25 research outputs found

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Lactobacillus Species dari Susu Kambing Peternakan Lokal

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    Mikrobiota susu kambing dapat mencakup bakteri asam laktat (BAL), khususnya Lactobacillus spp., yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik dan dapat dipergunakan dalam berbagai produk fermentasi. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan isolasi dan karakterisasi BAL, khususnya Lactobacillus spp., dari susu kambing yang berasal dari peternakan lokal. Pada awalnya, didapatkan 25 isolat BAL dari susu kambing lokal. Semua isolat dikarakterisasi sesuai Bergey’s Manual of Systematics Archaea and Bacteria, yang dimulai dengan pewarnaan Gram, endospora dan ketahanan asam. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji aktivitas biokimia (uji aktivitas katalase, uji aktivitas hemolitik, serta uji fermentasi karbohidrat) dan uji ketahanan isolat terhadap berbagai konsentrasi NaCl, pH dan suhu. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, isolat B4 dan B6 dipilih untuk diidentifikasi lebih lanjut. Kedua isolat menunjukkan kemiripan karakteristik dengan Lactobacillus spp., yaitu berbentuk basil atau kokobasil, Gram positif, tidak membentuk spora, tidak tahan asam, katalase negatif, tidak memfermentasi manitol, sensitif terhadap konsentrasi NaCl tinggi, serta tumbuh optimum pada pH 5.5-6.2 dan pada suhu 37-45°C. Identifikasi kedua isolat berdasarkan sekuens 16S rRNA menunjukkan bahwa isolat B4 adalah Lacticaseibacillus paracasei dan isolat B6 adalah Limosilactobacillus fermentum. Sebagai kesimpulan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa susu kambing peternakan lokal dapat menjadi sumber alternatif untuk mendapatkan isolat Lactobacillus spp

    Safety Assessment of Bacillus subtilis G8 Isolated from Natto for Food Application

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    Various bacteria are widely used as food-fermenting agents, including Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Bacillus. Despite they are generally recognized as safe to be consumed by humans, those bacteria could potentially cause antibiotic resistance as they could acquire and transfer antibiotic resistance genes from or to other microbes within the human gastrointestinal tract. Profiling antibiotic resistance pattern in those bacteria is therefore important to control the spread of antibiotic resistance. In this study, antibiotic resistance profile of Bacillus subtilis G8 was assessed. B. subtilis G8 had been isolated from commercialised Japanese natto in Indonesia and had been previously reported for its fibrinolytic characteristics. The antibiotic resistance phenotype and genotype of B. subtilis G8 were assessed through the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method and whole-genome analysis, respectively. B. subtilis G8 exhibited resistance towards Oxacillin, Lincomycin and Tiamulin-Lefamulin. The bioinformatics analysis indicated several responsible genes mediating those resistance, i.e., ybxI (for Oxacillin), lmrB (for Lincomycin) and vmlR (for Lincomycin and Tiamulin-Lefamulin). All identified genes were found in the chromosomal DNA. Further analysis found no mobile genetic elements within the genome, therefore reducing a risk of resistance gene transfer via plasmid and subsequently supporting safety profile of B. subtilis G8 in food fermentation usage

    Toll-Like Receptor 8 Agonist and Bacteria Trigger Potent Activation of Innate Immune Cells in Human Liver

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The study was supported by a Grant core funding from the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR, Singapore) and a Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (NRMC/StaR/013/2012) to AB as well as NIHR Biomedical Centre, Oxford, WT 091663MA, NIAID1U19AI082630-01, Oxford Martin School funding and an NIHR Senior Investigator award to PK

    Genetically-engineered T cells to treat viral hepatitis-associated liver cancer: is it possible?

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    Adoptive T-cell immunotherapy is gaining credibility and popularity as a potential tool to cure cancer. Genetic engineering utilization of this therapeutic mode currently comes in the forms of chimeric antigen receptor- and T-cell receptor-engineered T cells. This short review focuses on opportunities to use engineered T cells to treat viral hepatitis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma

    Genetically-engineered T cells to treat viral hepatitis-associated liver cancer: is it possible?

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    Adoptive T-cell immunotherapy is gaining credibility and popularity as a potential tool to cure cancer. Genetic engineering utilization of this therapeutic mode currently comes in the forms of chimeric antigen receptor- and T-cell receptor-engineered T cells. This short review focuses on opportunities to use engineered T cells to treat viral hepatitis-associated hepatocellular carcinoma

    Role of cellular immunity in cow's milk allergy : pathogenesis, tolerance induction, and beyond

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    Food allergy is an aberrant immune-mediated reaction against harmless food substances, such as cow's milk proteins. Due to its very early introduction, cow's milk allergy is one of the earliest and most common food allergies. For this reason cow's milk allergy can be recognized as one of the first indications of an aberrant inflammatory response in early life. Classically, cow's milk allergy, as is true for most other allergies as well, is primarily associated with abnormal humoral immune responses, that is, elevation of specific immunoglobulin E levels. There is growing evidence indicating that cellular components of both innate and adaptive immunity play significant roles during the pathogenesis of cow's milk allergy. This is true for the initiation of the allergic phenotype (stimulation and skewing towards sensitization), development and outgrowth of the allergic disease. This review discusses findings pertaining to roles of cellular immunity in allergic inflammation, and tolerance induction against cow's milk proteins. In addition, a possible interaction between immune mechanisms underlying cow's milk allergy and other types of inflammation (infections and noncommunicable diseases) is discussed

    Role of Cellular Immunity in Cow's Milk Allergy: Pathogenesis, Tolerance Induction, and Beyond

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    Food allergy is an aberrant immune-mediated reaction against harmless food substances, such as cow's milk proteins. Due to its very early introduction, cow's milk allergy is one of the earliest and most common food allergies. For this reason cow's milk allergy can be recognized as one of the first indications of an aberrant inflammatory response in early life. Classically, cow's milk allergy, as is true for most other allergies as well, is primarily associated with abnormal humoral immune responses, that is, elevation of specific immunoglobulin E levels. There is growing evidence indicating that cellular components of both innate and adaptive immunity play significant roles during the pathogenesis of cow's milk allergy. This is true for the initiation of the allergic phenotype (stimulation and skewing towards sensitization), development and outgrowth of the allergic disease. This review discusses findings pertaining to roles of cellular immunity in allergic inflammation, and tolerance induction against cow's milk proteins. In addition, a possible interaction between immune mechanisms underlying cow's milk allergy and other types of inflammation (infections and noncommunicable diseases) is discussed