245 research outputs found

    Análisis Organizacional y Financiero del uso de Prácticas Sustentables en Empresas Industriales Hidalguenses

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    El propósito de la presente investigación, se orienta en conocer si las prácticas sustentables (ahorro de energía eléctrica), realizadas en una muestra de 10 empresas industriales pertenecientes a dos municipios del Estado de Hidalgo, México, influyen en sus estructuras financieras. Para alcanzar los objetivos planteados se calculan dos índices, uno relativo al desarrollo de prácticas sustentables (IPS) y otro, relativo al aspecto financiero (IFIN), ambos similares al propuesto por (Céspedes, (2001); Carrillo, (2014); Vázquez et al., (2011). Losresultados de la aplicación del modelo de regresión lineal, muestran una relación estadísticamente significativa de tipo positivo entre el Índice Financiero (IFIN) y las variables relativas al grado de escolaridad del responsable, número de trabajadores, el (IPS). En definitiva, los resultados nos podrían permitir inferir, en que las empresas que implementan prácticas sustentables, impactan sustancialmente sus estructuras financieras. This paper focuses on ascertaining if the sustainable practices (saving of electrical energy), carried out in a sample of 10 industrial companies belonging to two municipalities of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico, have a significant influence on their financial structures. To achieve the proposed objectives, two indices were calculated, one related to the development of sustainable practices (IPS) and the other related to the financial aspect (IFIN). Both were similar to the one proposed by Céspedes (2001), Carrillo (2014), and Vázquez et al. (2011). The results of the application of the linear regression model show a statistically significant positive relationship between the Financial Index (IFIN) and the variables related to the level of education of the person responsible, number of workers, and the IPS. The results show that companies that implement sustainable practices have a substantial impact on their financial structures

    Teaching experience in university students using social networks

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    Social networks, specifically Facebook and Twitter, are currently one of the most mainstream forms of media in the world. Yet, its educational use for the dissemination of knowledge is not significantly evident. Under this premise, this report is presented, considering an experience in which teachers and university-level students used these networks as mediators of educational practices; such mediation was implemented in order to promote mobile learning as an option to facilitate the process of construction and socialization of knowledge. In this sense, the research presented aims to identify the experience and opinion of students regarding the influence of this strategy in achieving their learning. The quantitative methodology was applied through the application of a survey of students who participated and realized the importance of socialization of knowledge. The results showed favourable opinions regarding the use of these networks, highlighting the benefits of mobile learning as a way to streamline the training process. This proposal is to continue this type of strategy to promote flexible teaching-learning optionsPostprint (published version

    Nuevo complemento para simulaciones de ingeniería en hojas de cálculo usando métodos de continuidad homotópica

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    RESUMEN: Resolver modelos matemáticos representados por ecuaciones no lineales es común en la ingeniería y puede ser una tarea difícil. Los métodos de Continuidad Homotópica han mostrado ser globalmente convergentes y capaces de encontrar todas las posibles raíces de sistemas algebraicos. Con base en este tipo de métodos, se presenta un nuevo complemento para Microsoft Office Excel, SphereSolver, desarrollado con el objetivo de mejorar la capacidad de este software común, como una plataforma de computación de simulación para problemas de ingeniería. SphereSolver se aplico sobre diferentes tipos de modelos de ingeniería y en todos los casos, las ecuaciones no lineales se resolvieron con éxito. La solución con SphereSolver a los problemas seleccionados se comparo con otras técnicas de solución, por ejemplo, el método clásico de Newton, Homotópica de punto fijo y Homotopía Afín. Se observo que usando SphereSolver el intervalo de convergencia se extiende masivamente y / o se pueden encontrar raíces adicionales, es decir, se mejoro la solución. Se concluye que SphereSolver es una herramienta eficiente que se puede utilizar en Microsoft Excel para resolver problemas de ingeniería donde otros programas o herramientas tradicionales pueden fallar o presentar limitaciones.ABSTRACT: Solving models represented by non-linear equations is a common situation in engineering and can be a challenging task. Homotopy Continuation Methods have shown globally convergent behavior, capable of finding all the possible roots of algebraic systems. Based on these methods, a new Microsoft Office Excel add-in was developed, SphereSolver, aiming to enhance the ability to use this easily obtainable software as a simulation computing platform for engineering problems. SphereSolver was applied over different types of engineering models and the non-linear equations were solved successfully each time. Selected problems were solved with SphereSolver and compared with other solution tecniques, e.g., classical Newton’s method, Fixed Point homotopy or Affine Homotopy. It was observed that using SphereSolver the solution for selected problems was improved, i.e., the interval of convergence is extended massively and/or additional roots can be found. It can be concluded that SphereSolver is a new and efficient tool that can be used within Microsoft Excel for solving engineering problems where other software or traditional tools could fail or present limitations

    Modelling of Ethanol Production from Red Beet Juice by Saccharomyces cerevisiae under Thermal and Acid Stress Conditions

