3,315 research outputs found

    IPSC differentiation into ependymal progenitors to treat ventricular damage during hydrocephalus

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    Introduction: During both obstructive congenital hydrocephalus and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus additional pathological events are intimately associated with their ethiology: a) a detrimental inflammatory response; b) severe damage of the underlying periventricular nervous tissue, including white matter, and c). Therapeutic approaches have been directed to overcome a) and b), however recovery of damaged neuroepithelium/ependyma is, in our present, an important therapeutic gap. Methods: Human and mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have been artificially differented into ependymal progenitors. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of iPCS are performed ex vivo and in vivo in the damaged ventricular wall. Their integration and differentiation has been studied by immunohistochemistry and histopathological analysis. Results: Mice and human ependymal progenitors are able to integrate and differentiate into ependyma in damaged ventricular wall. Stage of ependymal differentiation by the time of the injection defined different degrees of integration. Conclusions: IPSC appear to be a good ependymal progenitor source with no ethical controversy associated.RyC 2014-16980 Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Network perspective of histamine related diseases

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    Histamine is the most pleiotropic biogenic amine. Produced and stored by a limited set of cells—histaminergic neurons, enterochromaffin-like cells, and mast cells—it broadcasts intercellular communication signals to a wide variety of cell types through its tissue-specific receptors. The many molecular interactions of these receptors and other mediators result in complex cellular networks whose alteration result in disease. Therefore, complex diseases map to modules of these cellular networks in the diseasomes. In this communication, we survey the histamine cellular networks to map the histamine diseasome, presenting a network view of the pleiotropy of histamine and its role in several complex diseases.A.A. Moya is a CIBERER fellow. The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)]. This communication has the support of a travel grant "Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech"

    Increased Impulsivity following progressive nigral degenereation and chronic pramipexole treatment in an animal model of Parkinson's disease

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    Dopamine agonists (DA) that are widely used to treat motor deficits in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are frequently associated with the development of abnormal-impulsive behaviors (AIB). The pathophysiology of AIB is poorly understood and there is a need for reliable animal models. We have analyzed the behavior of parkinsonian (injection of adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) encoding for A53T mutated hα-syn in the substantia nigra compacta) and control (AAV- GFP expression) rats under chronic treatment with the D2/D3 receptor DA pramipexole (PPX) during 4 weeks, in OFF and ON medication states, using the 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time-Task (5-CSRTT). Before PPX treatment, the dopaminergic lesion increased the premature responses rate (waiting impulsivity) that was further increased with PPX during the 4 weeks of treatment in ON medication state and that was significantly higher than in control rats. A similar pattern of changes was observed in the variables related to attention (reduced accuracy in the responses and increased omissions). Premature response rate before and after treatment (both in ON and OFF medication) were correlated. In turn, premature responses before treatment and in OFF correlated with the striatal dopaminergic depletion (Dopamine transporter (DAT) immunochemistry). No significant changes were observed in OFF medication state in premature responses rate respect to the pretreatment state. The striatal expression of FosB/ΔFosB inversely correlated with the DAT expression and was higher in the lateral region of both striata and in the shell and core of the nucleus accumbens in parkinsonian than in control rats. In conclusion, these results indicate that the dopaminergic lesion is a risk factor to develop abnormal impulsive behaviors in PD under DA treatment and that this model could be a valid tool to investigate the pathophysiology of AIB in PD (DFG11/019, PI11/02109).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mejora aerodinámica de una moto de competición

