397 research outputs found

    Reporte de formación complementaria en área de concentración en diseño electrónico de alta frecuencia

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    The present document includes the summaries of the projects carried out in the subjects of High Frequency Electronics Design, Methods of Simulation of Electronic Circuits and Modeling and Design of Circuits Based on Optimization, which make up the concentration area in high frequency electronic design. Those projects included the analysis of a parallel coupled band-pass filter for WLAN, the study of via stitching to improve signal integrity quality on high performance PCBs and the optimization of a single-stub shunt tuning network using space mapping techniques. The experience acquired when developing each of the practices has been directly applied to real work cases for the design of server boards in both aspects: electrically (schematics and components selection) and physically (PCB design)

    Aprenentatge teòric a partir de sèries de televisió o pel·lícules en Sistemes Microinformàtics en Xarxa

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    En aquest estudi s'ha realitzat l'adaptació d'una metodologia fonamentada en el consum d'audiovisuals que de forma habitual se solen utilitzar en temps d'oci, com poden ser fragments de sèries televisives o bé pel·lícules a partir de l'ús de les noves plataformes digitals (Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime Video, entre altres). L'estudi s'ha realitzat en un institut de formació professional del Baix Llobregat amb alumnes de cicle formatiu de grau mitjà de sistemes microinformàtics i xarxes. El mòdul escollit és el MP06 de seguretat informàtica en la unitat formativa 3, legislació de seguretat i protecció de dades. S'han introduït exercicis/activitats a la unitat formativa a partir de la metodologia de casos audiovisuals, amb l'objectiu d'aprendre transversalment els coneixements teòrics i assolint, de la mateixa forma, els resultats d'aprenentatge, els continguts i respectant els criteris d'avaluació. Tot i així, aquesta unitat formativa tindrà encara la meitat del contingut amb la metodologia clàssica per poder contrastar resultats. S'ha realitzat un estudi per poder extreure comparatives amb la metodologia clàssica i de la rebuda de l'alumnat d'aquesta metodologia. La intenció és mostrar que la metodologia clàssica no motiva prou a l'alumnat i que suposa menys aprenentatge que una altre metodologia que els motivi més, com és el cas d'aquesta metodologia audiovisual aconseguint també les competències requerides però amb millors resultats que pot presentar el mètode clàssic

    A Multi-Epoch Study of the Radio Continuum Emission of Orion Source I: Constraints on the Disk Evolution of a Massive YSO and the Dynamical History of Orion BN/KL

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    We present new 7mm continuum observations of Orion BN/KL with the VLA. We resolve the emission from the protostar radio Source I and BN at several epochs. Source I is highly elongated NW-SE, and remarkably stable in flux density, position angle, and overall morphology over nearly a decade. This favors the extended emission component arising from an ionized disk rather than a jet. We have measured the proper motions of Source I and BN for the first time at 43 GHz. We confirm that both sources are moving at high speed (12 and 26 km/s, respectively) approximately in opposite directions, as previously inferred from measurements at lower frequencies. We discuss dynamical scenarios that can explain the large motions of both BN and Source I and the presence of disks around both. Our new measurements support the hypothesis that a close (~50 AU) dynamical interaction occurred around 500 years ago between Source I and BN as proposed by Gomez et al. From the dynamics of encounter we argue that Source I today is likely to be a binary with a total mass on the order of 20 Msun, and that it probably existed as a softer binary before the close encounter. This enables preservation of the original accretion disk, though truncated to its present radius of ~50 AU. N-body numerical simulations show that the dynamical interaction between a binary of 20 Msun total mass (I) and a single star of 10 Msun mass (BN) may lead to the ejection of both and binary hardening. The gravitational energy released in the process would be large enough to power the wide-angle flow traced by H2 and CO emission in the BN/KL nebula. Assuming the proposed dynamical history is correct, the smaller mass for Source I recently estimated from SiO maser dynamics (>7 Msun) by Matthews et al., suggests that non-gravitational forces (e.g. magnetic) must play an important role in the circumstellar gas dynamics.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted by Ap