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    Utjecaj pH-vrijednosti i temperature na proizvodnju etanola iz soka cikle ispitan je s pomoću sojeva kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae ITD00196 i S. cerevisiae ATCC 9763. Logističkom je jednadžbom kvantitativno opisan rast mikroorganizama, dok je Pirtovom jednadžbom opisana potrošnja supstrata, a Luedeking-Piretovom proizvodnja etanola. S pomoću oba soja S. cerevisiae postignuti su visoki prinosi i ostvarena je dobra volumetrijska produktivnost etanola u uvjetima toplinskog stresa u kiseloj sredini. Jednadžbe kojima je modelirana kinetika fermentacije u skladu su s eksperimentalnim podacima, što potvrđuje da je proizvodnja etanola u tim uvjetima ovisila o rastu kvasca. Soj je kvasca S. cerevisiae ITD00196 imao bolja fermentativna svojstva, pa se njegova uporaba može smatrati prikladnijom za razvoj bioprocesa za proizvodnju etanola.In this work the effects of pH and temperature on ethanol production from red beet juice by the strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae ITD00196 and S. cerevisiae ATCC 9763 are studied. Logistic, Pirt, and Luedeking-Piret equations were used to describe quantitatively the microbial growth, substrate consumption, and ethanol production, respectively. The two S. cerevisiae strains used in this study were able to produce ethanol with high yield and volumetric productivity under acid and thermal stress conditions. The equations used to model the fermentation kinetics fit very well with the experimental data, thus establishing that ethanol production was growth associated under the evaluated conditions. The yeast S. cerevisiae ITD00196 had the best fermentative capacity and could be considered as an interesting option to develop bioprocesses for ethanol production

    Evaluation of synthesis time in the growth of vertical-aligned MWCNTs by spray pyrolysis

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    Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) were analyzed on crystalline silicon substrates (type P) under optimal temperature conditions, using different synthesis times (2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, and 180 min) in order to examine the effect on the structural quality and length of the CNTs produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, using pure toluene and ferrocene as precursor solutions under argon flow. Structural, optical, and morphological differences of the MWCNTs grown were analyzed. Raman spectroscopy evidenced the MWCNTs' high quality, noted by the ID/IG (from 0.41 to 0.68) and I2D/IG intensity ratios around 0.75. Morphological differences of the MWCNTs grow evaluated by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM); the micrographs examined the thickness of CNTs' layers. High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) technique was used to determine the diameters of CNTs, which were found from 15 to 140 nm. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) showed two characteristic peaks around 26° and 44°, which corroborated that the MWCNTs were well-graphitized. The influence of the time in these CNTs demonstrated that the final length of these nanotubes could easily reach micrometers. The alienation was better as time increased, and the graphitization extent is good in most cases compared to other more expensive synthesis methods.We thank Technician Adrian Gómez Herrero, Technician Cristina Moral Gil and Hugo Solera for the TEM, SEM and Raman characterization, respectively. This work has been supported by the thematic network "Nanostructure advanced materials and applications in Mexico" between Spain and Mexico sponsoring this international collaboration. This work has been financially supported by Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (S2018/NMT-4411) and Ministry of Economia, Industría y Competividad (PID2019-106631GB-C43)

    Mapping research trends in publications related to bio-jet fuel: a scientometric review

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    It is a fact that society has increased the need for mobility throughout the world. In that regard, it has become aware of the problems associated with the use of fossil fuels such as jet-fuel. As alter-natives, the use of bio-jet fuel has been proposed, which is a biofuel that researchers have evaluated and developed as an environmentally friendly alternative. The development of research on the topic of biofuels has generated a growing number of alternatives in the methods, technologies and raw materials for the production of bio-jet fuel. In this work, a bibliometric study has been developed to analyze the evolution of publications, the contribution of authors, countries, in terms of citation productivity on the topic of bio-jet fuel. Scientific publications were searched in the Scopus database for the period 2001 to 2021. The results showed that the publications have grown exponentially in the last 10 years. The most influential institution and country are from China. “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews” is the most cited journal in the field of bio-jet fuel. The growth rate of publications was estimated using the Gompertz model, the rate was 0.2232 y-1. Most of the documents were published in journals Q1

    Discourse of gender-based political violence in news stories about the 2018 electoral process in the State of Guerrero, Mexico.

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    [ES] Los resultados que se presentan en este artículo muestran el papel que tiene la actividad periodística en la construcción del discurso acerca de los casos de violencia política de género en Estado de Guerrero, México, en el proceso electoral del año 2018. Se analizaron las notas informativas locales de acuerdo con la propuesta metodológica del análisis crítico del discurso. Los hallazgos demuestran la importancia que la actividad periodística tiene en los procesos electorales y podrían aplicarse en el marco de otras elecciones a nivel federal en México, de otra región o incluso de sociedades con mayor tradición democrática. Asimismo, los resultados muestran la relevancia del discurso periodístico para comunicar las repercusiones de este tipo de violencia contra las mujeres.[EN] The results presented in this article show the role of journalistic work in the construction of the discourse about gender-based political violence cases in the State of Guerrero, Mexico, in the 2018 electoral process. Local news stories were analyzed according to the Critical Discourse Analysis method. The findings demonstrate the importance of journalism activity in the electoral processes at the federal level in Mexico, in another region or even in societies with a longer democratic trajectory. Likewise, the results show the relevance of journalistic discourse to communicate the repercussions of this type of violence against women

