3,107 research outputs found

    Educar para la paz desde la etapa de Infantil a través de la coeducación

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017Este trabajo final de grado (TFG) de carácter experimental tiene como principal objetivo promover la coeducación y la deconstrucción de los roles de género en las aulas de Infantil. Ha sido implementado en el CEIP Blasco Ibáñez de Castellón de la Plana. Considero de suma importancia que los niños y niñas desde pequeños sean conscientes de los estereotipos por cuestiones de género que impregnan nuestra sociedad y cómo se heredan sutilmente de generación a generación sin apenas darnos cuenta. La idea de la propuesta coeducativa es educar en la igualdad a través de la eliminación de los roles de género que se reproducen en el sistema educativo como subsistema social. Esta reproducción de roles de género conlleva a la cultura de la violencia, puesto que, en gran medida, sitúa al rol del género femenino en desventaja, en inferioridad con respecto al masculino. Por todo ello, se propone la coeducación como elemento clave para la educación para la paz.This final degree (GFR) of experimental work aims promote coeducation and the deconstruction of gender in the classrooms of child roles. It has been implemented in the CEIP Blasco Ibáñez de Castellón de la Plana. I consider of the utmost importance that young children are aware of stereotypes by gender issues that pervade our society and how they are inherited subtly from generation to generation without even realizing. The idea of coeducational proposal is educating the equality through the Elimination of gender roles that breed in the educational system as a social subsystem. This reproduction of gender roles leads to the culture of violence, since, largely, it is located at the role of women at a disadvantage, inferiority with respect to the male. Therefore intends to coeducation as a key element for education for peace

    The Sounds of Japanese Noise: First Generation of Japanese Noise-Artists

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    This article presents pan of my research on a type of electronic music known as Japanese noise carried out for my Honors Thesis in Music, Creating Silence through Noise: an Aesthetic Approach to the Sounds of Japanese noise . It introduces Japanese noise, its origins in the 1970s and 1980s, its musical influences, and the early distribution of its pieces. The first generation of Japanese noise artists and their perceptions of Tokyo are then discussed. Finally, the possibility is advanced of a correlation between such perceptions of the city and the sounds of Japanese noise

    How new technologies can promote an active and healthy city. Digital platform to identify areas of informal sport practise in the city of Malaga

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    La investigación realizada se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la Cátedra Tecnologías Emergentes para la Ciudadanía, Red de Cátedras Estratégicas del Vicerrectorado de Proyectos Estratégicos, Universidad de Málaga, y el Polo Digital, Ayuntamiento de Málaga.In recent years the urban public space has become the largest casual sports infrastructure in cities and suburbs. WHO establishes a direct relationship between the Active Healthy City, social cohesion of communities and public space. This approach provides a framework for research and work on the design of the city and urban space as support for this sport practice. Moreover, new technologies provide an opportunity to promote the sport in the city. “Malaga Activa” digital platform project is an initiative that wants to promote the informal sport practice on the urban public space (outside the regulated sports facilities) and healthy living in the neighborhoods of the city of Malaga. This paper presents the results of the first phase of the project identifying the active sport areas -those in which physical and casual sport activities take place-. It also includes a methodology and a performance test of the created digital platform, as well as an assessment of the experience and possible improvements to be incorporated in the successive phases of the project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dificultades Financieras y Alternativas de Solución que utiliza la Empresa Comercial Distribuidora Rizo Jarquín Del Municipio de Matagalpa, en el I semestre del año 2014

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    En el presente trabajo investigativo se estudió la Gestión en el Área Financiera de las empresas de Matagalpa, para analizar las Dificultades Financieras y Alternativas de Solución que utiliza la Empresa Comercial Distribuidora Rizo Jarquín del municipio de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2014. La importancia de esta temática es que ayuda a administrar mejor los recursos financieros y aumentar el valor de la organización, también brinda un material de apoyo al momento de realizar el presupuesto, el cual admite implementar la proyección de metas para determinado periodo, además sirve de ayuda para que los funcionarios de la empresa estén preparados para enfrentar las diferentes dificultades que se presenten en la entidad. La gestión financiera requiere de mayor organización demandando más funcionarios en el área como especialistas, eso dependiendo del tamaño de la empresa. Las principales conclusiones de este estudio fueron que la Distribuidora Rizo Jarquín presenta como dificultad financiera un bajo nivel de ventas en algunos meses del año, para el cual hacen uso de la alternativa de implementar promociones en los productos sin afectar su valor agregado para así poder superar esta debilidad, haciendo uso de las etapas de los problemas financieros al igual que las fuentes de información para identificar los problemas; aplicándolas de manera general y empíric

