2,413 research outputs found

    On the Design of Ambient Intelligent Systems in the Context of Assistive Technologies

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    The design of Ambient Intelligent Systems (AISs) is discussed in the context of assistive technologies. The main issues include ubiquitous communications, context awareness, natural interactions and heterogeneity, which are analyzed using some examples. A layered architecture is proposed for heterogeneous sub-systems integration with three levels of interactions that may be used as a framework to design assistive AISs.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2001-1868-C0

    Sobre arqueologías de liberación en una “colonia postcolonial” (Puerto Rico).

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    This paper analyzes some historical and recent issues of the archaeological practices that are taking place in Puerto Rico and other eccentric contexts in order to expose the multiple vectors of colonialism that are embedded today in the structure and praxis of the discipline. Some of the recent manifestations of postcolonial thought (and its respective critiques) are used to contextualize the atypical socio-political situation of Puerto Rico, which has been recently characterized as a “postcolonial colony.” We suggest that the socio political context in which the archaeology of Puerto Rico was created and developed influenced enormously the structure of the discipline in the island, which has led to a colonized production of knowledge, narratives, and representations of our ancient history. We propose, as an alternative against the naturalization of colonialism in the practice of archaeology in the island and other eccentric territories, the articulation of a new moral and ethical order within the discipline that we have named “archaeologies of liberation”.Este artículo analiza algunos elementos históricos y recientes de la práctica arqueológica mundial y de Puerto Rico, con la finalidad de exponer los múltiples vectores de colonialismo existentes en la praxis y narrativa de la disciplina, tanto a nivel local como global. El eje central del presente análisis se fundamenta en algunas de las recientes manifestaciones del pensamiento postcolonial mundial (y las críticas hechas a éste) para situar a Puerto Rico en el atípico escenario sociopolítico en el que se encuentra. Se plantea que el contexto sociopolítico en el cual se creó y desarrolló la arqueología de Puerto Rico influyó enormemente en la estructura de esta disciplina, provocando que la producción de conocimientos sobre nuestra historia antigua haya estado (y siga estando) condicionada a prácticas, narrativas y representaciones culturales de carácter colonial. Proponemos, como alternativa en contra de la naturalización del colonialismo en la arqueología de la Isla y de otros territorios excéntricos, el surgimiento y desarrollo de un nuevo orden moral y ético al interior de la disciplina, el cual hemos denominado “arqueologías de liberación”

    Interactions between Seagrass Complexity, Hydrodynamic Flow and Biomixing Alter Food Availability for Associated Filter-Feeding Organisms

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    Seagrass shoots interact with hydrodynamic forces and thereby a positively or negatively influence the survival of associated species. The modification of these forces indirectly alters the physical transport and flux of edible particles within seagrass meadows, which will influence the growth and survivorship of associated filter-feeding organisms. The present work contributes to gaining insight into the mechanisms controlling the availability of resources for filter feeders inhabiting seagrass canopies, both from physical (influenced by seagrass density and patchiness) and biological (regulated by filter feeder density) perspectives. A factorial experiment was conducted in a large racetrack flume, which combined changes in hydrodynamic conditions, chlorophyll a concentration in the water and food intake rate (FIR) in a model active filter-feeding organism (the cockle). Results showed that seagrass density and patchiness modified both hydrodynamic forces and availability of resources for filter feeders. Chlorophyll a water content decreased to 50% of the initial value when densities of both seagrass shoots and cockles were high. Also, filter feeder density controlled resource availability within seagrass patches, depending on its spatial position within the racetrack flume. Under high density of filter-feeding organisms, chlorophyll a levels were lower between patches. This suggests that the pumping activity of cockles (i.e. biomixing) is an emergent key factor affecting both resource availability and FIR for filter feeders in dense canopies. Applying our results to natural conditions, we suggest the existence of a direct correlation between habitat complexity (i.e. shoot density and degree of patchiness) and filter feeders density. Fragmented and low-density patches seem to offer both greater protection from hydrodynamic forces and higher resource availability. In denser patches, however, resources are allocated mostly within the canopy, which would benefit filter feeders if they occurred at low densities, but would be limiting when filter feeder were at high densities

    Algal lipids reveal unprecedented warming rates in alpine areas of SW Europe during the industrial period

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    Alpine ecosystems of the southern Iberian Peninsula are among the most vulnerable and the first to respond to modern climate change in southwestern Europe. While major environmental shifts have occurred over the last similar to 1500 years in these alpine ecosystems, only changes in the recent centuries have led to abrupt environmental responses, but factors imposing the strongest stress have been unclear until now. To understand these environmental responses, this study, for the first time, has calibrated an algal lipid-derived temperature proxy (based on long-chain alkyl diols) to instrumental historical data extending alpine temperature reconstructions to 1500 years before present. These novel results highlight the enhanced effect of greenhouse gases on alpine temperatures during the last similar to 200 years and the long-term modulating role of solar forcing. This study also shows that the warming rate during the 20th century (similar to 0.18 degrees C per decade) was double that of the last stages of the Little Ice Age (similar to 0.09 degrees C per decade), even exceeding temperature trends of the high-altitude Alps during the 20th century. As a consequence, temperature exceeded the preindustrial record in the 1950s, and it has been one of the major forcing processes of the recent enhanced change in these alpine ecosystems from southern Iberia since then. Nevertheless, other factors reducing the snow and ice albedo (e.g., atmospheric deposition) may have influenced local glacier loss, since almost steady climate conditions predominated from the middle 19th century to the first decades of the 20th century.Peer reviewe

