10 research outputs found

    XII. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury

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    Title in English: XII. Student Scientific Conference of the Czech Language and Literature Department. This publication presents papers from an academic conference held in Brno on October 8, 2020. The participants of the conference are Master's and PhD students. Jan Oujezdský focuses on onomastic issues in his paper “Uliční název jako anoikonymum a jeho odlišnosti od ostatních jmen nesídelních objektů [Street Names as Minor Place-names and How they Differ from Other Names of Non-Residential Objects]”. Andrea Kytlicová examines spoken expressions in the paper entitled “Větná stavba mluvených projevů žáků 2. stupně ZŠ při komunikaci ve výuce [Sentence Structure of Spoken Expressions of 2nd-grade Elementary School Students in Communication in Teaching]”. The paper by Radim Ošmera “Metodologie foneticko-fonologického výzkumu a jeho využití v praxi: Výslovnost hlásky „j“ vietnamskými mluvčími [The Methodology of Phonetic-Phonological Research and Its Use in Practice: The Pronunciation of the sound `j' by Vietnamese speakers]”, as well as the paper by Lucie Křižková “Pracovní listy k moravským reáliím [Worksheets on Moravian Realities]” are concerned with the problem of teaching students with different mother tongues. Miroslav Jindra's paper “Cestou za zrcadlem: k výzkumu dětského čtenářství žáků třetí třídy základní školy [Through the Looking Glass: Research into the Reading of Third-Grade Primary School Pupils]” is focused on children's reading. The paper by Ondřej Zabloudil Pechník “Tematika přírodních národů v české literatuře devadesátých let dvacátého století [The Themes of Indigenous Peoples in Czech Literature in the 1990s]” concludes the proceedings

    XI. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury

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    Title in English: XI. Student Scientific Conference of the Czech Language and Literature Department This collection presents the contributions of the students of Master’s and doctoral study programmes to the Student Scientific Conference held on 14/03/2019. Kateřina Žvaková deals with conversation analysis in Communication strategy tools used by the guests in GEN (documentary series), application of didactics is presented in Pavlína Zouharová’s Commercials in Czech Language Teaching of sixth-through-ninth graders in primary schools. Radim Ošmera focuses on the teaching of non-native Czech speakers in his Czech phonetics/phonology principles applied by non-native speakers of the Czech language, Veronika Tinková presents Worksheet design for Czech language for bilingual sixth-through-ninth graders and Věra Šimková presents Adapted reading exercises in the Czech-speaking environment. Miroslav Jindra deals with Methodology of research into children’s theatre audiences through a case study of a production of Vinnetou. The collection is concluded by literary scientific contributions from Kateřina Tesařová with her Death motifs found in the early poetic works of Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic and J.H. Krchovský and Ondřej Pechník’s Reflection of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Tomáš Kolský’s work

    XIII. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury

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    Title in English: The XIIIth Student Academic Conference of the Department of Czech Language and Literature: 18th March 2021. Proceeding of the conference held on 18th March 2021. The publication contains studies by Gabriela Čermáková (“Contemporary Situation of Podkrkonošský Dialect”), Radim Ošmera (“The Methodology of the Research of Other Language”), Veronika Tinková (“Language Specifics in the Czech Language Education of Bilingual Children of Primary School Age in the Czech-French Environment”), Zuzana Procházková (“Alternative Methods in the Czech Language Education on Secondary Schools”), Miroslav Jindra (“I Am Vinnetou!?: Elements of Identifications with a Literary Work and Theatrical Performance of Children at 8–9 age”), Tereza Švandová (“What is Lettrism?”), Klára Březinová (“A Portrait of Virgin Mary in Elected Works of Jaroslav Durych”), Ondřej Zabloudil Pechník (“Jungle, My Love, or A Chesty Man and a Story Thief by Josef Formánek”) and Alexandra Gončarenko (“A Motif of the Initiatory Journey in Works of Martin Ryšavý and Vladimír Sorokin”)

    Praxe studijního programu Učitelství pro mateřské školy: metodická příručka pro studenty