    The citizen participation as exercise of approach to the construction of civic culture under the right and responsibility

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    This paper presents arguments and recognitions of the importance of citizen participation, for defining rights and duties under the assumption that it can build the habit of the community and of the identity of a converging, integrating and facilitating civic culture of socio-economic development. Based on the results of an exercise in citizen participation with high school students in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, shows the steps from reflection to action, from proposal to implementation.Este texto presenta argumentos y reconocimientos sobre la importancia de la participación ciudadana, para definir derechos y deberes, bajo la hipótesis de que esto puede construir la costumbre de la colectividad y de la identidad de una cultura ciudadana convergente, integradora y facilitadora del desarrollo socio económico. A partir de los resultados de un ejercicio de participación ciudadana con estudiantes de secundaria en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, se muestra los pasos de la reflexión a acción, de la propuesta a la puesta en marcha

    Siwa: A custom RISC-V based system on chip (SOC) for low power medical applications

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    This work introduces the development of Siwa, a RISC-V RV32I 32-bit based core, intended as a flexible control platform for highly integrated implantable biomedical applications, and implemented on a commercial 0.18 m high voltage (HV) CMOS technology. Simulations show that Siwa can outperform commercial micro-controllers commonly used in the medical industry as control units for implantable devices, with energy requirements below the 50 pJ per clock cycle.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Siwa: a RISC-V RV32I based micro-controller for implantable medical applications

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    The design of Siwa1, a compact low power custom system on chip (SoC), targeted for implantable/wearable applications, is reported in this paper. Siwa is based on a RISC-V RV32I architecture. It has a centrally controlled non-pipelined structure, and it includes a control interface for an integrated sensing and stimulation device for biological tissues as well as standard communication interfaces. Siwa was developed from scratch using System Verilog, and implemented in a 180nm CMOS technology; Siwa includes a latch based register file c apable to read and write in one clock cycle with an area 30% smaller and a power consumption 25% lower with respect to an equivalent flip flop implementation; also, it has an estimated average power consumption of 70μW (48pJ/cycle) which is comparable to other micro-controllers commonly used in IMD applications.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Ecological Factors and Diversification among Neotropical Characiforms

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    Morphological and DNA sequence data has been used to propose hypotheses of relationships within the Characiformes with minimal comparative discussion of causes underpinning the major intraordinal diversification patterns. We explore potential primary morphological factors controlling the early diversification process in some Neotropical characiforms as the first step to identifying factors contributing to the pronounced intraordinal morphological and species diversity. A phylogenetic reconstruction based on 16S rDNA (mitochondrial) and 18S rDNA (nuclear) genes provided the framework for the identification of the main morphological differences among the Acestrorhynchidae, Anostomidae, Characidae, Ctenoluciidae, Curimatidae, Cynodontidae, Gasteropelecidae, Prochilodontidae and Serrasalmidae. Results indicate an initial split into two major groupings: (i) species with long dorsal-fin bases relative to the size of other fins (Curimatidae, Prochilodontidae, Anostomidae, Serrasalmidae) which primarily inhabit lakes, swamps, and rivers (lineage I); and (ii) species with short dorsal-fin bases (Acestrorhynchidae, Gasteropelecidae, Characidae) which primarily inhabit creeks and streams (lineage II). The second diversification stage in lineage I involved substantial morphological diversification associated with trophic niche differences among the monophyletic families which range from detritivores to large item predators. Nonmonophyly of the Characidae complicated within lineage II analyzes but yielded groupings based on differences in pectoral and anal fin sizes correlated with life style differencesThis study was supported by the AMAPEZ project (CGL2006-02155 BOS) of the MEC (Ministry of Education and Science) under FEDER funds from the XUNTA de Galicia and by contributions from the Universidad de Vigo, the Universidad de Antioquia, and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. A. Manjarrés-Hernández gratefully acknowledges a grant from COLCIENCIASS