    A role for antizyme inhibitor 2 in the biosynthesis and content of serotonin and histamine in mouse mast cells

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    Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine; PAs) are essential for the majority of living cells. Antizymes and antizyme inhibitors are key regulatory proteins of PA levels by affecting ornithine decarboxylase and PA uptake. In addition to PAs, mast cells (MC) synthesize and store in their granules histamine (Hia) and serotonin (5-HT), which are critical for their function. Our previous studies have indicated a metabolic interplay among PAs, Hia and 5-HT in this cell type. For instance, we showed that PAs affect Hia synthesis during early stages of IL-3-induced bone marrow cell differentiation into bone marrow derived MCs (BMMCs) and demonstrated that PAs are present in MC secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis, including Hia storage and 5-HT levels. A few years ago, a novel antizyme inhibitor (AZIN2) was described whose expression is restricted to a few tissues and cell types including brain, testis and MCs. In MCs, it was recently proposed that AZIN2 could act as a local regulator of PA biosynthesis in association with 5-HT-containing granules and with 5-HT release following MC activation. To gain insight into the role of AZIN2 in the biosynthesis and storage of 5-HT and also Hia, we have generated BMMCs from both wild-type and transgenic mice with severe Azin2 hypomorphism, and have analyzed the content of PAs, 5-HT and Hia, and some elements of their metabolisms. Spermine and 5-HT levels were reduced in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs compared with wild-type controls, whereas the amount of Hia was increased. Accordingly, the level of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (the key enzyme for 5-HT biosynthesis) was reduced and the amount of enzymatic activity of histidine decarboxylase (the enzyme responsible for Hia biosynthesis) was increased in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs. Taken together, our results show evidence that AZIN2 has an important role in the regulation of 5-HT and Hia biosynthesis and storage in MCsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work was supported by SAF2011-26518 (MINECO, Spain) and P10-CVI-6585 and Bio-267 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain). CIBERER is an iniciative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain)

    A role for antizyme inhibitor 2 in the biosynthesis and content of histamine and serotonin in mouse mast cells

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    Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine; PAs) are required for the survival of the majority of living cells. Antizymes and antizyme inhibitors are key regulatory proteins of PA levels by affecting ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-limiting biosynthetic enzyme, and PA uptake. In addition to PA, mast cells (MC) synthesize and store in their granules the biogenically active amines histamine (Hia) and serotonin (5-HT), which are of critical importance for their function. Previously, we have performed several studies in this cell type regarding the interplay between the metabolisms of PAs and Hia and 5-HT. Our results showed that PAs affect Hia synthesis during early stages of IL-3-induced bone marrow cell differentiation into bone marrow derived MCs (BMMCs) and demonstrated that PAs are present in MC secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis, including Hia storage and 5-HT levels. A few years ago, a novel antizyme inhibitor (AZIN2) was described. In contrast to AZIN1, AZIN2 expression is restricted to a few tissues and cell types including brain, testis and MCs. In MCs, it was recently described that AZIN2 could act as a local regulator of PA biosynthesis in association with the 5-HT granule content and release. At present, our aim is to gain further insight into the role of AZIN2 in the biosynthesis, storage and release of both Hia and 5-HT. In this study, we have generated BMMCs from both wild-type and transgenic mice with severe Azin2 hypomorphism, and have analyzed the content of PAs, Hia and 5-HT, and some elements of their metabolisms. Both PAs and 5-HT levels were reduced in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs compared with wild-type controls, whereas the amount of Hia was increased. Accordingly, the level of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (the key enzyme for 5-HT biosynthesis) was reduced and the amount of enzymatic activity of histidine decarboxylase (the enzyme responsible for histamine biosynthesis) was increased in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs. Taken together, our results show evidence that AZIN2 has an important role in the regulation of Hia and 5-HT biosynthesis and storage in MCs. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, and CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBER-ER), Faculty of Sciences, University of Málaga, Málaga 29071, Spain. Corresponding author: I. Fajardo ([email protected]) This work was supported by SAF2011-26518 (MINECO, Spain) and P10-CVI-6585 and Bio-267 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain). CIBERER is an iniciative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía-Tech. SAF2011-26518 (MINECO, Spain) and P10-CVI-6585 and Bio-267 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain. CIBERER is an iniciative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain)