2,857 research outputs found

    Mediación penal con menores; análisis de la experiencia

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    Este trabajo analiza la experiencia diaria de la mediación penal con menores en el ámbito extrajudicial que llevan a cabo los profesionales de la Asociación ALME en Málaga. El estudio empírico se nutre de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas y el objetivo principal es profundizar en la naturaleza y características de la actividad que se lleva a cabo, que incluye el encuentro con conciliación y las actividades de reparación. La flexibilización del conflicto generado por la infracción se observa a partir del menor infractor, la víctima y la actuación mediadora, contrastando las aportaciones que realizan estos intervinientes en el proceso de la mediación. En las conclusiones se aporta una visión crítica de esta realidad con aportaciones relativas a la práctica de esta actividad, y reflexiones desde el punto de vista de la Criminología y Victimología.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Unlocking Mozambique’s economic potential for sustainable growth

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    Mozambique has abundant natural resources, natural gas reserves, a young population, and a strategic position in Southern Africa. Yet it remains one of the world’s poorest nations. To unlock the country’s economic potential for sustainable growth the focus must be on infrastructure and government regulation, write Andrea Correa-Jimenez, Rahat Siddique, Fernando Pino

    Banca Digital: El Banco Peruano y su reto de incentivar el uso de sus Plataformas Digitales en sus clientes financieros.

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    La transformación digital se ha convertido en un importante aliado que ha hecho que las instituciones bancarias se reinventen al momento de ofrecer sus productos y servicios. No obstante, siguen existiendo brechas o objeciones en el uso de la banca digital en el Perú por parte de los clientes y/o usuarios. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo mostrar el reto de un banco en poder incentivar a sus clientes al uso continuo y adecuado de los canales alternos, como son la página web y su banca móvil (app), tratando de superar la poca confianza, la inseguridad que actualmente atraviesa el país y la falta de cultura financiera que no contribuye a una libre y rápida adopción de esta nueva oferta que la banca peruana ofrece a todos los clientes. La celeridad con la que las nuevas tecnologías avanzan no va a la par con la curva de aprendizaje de los clientes la cual es más conservadora, y en esto se requiere un mayor esfuerzo del marketing para incentivar el uso, puesto que, la innovación tecnológica seguirá llevando a los bancos a volcar sus miradas a sus canales digitales. Para obtener la información presentada en esta investigación realizamos un trabajo explicativo realizando una entrevista a profundidad con un experto de la banca digital y apoyo bibliográfico que sustenten la problemática.Digital transformation has become an important ally that has made banking institutions reinvent themselves when offering their products and services. However, there are still gaps or objections in the use of digital banking in Peru by clients and/or users. The objective of this research work is to show the challenge of a bank in being able to encourage its clients to continuously and appropriately use alternative channels, such as the website and its mobile banking (app), trying to overcome the lack of trust, the insecurity that the country is currently experiencing and the lack of financial culture that does not contribute to a free and rapid adoption of this new offer that Peruvian banking offers to all clients. The speed with which new technologies advance is not on par with the learning curve of customers, which is more conservative, and in this case a greater marketing effort is required to encourage use since technological innovation will continue to lead to banks to turn their attention to their digital channels. To obtain the information presented in this research, we carried out explanatory work by conducting an in-depth interview with a digital banking expert and bibliographic support that supports the problem.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Phase-type distributions for studying variability in resistve memories

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    A new statistical approach has been developed to analyze Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) variability. The stochastic nature of the physical processes behind the operation of resistive memories makes variability one of the key issues to solve from the industrial viewpoint of these new devices. The statistical features of variability have been usually studied making use of Weibull distribution. However, this probability distribution does not work correctly for some resistive memories, in particular for those based on the Ni/HfO2/Si structure thar has been employed in this work. A completely new approach based on phase-type modelling is proposed in this paper to characterize the randomness of resistive memories operation. An in-depth comparision with experimental results shows that the fitted phase-type distribution works better than the Weibull distribution and also helps to understand the physics of the resistive memories.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FEDER program) TEC2017-84321-C4-3-R MTM2017-88708-PIMB-CNM (CSIC) (Barcelona

    Determinación de zonas isotérmicas y selección de estaciones meteorológicas representativas en Aragón como base para la estimación del impacto del cambio climático sobre la posible relación entre mortalidad y temperatura