    Rumen microbial degradation of bromoform from red seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis) and the impact on rumen fermentation and methanogenic archaea

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    Background The red macroalgae Asparagopsis is an effective methanogenesis inhibitor due to the presence of halogenated methane (CH4) analogues, primarily bromoform (CHBr3). This study aimed to investigate the degradation process of CHBr3 from A. taxiformis in the rumen and whether this process is diet-dependent. An in vitro batch culture system was used according to a 2 × 2 factorial design, assessing two A. taxiformis inclusion rates [0 (CTL) and 2% DM diet (AT)] and two diets [high-concentrate (HC) and high-forage diet (HF)]. Incubations lasted for 72 h and samples of headspace and fermentation liquid were taken at 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 and 72 h to assess the pattern of degradation of CHBr3 into dibromomethane (CH2Br2) and fermentation parameters. Additionally, an in vitro experiment with pure cultures of seven methanogens strains (Methanobrevibacter smithii, Methanobrevibacter ruminantium, Methanosphaera stadtmanae, Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanobrevibacter millerae, Methanothermobacter wolfei and Methanobacterium mobile) was conducted to test the effects of increasing concentrations of CHBr3 (0.4, 2, 10 and 50 µmol/L). Results The addition of AT significantly decreased CH4 production (P = 0.002) and the acetate:propionate ratio (P = 0.003) during a 72-h incubation. The concentrations of CHBr3 showed a rapid decrease with nearly 90% degraded within the first 3 h of incubation. On the contrary, CH2Br2 concentration quickly increased during the first 6 h and then gradually decreased towards the end of the incubation. Neither CHBr3 degradation nor CH2Br2 synthesis were affected by the type of diet used as substrate, suggesting that the fermentation rate is not a driving factor involved in CHBr3 degradation. The in vitro culture of methanogens showed a dose-response effect of CHBr3 by inhibiting the growth of M. smithii, M. ruminantium, M. stadtmanae, M. barkeri, M. millerae, M. wolfei, and M. mobile. Conclusions The present work demonstrated that CHBr3 from A. taxiformis is quickly degraded to CH2Br2 in the rumen and that the fermentation rate promoted by different diets is not a driving factor involved in CHBr3 degradation

    Carcinoma adenoideo quístico sólido parafaríngeo. A propósito de un caso

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    oai:www.revactamedicacentro.sld.cu:article/8Primary tumors of the parapharyngeal space are rare and account for only 0.5% of head and neck neoplasms. This space is an area similar to an inverted pyramid that begins at the base of the skull and extends to the greater horn of the hyoid bone, where its apex is located, and it is divided into two compartments: prestyloid and poststyloid. In the prestyloid portion, the salivary gland neoplasms, especially of the parotid gland, account for the majority of tumors. It is reported the case of a 41-year-old female patient with a history of lingual paresthesia, pain and trismus, who was diagnosed a solid adenoid cystic carcinoma of the left parotid deep lobe after conducting a transcervical-mandibular approach.  Los tumores primarios del espacio parafaríngeo son raros y representan solo el 0.5% de las neoplasias de cabeza y cuello. Este espacio es un área parecida a una pirámide invertida que empieza en la base del cráneo y se extiende hasta el cuerno mayor del hueso hioides, donde ubica su ápice, y se divide en dos compartimentos: preestiloideo y postestiloideo. En la porción preestiloidea las neoplasias de glándulas salivales, sobretodo de glándula parótida, representan la mayoría de los tumores. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 41 años, con antecedentes de parestesia lingual, dolor y trismo, en la que se diagnosticó un carcinoma adenoideo quístico sólido del lóbulo profundo de la parótida izquierda luego de realizar un abordaje transcervical-mandibular

    Low-temperature properties of monoalcohol glasses and crystals

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    We review and jointly discuss both earlier and recent experiments conducted by us on simple aliphatic glass-forming monoalcohols at low temperatures, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, Brillouin scattering and x-ray diffraction experiments. The family of simple monoalcohols constitutes an interesting model system to explore different relevant issues concerning molecular glass-forming liquids, low-temperature universal proper-ties of glasses, and even the glass transition phenomenon itself. More specifically, we discuss the role played by the molecular aspect ratio in vitrification/crystallization kinetics, the reported appearance of particular cases of polymorphism (in ethanol) and polyamorphism (in butanol), and especially the influence of position isomerism and the location of the hydrogen bond on the lattice dynamics and hence on the low-temperature universal prop-erties of glasses