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    Para comenzar, se ha realizado un estudio de datos de varios perfiles de ala para ver su comportamiento y, una vez escogido el que mejor se adapta a nuestras necesidades, se ha realizado un estudio en dos dimensiones mediante dos procesos diferentes. Para poder efectuar un estudio más extenso y completo, se ha decidido obtener un diseño de una moto completa, para así poder localizar nuestro perfil dentro de ésta y diseñar dos sistemas de alerones que se puedan estudiar, uno de alerones fijos y otro de alerones móviles. Como el objetivo de este proyecto es analizar el comportamiento del nuevo sistema de alerones móviles, se ha efectuado un estudio aerodinámico, tanto en posición fija como móvil, de los alerones integrados dentro del carenado dentro de un intervalo de velocidades e inclinaciones de la moto para compararlos después y poder sacar unas conclusiones precisas. Posteriormente, se ha decidido diseñar un mecanismo que permita a los alerones rotar respecto a un eje y tener un desfase respecto al ángulo de inclinación de la moto. Este mecanismo permitirá mantener las alas en el plano horizontal la mayor parte del tiempo y que no provoquen fuerzas transversales a la moto durante su paso por curva y su salida de ella. Finalmente, se ha diseñado un sistema electrónico capaz de captar el ángulo de inclinación de la moto para transmitirle la señal a un motor capaz de hacer girar los alerones

    Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Intimate Partner Violence in a Group of Young Puerto Ricans

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    In this paper we aim to describe the beliefs and attitudes young people in Puerto Rico have toward intimate partner violence (IPV). Although Puerto Rico has a high rate of IPV, little empirical research has been conducted about the beliefs and attitudes people have regarding this issue. We conducted 20 in-depth qualitative interviews with young men and women. Data was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis approach. Participants expressed that men are more violent than women because of testosterone, machismo, and alcohol and other drug use. Both male and female participants stated that they believe they have the same rights to make decisions. Participants did not express directly stereotypical attitudes and beliefs that justify IPV. However, there remains a desire in some participants to have control over where their partner is and what he or she is doing. Preventive interventions are urgently needed to promote healthier relationships among young people

    Probing the Circumnuclear Stellar Populations of Starburst Galaxies in the Near-infrared

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    We employ the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility's near-infrared spectrograph SpeX at 0.8-2.4μ\mum to investigate the spatial distribution of the stellar populations (SPs) in four well known Starburst galaxies: NGC34, NGC1614, NGC3310 and NGC7714. We use the STARLIGHT code updated with the synthetic simple stellar populations models computed by Maraston (2005, M05). Our main results are that the NIR light in the nuclear surroundings of the galaxies is dominated by young/intermediate age SPs (t2×109t \leq 2\times10^9yr), summing from \sim40\% up to 100\% of the light contribution. In the nuclear aperture of two sources (NGC1614 and NGC3310) we detected a predominant old SP component (t>2×109t > 2\times10^9yr), while for NGC34 and NGC7714 the younger component prevails. Furthermore, we found evidence of a circumnuclear star formation ring-like structure and a secondary nucleus in NGC1614, in agreement with previous studies. We also suggest that the merger/interaction experienced by three of the galaxies studied, NGC1614, NGC3310 and NGC7714 can explain the lower metallicity values derived for the young SP component of these sources. In this scenario the fresh unprocessed metal poorer gas from the destroyed/interacting companion galaxy is driven to the centre of the galaxies and mixed with the central region gas, before star formation takes place. In order to deepen our analysis, we performed the same procedure of SP synthesis using Maraston (2011, M11) EPS models. Our results show that the newer and higher resolution M11 models tend to enhance the old/intermediate age SP contribution over the younger ages

    Frugalidad y conducta socialmente responsable. Cuestiones sociales y éticas en el consumo.

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    Comunicación a congresoEl presente trabajo relaciona la conducta frugal con las dimensiones de la Conducta Socialmente Responsable (CSR) y con el Compromiso Afectivo (CAF) esperando que una mayor conducta frugal se relacione con niveles más altos en ambas variables. Se llevan a cabo pruebas de correlación y regresión lineal en una muestra de 384. Las participantes presentan unos niveles medio-altos de frugalidad, de CSR y con un compromiso afectivo alto. La frugalidad se relaciona de forma significativa con todas las variables de la CSR, con el compromiso afectivo y la eficacia percibida de las acciones, no obstante, el valor de los coeficientes es bajo. Los resultados de las regresiones indican que un 36,7% de la varianza es explicado por la el Volumen de Consumo (CSR) y por la el CAF (injusticia y políticas de globalización) para el uso ingenioso de recursos. En cuanto a la conducta de restricción, un 31% es explicado por el Volumen de Consumo (CSR), el CAF en su dimensión de injusticia y por la relación causa-efecto en la elección de los productos (CSR). Este trabajo supone analizar las posibles implicaciones de la ética del consumo en el comportamiento frugal

