical user interface to support selecting all main correlation parameters, calibration and region of interest. The iCorrVision-2D software stands out over other open-source projects due to the great number of functionalities and the control of all important inputs, such as correlation domain, approach (spatial and incremental) and matching criterion, displacement filtering, interpolation techniques, strain window and reconstruction shape functions. Results demonstrate that the iCorrVision-2D software is robust and can be used to measure full-field displacements and strains with satisfactory accuracy and precision. For out-of-plane measurements, iCorrVision-3D will be presented in Part 2 (iCorrVision-3D, SoftwareX, 2022).publishersversionpublishe

    A percepção dos alunos do mestrado em engenharia de produção sobre a existência de ambientes de criação do conhecimento

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    Este estudo pautou-se em responder ao seguinte problema: “Como facilitar a emergência de contextos favoráveis ao processo de criação e compartilhamento de conhecimento?” Ante a formulação inicial, o presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar os quatro tipos de contextos (originating ba, dialoguing ba, systemizing ba e exercising ba) e apontar seus benefícios para a criação e compartilhamento de conhecimentos, a partir da percepção dos mestrandos dos cursos de engenharia de produção da Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paraná (UFTPR) campus Ponta Grossa, de acordo com a metodologia proposta por Nonaka, Toyama e Konno (2002). O texto caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, com a utilização de técnicas qualitativas para coleta e análise dos dados. Os resultados apontam a identificação dos espaços por 100% dos respondentes, tendo como benefícios o compartilhamento de informações e de conhecimentos. As informações compartilhadas que mais trouxeram benefícios estão relacionadas à criação e desenvolvimento de artigos, seminários, qualificação e defesa da dissertação. Palavras-chave Contextos favoráveis. Gestão do conhecimento. Criação e compartilhamento do conhecimento. The perception of production engineering master degree students about the existence of creation environment of knowledge Abstract This work aims to answer the following initial problem: how to facilitate the emerging of favorable contexts to the process of knowledge creating and sharing? Facing the formulation of the initial hypothesis, the objective in this article is to identify the four type of contexts (originating ba, dialogue ba, systematizing ba e exercising ba) and to point out its benefits for knowledge creation and sharing from the perception of the Production Engineering masters students of UFTPR, campus Ponta Grossa, according to the methodology proposed by Nonaka, Toyama and Konno (2002). This article is characterized as a case study, using qualitative techniques for data collect and analysis. The results point to the space identification by 100% of the answers is having as benefits the information and knowledge sharing. The shared information that brought more benefits are related to articles creation and development, seminars, qualify and dissertation presentation. Keywords Favourable contexts. Knowledge management. Knowledge creation and sharin