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    Title in English: Practice of the Study Program Teacher Training for Kindergartens: Methodical Handbook for Students The methodological manual was created with the aim of helping students of the bachelor's study program Teacher Training for Kindergartens to better understand the system of pedagogical and didactic practices so that they have a comprehensive idea of their organization and relationship to some theoretical subjects. At the same time, it should provide a deeper insight into the relationship between theory and practice through the portfolio and approach its function at the very end of the study, ie during the final state examination

    XIV. studentská vědecká konference Katedry českého jazyka a literatury

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    Title in English: The XIVth Student Academic Conference of the Department of Czech Language and Literature: 17th March 2022 Proceeding of the conference held on 17th March 2022. The publication contains studies by Zuzana Procházková (“Comparation of Word Formation in the Older and Younger Generation in Selected Villages of the East Moravian Dialect”), Ivana Večeřová (“Specifics of Contemporary Private Electronic Communication”), Radim Ošmera (“Lecturers' Approach to Czech Realities in Teaching Students with Different Mother Tongues”), Tereza Holzerová (“Non-violent Communication in a Czech Language Lesson”), Miroslav Jindra (“Selected Aspects of a Literary Work and their Reception by a Child Reader: Results of Children's Reading Research in the Form of Group Discussion”), Magdaléna Lípová (“Psychosocial Tasks in Early Adolescence in Selected Prose for Children and Youth”), Klára Březinová (“A Theme of Virgin Mary in Selected Works by Jakub Deml”), Tereza Pořízková (“Identity and its Forms in the Book Doupě”), Ondřej Zabloudil Pechník (“The Image of the Rainforest in Czech Prose after 2000”) and Tereza Švandová (“French Avant-garde Artistic Movements Originated from Lettrism”)

    Homoseksualne rodzicielstwo w literaturze dziecięcej

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    Homosexuality in children’s literature is still a controversial topic in many countries of the world. Not only are people afraid to talk about this theme with children, they do not know how. The history of this topic in children’s literature dates back to the 80s of the 20th century, when the first books were published. In 20th century, human society went through many changes which were reflected in all the fields of art (theatre, fine arts, literature, etc.). Writers had a need to familiarise children readers with ‘taboo topics’ such as homosexuality, death, drugs, etc. They wanted to introduce homosexuals as ordinary men and women, who live their own lives with their joys and worries. Today, we can find three main themes in children’s literature: coming out, the life of homosexuals and homosexual parenthood. Each theme has its own specifics and typical reader age group of children or youth. This characterisation can help us to deeper identify the topic. The literature offers children and youth better and easier cognition of the world with its differences. The aim is to learn about the history of homosexuality in children’s literature and go deeper into its individual themes, especially homosexual parenthood. Children need to know everything about life and have no taboos. Why are we afraid to talk about it?Homoseksualizm w literaturze dziecięcej jest wciąż kontrowersyjnym tematem w wielu krajach świata. Ludzie nie tylko boją się mówić o tym temacie z dziećmi, ale nie wiedzą jak. Historia zagadnienia w literaturze dla dzieci sięga lat 80. XX wieku, kiedy opublikowano pierwsze książki na ten temat. W XX wieku społeczeństwo ludzkie przechodziło wiele zmian, które znalazły odzwierciedlenie we wszystkich dziedzinach sztuki (teatr, sztuki piękne, literatura itp.). Pisarze musieli zapoznać dzieci z „tematami tabu”, takimi jak homoseksualizm, śmierć, narkotyki itp. Chcieli zaprezentować homoseksualistów jako zwykłych mężczyzn i kobiety, którzy żyją własnym życiem, z ich radościami i zmartwieniami. Dzisiaj możemy znaleźć trzy główne wątki związane z omawianym zagadnienim w literaturze dziecięcej: ujawnianie się, życie homoseksualistów i homoseksualne rodzicielstwo. Każdy z nich ma swoją specyfikę i typową grupę wiekową dziecięcych lub młodzieżowych odbiorców. Przedstawiona charakterystyka może pomóc w podjęciu pogłębionej identyfikacji tematyki utworów. Literatura oferuje dzieciom i młodzieży lepsze i łatwiejsze poznanie świata z jego różnicami. Celem artykułu jest poznanie historii homoseksualizmu w literaturze dziecięcej oraz zagłębienie się w tematykę poszczególnych utworów, zwłaszcza dotyczących homoseksualnego rodzicielstwa. Dzieci muszą wiedzieć wszystko o życiu i nie mieć tabu. Dlaczego boimy się o tym porozmawiać

    Wireless technologies implementation in the environs of CEZ ICT Services, a. s.

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    Diplomová práce zahrnuje zkušenosti nabyté při implementaci bezdrátových technologií v provozním prostředí firmy ČEZ ICT Services, a. s. V teoretické části jsou zpracovány základní požadavky kladené uživateli na komunikační sítě, využívajících k distribuci informací elektromagnetických vln (radiového přenosu). Jsou zde zpracovány základní možnosti nasazení radiových spojů ve vnějším a vnitřním prostředí budov. V praktické části se autor práce zabývá implementací sítí WLAN ve vnitřních prostorách budov, s využitím dostupných technických prostředků. Využití služeb datové konektivity v podnikové síti pro přístup uživatelů, k síťovým zdrojům, k Internetu a IP telefonii. Je zde uvedena implementace reálně nasazená na obchodní pobočky v Budapešti a Varšavě. Dále jsou zde zpracovány praktické možnosti nasazení ve vnějším prostředí, k zajištění WAN dvoubodových spojů na větší vzdálenosti, případně zajištění přístupových sítí poslední míle.The diploma thesis includes wireless technologies implementation from experience acquired in the environment of the company ČEZ ICT Services, a. s. The author elaborates basic requirement of users to communications network, making use of distribution information on electromagnetic waves (radio data communication) in theoretical parts. The author basically summaries opportunity of implementation radio channels outdoor and indoor environs of buildings. The author considers implementation WLAN indoor with available technician appliances. Usage of data transfer in enterprise networks for user's access to network sources, by Internet connection and use IP telephony. The author demonstrates implementation on small branch office in Budapest and Warsaw. The author demonstrates implementation of outdoor environment point to point WAN large distance connection and for up to resource last mile access.Katedra elektrotechniky, elektroniky a zabezpečovací techniky v dopravěDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Venous Thromboembolism Risk and Prophylaxis in the Acute Care Hospital Setting (ENDORSE Survey) Findings in Surgical Patients

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    Objective: To evaluate venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk in patients who underwent a major operation, including the use of, and factors influencing, American College of Chest Physicians-recommended types of VTE prophylaxis

    Venous thromboembolism risk and prophylaxis in hospitalised medically ill patients The ENDORSE Global Survey

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    Limited data are available regarding the risk for venous thromboembolism (VIE) and VIE prophylaxis use in hospitalised medically ill patients. We analysed data from the global ENDORSE survey to evaluate VTE risk and prophylaxis use in this population according to diagnosis, baseline characteristics, and country. Data on patient characteristics, VIE risk, and prophylaxis use were abstracted from hospital charts. VTE risk and prophylaxis use were evaluated according to the 2004 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines. Multivariable analysis was performed to identify factors associated with use of ACCP-recommended prophylaxis. Data were evaluated for 37,356 hospitalised medical patients across 32 countries. VIE risk varied according to medical diagnosis, from 31.2% of patients with gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary diseases to 100% of patients with acute heart failure, active noninfectious respiratory disease, or pulmonary infection (global rate, 41.5%). Among those at risk for VTE, ACCP-recommended prophylaxis was used in 24.4% haemorrhagic stroke patients and 40-45% of cardiopulmonary disease patients (global rate, 39.5%). Large differences in prophylaxis use were observed among countries. Markers of disease severity, including central venous catheters, mechanical ventilation, and admission to intensive care units, were strongly associated with use of ACCP-recommended prophylaxis. In conclusion, VIE risk varies according to medical diagnosis. Less than 40% of at-risk hospitalised medical patients receive ACCP-recommended prophylaxis. Prophylaxis use appears to be associated with disease severity rather than medical diagnosis. These data support the necessity to improve implementation of available guidelines for evaluating VIE risk and providing prophylaxis to hospitalised medical patients