    Las demandas de los stakeholders y la evolución de las memorias de sostenibilidad del GRI: un análisis desde la transparencia y la creación de valor

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    ResumenLa responsabilidad social, que era identificada como una función únicamente delEstado, ha sido trasladada a los particulares. El actuar de la empresa, que ha estadoen tela de juicio en las últimas décadas, ha hecho que la sociedad demande mayor ymejor divulgación de información al considerar que de esta manera se puede rendircuenta de un actuar responsable y transparente. No obstante, existen temores sobrela forma en que algunas empresas utilizan la divulgación de información; parece quehan encontrado justificaciones que van más allá de la transparencia, la creación devalor vía reputación corporativa.La necesidad de ofrecer propuestas que incorporen toda la información requerida porlos usuarios con el fin de minimizar sus dudas sobre la intencionalidad de las empresas,ha convergido en la propuesta del Global Reporting Initiative. En este artículo se haceun recorrido por las guías GRI para elaborar memorias de sostenibilidad de los años 2002 y 2006, a fin de identificar los principales cambios introducidos y de establecersi esos cambios cubren las debilidades evidenciadas en materia informativa.GRI, responsabilidad social, sostenibilidad, stakeholders,transparencia, divulgación de información.

    The Efficacy of Therapeutic Respiratory Muscle Training Interventions in People with Bronchiectasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Respiratory muscle dysfunction is an important health problem with high morbidity and mortality and associated costs in patients with bronchiectasis (BC). The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of therapeutic respiratory muscle training (RMT) interventions on improving sputum clearance, ventilator function, muscle strength and functional capacity in BC. Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Two independent investigators searched using several electronic databases. The methodological quality of nine studies was assessed using the PEDro scale. Study selection/eligibility criteria: The following were included: randomised controlled trials, randomised crossover trials and pilot studies of patients with BC that used the intervention as RMT (inspiratory/expiratory) and evaluations of respiratory muscle strength (maximal expiratory pressure/maximal inspiratory pressure). This systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42017075101). Nine studies were included, five of which obtained an A recommendation grade, three with B, and one with C. Study quality was poor to good (mean PEDro Score of 6.375 out of 10). Studies had small sample sizes (8-98). Results show improvements on PImax in favour of therapeutic respiratory muscle training intervention (MD = 6.08; 95% CI = 1.38, 10.77; p < 0.01; I-2 = 92%). However, high heterogeneity was identified on meta-analysis

    La educación de las mujeres populares bogotanas 1984 - 1995.

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    Trabajo de grado en el cual se describe y analiza las prácticas educativas llevadas a cabo con las mujeres de los sectores populares de Bogotá durante 1984 –1995 visto desde el archivo de REPEM. La Educación asumida como práctica de libertad no puede estar desligada de un proceso ético-político de transformación y de conciencia social. Por su parte, lo popular hace alusión a los grupos o sectores poblacionales subalternizados o excluidos; sin embargo, al hablar de lo popular es importante situar esta connotación desde un horizonte político; pues para la Educación popular lo educativo se asume como una praxis pedagógica de resistencia y concienciación orientada hacia los sectores populares. Sectores en los cuales a pesar de sus condiciones re-crean brillos de resistencia donde las mujeres son sujetos protagónicos, las cuales pesar de sus condiciones han forjado grandes procesos comunitarios, de empoderamiento y de desnaturalización de las prácticas de dominación hegemónicamente establecidas