    Anaerobic treatment of lactic waste and goat manure

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    Anaerobic digestion was carried out to obtain biogas from lactic waste in combination with goat manure. Waste from lactic products such as cream, cheese and whey was mixed with goat manure using three formulations; the quantity of waste from cream and cheese was maintained, and only the quantity of manure and whey was varied. Methanogenic bacteria obtained from predigestion of goat manure were used as inoculants. Temperature was 35ºC and pH 7.0.Biogas methane percentage was determined by gas chromatography. The results showed that the highest methane concentration obtained was 82% with formulation III.Se realizó una digestión anaerobia para la obtención de biogás a partir de residuos lácteos de crema, queso y suero de leche en combinación con estiércol de cabra, mediante el desarrollo de tres formulaciones, manteniendo constante la cantidad de los desechos de crema y queso y variando la cantidad de excreta de cabra y suero de leche. Se utilizó un inóculo de bacterias metanogénicas obtenido partir de una predigestión de estiércol de cabra. La temperatura de operación fue de 35 ºC, con un pH de 7,0, determinándose el porcentaje de metano en el biogás por medio de cromatografía de gases. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor concentración de metano fue de 82%, obtenida con la formulación número tres

    Diffie-Hellman Protocol Based on Elgamal and AES Cryptosystems

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    Abstract : -This paper presents a communication scheme design for securing messages through local area networks (LAN). This scheme implements a hybrid cryptosystem which is formed by AES-256 in its symmetric part and ElGamal for encryption of keys where the prime has 400 digits and 200 digits for the alpha primitive. It also applies the Diffie-Hellman protocol for key secure distribution. This implementation is targeted at senior management members or groups of any corporate trust where the number of users is small. Key distribution requires a number equal to the number of rounds for at least one user

    Postharvest bunch rot disease in table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). a latent threat in Sonora

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    [SPA] La identificación del agente causal de la pudrición de racimos de la vid en uva para mesa en Sonora, ha permanecido sin determinar por muchos años. Con el objetivo de identificar el agente causal de la pudrición de racimos de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.) para mesa y establecer su patogenicidad, se analizaron racimos de uva para mesa durante la cosecha y empaque, en viñedos de Hermosillo, Sonora. De los tejidos analizados se aisló un hongo, el cual se caracterizó morfológica y molecularmente mediante la prueba de PCR, que se identificó como Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr. La etiología de la pudrición de racimos de la vid, se confirmó mediante la inoculación artificial de suspensión de esporas del hongo en racimos de los cultivares Flame Seedless y Princess Seedless en las etapas de prefloración, floración y postfloración. El proceso infectivo del hongo se determinó mediante el seguimiento histológico, encontrándose que la germinación de las esporas y elongación de los tubos germinativos se produce de 48 a 72 horas después de la inoculación (DDI) y la infección a partir de las 96 horas DDI, en la porción basal de las bayas. Se determinó la actividad de la enzima quitinasa durante el proceso de infección, encontrándose que dicha enzima no se induce por la presencia de Botrytis en la baya. También se comprobó la infección latente de Botrytis en bayas de ambos cultivares, mediante la prueba de PCR: Se discuten los resultados y las implicaciones para el manejo de Botrytis durante la postcosecha en uva de mesa. [ENG] Identification of the causal agent of bunch rot disease in table grapes at the Sonoran Desert remained elusive for many years. To establish the nature of the pathogen, samples of grape clusters were taken during harvest and packing processes in vineyards from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. A fungus was isolated, which was morphologically and molecularly characterized as Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr. To confirm the etiology of the bunch rot, artificial inoculations of B. cinerea were done in Flame Seedless and Princess Seedless cultivars during pre-bloom, full bloom and post-bloom stages. Cluster samples were taken and fixed at different time intervals for histological analysis. Spore germination and germ tube elongation occurred 48 and 72 h after inoculation (HAI) and the infection happened 96 HAI along the berry basal portion. Likewise, Botrytis infection occurs in spite of the dry and hot weather of Sonoran desert. Latent infection of Botrytis was verified in berries of both cultivars. This report shows the latency of B. cinerea during high-temperature weather and its availability for infection under milder conditions during post-harvest storage.Francisco J. Rivas-Santoyo recibió una beca doctoral de CONACYT, y agradece el apoyo suplementario de la Universidad de Sonora, CIAD, A. C., y del Instituto de Fitosanidad del Colegio de Postgraduados para la realización de esta investigación. R. Sotelo-Mundo agradece al proyecto 36928-B por apoyo a infraestructura y M. Islas-Osuna al proyecto 40466-Z, ambos otorgados por CONACYT. Así mismo, M. J. Yáñez-Morales hace patente su agradecimiento por el apoyo al proyecto CONACYT 38409-V. Se agradece el apoyo técnico a los M.C. Jesús Manuel García-Robles y M.C. Edgar Felipe Morán-Palacio y M.C. Nidia Caceres-Carrizosa