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    Fundamento: En regiones extensas y diversificadas, como Ara¬gón, se cree la necesidad de dividirlas en áreas en función de las varia¬bles atmosféricas disponibles, para seleccionar una estación meteoroló¬gica representativa. El objeto de este artículo es determinar la existencia de regiones isotérmicas y seleccionar las estaciones representativas con el fin de estudiar la correlación entre variables de temperatura y morta-lidad diaria. Métodos: Se seleccionaron datos diarios de temperatura máxima y mínima para el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1987 y diciembre de 2006. Para determinar las zonas isotérmicas se realizó un análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos y un análisis factorial discriminante, así co-mo un tratamiento previo de datos de relleno de lagunas y detección de heterogeneidades en las series climáticas. Se analizaron datos de 93 estaciones (44 en Huesca, 15 en Teruel y 34 en Zaragoza). Resultados: De los resultados del análisis para la regionalización de Aragón extrajimos que un solo factor explica la varianza de cada se¬rie. En temperaturas máximas ese único factor explicó el 93,43% de la varianza y la estación que representó un mayor factor de correlación fue Huesca-Monflorite (correlación=0,984). Para temperaturas mínimas un único factor explicó el 90,88% de la varianza, siendo la estación con mayor factor de correlación Pallaruelo de Monegros (correla-ción=0,976). Conclusiones: Se consideró que Aragón es una única región isotér¬mica con una única estación representativa de la variabilidad de las temperaturas, Zaragoza-Aeropuerto, con una correlación en temperatu-ras máximas de 0,980 y en mínimas de 0,974.S

    Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Treatment Outcome and Predictors of Response

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    Background Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been proposed as an alternative to ablative neurosurgery for severe treatment-resistant Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), although with partially discrepant results probably related to differences in anatomical targetting and stimulation conditions. We sought to determine the efficacy and tolerability of DBS in OCD and the existence of clinical predictors of response using meta-analysis. Methods We searched the literature on DBS for OCD from 1999 through January 2014 using PubMed/MEDLINE and PsycINFO. We performed fixed and random-effect meta-analysis with score changes (pre-post DBS) on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) as the primary-outcome measure, and the number of responders to treatment, quality of life and acceptability as secondary measures. Findings Thirty-one studies involving 116 subjects were identified. Eighty-three subjects were implanted in striatal areas anterior limb of the internal capsule, ventral capsule and ventral striatum, nucleus accumbens and ventral caudate 27 in the subthalamic nucleus and six in the inferior thalamic peduncle. Global percentage of Y-BOCS reduction was estimated at 45.1% and global percentage of responders at 60.0%. Better response was associated with older age at OCD onset and presence of sexual/religious obsessions and compulsions. No significant differences were detected in efficacy between targets. Five patients dropped out, but adverse effects were generally reported as mild, transient and reversible. Conclusions Our analysis confirms that DBS constitutes a valid alternative to lesional surgery for severe, therapy-refractory OCD patients. Well-controlled, randomized studies with larger samples are needed to establish the optimal targeting and stimulation conditions and to extend the analysis of clinical predictors of outcome

    Comparative analysis of distinct phenotypes in gambling disorder based on gambling preferences

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    Background: Studies examining gambling preferences have identified the importance of the type of gambling practiced on distinct individual profiles. The objectives were to compare clinical, psychopathological and personality variables between two different groups of individuals with a gambling disorder (strategic and non-strategic gamblers) and to evaluate the statistical prediction capacity of these preferences with respect to the severity of the disorder. Method: A total sample of 2010 treatment-seeking patients with a gambling disorder participated in this stand-alone study. All were recruited from a single Pathological Gambling Unit in Spain (1709 strategic and 301 non-strategic gamblers). The design of the study was cross-sectional and data were collected at the start of treatment. Data was analysed using logistic regression for binary outcomes and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for quantitative responses. Results: There were significant differences in several socio-demographic and clinical variables, as well as in personality traits (novelty seeking and cooperativeness). Multiple regression analysis showed harm avoidance and self-directedness were the main predictors of gambling severity and psychopathology, while age at assessment and age of onset of gambling behaviour were predictive of gambling severity. Strategic gambling (as opposed to non-strategic) was significantly associated with clinical outcomes, but the effect size of the relationships was small. Conclusions: It is possible to identify distinct phenotypes depending on the preference of gambling. While these phenotypes differ in relation to the severity of the gambling disorder, psychopathology and personality traits, they can be useful from a clinical and therapeutic perspective in enabling risk factors to be identified and prevention programs targeting specific individual profiles to be developed

    The Open Cluster Chemical Abundances from Spanish Observatories survey (OCCASO)

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    We present the motivation, design and current status of the Open Cluster Chemical Abundances from Spanish Observatories survey (OCCASO). Using the high resolution spectroscopic facilities available at Spanish observatories, OCCASO will derive chemical abundances in a sample of 20 to 25 OCs older than 0.5 Gyr. This sample will be used to study in detail de formation and evolution of the Galactic disc using OCs as tracers. <P /
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