12 research outputs found

    Low Temperature Cross-Sensitivity Humidity Sensor Based on a U-Shaped Microfiber Interferometer

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    Responsiveness Expressions of Bitter Taste Receptors Against Denatonium Benzoate and Genistein in the Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney, and Bursa Fabricius of Chinese Fast Yellow Chicken

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the responsiveness expressions of ggTas2Rs against denatonium benzoate (DB) and genistein (GEN) in several organs of the Chinese Fast Yellow Chicken. A total of 300 one-day-old chicks that weighed an average of 32 g were randomly allocated into five groups with five replicates for 56 consecutive days. The dietary treatments consisted of basal diet, denatonium benzoate (5 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg, and 100 mg/kg), and genistein 25 mg/kg. The results of qRT-PCR indicated significantly (p < 0.05) high-level expressions in the heart, spleen, and lungs in the starter and grower stages except for in bursa Fabricius. The responsiveness expressions of ggTas2Rs against DB 100 mg/kg and GEN 25 mg/kg were highly dose-dependent in the heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys in the starter and grower stages, but dose-independent in the bursa Fabricius in the finisher stage. The ggTas2Rs were highly expressed in lungs and the spleen, but lower in the bursa Fabricius among the organs. However, the organ growth performance significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the groups administered DB 5 mg/kg and GEN 25 mg/kg; meanwhile, the DB 20 mg/kg and DB 100 mg/kg treatments significantly reduced the growth of all the organs, respectively. These findings indicate that responsiveness expressions are dose-dependent, and bitterness sensitivity consequently decreases in aged chickens. Therefore, these findings may improve the production of new feedstuffs for chickens according to their growing stages

    The Synergistic Effects of the Combination of L-Carnitine and Lycopene on the Lycopene Bioavailability and Duodenal Health of Roosters

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of Lycopene and L-Carnitine, individually or in combination, on various physiological and molecular factors related to intestinal health and absorption ability in Roosters, such as intestinal morphology, serum biochemical parameters, genes involved in Lycopene uptake, nutritional transport genes, and tight junction genes. The findings of the study revealed that the combination of L-Carnitine and Lycopene supplementation had been found to increase the serum concentration levels of TP and ALB. Interestingly, the relative mRNA expression of genes responsible for Lycopene uptakes, such as SR-BI and BCO2, was higher in the LC group compared to other groups. Additionally, the expression of specific nutritional transport genes in the duodenum was significantly affected by both CAR and LC supplementation groups. The tight junction gene OCLN showed a significant increase in expression in the combination group compared to using either Lycopene or L-Carnitine alone. This study concludes that using Lycopene and L-carnitine in combination in poultry feed can potentially improve intestinal morphology and serum biochemical parameters, increase Lycopene bioavailability, improve nutrients uptake, and enhance the integrity of duodenal tight junctions in Roosters

    Relationship between Leaf Scorch Occurrence and Nutrient Elements and Their Effects on Fruit Qualities in Chinese Chestnut Orchards

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    Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) is a multipurpose tree providing nuts and timbers, which holds an important position in the mountainous villages in China. However, leaf scorch disease is becoming more and more serious in the chestnut orchards of Yanshan Mountain areas, but the cause of occurrence is still unclear. In this study, the nutrient elements were analyzed from the leaves, roots, and surrounding soils of roots as well as the nut qualities in the healthy and scorched trees from two adjacent chestnut orchards. The results showed that the elements of nitrogen (N), iron (Fe), boron (B), and zinc (Zn) in leaves significantly increased in the scorched trees as well as N and B in roots, and potassium (K), and available potassium (AP) in soils, but leaf magnesium (Mg), root manganese (Mn), and soil Mg, copper (Cu), Fe, and B significantly decreased. Correlation analysis demonstrated that B, Zn, Mg, and Fe had a greater influence on the status of leaf health, and soil AK, K, Fe, B, and Cu had an impact on leaf B concentration. In addition, the occurrence of leaf scorch affected the nut sizes, contents of total soluble proteins and ascorbic acid as well as the catalase activity in the nuts. These results indicated that the disruption of soil-element balance may be one of the main causes resulting in the occurrence of leaf scorch, which would provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the prevention of chestnut leaf scorch disease

    Novel Aromatase Inhibitors by Structure-Guided Design

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    Human cytochrome P450 aromatase catalyzes with high specificity the synthesis of estrogens from androgens. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) such as exemestane, 6-methylideneandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione, are preeminent drugs for the treatment of estrogen-dependent breast cancer. The crystal structure of human placental aromatase has shown an androgen-specific active site. By utilization of the structural data, novel C6-substituted androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione inhibitors have been designed. Several of the C6-substituted 2-alkynyloxy compounds inhibit purified placental aromatase with IC<sub>50</sub> values in the nanomolar range. Antiproliferation studies in a MCF-7 breast cancer cell line demonstrate that some of these compounds have EC<sub>50</sub> values better than 1 nM, exceeding that for exemestane. X-ray structures of aromatase complexes of two potent compounds reveal that, per their design, the novel side groups protrude into the opening to the access channel unoccupied in the enzyme–substrate/exemestane complexes. The observed structure–activity relationship is borne out by the X-ray data. Structure-guided design permits utilization of the aromatase-specific interactions for the development of next generation AIs